If the 'Five Elements Dao' corresponding to the five innate spiritual roots is really not possible, he will find another one.

After discussing this matter, Xu Linyuan called out the heavenly spirit 'Lingxu' on his body by the way.

All the news about this Tianling and the Tianling family was told to Master Tongtian.

After hearing that there are such strange creatures in the world, Master Tongtian couldn't help being amazed.

After this incident, the tacit understanding between the master and the apprentice became more and more abundant.

Just like the leader of Tongtian, he can guess that this Tianling family is definitely not the creatures of the Three Realms.

However, he didn't ask much at all.

It's just that after asking Xu Linyuan to go back, he took the time to send a sky spirit to him.

But he intends to use the means of a saint to study whether there is any potential that can be developed in this Tianling clan.

When Xu Linyuan heard the words, he naturally agreed.

However, just as he bid farewell to the leader of Tongtian and left, after walking out of the inner hall.

He came head-on, but he was seeing the smiling expression of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

And if you look carefully, you will find that some Jiejiao immortals who were originally having a feast on Jin'ao Island outside the palace have also entered Biyou Palace at this time.

"...Senior Sister Jinling? What's the matter?"

When Xu Linyuan saw this, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Immediately, he made a gesture and moved quietly, wanting to run away.

But within a few steps, he was directly stopped by the tall and burly Zhao Gongming riding a black tiger.

"Hey, little brother."

But at this time, Zhao Gongming also smiled straight: "I'm afraid you don't know, a little rule I cut off."

"What... what rules?"

"But all new disciples have to have a banquet - they can only be regarded as my disciples when they get drunk."

Zhao Gongming bared his teeth.

So Xu Linyuan secretly thought it was bad.

He had heard before that there were many drunkards among the Jiejiao disciples.

As early as in the heavenly court, he managed to escape several times.

But I didn't realize it, but I was surrounded by a ready-made before.

"In the Heavenly Court before, you were invited to a banquet many times and you found a reason to run away."

At this time, the straightforward Bi Xiao laughed even more, and raised his hand to take out two wine gourds: "Junior Brother, today is just a good time to see your skills!"

"Senior Sister Bixiao... this, I remember this wine gourd..."

"Exactly——Junior Immortal Gourd with Sumina Mustard Seed Formation engraved by Lord Shitian, which contains a lake of fine wine."

"々. Junior brother, I suddenly realized that there is something important to do in the mountains, so I will leave!"

"Where to run!? *N"

So for a while, Biyou Palace was chasing after each other, it was a lively scene.

The Master Tongtian, who was sitting in the inner hall, couldn't help but smile slightly.

Everything is as it was before the conferment of the gods.

As for three days later, Tai Xi and Xuan Chi, who were summoned by the sage patriarch, came all the way to the East China Sea.

The matter of bringing the drunken teacher back to Yuanquan Mountain.

That's another story.

at the same time

Xiniu Hezhou, Longevity Mountain Wuzhuang Temple.

On both sides of Wuzhuang Temple, there is a pair of couplets hanging.

But it has the words "immortal mansion of immortality, a family with the same longevity as the sky".

But at this time, the two Taoist boys Qingfeng and Mingyue of Wuzhuang Temple were a little trembling.

There is no other reason, because at this time the Great Immortal Zhenyuan in Wuzhuang Temple is rarely angry.

You know—this Fude Immortal was born from the creation of heaven and earth. Although he has powerful supernatural powers, he is almost recognized by the three realms as a good old man.

The only time he got angry so far was when his friend 'Hongyun Patriarch' was killed by Kunpeng in ancient times.

At that time, Zhen Yuanzi was furious, but directly used the treasure in his hand 'Xiantian Earth Afterbirth' to arouse the power of three mountains and ten thousand veins.

Killed directly to Beiminghai, and set up the 'innate, earthly book and fetal formation'.

It took nearly a thousand years to kill the ancestor Kunpeng in Beiminghaiwei.

The battle between the two lasted for thousands of rounds, and it was hard to distinguish between the two.

However, Kunpeng at that time was still a monster master of the monster race, backed by the monster race.

In the end, it was Donghuangtaiyi himself who broke the formation with the power of the Chaos Bell.

But even so, in the end, he couldn't really hurt Zhen Yuanzi.

It was also after that battle that the Three Realms knew that this good old man's magical powers were so strong.

