He reads every day, and people ask him about anything he reads.

He answered all the questions fluently, and no one could beat him.

Even the depth of many things he said is more mysterious than the book itself.

Someone was unconvinced and asked him some more difficult questions.

But he was blushed by what Lao Dan said, and he covered his face and walked away.

So in just two years, the reputation of Qiudao Pavilion and the sage 'Li Dan' in the pavilion spread throughout the countries.

Five years later, a great sage who was proficient in rites and music was dissatisfied with the reputation of Qiudao Pavilion and Li Dan.

They all think that Bang Zhou is the orthodox of ethics and ethics. Maybe there are more books in the Qiudao Pavilion than Bang Zhou's storage room?

So many great sages came to the state of Lu, wanting to debate with Li Dan.

But without exception, they were all conquered by Li Dan's knowledge and understanding of heaven and earth.

A great sage from Bangzhou entered the Qiudao Pavilion and talked with Li Dan for three hours.

When he came out, he only sighed, "I only know today that there are such sages in the world."

Three years later, another great sage came to debate with Lao Dan.

When he left Qiudao Pavilion, people asked him again.

But he replied: "I heard about him in the past, but I really didn't believe it. Now I see it with my own eyes. Is it like a dragon?"

After all, let's pay homage to the Dao Pavilion as a teacher.

So Li Dan's name as a great sage is even more famous throughout Bangzhou.

People from all countries came to visit.

Especially as time passed, they discovered that Li Dan seemed to be summarizing a kind of human truth other than etiquette.

A great sage once asked why it was so.

Li Dan replied: "Etiquette is not my principle, nor is it the principle of the world."

But it was also the time when Li Dan's name became famous in all countries in just eight years, and almost all people of insight knew it.

The folks in the state of Lu naturally didn't pay that much attention to the affairs of the scholar-bureaucrats.

For the name of Li Dan, it is only rarely circulated.

But on the contrary, what the folks in Lu country have been spreading wildly in the past few years is another matter.

That is, in the territory of Lu State, a girl appeared.

Its name is Yuan Ling, and it is the fairy boy under the seat of the totem of Lu State "Yuanquan Mountain Lord".

She traveled all over the territory of Lu State, helping those in need.

She sometimes gives a panacea, which can help the injured and sick to recover immediately, and even make the old look like a child.

Sometimes a glass of spiritual water is given to help the disabled to regenerate their limbs.

Sometimes a fairy fruit is given to help the stupid to change from stupid to wise.

This undoubtedly made all the folks frantically chase the existence of this fairy boy.

Although this is an era when immortals rule the world.

But for ordinary folks, where have they seen such a fairy god who really walks in the world?

Especially the fairy boy who saved people without asking for anything in return.

If people asked, she only said one word.

"Worship Kunlun, the gods don't know."

"Yeyuan Spring, the owner of the mountain will help the world."

Ordinary people in the world naturally don't know how outrageous and shocking the meaning of this sentence is.

They only know that the owner of Yuanquan Mountain is not only a true immortal, but also willing to appear as a saint in the world.

Therefore, in the territory of Lu State, the title of "Yuanquan Mountain Lord" can be said to be the living Buddha of all families, and everyone has a shrine in their homes.

Its reputation is so great that it naturally suppresses the name of "Li Dan" as a great sage.


45. The edict of Yuxu, the elucidation and teaching will move! (Please subscribe!)

And when the world is changing like a raging fire.

Jiuxian Mountain, Taoyuan Cave.

A Taoist with an immortal demeanor and a thin face sat in the cave.

It is the head of the Golden Immortal of Elucidation and Education, the quasi-sage of the Three Realms, Guang Chengzi.

As the first immortal of Yuxu Palace to ring the golden bell in the past.

He has always been Yuanshi Tianzun's favorite disciple.

In the past, as the teacher of one of the three emperors, "Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor", he became a quasi-sage.

After conferring the gods, he was given the right to manage the world by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Can mobilize other elucidation golden immortals, great power.

But at this time, Guang Chengzi woke up from his practice.

He frowned in doubt, but after raising his hand to calculate something, his expression changed.

He got up quickly and walked out of the cave.

At this moment, a white crane was flying from the sky.

