And around Xu Linyuan, the boundless devilish energy seemed to be continuously surrounded by black snakes.

What sets him off, seems to be the supreme demon descending into the world!

And that's exactly what happened.

Because Xu Linyuan at this time is indeed the Lord of the 'Heavenly Demon Realm' Great Freedom!

In a sense, there is indeed no greater devil than him in the Three Realms!


And Na Bo Xun was naturally full of disbelief at this time, and even had a deep-seated hatred in it!

" could you refine Da Zi Zai are Rahu! You are definitely Rahu!"

"I knew it - as the Lord of the Great Freedom, it is impossible for you to fall completely, and you really have been resurrected a long time ago!"

This might be the only Heavenly Demon remaining in the Three Realms, but he yelled at Xu Linyuan almost like a madman.

But Xu Linyuan's expression did not change at all.

He just shook his hand.


The demonic palm transformed by the demonic energy instantly crushed Bo Xun's body of the mosquito, forcing him to show the true form of the demonic demon.

But it was a crimson, ferocious demon like a beast!

And Xu Linyuan didn't intend to hold back at all.

"Senior Sister Gui Ling's revenge in the past is justified today!"

After all, he immediately wanted to squeeze his hands tightly.

"Wait—isn't the spirit turtle your senior sister?"

At this time, Na Bo Xun obviously also knew that Xu Linyuan clearly wanted to annihilate him completely.

So he couldn't care less about continuing the madness, or guessing whether Xu Linyuan was the ancestor of the devil alive.

"I know the secret of that bald donkey—that bald donkey who suppressed your senior sister back then!"

Immediately, he yelled.


Therefore, Xu Linyuan's movements were indeed stagnant.

The manifestation of the power of the entire Da Zi Zai Tian also stopped at the same time.

After a while, Xu Linyuan's eyes turned to Bo Xun.

He naturally knew who the bald donkey Bo Xun was talking about was.

"You mean... Amitabha?"

In the past, the one who suppressed the Holy Mother of Guiling was the Taoist guide—that is, Amitabha, the head saint of Buddhism!

"it's him!"

Seeing this, Bo Xun also hurriedly said: "The bald donkey took me in the Three Realms and Western Lands in the past, so I studied the supernatural powers of my demon clan."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to have seen Xu Linyuan's disdainful eyes, and immediately said: "You don't want to see this demon end up like this, but we, the phaseless demon, are born with supernatural powers."

"It's an unimaginable method that is completely different from the creatures of the Three Realms like you!"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Linyuan also looked serious.

He knew that Bo Xun's words were indeed not lies.

After the first robbery of the Dragon Han Dynasty, although the Wuxiangtianmo disappeared in the Three Realms.

But for their special features, the Three Realms are always spread.

For example, the unique power of the Wuxiang Tianmo clan, which can travel to other worlds at will.

・・・ Flowers・・・

It is said that when every Longhan monk practiced in the past, the Wuxiang Tianmo would shuttle down from the sky with arrogance and ease.

If the cultivator can't survive the demonic catastrophe, he will immediately become the carrier of the heavenly demon after ten thousand years of Taoism.

Of course - with the fall of the Demon Ancestor, the Dao Ancestor became enlightened.

The so-called demonic calamity naturally ceased to exist.

Besides, as far as what Xu Linyuan saw.

The supernatural powers of the phaseless demons are indeed strange.

All their methods are performed by the true soul, and they can devour the true soul of other creatures to strengthen themselves.

For example, what Bo Xun showed before - he devoured the soul and flesh of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, and then possessed the ability to incarnate into a black turtle and the mana of the quasi-sage of the three corpses.

If it were placed on a real cultivator of the Three Realms, the horror of this supernatural power can be seen.

"That Amitabha Buddha has secretly studied the magical powers of the Formless Heavenly Demon... but to what extent?"

"It's no wonder Master Tongtian once said that Buddhism is more to be feared than elucidating teachings—there are quite a few secrets."


Buddhism is the biggest enemy of cutting off teaching besides elucidating it.

So at this time, Xu Linyuan also asked in a cold voice: "What do you know?"

"I can tell you, but you can't kill me... I can be your servant, at your command!"

And Na Bo Xun also hastily opened his mouth at this time.

But when Xu Linyuan heard this, he just sneered.

Afterwards, without hesitation, he was about to pinch Bo Xun to death.

