There is no doubt that the entire Three Realms are in a state of bewilderment at this time.

In fact, it is naturally impossible to hide such a big battle of Master Tongtian from anyone.

So in the Three Realms, most of the great supernatural powers have already noticed the actions of this saint.

But without exception, they didn't even dare to calculate the cause and effect here.

Because of the same, everyone saw the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

These four supreme killing weapons have been held by the four disciples of Chanjiao since they were granted the title of god in the past.

The leader of the Tongtian religion has never been recalled—even the matter of Confucius before, and the time of the great battle.

But this time, Master Tongtian actually recalled the four swords.

So the great supernatural beings of the Three Realms naturally understood——the matter is serious!

Not to mention calculating cause and effect, they didn't even dare to approach their spiritual consciousness for observation.

God knows if the Jiejiao saint, who is obviously in a wrong state at this time, will kill them with a sword when he senses their spiritual consciousness! ?

But even if they were prepared in their hearts, they knew that things must be big here.

But he also didn't expect that the leader of Tongtian would say such a thing!

Buddhism should be destroyed—he actually came here to destroy the great teaching of saints!

"What the hell happened?"

"Why Buddhism? A few days ago, didn't the interception of teaching still compete with the interpretation of teaching?"

"What did Buddhism do, why did it attract the sage of the Jiejiao to act like this!?"

All 840 people naturally had the same doubts in their hearts.

However, some people have noticed the meaning in the words of the Lord Tongtian.

"The sage of Jiejiao said that he wants Buddhism to be buried with his disciples?"

"His disciple...could it be the Master of Yuanquan Mountain?"

At this point, they realized the cause of the problem.

"Yuanquan Mountain Lord, could it be that he was harmed by Buddhism?"

This guess obviously directly shocked the Three Realms.

Not long ago, he was an influential figure in the Three Realms, and he had just been conferred the title of Emperor Gochen of the Four Royals.

Could it be that something has happened?

Not to mention the people who eat melons in the Three Realms.

Here is Buddhism itself, and most of the disciples are equally ignorant.

Whether it is the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the heavens, or even the Venerable Shami.

Everyone doesn't know, where does this misfortune come from?

But obviously, there are a few people with different attitudes in Buddhism.

For example, at this time, in the southern pure land.

"The holy man who intercepted the religion..."

The Pilu Buddha sitting on the lotus platform—that is, the Pilu Immortal of the past, has a complicated complexion here.

"This temperament is indeed the same as in the past."

The Buddha sighed.

As one of the Seven Immortals who accompanied the Lord Tongtian in the past, he naturally lamented that the temper of the Lord Tongtian was really the same as before.

"That little junior brother, really..."

His words are complicated.

At the same time, Duobao Tathagata in the Eastern Baojing Buddha Realm also has a similar attitude.

"The sage of Jiejiao actually came to Lingshan in person to destroy my Buddhist sect..."

Duobao Tathagata also had a complicated expression in horror.

But it was also at a time when countless Buddhist disciples were completely puzzled about what happened.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, what do you mean!?"

Accompanied by a question, the figure of Amitabha also appeared out of the sky above Mount Sumeru.

The boundless giant Buddha drives the Buddha light banner, temporarily shielding the countless evil spirits.

And beside Amitabha Buddha, the mother of Chunti Buddha also appeared together.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, are you ignoring the constraints of the Taoist ancestors in the past?"

He also asked loudly.

Even if Master Tongtian could hear the word 'Taozu', his expression didn't change at all.

"The Taoist patriarch's edict, I will obey it."

"After destroying your Buddhist sect, I will go to Zixiao Palace to plead guilty—but I can also ask the Taoist ancestor, did I do something wrong?"

There was no ups and downs in his words.

"There are also two fellow Taoists, don't pretend to be ignorant... If what happened to my disciple is really not what you did, then swear to the Dao of Heaven with the heart of a saint."

"I will retreat immediately, and I will never say a word."

And after hearing the succinct words of Master Tongtian.

The looks of Zhunti Buddha and Amitabha are also different.

