"Thunder can kill!"

With one more word, there is a boundless scarlet thunder explosion between the scarlet world!

"Mana can kill!"

"Supernatural powers can kill life!"

Every time the words of the Master Tongtian fall, a killing thing appears out of thin air in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"Everything in the world can be killed!"

When this last sentence fell, everything in the entire Jade Immortal Sword Formation had turned into the most dangerous thing to kill.

And this time...

"Senior Brother's words are not wrong...I've done something wrong!"

"This Tongtian is a lunatic!"

Looking at the surrounding crimson world, and the innumerable terrifying and slaughtered things in the world.

In the heart of Zhunti Buddha's mother, unprecedented regret also rose.

That's right—he regretted it.

If I knew it would make the leader of Tongtian go crazy, he would not hesitate to set up a sword formation to kill immortals on Mount Sumeru.

He would never attack Xu Linyuan rashly.

But it is clear that it is too late to regret now.

As a saint, as one of the saints who personally broke through this formation in the Battle of Conferred Gods in the past!

Zhunti Buddha's mother naturally knew the horror of Zhu Xian's sword formation.

There are a total of four gates in this formation, each of which hangs one of the four swords of Jade Immortal!

Trapping the Immortal Gate can lock the world and stagnate cause and effect—as long as there are creatures in the formation, except for saints, no one can escape from this formation!

The Absolute Immortal Sect can change all kinds of ways, and circulate and kill - all the ways of heaven and earth in the formation cannot be used, only killing and cutting will last forever!

The Immortal Killing Sect can kill the physical body and fall forever—everything in this world between the heaven and the earth will become a weapon for killing and cutting, which is where the majesty of this door lies.

Zhu Xianmen can exterminate souls and slaughter primordial spirits—all the creatures that fall within the formation, there is no chance of souls and primordial spirits remaining!

In addition, the way of killing in this formation is eternal.

Unless the formation is broken, or there are no more creatures within the formation.

Otherwise, this array of killing supernatural powers will never stop!

It can be said that the Zhuxian Sword Formation itself is synonymous with 'killing'.

It is the acme of true killing.

As long as you enter, all saints need to be careful.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be slashed by the sword qi, which will damage your Tao body and break your practice.

As for the saints, there is no possibility of fighting back in the formation.

The way of heaven and earth is locked, and everything in mana and primordial spirit will be turned into a sharp weapon to kill him.

What's even more frightening is that the four gates of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation had to be cracked at the same time.

Moreover, under the control of someone, it is almost impossible to crack the four doors at the same time.

Therefore, Daozu's evaluation of this formation in the past was not wrong at all.

"The saints set up the formation, and the Zhuxian sword formation cannot be broken without the four saints!"

This is the fact.

Unless the four saints broke the formation together like in the Conferred God War in the past.

Otherwise, once the Zhuxian Sword Formation is launched, it will be a lore!

And the only problem with this array is only one—that is, too much karma.

Therefore, even the Master Tongtian, who is in charge of the Zhuxian sword formation, seldom deploys this formation.

Apart from Fengshen, this is the first time!


So Zhunti Buddha's mother gritted her teeth and went to meet the Zhuxian sword formation.


"Senior brother!"

At this time, Amitabha's low cry stopped him.

Afterwards, Mother Zhunti looked at Amitabha Buddha.

The latter just shook his head at him.

"Things can't be done - if Tongtian is not allowed to vent his anger, I'm afraid it will be really difficult today."

"Since that's the case, it's better to wait for the 'change of the sky'."

Amitabha was also quite forceful when he said the word "heavenly change".

When Zhunti Buddha heard the words, she naturally understood what her senior brother meant.

So, although he was unwilling, he had no choice but to settle down.

Silently looking at the sky, looking 33 days away.

And this time...


With the deployment of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the terrifying slaughter has already descended on the entire Mount Sumeru!

As the saying goes... the ground sends out murderous intent, and the dragon and snake take off the land!

