"Fairy Wangshu seems to know something about the situation here, can you explain a little bit?"

He spoke directly.

"The true spirit of the fairy has already died in the past, why can it reappear?"

Regarding the whole story of this incident, he really didn't quite understand the situation.

And Wang Shu not only has a cold appearance, but also obviously doesn't like to be meandering in his speech.

"I have indeed fallen in the past, and my true spirit has also disappeared."

"The true spirit is gone, so it is naturally impossible to reappear."

Wang Shu asserted directly.

"Then you are..."

Xu Linyuan frowned.

"I don't mean 'reenactment,' if I'm being honest."

Wang Shu said: "It's the newborn who is the master of the spiritual root of the innate spiritual root of the "Yuegui Sacred Tree" in this world!"

"...The Lord of Spiritual Roots?"

Xu Linyuan became more and more confused the more he listened.

Seeing his expression, Wang Shu didn't care.

She didn't care about the details, and directly shared some past secrets one by one.

The first and most direct one is the nature of innate creatures.

"Innate spiritual roots are part of the laws of heaven and earth."

"That's why the innate spiritual roots never take shape, and even the spiritual wisdom has always been muddled."

"But every innate spiritual root will inevitably give birth to accompanying creatures...that is our master of these spiritual roots."

What Wang Shu said is undoubtedly the real ancient secret.

Even the saints may not know it.

"I see..."

Hearing this explanation, Xu Linyuan also felt that a previous doubt in his heart suddenly cleared up.

He has always been curious as to why none of the five innate spiritual roots succeeded in taking form.

You know, in ancient times thunder, clouds, even a gust of wind, a stone.

There are not a few people who give birth to spiritual and intelligent forms.

And the five innate spiritual roots should be discussed in terms of heel and nobility.

Those are definitely the top existences of ancient times.

It itself is a sacred tree of spiritual roots, with its own vitality, it should be the easiest to transform.

In addition, they themselves are spiritual root trees, and they have their own vitality.

So logically speaking, their transformation should be simpler.

However, none of the five innate spiritual roots were present.

Let alone avatars.

They are not even spiritually complete, and only have extremely immature primitive consciousness.

But now, Wang Shu explained the situation to him.

The five innate spiritual roots are essentially part of the laws of heaven and earth.

They respectively represent the innate origin of the five elements of 'Guishui, Lihuo, Gengjin, Yimu, and Wutu'.

A part of the heaven and earth cannot be transformed, otherwise, wouldn't the heaven and earth be incomplete?

But maybe it's also a feeling from heaven and earth, and at the same time that the innate spiritual root can never be transformed.

However, they will inevitably give birth to accompanying creatures that are similar to their origin.

This kind of creature born with the innate spiritual root is called the "lord of the spiritual root".

"Wutu spiritual root ginseng fruit tree, the master of the spiritual root is Yuanzi of Wuzhuang Guanzhen."

"The flat peach tree with the spiritual root of Yimu, the owner of the spiritual root is the boy Yaochi under the seat of the Taoist ancestor."

"Lihuo Spiritual Root Fusang Sacred Tree, the masters of the spiritual roots are the three-legged Golden Crow Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi."

"Gengjin Spiritual Root Bodhi Fruit Tree, the owner of the spiritual root is Zhunti Saint, a Buddhist saint."

Or how to say it is the ancient demon god.

In Wang Shu's words, all the people mentioned are famous super bosses in the Three Realms.

As for the last Guishui spiritual root laurel tree, the owner of the spiritual root is naturally Wang Shu himself.

"what do you mean..."

So Xu Linyuan also faintly understood.

The laurel tree is the spiritual wood of Guishui, which is born with the lunar star.

Therefore, Wang Shu, who is the master of his spiritual root, is the moon god.

This 'Moon God' is not only a title, but also the essence of Wangshu.


"The moon god of the three realms has fallen, and the true spirit is gone forever—even the sacred laurel tree cannot create a lunar star out of thin air to take root, so it is naturally impossible to reappear."

