"Although Fairy Wangshu is already a creature of my Linyuan Realm, you can rest assured."

He said seriously.

"I can swear with my heart - I hope Fairy Shu can practice in this world in the future, and I will not impose any restrictions on fairies."

"But if Xu encounters trouble in the future, I hope the fairy will help me three times."

Among other things, the moon god Wangshu is also a demon god of the demon race in the ancient times.

As for face, he naturally still has to give it enough.

Although Wang Shu, as a living being in the Linyuan Realm, could not pose any threat to him.

However, if the Moon God of Linyuanjie is renounced, it will be somewhat troublesome for him.

Instead, treating each other with courtesy can earn a quasi-jihadist.

And you know-although it is a bit thicker than the past.

But in the ancient lich years, that was the most prosperous era of killing and fighting.

All kinds of ancient congenital great gods walked the world, and each heel was extremely noble.

All kinds of innate opportunities emerge in endlessly, and the two clans of Liches are at their peak.

So the Three Realms are almost recognized.

Those quasi-sage gods in ancient times are stronger than the quasi-sages after the Lich.

Even the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit recognized this point.

Therefore, Wang Shu's combat power is definitely at the top level in today's Three Realms.

I dare not say anything else, but Xu Linyuan will have the confidence to walk in the Three Realms in the future.


After a moment of silence, Wang Shu nodded.

Xu Linyuan is also very satisfied with Wang Shu's straightforward character.

After negotiating on Wang Shu's disposal.

Xu Linyuan also simply told her about the development of the Three Realms after her fall and the current situation.

Xu Linyuan obtained these things through the inheritance of Jiejiao.

It can be said that the information confirmed by the sage is naturally accurate.

And Wang Shu heard about the battle of the Lich, the ancient heavenly court of the demon clan was destroyed.

Many masters of the Yaozu in the past have fallen, and almost only one Empress Nuwa is left to support her alone.

Even though his mood was cold, he couldn't help showing a gloomy look.

She doesn't like to fight, but she has feelings for her sister Xihe and the demon gods in the demon clan.

Seeing this scene, Xu Linyuan naturally wouldn't bother Wang Shu to calm down.

He just got up silently, and with a flash of his figure, he left the Moon Star without a sound.

Then, it came to the top of Linyuan Realm.

"I don't know what will change this time?"

He looked at the Linyuan Realm, which looked extremely desolate because it was empty.

And from his hands, a huge amount of luck has also surged out.

These good fortunes were gifted by Yun Xiao and other Jiejiao disciples.

It is the divine luck they have accumulated in the heavens over the years.

The number is also huge - even more than half of Lu's luck before!

It's just that Xu Linyuan went to Biyou Palace to pay homage to him because he was preparing to go to Tushita Palace.

Therefore, there has been no time to integrate this luck into Linyuan Boundary.

Now that the plan was successful, he naturally lost his scruples.

"go with!"

And with Xu Linyuan's thought.

That huge amount of good fortune suddenly spilled from his body into the Linyuan Realm.



As always, the ground, water, fire, and wind in the entire Linyuan Boundary began to surge wildly.

In Xu Linyuan's perception.

Below the border of the abyss, in the desolate space where there was nothing but the brilliance of the lunar star and the sun star.

Countless congenital energy gathers and turns into a brand new thing in this world.

Yellow sand, soil, that is the most common thing in a world.

"So that's how it is. This time, the Abyss Realm is manifesting... the earth?"

Xu Linyuan nodded clearly.

First the sun and the moon, then the earth—that makes sense.

After that, he also sat cross-legged in the sky very familiarly.

And as expected...

Accompanied by the appearance of the first handful of soil in the Linyuan world.

Along with the earth began to evolve in this world.

The familiar laws of heaven and earth also began to manifest everywhere in the world.

Dao Dao Xian Guang Cai Xia looms.

But Xu Linyuan closed his eyes silently, and began to feel the world again.

This time, he was more serious than before.

Because he is very clear - the cooperation with the Taiqing sage has been completed.

That Li Dan will be born soon.