The sky is murderous, the world is complicated!

At this time, Mount Sumeru is a scene where the heavens and the earth are fighting together!

Above the sky, little drops of rain fell.

Every drop of rain and dew is as if the sky is crying blood, showing a bloody red.



Outside the Mount Sumeru Buddha Kingdom, those Buddhist novice monks who had never been certified as Arhats were the first to notice something was wrong.

Because wherever the raindrops fall, every drop is like a sharp sword.

Just one fall is enough to cut a Buddhist disciple into two pieces directly from Tianling Gai.

And the lethality caused by the pouring raindrops can be imagined!

So countless Buddhist disciples naturally took out all kinds of wooden fish, subduing magic pestle, lotus platform, or Buddhist spiritual treasures such as Zen clothes for defense.

But it makes no sense.

The falling raindrops destroyed their spiritual treasures in an instant and killed their bodies and spirits.

And that's not even the end!


There are even some Buddhist disciples who have not even been dripped by raindrops, but just take a breath, or mobilize the slightest magic power.

The next moment, it will be cut off at the waist as if it was cut by sword energy.

Or die instantly.

After they fell, their blood was instantly swallowed up by the evil spirit of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and they fell with their souls and primordial spirits!


Another gust of wind blew by, but all the Buddhist disciples who were blown were instantly lost.

Even the outer third of the entire Sumeru Mountain spiritual vein was instantly turned into powder by this terrifying power!

Irresistible - this is the killing intent of heaven and earth itself.

There is no escape - everything in the world can be killed.

Falling rain, flying flowers, strong winds, and even breathing mana.

・・・ Flowers・・・

As long as they are in the formation, all creatures cannot escape!


And this terrifying power also made countless great supernatural beings in the three realms feel awe-inspiring.

There are even quite a few people with great supernatural powers who are very clear-the ending they face when they enter this formation is definitely not much better than these Buddhist disciples!

Even the law of heaven and earth itself will be changed... This is the power of the innate treasure to fully urge!

And only driven by a sage can it unleash this terrifying power that can be called invincible in the Three Realms!

But at this time, there are more people with great supernatural powers who have some doubts in their hearts.

"Why didn't the two saints of Buddhism make a move?"

They don't understand.

Why did these two Buddhist saints allow Buddhist disciples to be slaughtered like this?Why just let the Buddhist Lingshan be destroyed like this?

But they naturally don't understand.

The second sage of Buddhism is actually waiting.

Waiting for 'the sky changes'.

Why change?

Naturally, it was the one in Zixiao Palace 33 days away!

But judging from the current situation...

"I'm afraid I can't wait..."

At this time, Amitabha also gave a wry smile.

........ 0

That's right, the two Buddhist saints naturally understood.

In the current situation, absolutely no one can stop the Master Tongtian who has set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation!

After all, the current situation is not the time to enshrine the gods.

The venue for their battle is not the human world, but the Buddhist Lingshan scenic spot.

Even Yuanshi Tianzun, who had a grudge against Jiejiao, would never help Buddhism.

He hoped that Buddhism and Jiejiao would be able to get their brains out. After both sides were hurt, it would naturally be the world of teaching.

Therefore, there is only one chance to preserve Buddhism.

That is Daozu!

Only the Taoist ancestor came to prevent the Tongtian leader from killing too much.

Only then is it possible to preserve the foundation of Buddhism.

This is also the reason why they did not take action, but silently let the Buddhist novice monks on the outskirts of Mount Sumeru fall.

Anyway, the real elites of Buddhism are all within the Buddhist kingdom, and most of the Buddhist disciples outside are people with mediocre cultivation aptitudes.

Even if it falls, Buddhism will not be hurt.

But obviously, it now appears that they were betting wrong.

"The cause and effect are in our Buddhist sect, the Taoist ancestor will not make a move here..."

Amitabha and Zhunti Buddha have understood this.

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