"But within Linyuan Boundary, there is another 'Lunar Star'."

"So, the laurel tree gave me the laurel tree."

Xu Linyuan already fully understood.

Indeed, as Wang Shu said, she is not so much the recovery of her former true spirit at this time.

Rather, she was reborn from scratch.

Wang Shu, the 'Moon God of the Three Realms' in the past, has completely fallen.

Standing in front of him now is the 'Moon God of Linyuan Realm'.

People are the same, but their nature is different.

38. The agreement is reached, and the world will be born! (for collection)

"No wonder she belongs to the Linyuan Realm in my perception."

"No wonder the reaction of the Godly Laurel tree was so great..."

After understanding Wang Shu's situation, Xu Linyuan can naturally understand what happened before.

Judging from the situation he came into contact with, the wisdom of the Godly Laurel Tree is probably at the level of an ignorant child.

For it, the companion Luna Wangshu may be its older sister.

After Wangshu fell, it retained Wangshu's body.

But it is obviously impossible to revive Wang Shu—where does the second lunar star come from in the Three Realms?

So when Xu Linyuan appeared.

Its reaction is so great.

and say

"It means——if I don't make a deal with the Godly Laurel Tree, then sooner or later the Godly Laurel Tree and the Moon God will be born in Linyuan Realm?"

Xu Linyuan asked curiously.

"It turns out that this realm is called Linyuan Realm..."

Wang Shu gave Xu Linyuan a subtle look.

Afterwards, Fang Cai replied: "It should be so, but... Judging from the situation in this world, the time required to give birth to your own Luna Tree and Moon God is probably unimaginable."

She was very straightforward.

So hearing this, Xu Linyuan naturally understood.

The current situation in Linyuanjie cannot be said to be nothing.

It can only be said that the family is destitute.

If you want to wait for the laws of heaven and earth to be perfected to the point where the five innate spiritual roots can be bred.

That must have happened after Linyuan Boundary broke through Zhongqian World.

At that time, the original Moon God will naturally be born in Linyuan Realm.

But now, Xu Linyuan's deal with the Yuegui God Tree has advanced this process - it's just that the Moon God that would have been born has become Wang Shu.

But overall...

"Maybe the laurel tree is satisfied, but I am even more satisfied!"

Xu Linyuan almost burst out laughing.

This is equivalent to prostitution of an innate spiritual root for nothing, a lot of power of the sun, and a lot of luck for nothing.

By the way, a quasi-holy-level Luna was also presented as a gift.

It's hard to make money.

And then again...

"Since the laurel tree can do so."

"Then if I can find the other four innate spiritual roots, then I can find their spiritual roots."

"Wouldn't it be possible to obtain four more innate spiritual roots out of thin air?"

Thinking of this, Xu Linyuan only felt his heart throbbing.

After chatting with Wang Shu again, he also got a positive answer.


"It's not just the innate spiritual root."

"As long as you correspond to your feet, you can even resurrect four people whose true spirits have fallen as the masters of their spiritual roots, just like me."

Wang Shu added.

Hearing this, Xu Linyuan couldn't help but think of a name.

Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit!

Intercepting the former quasi-sage, his second senior sister.

In the battle of conferring the gods, it was first captured by the incarnation of the Buddhist sage Amitabha Buddha.

Then he was sucked dry by Taoist Mosquito and died forever in the Three Realms.

In fact, it is the eternal pain in the heart of Master Tongtian.


So although he didn't say anything, he silently made up his mind.

But obviously - the remaining four innate spiritual roots are not so easy to get.

Especially if you want to obtain the original tree species of the innate spiritual root, it will greatly damage the vitality of the spiritual root.

If you want to get it, you can't do it by licking your face and asking for it.

So Xu Linyuan was not in a hurry.

There are plenty of future opportunities.

So after that, he chose to chat with Wang Shu first.

First of all, it is about the disposal of Wang Shu.

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