The reason is here.

"The merit of luck is not the key, the key is to use the merit of luck and cooperate with the primordial purple energy to accelerate the understanding of the way of heaven and earth."

"Only by mastering the Dao of Heaven and Earth can you prove the position of saint!"

Xu Linyuan finally understood the principle of sanctification!

But immediately, he also found that a doubt in his heart seemed to be solved.

"May I ask the teacher, what is the avenue of heaven and earth controlled by Empress Nuwa?"

he asked eagerly.

"...Junior Sister Nuwa?"

But hearing Xu Linyuan's question, Master Tongtian was taken aback.

Immediately, he said: "We, the saints, are all in charge of a great way of heaven and earth—at the same time, we are constantly comprehending other ways of heaven and earth."

Having said that, he pointed to himself.

"For example, as a teacher, the commander is the 'killing road'."

"But at the same time, as a teacher, he has made some achievements in many aspects such as the 'Avenue of Cause and Effect', 'Avenue of Heavenly Secrets', and 'Avenue of Time and Space'."

His words can be regarded as directly pointing out the saint's practice.

The so-called practice of a sage is actually to constantly master the Dao of heaven and earth.

One of the most basic sanctifications needs to be mastered.

In addition to the one that they are in charge of, the saints have naturally been comprehending other avenues over the years.

"As far as I know... Junior Sister Nuwa was in charge of the 'Avenue of Creation' when she was sanctified in the past."


So Xu Linyuan also suddenly realized in his heart

The Wahuang Realm was formed by Nuwa Empress' operation and creation.

This so-called operation of good fortune refers to the 'road of good fortune' controlled by Empress Nuwa!

Wahuang Realm clearly did not reach the level of the Small Thousand World, but it gave Xu Linyuan a feeling of "Middle Thousand World" in certain places.

The reason is mostly here!

"The Wahuang Realm itself is not even the Little Thousand World."

"But Empress Nuwa, the creator of the Wahuang Realm, is in charge of the 'Avenue of Fortune', the avenue of heaven and earth."

"That's why Wahuang Realm looks so special."

Thinking of this, Xu Linyuan naturally understood what he was going to ask next.

"Dare to ask the teacher... If you gather the five innate spiritual roots and absorb them into one, wouldn't you be able to directly grasp the 'Five Elements Dao'?"

As soon as he said this, Master Tongtian laughed out loud.

"Idiot! Idiot!"

"If the Dao of Heaven and Earth is so successful, how can there be only six of us among the saints?"

he laughed.

"I don't understand the way of heaven and earth, how can I accommodate the way of heaven and earth?"

"If someone really tries to contain the power of the five innate spiritual roots into his body with one person's strength... that is just an act of seeking death!"

"Besides exploding and dying, there is absolutely no other possibility!"

Exactly the truth.

The five innate spiritual roots are indeed special.

They are equivalent to each controlling a way of heaven and earth, and the combination of the five can be transformed into a complete 'five elements avenue'.

However, they cannot be regarded as complete creatures.

So in theory, it's agglomerating them and absorbing them completely.

However, you can directly grasp the Five Elements Dao.

But in fact?

No one can absorb the five innate spiritual roots, because they simply cannot bear it.

Not even a saint!


"People can't... what about the world?"

"What if there are five newly born spiritual roots in a newly born world?"

So Xu Linyuan almost blurted out!

And hearing this question, Master Tongtian was also stunned.


He got up from the platform suddenly, and looked at Xu Linyuan in surprise.

In fact, such a long time has passed.

As the Three Realms, perhaps 827 is the person who knows Xu Linyuan's origin best.

Master Tongtian had an unimaginable 'big opportunity' for Xu Linyuan.

It cannot be said to be 100% sure, but there are probably some guesses.

It's just out of the tacit understanding between the master and the apprentice.

Therefore, the Master Tongtian has never said it clearly.

But at this time, Xu Linyuan's question naturally made Master Tongtian realize something.

"If it were a world, then..."

Master Tongtian said softly.


So all the information is correct at this time!

"What is needed for the small thousand world to transform into the middle thousand world is not more luck."

"Instead, there must be a complete 'Avenue of Heaven and Earth' within the world."

"It's no wonder that every time I obtained an innate spiritual root, there would be such a strange change in the Linyuan Realm."

