Now if he apostates, the Buddhist sect would not dare to accept him.

Yuanshi Tianzun is angry, there is probably no room for him in the Three Realms and Four Continents!

After paying half the salary, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

I just sighed silently and didn't think about it any more.

And after Yuanshi Tianzun bestowed the two treasures.

Obviously, neither he nor the immortals were present.

Naturally, they all thought that nothing would go wrong.

Immediately, headed by Guangchengzi, all the immortals also bid farewell to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Afterwards, each set up a cloud magic weapon.

Together they left Yuxu Palace and headed straight for the mortal city of Zou.

52. Linyuan is now alone against the Three Immortals, and it is difficult to level the Lingqi out of the mountains! (seeking subscription)

But it is said that after the immortals who explained and taught left Yuxu Palace.

Since the purpose of this trip is to clean up the face of the sect, they will naturally not cover up their whereabouts.

Except that Guang Chengzi, who was the top of the formation, used his supernatural powers to hide his body.

The remaining three Golden Immortals of Explanation and Education all set up clouds and headed towards the world generously.

And the three great Luo Jinxians used their mana to travel.

Along the way, it was natural that the clouds disappeared and the rain disappeared, and there was a fairy light.

So in the Three Realms.

But anyone who pays a little attention to the outside world.

At this time, everyone naturally knew the whereabouts of several people.

Therefore, anyone in the Three Realms who knew the identities of several people was naturally shocked at this time.

"There are three people here!"

Most of the casual cultivators in the Three Realms naturally don't know Xu Linyuan's identity.

Most of them even don't even recognize the sun Jinyan of the ancient Jinwu clan in the past.

At this time, naturally, he was only surprised by the great action of explaining and teaching.

"Reverend Yuding and Reverend Taiyi are both great powers who have broken through the top ten formations when they were conferred gods in the past!"

A casual cultivator was so amazed.

His name is Sanfa Daoist, and he is a casual cultivator who has already attained Taoism when he was conferred on the gods.

"Isn't that so? These two are both Taoists and Immortals...but here, the master of Yuanquan Mountain defeated their disciples, so it is reasonable for them to make a move."

Another casual cultivator who was kind to him also sighed.

This casual cultivator is also a Golden Immortal cultivator, and he has received the Buddhist inheritance in the past.

Because there is a Heigu, a natural spiritual species, as a spiritual pet, so the Taoist name is "Master Heigu".

But at this time, the disciple of Taoist Sanfa seemed to be a little curious and asked: "Master, who is that on the other cloud?"

He pointed to the cloud that fell at the end, on which there seemed to be a faint appearance of a dragon.


The Sanfa Taoist heard the words, but he spoke a little casually: "That should be the real Huanglong, who is also the ancient golden immortal of explaining and teaching—but..."

When he said this, he hesitated for a moment.

On the contrary, it was his Master Heiju who took the initiative to laugh and said, "However, his supernatural powers and spiritual treasures are commonplace, and he never had any victories when he was enshrined in the gods... just call him 'Changbai Daoist'."

After saying this 31 times, Taoist Sanfa glared at him instead.

"Fellow Daoist, you are so open...sooner or later you will miss something!"

Although Master Huanglong is good food, he is also a real Da Luo Jinxian.

How could it be that these idle little cultivators can talk around indiscriminately.

"Hahaha! What's the matter!"

But the Master Heizhu laughed loudly: "The poor monk plans to find a dojo in the world in a few days, and has already found a place called 'Heifeng Mountain'... so who in the world can seek poverty? Monk trouble?"

"Fellow Daoist, don't you think that people like Yuanquan Mountain Lord are everywhere in the world?"

After saying that, he also put away his smile.

"'s a pity for someone like Yuanquan Mountain Lord!"

He sighed, obviously approving of Xu Linyuan.

As a matter of fact, the thoughts of Master Hei Bo are also the thoughts of most casual cultivators in the Three Realms.

The main reason is that after the conferment of the gods, the theory of etiquette and law that has been promoted in the human world by explaining and teaching these years is indeed unpopular.

After all, who would like to be restrained out of thin air when they set foot on the road of cultivation.

Not to mention those mortal offices, who obviously don't have the slightest ability to cultivate.

But relying on the seal of the imperial court, he can command the immortals and gods.

Therefore, although the Three Realms cannot be said to be "hard to explain and teach for a long time", most of them have opinions on it.

It's just that they are afraid to speak because of their profound teaching strength.

