Xu Linyuan only felt more and more puzzled.

Everything about that demon ancestor seemed to be confusing.

And the only explanation is...

"That Demon Ancestor did not fall completely when the Dragon Han first robbed in the past, but was reborn."

"But for some reason, he voluntarily chose to give up the fruit position of the Lord of Great Freedom."

This was the only possible explanation, but it also made Xu Linyuan extremely puzzled.

Two fundamental questions.

The first question, if the Demon Ancestor Luohu has been reborn, where is he?

Why has there never been any magic traces heard in the entire Three Realms?

The second question is why the Demon Ancestor gave up his status as the Lord of the Great Freedom.

And obviously, all these are also unanswered questions.


After thinking for a while, Xu Linyuan decisively chose the most sensible solution.


It doesn't matter whether the demon ancestor is resurrected or not, anyway, it belongs to him now!

As for what if the Demon Ancestor came to him in the future?

If it really doesn't work, Biyou Palace just calls someone!

"No matter how much it is, let's first try to see if Linyuanjie can merge with Dazizaitian."

Xu Linyuan followed closely behind and began to manipulate the Chaos Orb.

Attempt to integrate the entire Da Zi Zai Tian and Lin Yuan Realm.

That's right - Fusion!

Xu Linyuan, who is the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao of the Linyuan Realm, could sense the changes in the Linyuan Realm before.

It is precisely because an unowned world like Da Zi Zai Tian itself seems to be an extremely important resource for its evolution.

And Xu Linyuan can also understand this.

Because although the Linyuan Realm is only a small thousand world at present, it is the original world of the Chaos Orb.

In other words-the Abyss Realm has the potential to evolve into the Great Thousand World.

But Dazizaitian is different.

Xu Linyuan could sense that Da Zi Zai Tian's own potential had been exhausted.

It is just a small world with a simple and special rules.

But there is no further possibility.


So as his thoughts moved, the entire Da Zi Zai Tian began to vibrate and sway continuously.

Countless demonic energy swept across, and then poured into the Chaos Orb continuously.


"...Can't fuse?"

Xu Linyuan frowned suddenly at this moment.

That's right.

At this time, although Da Zi Zai Tian had clearly been refined by the Chaos Orb.

But Xu Linyuan clearly sensed that the current Linyuan Realm seems unable to integrate with Da Zi Zai Tian.

Therefore, Xu Linyuan could only settle for the next best thing.

Temporarily accommodate all of Da Zi Zai Tian in the Chaos Orb!


Then I saw bursts of devilish energy, quickly absorbed by the Chaos Orb like 833 swallowed by a whale.

And the entire Da Zi Zai Tian also quickly blurred and disappeared at this moment.

Xu Linyuan's figure returned to the abandoned sea eye.

The Demon Ancestor Fashui was still in front of him, as if everything just now was an illusion.

Only Xu Linyuan could feel a new world in the Chaos Orb in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Let Xu Linyuan know that everything just now is true.

However, it was also at the moment when Xu Linyuan collected all of Da Zi Zai Tian into the Chaos Orb.

He just saw that the demon ancestor Fashui in front of him had suddenly started to change!


I saw the ray above the demon ancestor's eyebrows that brought Xu Linyuan into the seal of the Great Freedom before, and the divine light kept flickering.

At the same time, everything around the entire abandoned sea eye began to shake continuously.

Then, under Xu Linyuan's astonished eyes.

Demon Ancestor Luohu, that has been preserved since the early robbery of the Dragon Han Dynasty, and has never been broken or changed.

At this moment, it suddenly started to turn into powder and fly away!

And as the Demon Ancestral Law degenerated into dust and scattered, Xu Linyuan also heard a loud laugh from this space.

That laughter is wild, evil, domineering, but extremely free and easy!

"Hongjun... The Lord of the New Great Freedom has come out, you and I are clear!".

152. In Zixiao Palace, Taoist Ancestor Nian, Zhun mentioned Taoist Lock Heaven and Earth!

33 days away, boundless chaos.

A simple and magical Taoist palace stands in the chaos.

The air of chaos that devours everything surrounds the surroundings.

But the moment he approached the palace, the all-swallowing chaotic energy calmed down like a well-behaved puppy.

At the top of the palace, a golden list hangs high.

There are no couplets and door plaques in the Taoist Palace.

In fact, there is no need for these things here.

Because this is Zixiao Palace.

The residence of Taoist ancestors, Chaos Zixiao Palace!

But at this time, even a saint would have to hold his breath and salute, respectful and stable in the Dao Palace.

An old bearded Taoist in a dusty Taoist robe sat on the central futon.

His figure is as imaginary as it is real.

He seems to be here, but also seems not to be here.

Heaven and earth are him, and he is heaven and earth.

33 days of immeasurable saints, all dharmas are passed down from ancestors.

The highest in the Three Realms, Dao Patriarch... Hongjun!

"The Lord of the New Great Freedom has come out, you and I are clear!"

At this time, the voice from the Three Realms seemed to resound directly in the ears of the Taoist ancestor.

And it is.

He is Hongjun, the patriarch of the Dao of Heaven.

As long as he has a thought, everything in the Three Realms will be in his ears.

At this time, the Taoist ancestor who had been sitting in Zixiao Palace for countless calamities did indeed open his eyes rarely after hearing these words.

That ruthlessness is like the eyes of Tiandao itself.

At this time, it was rare to flash a smile.

"Great Free God, Chaos Orb..."

The old Taoist whispered softly, if Xu Linyuan could hear what he said, it would most likely scare the soul out of him.

"Not bad, not bad!"

He sighed softly: "It is in response to the karma of the past, and I should save you."

Afterwards, the Taoist ancestor raised his hand and waved a dim cyan dao light.

That ray of light appeared in the void, and disappeared in an instant.

Afterwards, Daozu closed his eyes again.

A crystal clear white jade plate hung from above his head.

So just like the endless years in the past.

In the Dao Palace, there was no more sound.

at the same time


Looking at the demon ancestor Fashui who turned into powder and dissipated, and the demonic energy around him completely dissipated.

But the voice just now still made Xu Linyuan look subtle.

The owner of that voice had nothing to think about.

Who dares to directly call Taoist ancestor "Hongjun", how can there be a second one in this world-it must be "Demon Ancestor" Luohu.

And now, Xu Linyuan was basically sure.

"The Demon Ancestor Luohu has definitely not fallen~¨!"

He can be sure of that.

Don't look at just now that the demon ancestor Fashui was directly reduced to powder in front of him.

But Demon Ancestor Luohu is a Phaseless Demon, and the strongest Phaseless Demon!

Xu Linyuan is [-]% sure that the other party's true soul has never completely fallen.

Even the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag that should have been in the abandoned sea eyes was probably taken away by Luo Hu!

Even judging from the words left by Demon Ancestor Luohu.

"He really voluntarily gave up his status as the Lord of the Great Freedom, and even knew in advance that a second Lord of the Great Freedom would be born."

"And the reason is even related to Taoist ancestor!"

Xu Linyuan was naturally muttering in his heart.

The three realms all know that Dao Zu Hongjun and Mo Zu Luohu are mortal enemies.

But judging from Luo Hu's words just now, the situation is clearly not the case.

Although he called Hongjun by his first name directly, he didn't have much hatred in his words.

"It seems that the ancestor dragon set up so many restrictions in the past to seal Luo Hu's dharma transformation... At that time, he knew that the demon ancestor had not completely fallen?"

And then again...

"If Demon Ancestor Luohu is still alive, when did he escape from the sea eye seal?"

Xu Linyuan thought in his heart.

Then you can get the answer almost instantly.

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