
at the same time.

Bing Lixi is here.

Lying at her feet was a figure whose breath of life had disappeared. It was an artificial star eclipse named [Regional Rules].

"The two man-made star eclipse crusades are complete..."

Rules have been eliminated.

The level mark on Bing Lixi's head completely disappeared, and the maze routes in the entire area also returned to normal.

The frontline night watchmen reconnected with the base and reported the situation one after another.

inside the base.

Heiyang looked at the screen in front of him, and asked Bing Lixi who was on the opposite side of the communicator: "How is the situation?"

"The two man-made stars were successfully attacked, and our casualties are unknown."

Soon, Mo Qianmeng's voice sounded.

"Forty-eight of our night watchmen were seriously injured, 48 were slightly injured, and 23 of the seriously injured were already on the verge of death and needed emergency treatment."

"The treatment team is on its way, please wait here."

After understanding the situation, Hei Yang looked at the time and the sky, and found that it was almost dawn.

Perhaps this incident does not require his action, and it can be resolved with Bing Lixi's power.

Then, the only thing left is the Sunset Research Institute who committed suicide.

No matter what, Heiyang will also remove him from Qiyuan City!

There is no room for negotiation.

However, at this moment, an alarm sounded in the base.

"Alert! Alert! A large number of star eclipses appear, the number is unknown, and the danger is extremely high. All night watchmen are invited to crusade!"

Hearing this, Hei Yang was slightly taken aback.

Is it not over yet?

What else did that research institute create?

Turn the angle of view.

The announcer who was walking towards the research institute narrowed his eyes and frowned slightly.

"Has this kind of monster actually been raised? A collection of massive star eclipses, the incarnation of unstable disasters, full of negative emotions, and only a strong desire to destroy, can no longer be called star eclipses."

The concept of star eclipse is that the holder of a star transforms into a star eclipse incarnation with strong obsessive actions due to abnormal circumstances.

That monster is a mixture of obsession and power of a large number of star eclipses, like various paints mixed together, it has long turned black.

In other words, it's a dangerous creation.

"Forget it, let's go and have a look, it's the best way to watch a play up close."

Chapter 65 Liberation

within the institute.

Before Yexing recovered from the administrator's words, he was distracted by the huge shock.

"Eh? Eh?! What's going on?"

Epal floated over quickly, the dumb hair on his head dangling in a panic.

"Yexing! Something is wrong! Just now, a bad guy didn't know what to press, and that's why the vibration happened."

"Could it be self-destruct?"

Ye Xing sees such plots in many works, such as wanting to die with the enemy after his base is ready.

Like the self-explosion button is the most typical routine.

Yexing thought of this all of a sudden, not knowing what to do.

At this time, spatial fluctuations appear.

A petite figure walked out from the entrance of the theater and came to Ye Xing's side.

"It seems that you have almost solved it here."


Ye Xing looked puzzled, and couldn't help blinking cutely.

"Mo Tutu, why are you here?"

"Please call me the announcer, thank you." The announcer sighed softly, and didn't want to talk to Ye Xing anymore.

She began to explain the situation.

"The star eclipse aggregate sealed by this research institute has awakened. It is formed by the condensation of a large number of star eclipses. It is the product of the failure of the research institute's experiment. Now it is released, which may cause great damage. If you don't want to be swept away by the aftermath of the awakening Into it, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible."

Ye Xing nodded obediently, and led the administrator into the theater.

"Sister administrator, put your wishes aside first, and leave here with me first."


Ye Xing and others walked into the theater.

Immediately afterwards, the entire research institute quickly collapsed, completely disintegrating under the terrifying power of the star eclipse aggregate.

From a distance, a large amount of black aura emanated from the location of the research institute.

Although it cannot be seen with the eyes in a dim environment, all night watchmen can perceive the huge star eclipse aura!

Bing Lixi stared at the direction of the star eclipse breath, and began to feel some pressure in her heart.

This scale... once it erupts, it will be difficult to stop it.

At that time, nothing can be protected.


A loud bang.

The aura of star eclipse in the direction of the research institute is getting stronger and stronger, and it is becoming more and more solid, gradually forming a solid body.