It fell to the ground and turned into a boy.

"Nephew Baihe, why did you come to my Nine Immortals Mountain?"

So Guang Chengzi also opened his mouth immediately.

He has an arrogant personality and has always regarded idle monks as insects.

But the boy in front of him obviously needs another calculation.

Because it is the saint's attendant boy, 637 Baihe boy.

Ordinarily, the saint's attendant fairy boy should be equivalent to half of the saint's disciples.

But Baihe Boy is different.

Although he was a fairy boy who accompanied Yuanshi Tianzun, he first worshiped the Antarctic fairy as his teacher in the past.

So the seniority is a generation lower than other boys.

The Nanji Xianweng himself is the same as the former Daoist Lantern, a veteran of the Three Realms with extremely high cultivation.

Although he was also regarded as half of Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple, Guang Chengzi thought to himself that he was far from the other party's opponent.

So as it should be, he naturally respects Baihe boy who has two big backers behind him.

"Master Uncle Guangchengzi, I have come here under the edict of a sage."

Baihe Boy laughed when he heard the words.

Then, raising his hand, he took out a Yuxu Fazhao and handed it to Guang Chengzi.

Naturally, Guang Chengzi took it respectfully, and swept his consciousness towards it.

Then, his complexion changed.

"Has the fate of the world changed?"

After that, he immediately figured it out.

not long after

"The country of Lu...is there such a lunatic?"

After calculating the current situation in Lu State, Guang Chengzi (dbec) also looked very angry.

"The monarch of the Lu Kingdom conferred a mortal monk as a totem?"

"That mortal monk called himself 'Yuanquan Mountain Master', and manifested his sage in the world...how dare..."

I can see the words of "worshiping Kunlun, immortals and gods don't know".

Guang Chengzi also showed coldness in his eyes.

Kunlun Mountain used to be the Taoist Temple of Sanqing, but now it only belongs to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although there are other immortals practicing in the mountains.

But these words are clearly belittling their teaching.

"What a madman who doesn't know the time and doesn't respect saints!"

Guang Chengzi scolded angrily, but his eyes were vaguely looking at Baihe Boy.

"Senior nephew Baihe, I don't know that Master respects him..."

he asked tentatively.

He is in charge of managing human affairs.

But at this time, there were such changes in the world.

He obviously cared about Yuanshi Tianzun's attitude.

"A sage transcends the world, so naturally he will not be angry about human affairs."

"The decree passed down this time is only because the affairs of the State of Lu have somehow changed people's fortunes."

Boy Baihe laughed.

When Guang Chengzi heard the words, his face also became slightly solemn.

He is smart.

Naturally, he could hear the key point in Boy Bai He's words.

The most important point, Yuanshi Tianzun was never too angry.

This is normal.

Although after proclaiming himself a god.

Confucianism is handed down from generation to generation, and elucidation and teaching are flourishing, which is the general trend in the world.

But there will always be some mortal casual cultivators who have no knowledge and don't know the time.

Most of them are monks who were born less than 500 years ago, and they hardly know much about conferring gods and explaining teachings.

It is not the first time that preaching in various countries has happened.

It can be said that it is not worth drying.

And the reason why Yuanshi Tianzun specially sent Baihe Boy to take this trip.

The main reason is that this incident actually triggered a change in the education and luck of the people.

This undoubtedly shows that the teachings passed down by the mortal casual cultivator who calls himself "Yuanquan Mountain Master" may really fundamentally affect the interpretation of teachings.

Relatively speaking, this is very important.

"Junior Nephew Baihe don't worry—I'll send a letter to Junior Brother Yuding and Junior Brother Taiyi immediately."

"Both of their disciples are officials in the Heavenly Court, and they should go and take down this demon cultivator who is causing trouble in the world."

With a thought in his heart, Guang Chengzi naturally knew how to deal with it.

According to the edict of the sage, the cultivation of the 'Yuanquan Mountain Lord' is likely to be a Taiyi True Immortal.

In the world, it can indeed be said that it is a rare opponent.

But for explaining teaching, it can only be said to be mediocre.

Guangchengzi is a dignified quasi-sage, so it is naturally impossible to do it himself.

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