Interpretation will not sit idly by, and conflicts are inevitable.

In other words...

As a disciple of a sage, it won't be too long before his identity as a junior disciple is completely known to the Three Realms.

And once the identity is exposed, it will be impossible to be as leisurely as before.

Therefore, his cultivation this time is naturally unprecedentedly serious.

39. Taiyi True Immortal, Nine Heavens Breathing Earth! (for collection)

Lin Yuanjie, one year later.

Lunar star, laurel tree.

Luna Wangshu stood elegantly under the tree, looking far into the distance.

She has naturally digested the situation in the Three Realms that Xu Linyuan described before.

At this time, what she was looking at was exactly Xu Linyuan who was sitting in the void at the top of Linyuan Realm.

"When it comes to the law of chance, since it was opened up in ancient times... I'm afraid there is no one who can compare with it."

Wang Shu whispered.

She couldn't help sighing with what she had seen and heard in the past year.

Because she witnessed with her own eyes the changes in the entire Linyuan Realm within this year.

I saw at this time, if you look down along the lunar star.

You will find that in the originally empty world, there is already a vast and boundless continent at this time!

That piece of wild land is full of the spirit of the earth.

It also made Wang Shu couldn't help but recall the original Three Realms in the past.

To be precise, the Three Realms had not yet formed at that time, so it should be called the Great Desolation.

Wang Shu never thought that he would be lucky enough to be able to witness this scene of opening up the prehistoric land with his own eyes.

Of course, in comparison, the more exaggerated one is naturally Xu Linyuan.

"In the past, my sister also said that her tenth son was born as a golden immortal, and Taiyi's hundred-year history is already unprecedented."

"But if you see him now, you will know that you are sitting in the sky."

She looked at Xu Linyuan and shook her head.

At this moment, the three flowers and five spirits above Xu Linyuan's head had disappeared.

And in the ancestral orifice between the eyebrows and the crimson palace in the belly, there are faintly visible auras flickering.

The three flowers are all abandoned, and the five qi sit on the altar.

It is said that the Tao is difficult, but who knows how wonderful Taiyi is?

The three flowers and five qi disappear, showing the aura of nature.

This is the sign of returning to the original and stepping into the Taiyi True Immortal.

And if it is the first time to enter Taiyi True Immortal.

So at most, it can show a little bit of natural aura.

But now Xu Linyuan clearly has two auras revealed respectively.

The significance of it, Wang Shu, who was a quasi-sage in the past, naturally knew it.

Two auras of nature mean the middle stage of Taiyi True Immortal!

This is exactly the source of Wang Shu's sigh.

It's just a year of practice.

Right in front of her, Xu Linyuan broke through from the Golden Immortal Peak to the Taiyi True Immortal like a rocket.

If it is said that the time before Xu Linyuan practiced to Tianxian and then to Jinxian was barely understandable.

Then this time, it was completely out of the norm.

Because Taiyi is a true immortal, he is really a real big shot in the Three Realms.

In the Battle of Conferred Gods in the past, most of the disciples of the Three Religions were at this level at most.

And they basically have tens of thousands of years of hard work to achieve this.

Even Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Yang Jian, Nezha, who was reincarnated from the former "Lingzhuzi", is a genius who was born in response to the catastrophe.

It will take hundreds of years for them to step into Taiyi True Immortal.

Walking through the Three Realms, the True Immortal Taiyi has already dared to occupy the Immortal Mountain, becoming an Immortal and becoming an ancestor.

Just like Wang Shu said.

In ancient times, his elder sister 'Xi He' gave birth to ten Golden Crows for Di Jun.

Among them, the youngest and most talented one is named 'Lu Ya'—that is, the Daoist Lu Ya when he became a god, and now the Buddha of Buddhism.

But even that Golden Crow was born a Golden Immortal.

But it took a hundred years to step into Taiyi True Immortal.

Even so, Xihe, the queen of the demon race, still brags in front of Wang Shu how outstanding her child is.

From this, we can see the difficulty of Taiyi True Immortal.

But what about Xu Linyuan?

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