Not to mention that as a disciple of the Master Tongtian, it is absolutely impossible for him to spare this life of Bo Xun.

Just talking about being a slave and a servant—Bo Xun is a formless celestial demon, a fool would believe what he said!

"and many more!"

Seeing this scene, Bo Xun gritted his teeth angrily.

But as a non-phase celestial demon who even betrayed the demon ancestor and possessed mosquitoes in the past, he still survived.

His courage and arrogance disappeared with the robbery of Long Han in the past.

He wanted to live even if it was just for one more second!

Therefore, at this time, he was frantically searching for that slim chance of escape.

On the other hand, he spoke directly: "After that bald donkey caught me in Xitu, he used me to study the supernatural powers of heavenly demons."

"His younger brother once brought many true souls of creatures from the three realms for me to devour, so that he could try my method of devouring spirits."

"There's also my Heavenly Demon Clan's 'Tianmo Breaking Boundary' method... huh?!"

But at this point, Bo Xun's complexion suddenly changed.

Afterwards, a trace of despair and fear flashed across his animal face!

"No...ah! Ahhh!"

He didn't even have time to utter a complete sentence, and a golden flame ignited instantly all over his body.

In just an instant, Bo Xun's true soul was directly reduced to ashes.

And the moment the golden flame ignited.

Xu Linyuan was stunned almost instantly.

Because of this flame, he can be said to be very familiar with it.

That's exactly...

"Sun golden flame!" Qian.

150. The afterglow of the turtle spirit, the third-grade lotus platform!

That's right.

The golden flame that suddenly ignited here and burned that Bo Xun directly to slag was not an ordinary fire.

It is the Sun Jinyan that Xu Linyuan is very familiar with.

"Ming Wang's heart fire... is indeed a Buddhist supernatural power!"

Xu Linyuan understood.

When the Buddha was angry, he transformed the king of Ming.

The so-called Ming Wang is the wrathful aspect of the Buddha.

What burns is the fire in the heart, and what descends is the Quartet Demon.

And the 'Mingwang Xinhuo' is indeed a Buddhist supernatural power—it is a Buddhist incantation.

Set a spell and fire in the hearts of living beings, and any thought can directly ignite the fire to burn the soul and soul.

But before that, even though Xu Linyuan was aware of this kind of Buddhist supernatural power, he didn't think much about it.

But now if you think about it carefully

"This type of Buddhist supernatural power seems to be specially born to restrain the formless demon."

The special burning of the true spirit and soul is indeed more like preparing for the phaseless demon who only has the true soul.

"The two sages of the Buddhist sect have a lot of dirty tricks behind the scenes."

Xu Linyuan thought to himself.

Even if Bo Xun didn't say too many "[-]" things at all.

But the one or two sentences he mentioned just now were enough to make Xu Linyuan feel that the things hidden in the secret of Buddhism are really creepy.

Capturing living beings and feeding them with real spirits to feed the celestial demons to study the supernatural powers of the celestial demons—even if these captured creatures and true spirits are some demons and heretics, it is completely deviated from the so-called "compassion" on the bright side of Buddhism.

Of course, what puzzled Xu Linyuan even more was the golden flame of the sun.

Because it is exactly what I said before.

The golden flame of the sun, the owner of the Three Realms except Xu Linyuan himself.

There is only one person, Dainichi Tathagata Buddha!

Logically speaking, it seems that this situation is easy to explain.

After Dainichi Buddha joined Buddhism, he provided the golden flame of the sun to Amitabha Buddha.

Then Amitabha planted Bo Xun's "King Ming Heart Fire" to keep the secrets of Buddhism.

Sounds reasonable.

But in fact, it is unreasonable.


The Great Sun Tathagata, the Buddha, was not the Great Sun Tathagata in the year of enshrining the gods—it was a Sanren Lu Ya Taoist from West Kunlun.

At that time, he did not join Buddhism.

But Bo Xun escaped during the Battle of the Conferred Gods—in other words, the time when he was planted with the 'Ming Wang Heart Fire' would obviously be earlier!


"Either Lu Ya has long been entangled with Buddhism."

"Or... then Amitabha has obtained the Sun Golden Flame through other means."

There is no doubt that these two possibilities are the former.

So it's still easy to say.

But if it is the latter, the significance is very significant.

Because even if you count the liches in the past, there are only a few members of the Golden Crow clan who can control the golden flame of the sun.

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