And if Amitabha really had obtained the method of Sun Golden Flame long ago, then there is probably only one source!

"The matter of the ten Golden Crow princes... Was it done by Buddhism in the past?"

"And for so many years, Amitabha has never shown the supernatural power of the golden flame of the sun..."

Thinking of this, Xu Linyuan's heart naturally became more dignified.

If his guess is true.

Then Buddhism is really worthy of his incomparable fear, even far above elucidation.

Because it was just the murder of the ten Golden Crow princes in secret, which caused the power and coldness of the Lich's calamity.

There are still so many years of this forbearance that has not shown the slightest trace.

The Buddhist plan is absolutely great!


After a moment of silence, Xu Linyuan just shook his head.

Put aside all the countless doubts in my heart for the time being——Thinking about these things, I can't think of any results.

Immediately, his eyes turned to the front.

That is to say, after Nabo Xun was completely burned by the sun's golden flame, the ashes remained.

There, Xu Linyuan saw two things.

First, a strange and indescribably dim aura.

That is...

"This is..."

Xu Linyuan frowned, looking at the dim aura that continuously surrounded like waves.

And from that aura, he could clearly sense it.

"The Way of Heaven and Earth?"

That familiar one is like the coercion of heaven and earth itself.

It is also the "way of heaven and earth" that only the quasi-sage of the three corpses can comprehend.

Xu Linyuan could see hundreds of rivers rushing, endless rain and dew, thousands of waves sweeping the sky, and lakes turning fog just by scanning the aura with his divine sense.

"It's water!"

"The fragment of the way of water!"

Therefore, Xu Linyuan naturally realized what it was immediately.

"This is the way of heaven and earth understood by Senior Sister Guiling, a ray of aura from the quasi-sage of the three corpses!"

He got it!

The true form of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit is a mysterious turtle in the East China Sea, and the way of heaven and earth she realizes is the way of water!

Na Bo Xun is a phaseless celestial demon, and his supernatural powers are even more treacherous after possessing the blood sea strange mosquito.

Swallowing human beings, qi and blood, true spirits, supernatural powers and even heels can be 'digested' as their own!

But only the quasi-sage's way of heaven and earth, its essence is the natural truth of the three realms of heaven and earth.

Even the Phaseless Heavenly Demon can't 'digest' it at all!

After all, the Phaseless Heavenly Demon is not even considered a creature of the Three Realms in essence!

Naturally, it is impossible to grasp, nor can it digest the way of heaven and earth in the Three Realms.

Although the golden flame of the sun is domineering, it is not an exaggeration to say that it burns everything.

But for things like the best innate spirit treasures and the way of heaven and earth.

But it still doesn't mean that it can really burn up!


So Xu Linyuan was also in a hurry, and directly restrained that ray of the way of heaven and earth.

He realized that this might be the key to saving the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit in the future!

Although this ray of natural aura containing the way of heaven and earth is even worse than Wang Shu's previous years.

After all, although Wang Shu's true spirit died back then, he was preserved by the laurel tree to follow the script...  

As for the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, there is only this ray of aura left.

But for Xu Linyuan, what he believes in most is miracles!

And after restraining a ray of natural aura of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.

Afterwards, Xu Linyuan turned his attention to what was left in the place where Bo Xun fell.

That's not something else.

It was the third-grade lotus leaf that Bo Xun had appeared before, and even resisted the ringing of the chaotic bell!

As for the origin of the lotus leaf, Xu Linyuan didn't need to guess at all!

"Twelve-grade golden lotus, the third-grade lotus platform that was sucked away by Bo Xun in the past with the help of the Taoist mosquito!"

He has naturally heard of the power of the Twelve-Rank Merit Golden Lotus, the 'No. [-] Buddhist Treasure'!

It is said that in the past, after the treasure of chaos "Chaos Qinglian" gave birth to the great god Pangu, its vitality disappeared.

Its remaining lotus body was scattered into five lotus stands after the creation of heaven and earth, and was born in the three realms.

They are 'twelve-rank pure world green lotus', 'twelve-rank black lotus that destroys the world', 'twelve-rank golden lotus of merit and virtue', 'twelve-rank good fortune white lotus' and 'twelve-rank industry fire red lotus'.

Because it is, after all, differentiated by 'Chaos to Treasure'.

Therefore, in terms of power and supernatural power alone, each of these lotus stands can be said to have surpassed the category of top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

Although it is not as good as the innate treasure, it is also the real top spiritual treasure in the Three Realms.

Among them, the 'twelve-grade pure world Qinglian' was obtained by Sanqing.