"The changes in Linyuan Realm are not entirely due to the spirit root itself, but because the Heaven and Earth Dao has been completed!"

Xu Linyuan finally found a way to transform the Linyuan Realm into the Zhongqian World!

By collecting five innate spiritual roots, the 'Five Elements Dao' can be conceived in the Linyuan Realm.

When the Dao of heaven and earth is born, the middle thousand world will be formed by itself!

So, he also smiled at Master Tongtian: "Thank you, Master, for your reminder!"

And the Master Tongtian saw Xu Linyuan's appearance like this.

In my heart, it is also clear.

"This kid, if he can really do that, doesn't it mean that I will stop teaching and..."

So, Master Tongtian couldn't help laughing.

Still the same sentence, he will not delve into Xu Linyuan's chance.

But if Xu Linyuan can really accomplish the impossible miracle as he expected.

Then it is true what Xu Linyuan said in the past.

Stop teaching... I'm afraid I'm destined to be great again! .

142. The remaining spiritual roots are difficult to find, and the Great Immortal in Wuzhuang Temple is angry!

After understanding the conditions for the Linyuan Realm to transform into the Middle Thousand World.

The master and apprentice looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

But immediately, Xu Linyuan realized it again.

Although speaking, he seems to have successfully found a way to transform Linyuan Realm.

Even on the bright side, he can be said to be very close to success.

After all, he has obtained three of the five innate spiritual roots so far!

But the point is that the remaining two plants are both troublesome.

The first is the root of Napentu Ling 'Ginseng Fruit Tree'.

Needless to say, the owner of this tree's spiritual root is the ancient god, the ancestor of the earth immortal 'Zhenyuan Immortal'.

This Great Immortal was truly the existence at the top of the Three Realms in the prehistoric years.

Even the leader of the Tongtian sect, before he was sanctified in the past, he was no more than brother to son Zhenyuan.

Not to mention that the Great Immortal Zhenyuan himself has been away from the secular world for a long time, and only practiced and enlightened Taoism in the Wuzhuang Temple of Niu Hezhou, Naxiniu.

In the past tens of thousands of years, it is said that no step has been taken.

As for the ginseng fruit tree, it is regarded as a treasure.

Of course - he is notoriously good-natured.

Therefore, it is not impossible to use the name of Master Tongtian to obtain the original species of ginseng fruit trees.

But the price is definitely not small.

Secondly, that is the most critical - is the Nageng Jin Linggen 'Bodhi Fruit Tree'.

This tree is naturally in the hands of the Buddhists, and the owner of the spiritual root happens to be the mother of the Buddha.

And to mention the temper of the Buddha's mother.

It is naturally extremely difficult to obtain the original spiritual seed of this spiritual root from him.

"You don't need to worry."

At this moment, Master Tongtian only had one look, but he could somewhat see Xu Linyuan's thoughts.

However, he immediately smiled and said, "It's nothing more than paying a price."

"If you find an opportunity for the teacher another day, you must ask Na Zhun for it."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Linyuan was moved in his heart.

But I know it's wrong.

If it is a transaction with Zhunti Buddha Mother, it is not a question of success.

The point is that stopping teaching will inevitably require paying a huge price—maybe it will also involve the cause and effect of the great prosperity of Buddhism in the future.

And you must know that Buddhism can basically be said to be the biggest enemy of cutting off religion besides elucidating it.

No matter how desperately short of innate spiritual roots, there is no reason to be an enemy.

Not to mention that other sages don't know about it, but that Lao Tzu has clearly shown his dislike for the second sage of Buddhism.

If you know this, you will definitely be dissatisfied.

Naturally, Xu Linyuan didn't want the relationship with the Taiqing sage to be eased and repaired with great difficulty, and there would be another rift.

Especially this time, after hearing from Master Tongtian that Laozi's strength has improved greatly.

He was even more unwilling to provoke this uncle.

"Teacher, don't worry, there will always be chances in the future—it's not right to take advantage of that Buddhism out of thin air~¨."

So Xu Linyuan only said this to the Master Tongtian, but it was also an expression of his attitude.

Anyway, now I know the way to transform Linyuan Realm into Zhongqian World, which is to let Linyuan Realm have a complete 'Avenue of Heaven and Earth'.

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