And he made a move, which was not justified.

It is enough to let the two disciples who explain education in the heavenly court go.

"With two junior brothers taking action, it will surely make the mortal demon cultivator rectify the law on the spot!"

Boy Baihe also nodded slightly.

Then later, Guang Chengzi also issued two Yuxu Talismans.

The sound transmissions were sent to the Immortal Yuding who practiced in the Jinxia Cave of Yuquan Mountain and the Immortal Taiyi who practiced in the Jinguang Cave of Qianyuan Mountain.

Then, put these "little things" aside.

He just smiled at Boy Baihe and said, "My nephew came all the way to my place, how about staying here for a few days?"

"Then I'm going to bother my uncle."

Hearing the words, Baihe boy also nodded with a smile.

The two immediately walked into Jiuxian Mountain.

But obviously, Guangchengzi and Baihetongzi never noticed the real key point from the beginning.

In fact, Guang Chengzi had already calculated it when he calculated it before.

In the state of Lu came a great sage named Lao Dan.

Its reputation has spread throughout the countries, and even the entire state.

But Guang Chengzi directly ignored this information.

Because with his arrogance, he really doesn't care about human affairs at all.

He is a true immortal of fortune, a direct descendant of ancient teachings, and the first disciple of a sage.

He doesn't care about the world, just like no one cares about how ants live.

Of course, if Xu Linyuan didn't exist.

So even if Guang Chengzi doesn't pay attention to human affairs, he will notice Lao Dan sooner or later.

But with the existence of Xu Linyuan, the 'Lord of Yuanquan Mountain'.

Then don't say it's Guang Chengzi.

Even the Yuanshi Tianzun in Yuxu Palace naturally attributed the change of luck in the world to the 'Yuanquan Mountain Lord'.

So in such negligence.

Since the establishment of the gods and the establishment of the Three Realms, the pattern of the Three Realms has begun to usher in inevitable changes.

46. ​​Nezha, Yang and Jian all arrive together, and the God of War in the Heavenly Court points at the enemy! (Please subscribe!)

State of Lu, Zouyi City.

"Master, you don't even know the old lady I rescued yesterday with the 'Huanyang Pill', her family is miserable..."

Yuan Ling was talking to Xu Linyuan about what she saw and heard yesterday.

These days, under the orders of Xu Linyuan, she walks around the territory of Lu State in a 'high profile' manner.

It can be said that I have seen all kinds of people.

The little girl has become well-behaved and sensible.

However, his personality has not changed at all.

"Hmm, okay..."

While Xu Linyuan was perfunctory to Yuan Ling, he looked into the distance.

That is the 'Qiaodao Pavilion' on the other side of Zouyi City.

I saw that at this time, there was a faint aura of Taoism on the book pavilion that had already spread its reputation all over the world.

That is the cultural spirit left behind by the people of insight in countless countries.

In fact, it's not just literary.

At this time, the luck of the Lu country has increased significantly compared to before.

This is also the reason why the reputation of the Qiudao Pavilion and the great sages of the Lu State spread throughout the countries, attracting many sages to settle in the Lu State.

Of course, what Xu Linyuan cared most about... was naturally the faint aura in the Qiudao Pavilion.

"Worthy of being the incarnation of a saint..."

Feeling the breath that has been faintly integrated with the countless books in the Qiudao Pavilion, and even seems to be integrated with the heaven and the earth.

Xu Linyuan sighed in his heart.

He almost witnessed Lao Dan transforming from a mere mortal with a little more thought.

During these few years.

All the way through reading books, thinking about the truth.

It has reached the present level, which is indescribable.

Although the opponent doesn't have any magic power, his thoughts and the truth in his heart are enough to bring the heaven and the earth into harmony.

But Xu Linyuan also knew.

Lao Dan's entry into the current level shows that the "truth" he wants to understand is very close to completion.

"Six Four Three"

In other words, the fate of the world must have been induced and changed.

"Explanation... There should be some action."

Xu Linyuan thought to himself.

"No wonder the former Taiqing sage also knew that it was impossible to hide it from everyone no matter what, and originally planned to cooperate with Buddhism."