It turned into the three holy spirit treasures of Qingping Sword, Taiyi Fuchen, and Sanbao Yuruyi.

'The Twelve-Rank World-Destroying Black Lotus' was obtained by the Demon Ancestor Luohu in the past.

After the first robbery of the Dragon Han Dynasty, it disappeared together with the other spirit treasures of the Demon Ancestor.

This is also the reason why many people have explored the location of Fashui after the fall of Demon Ancestor Luohu—they all speculated that these spirit treasures may be with Demon Ancestor Fashang.

But obviously, now that Xu Linyuan is 4.2, he can make a guarantee.

Next to the demon ancestor's fashui, there are also no spirit treasures of these demon ancestors from the past.

'Twelve grades of fortune white lotus' has never been seen in this world.

'Twelve Grades of Fire Red Lotus' is in charge of the ancestor of Minghe.

As for the last, it is the 'Twelve Grades of Merit Golden Lotus'.

This lotus platform can not only suppress luck, but also contains the immeasurable merits of the chaotic green lotus that gave birth to Pan Gu in the past.

Sitting on it, Amitabha Buddha can almost say the same thing as Laozi's "Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang and Linglong Pagoda".

Moreover, this treasure has other supreme powers.

It is even said that in the past, Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti Buddha made a great wish to establish the religion and become holy.

The details are related to the twelve golden lotus merits.

But it is a pity that in the past, this treasure was taken away by this Bo Xun with the supernatural power of the heavenly demon while taking advantage of Amitabha's unpreparedness.

Otherwise, Amitabha and Lao Tzu fought before.

If he had a complete twelve-grade merit golden lotus, he really wouldn't necessarily be injured.

151. Hongjun, you and I are settled!

Looking at the lotus leaves of the three former meritorious golden lotus in front of him.

Xu Linyuan's expression was subtle.

He naturally knew that if he went out at this time and told the Buddhism that the third-grade lotus leaves were in his hands.

Then Buddhism is definitely going all out, and they have to ask him for it or exchange it.

Because the golden lotus of the twelve grades of merit is really important to Buddhism.

It is the foundation and treasure of Buddhism, and it is even related to the enlightenment of the two saints in the past.

But obviously, it was absolutely impossible for Xu Linyuan to return the third-grade lotus leaves.

Even on the contrary, he will definitely conceal the existence of this treasure.

not to mention

Judging from Cai Bo Xun's performance just now, even if this meritorious golden lotus is only three lotus leaves.

Its defensive effect is still frighteningly strong—it can even resist the power of the chime of chaos!

"Go back and ask the teacher to find a way to suppress the three lotus leaves and change their appearance... Then it will be another treasure!"

Xu Linyuan muttered in his heart.

Immediately, the third-grade lotus leaves were also carefully put away. 31

Immediately, his eyes looked at the entire Da Zi Zai Tian from a distance.

In my heart, I couldn't help but have an idea.

That is...

"The demon ancestor Luohu, but what's the situation?"

Xu Linyuan really felt a little guilty in his heart.

The reason is also very simple.

At this time, Xu Linyuan has completely controlled Da Zi Zai Tian with the help of the power of the Chaos Orb.

So he also naturally understands the world law of Da Zi Zai Tian.

Except for 'all creatures in the world are true souls'.

This world also has a characteristic, as Bo Xun said.

That is...

"The Lord of Great Freedom will not fall."

"Even if the true spirit falls, its connection with Da Zi Zai Tian will not disappear."

"Sooner or later, he will be reborn in the Great Freedom as a Phaseless Heavenly Demon!"

This also made Xu Linyuan clearly aware of the unevenness of the world's laws.

For example, Linyuanjie, although the world itself is far more perfect than Dazizaitian alone-there is the earth, the starry sky, and the ocean.

Compared with the empty situation of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​it naturally needs to be improved a lot.

However, although Dazizaitian has countless disadvantages-for example, the potential of the world's evolution has been exhausted and imperfect, and it will never be possible to go further.

But it has the characteristic of "the Lord of the Great Freedom will never perish".

Even today's Xu Linyuan also has this characteristic.

Even if he falls, the true spirit will be obliterated.

But he will still be reborn in Da Zi Zai Tian after a long period of time—but he is no longer a human race, but a phaseless demon!

But this is what Xu Linyuan was worried about right now.

The Lord of the Great Freedom will never fall, so naturally the last Lord of the Great Freedom - 'Mazu Luohu' is also the same!

but why...

"If the Demon Ancestor Rahu never fell, why didn't I see him in the Great Freedom Heaven?"

"What's more, if he hadn't fallen...then it would be impossible for Da Zi Zai Tian to be without a master!"

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