Since then, Zhen Yuanzi has basically never blushed with anyone for so many years.

But at this time, the ancestor of the earth immortal was almost flushed with anger in Wuzhuang temple.

"Too deceiving!"

"This Zhunti Buddha's mother...is deceiving people too much!".

143. Zhenyuan has desires, but Zhunti has greed!

"Too deceiving!"

With Zhen Yuanzi's temper, Rao couldn't help scolding at this time.

Of course—this is also when he is sitting under the ginseng fruit tree, with his innate spiritual roots covering his secrets.

Otherwise, if you insult the saint, even he will probably not be able to please him.

But at this time, Zhen Yuanzi's words can be regarded as justifiable.

In fact, he has rarely appeared in the Three Realms since ancient times.

Naturally, it is not sitting in a daze in Wuzhuang Temple.

Just like other innate gods, Zhen Yuanzi is also planning for his future practice.

But the planning so far is also approaching the most critical time.

Only the last step is needed, and the achievement he has been pursuing for many years can be achieved.

But to complete the last step, even with his supernatural powers, he couldn't do it.

But the saint must take action.

And this is why he was furious at this time.

He had also considered who the saints would be more reliable to ask before.

Whether it is elucidating teachings, or cutting teachings that has been faintly revived not long ago.

He thought about it all.

But after thinking twice, he finally chose Buddhism.

There are two reasons.

First, he is originally a creature of Hezhou, Xiniu, and he is considered to be on the same continent as Buddhism.

He is kind to others on weekdays, and he also taught some Buddhist monks to practice in the past.

From this point of view, it can be regarded as a kind of incense.

The second is when Zhunti Buddha's mother and Amitabha Buddha listened to Taoism in Zixiao Palace in the past.

Since the two came from the barren western soil, most of the Zixiao Palace guests looked down on them.

Fewer have intersections with them.

Only Zhen Yuanzi and his good friend Hongyun Patriarch took the initiative to make friends with them.

In particular, Patriarch Hongyun had a great cause and effect to give up his seat to Amitabha Buddha in Zixiao Palace in the past.

So Zhen Yuanzi thought to himself, it should be relatively simple to ask the second sage of Buddhism to take action.

Therefore, not long ago, he personally went to Mount Sumeru to pay homage to the saint.

Amitabha Buddha is in seclusion, but the mother of Zhunti Buddha is still in charge of the great teaching in Mount Sumeru.

When Zhen Yuanzi opened his mouth, he naturally asked the sage to help him complete his work.

But it was beyond his expectation.

Na Zhunti Buddha's mother did not care about the past relationship at all.

Although he said that he could ask for help, he mentioned some requests that Zhen Yuanzi felt were extremely excessive.

"Not to mention the ginseng fruit and the branches and leaves of the ginseng fruit tree, but I also need to promise the Buddhist sect two things."

"What's more, I want to accompany them to play a show with Ding Ding Dharma in the future...absurd!"

As soon as he thought of the request of Zhunti Buddhist mother, Zhen Yuanzi was naturally furious.

He is a dignified guest of Zixiao Palace, the top figure in the Three Realms.

It would be a humiliation to act with a future Buddhist protector who has not yet been born.

How can there be any reason in this world for the ancestors to accompany the younger generation in acting?

Not to mention, he had to agree to two requests from Buddhism.

Then catch the ginseng fruit tree and ginseng fruit... What is the difference between this and grabbing?


But after a moment of complexion change, Zhen Yuanzi sighed again.

He was angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Who told him that what he wanted could only be done by saints?

And even a saint would have to pay a considerable price.

Not even all saints can do it.

So (dbec) he also knows.

In his capacity, he went to ask the saints to help him.

Although the demands made by Zhunti Buddha are excessive, the demands made by other saints are probably not too small.

No, that's not true either.

"If you have the temper of fellow Daoist Tongtian, it would be..."

He frowned and thought, but he was not sure about the situation.


So Zhen Yuanzi sighed deeply again.

Keep this in mind for now.

Immediately, Shen Xin calmed down the anger in his heart.

However, it is also under such a situation.

Since the matter of Confucius' ascension to the throne, the Three Realms has also ushered in a long-lost peace.

The spread of Confucianism and Taoism in the world, and the conferment of the Four Royals Gouchen, all have not had much impact.

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