"It's really impossible to hide this situation from everyone."

While thinking about it, Yuan Ling noticed that Xu Linyuan was distracted and waved his little hand angrily: "Master, you didn't listen carefully!"

"I'm listening, I'm listening..."

Xu Linyuan quickly comforted him.

But he only spoke half of his words, and looked up to the outside of Zouyi City with a little feeling.

To be precise, he looked at the sky outside Zouyi City.

"Are you here?"

The corner of his mouth grinned, and there was a sharp light in his eyes.

I saw this time

Outside the city of Zouyi, the situation in the sky suddenly changed.

Such visions naturally attracted the attention of many ordinary people.

They looked at the sky together, and saw bursts of rays of light shining in the sky.

Afterwards, two figures appeared above the sky.

Those two figures stood in the clouds, but their enormous divine power was enough to reveal their identities.

Not a human being, but an immortal in the fairy world.

No.1, handsome and extraordinary.

Wearing a light yellow dress, wearing a three-mountain flying phoenix hat, and a jade belt with group flowers and eight-treasure makeup.

There are vertical eyes between his eyebrows, and he holds a three-pointed and two-edged spear in his hand.

Explaining and teaching three generations of disciples, Qingyuan Miaodao Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, Yang Jian!

The second person was born like a boy.

He was wearing a lotus dress, and he was born in pink and jade.

Stepping on hot wheels, wearing a hunting silk, holding a fire-pointed gun.

Explaining and teaching three generations of disciples, the great god of the Santan Haihui, Nezha!

"It's Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun!"

"It's the Great God of the Three Altars Sea Club!?"

As a disciple of Chanjiao, there are naturally two temples in the world.

So at this time, many people in the city of Zouyi also exclaimed.

It is rare to see immortal gods in person, let alone these two famous people.

The people are naturally extremely puzzled.

What is the purpose of these two gods coming to the world?

But the next moment, they heard Yang Jian in the sky speak in a deep voice.

"Mortal cultivator Xu Linyuan - you are good at seizing the country and causing chaos in the world."

"The two of us are hereby ordered by the law to come and take you!"

As soon as his voice came out, it was like thunder from the sky.

This startled shout alone shocked everyone below with fear.

But the people were even more puzzled when they heard the words.

The people of Lu State only know the national totem as "Yuanquan Mountain Lord".

As for the real name of the mountain master, how do they know?

So at this time, I just feel puzzled.

But relatively speaking, the big and small monsters in the mountains around Zouyi.

Especially the little goblins around Yuanquan Mountain naturally knew who Xu Linyuan was.

"Old Ancestor, those three eyes will be so powerful... He came here to catch the Immortal Yuanquan!?"

For example, in the Fuxu Mountain adjacent to Yuanquan Mountain at this time.

A little fox demon spoke in amazement.

Just now with Yang Jian's low shout, she was so frightened that she almost lost her mind at such a distance.

"You little brat, how do you know how powerful that Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun is?"

In front of her, the one she called her ancestor was a fox demon whose cultivation had reached the level of an earth immortal.

Since the Fuxu Mountain God was destroyed by Xu Linyuan, the Fuxu Mountain has been occupied by him.

And this fox demon actually has some background.

It is one of the descendants of the former Qingqiu Tianhu, which can be regarded as the orthodox blood of the monster clan.

Although the cultivation base is not high.

But his knowledge is still enough.

"What Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Yang Jian cultivated is the magic power of teaching and protecting the law, and he has cultivated it to perfection."

"His fighting skills are so strong that he was able to fight the Daluo Jinxian when he was conferred the gods in the past, and he is recognized as the No. 1 Taiyi True Immortal of the Three Realms!"

The fox demon sighed.

That's right, Yang Jian's reputation is like this.

In the past when he was granted the title of god, he was the only one recognized as a disciple of three generations.

But he is enough to fight with the second generation disciples.

In the past, he even fought a move against the quasi-sage Zhao Gongming without dying, which can be called shocking.

In this way, he made a huge name.

Although it is still the cultivation base of Taiyi Zhenxian.

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