Amitabha's expression is even more bitter and difficult to understand, while Dbec's expression is angry and a little frightened.

Because the words of Master Tongtian almost blocked all the back roads they thought about.

Everyone has said that after destroying your Buddhist sect, they will personally go to Zixiao Palace to find the Taoist ancestor to plead guilty.

This is the determination to take the Perishing Saint Pill.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian..."

At this time, Amitabha still wanted to speak.

He knew that if the situation continued to develop.

For Buddhism, it is really a catastrophe for the extinction of the great religion!

All the calculations and preparations between him and Zhunti Buddha's mother are meaningless in this situation!

A saint with the strongest combat power who spared his life...absolutely unstoppable!



At this time, the Master Tongtian showed a slightly cold smile.

Because of the attitudes of Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti Buddha Mother at this time.

It's enough to explain everything.

"It's really you."

Therefore, Master Tongtian no longer has any interest in chatting.


He just whispered these two words softly.

So the next moment, I saw the Zhuxian Formation and the four killing treasures hanging high above the sky, drawing boundless evil spirits.

It just surrounds the entire Mount Sumeru... falling!

The Jade Immortal Formation rose in the air against the wind.

In an instant, it became invisible and completely wrapped the entire Mount Sumeru in it!

At the same time, the four fairy swords fell on the four sides of the formation respectively!

And on the four sides of the formation, there is an illusory gatehouse out of thin air.

On the east gate tower, the fairy sword hangs, which is the "Trapping Immortal Gate"!

The gate tower to the south hangs the immortal sword, which is the 'Gate of Absolute Immortals'!

On the gate tower to the west, the Immortal Sword of Killing hangs, it is the Gate of Killing Immortals!

On the north gate tower, the sword of Zhuxian hangs, which is the "Zhuxian Gate"!



Following the slaughter and the four swords fell.

The world changed color at this moment.

Literally 'changed color'.

The sky, the ground, the aura, and everything around the mountain...all turned red like blood!

Even the Buddha light shining day and night on Mount Sumeru seemed to be tinged with blood at this moment.

It is neither copper nor iron nor steel, and was once hidden under Mount Sumeru.

Without reversing yin and yang, how can there be no water and fire to quench the edge?

Executing the immortals, killing immortals, and trapping immortals radiates red light everywhere.

Jue Immortal changes infinitely wonderfully, and the blood of Daluo Immortal dyes her clothes.

So everyone understands.

The Supreme Killing Formation of the Three Realms "Zhuxian Sword Formation", after being named a god... finally reappeared in the Three Realms!

But Mount Sumeru, which was completely surrounded by the Zhuxian Sword Formation, is no longer a Buddha's pure land, a saint's dojo.

It is the most dangerous place inside and outside the Three Realms! .

159. Everything in the Heaven and Earth Can Kill Living Beings, and the Embryo of the Six Realms Welcomes Outer Demons!

Zhuxian Sword Formation reappeared in the Three Realms after 500 years.

And if there are three corpse quasi-sages here, then it can be sensed naturally.

The world around Mount Sumeru surrounded by the Zhuxian Sword Formation didn't just change color.

Instead, the entire world around Mount Sumeru was completely sealed off.

Even the entire law of heaven and earth, and even the 'Tao' between heaven and earth have been completely changed.

There is no five elements, no sun and moon, no wind and rain

In the whole world, there is only 'killing'!

Just like what I said before - every innate treasure is some kind of 'extreme'.

And the Zhuxian Sword Formation laid down by the Four Swords of Zhuxian is exactly...'the pinnacle of killing'.

Why killing?

"Weapons can kill!"

As soon as the words of Master Tongtian fell, countless red blood swords appeared out of thin air in the red world.

Every blood sword contained infinite murderous intent and evil spirit.

"The wind can kill!"

He spoke again, and there was a strong wind blowing between the scarlet sky and the earth.

But where it blows past, it is not a romantic vegetation.

On the contrary - wherever the wind blows, the countless spiritual root Buddha trees on Mount Sumeru will all break, or wither and die!

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