Therefore, they naturally had a good impression of Xu Linyuan, the 'Lord of Yuanquan Mountain'.

But again, they almost all agreed.

This time, the owner of Yuanquan Mountain may be in trouble.

The three Golden Immortals of Interpretation and Teaching are all masters of Daluo who have been famous for an unknown number of years.

Even if the owner of Yuanquan Mountain is astonishingly cultivated, how can he win?

Unless you run away immediately when you see the situation is wrong, maybe you have a chance just now.

But it is precisely because of this idea.

So when the next picture appeared in their spiritual perception.

Everyone in the Three Realms was naturally stunned!


At this time, the three Golden Immortals who were stepping on the clouds obviously also discovered the abnormality of the situation.

I saw in the distance, the top of a high mountain.

A figure with his hands on his back, the cyan Taoist robe facing the wind.

He was facing the three Golden Immortals of Interpretation and Teaching, with plain and casual faces.

"Several people came here at this time, but some are not at the right time."

He spoke loudly, and the sound spread from the top of the mountain to the surrounding mountains and rivers.

"Yuanquan Mountain Lord!?"

So in the Three Realms, I don't know how many people exclaimed at this time.

Apparently no one could have imagined that.

Facing the menace of the three elucidating and teaching golden immortals.

Not only did Xu Linyuan not choose to hide, but he appeared here on his own initiative.

The meaning is very simple.

Not only is he not afraid of the opponent, but he actively seeks a fight!

"Hi, you Yuanquan mountain master!"

And seeing this scene at this time, especially after hearing Xu Linyuan's 'provocative' words.

Daoist Taiyi, Daoist Yuding and Daoist Huanglong were naturally furious!

"Relying on some supernatural powers, he wreaks havoc on the world without any scruples, hurting my apprentice and stealing my spiritual treasure."

"Today we came to take you, and let you know the supernatural powers I teach!"

Daoist Taiyi shouted loudly and stretched out his hand!

The next moment, a golden file appeared in his hand!

This golden file is another innate spiritual treasure of Daoist Taiyi besides the Kowloon Divine Fire Cover, it is called 'Taiyi Baofile'!

In the past, Master Taiyi relied on this treasure to break through the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation of the Intercepting Sect and escape completely.

This treasure is also a low-grade innate spirit treasure, not under the cover of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire!

"Good thief, I will avenge my disciple now!"

On the other side, Master Yuding also scolded angrily.

When he cut with his right hand, he also showed a sword with celestial light.

This is also the low-grade innate spirit treasure he holds, called the Immortal Slashing Sword.

From this, it can be seen that the two people's actions are indeed solid in explaining and teaching.

One person, one innate spiritual treasure, how can non-sage sects do it?

Oh, that's not quite right.

Because there are three people present at this time, but there is one person who does not have an innate spirit treasure!


Seeing that my two juniors both took the Xiantian Lingbao to fight.

Master Huanglong's complexion was also blue and purple.

He basically has no spirit treasures, and the only 'Yellow Dragon Sword' he made from his own dragon scales.

It is enough to support the appearance on weekdays, but now it is obviously impossible to use it.

So after a while, Master Huanglong just opened his mouth and said 'I'm coming'!

Later, it simply revealed the truth.

It directly turned into a thousand-foot yellow dragon and came towards Xu Linyuan to kill it!

"Your disciples use two against one, and you use three against one... It is indeed the same line!"

And Xu Linyuan laughed out loud.

After that, facing the attacking two people and one dragon, they were not afraid at all!

I saw him just like before, directly manifesting the Dharma Body of Taiyin Good Fortune.

With all the moonlight condensed, he directly blasted the attacking Daoist Huanglong away with just one punch.

Rao is the real Huanglong who has the body of a real dragon, but how can it compare with the "Dharma Body of Taiyin Creation" which is comparable to the body of a great witch?

Then, he opened his mouth to spit again.

Accompanied by the golden flowing fire, the golden flame of the sun spurts from its mouth.

But Master Taiyi and Master Yuding, who already knew the power of the golden flame of the sun, naturally did not dare to neglect when they saw this situation, and hurriedly avoided it!

At the same time, the two threw the golden file and the Immortal Sword at Xu Linyuan!

The golden file turned into a stream of light, and the sword turned into a beam of sword light, and they came towards Xu Linyuan!



The next moment, Daoist Taiyi's eyes were about to burst!

At this moment, a jade mask suddenly fell from the top of Xu Linyuan's head, covering him in it.

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