In the dim environment, a black giant stood on top of the research institute, exuding an extremely terrifying aura, comparable to a supernova star eclipse in terms of oppression.

This breath continued to spread and quickly enveloped the area.

If you have to make a comparison.

That is, the intensity of star eclipse pollution is not as strong as that of supernova, but the scope of pollution is definitely greater than supernova star eclipse!

Once the star eclipse giants are allowed to continue raging, Qiyuan City will definitely become a dead city, and other cities may not be able to avoid it.

Bing Lixi stared at the star eclipse giant, ignoring this degree of star eclipse pollution and preparing to move on.

She didn't know if she could defeat this monster, but she had to try.

Even if she dies countless times, she will go forward bravely.


As soon as she took a step, Bing Lixi fell to the ground, and her whole body was already paralyzed.

"Is it too many deaths at once...? But it's not enough to fall down here..."

Bing Lixi endured the severe pain in her body and the torment from the depths of her soul, and started to move on.

Turn the angle of view.

A group of members of the Rising Sun Troupe appeared one after another far away from the research institute.

That eclipse aggregate is clearly visible from here.

There are no night stars and administrators here, and it seems to be staying in the theater.

The head of the troupe looked at the huge figure silently.

"Reluctance and anger, this is the message it expresses."

The announcer did not keep smiling, but let out a soft sigh.

"Inevitably, many of them are caught in the process of realizing their obsessions. They are all used up and discarded. There is no chance of recovery. For the star eclipse whose obsession is greater than life, destroying their idea of ​​realizing their obsessions, That's the biggest damage."

Gentleman took off his top hat and seemed to be mourning for them.

"Poor fellows, may you rest in peace."

The fraudster shook his head lightly.

"But they don't look like they want to rest in peace now, and in a way, it's no longer the same kind."

"Yes, all kinds of obsessions are mixed together, not a collection, but a forcible blend, which is no longer that pure obsession." The gentleman put on his top hat again, as if he felt sorry for their loss of obsession.

After all, for them, obsession is the meaning of existence, once lost, they are no longer themselves.

The puppeteer looked at the tall giant in the distance and asked, "What should we do?"

"Look." The theater director replied.

The singer and puppeteer cast puzzled eyes.

And the announcer has an expression of "I understand".

"Isn't this what the troupe should do? My activities are only performing and protecting the audience, and the rest is none of our business."

The troupe leader nodded slightly.

Hearing the announcer's explanation, the singer realized that the head of the troupe and the others are star eclipses, they don't have the sensibility and sophistication similar to human beings, and they don't meddle in other people's business.

For them, only the audience and the performance are the most important, and this is the Rising Sun Troupe.

Unless the spectators tell them to do something, it is almost impossible for the troupe chief to take action.

It's just... Now the audience seems to have important things to do, so they can't disturb her.

Singer looked again at the star eclipse giant exuding a dangerous aura.

It seems that this enemy can only be solved by the night watchmen.

But... can the night watchman in Qiyuan City really do it?

Thinking about it, the singer came to the announcer and asked in a low voice: "Hey, announcer, what are you doing in Qiyuan City? Don't you come to support as a night watchman?"

"No, I came to watch the play as a member of the theater troupe. Anyway, this situation is not desperate." The announcer said with a smile.

The singer suddenly didn't know what to say.

"But... can the night watchman here really solve it? That giant looks very difficult to deal with."

"Didn't you realize that it's almost dawn? The sun will rise sooner or later, and the moment the sun rises, this thing can be declared dead."

"Could it be that this eclipse is afraid of the sun?"

"No, it's someone's accumulated anger."


In the theater, unlike the bustling outside, there were only Ye Xing and the manager inside, and even Gujiu and Aipal had gone out.

Ye Xing and the administrator sat in adjacent seats, both silent and did not speak.

At this time, the administrator finally spoke.

"My wish, have you considered it?"


"It's very simple, just let me disappear and end my long life. This should be very simple for you."

"Why such a wish? I originally thought that you would let immortality disappear, and then die naturally after going through an era like a normal person." Ye Xing was a little puzzled.

"The reason is very simple, because enough is enough. Compared with normal people, I have outlived them for a long, long time. Even I have almost forgotten that long-term memory, so it is enough." The administrator said softly.

"I don't know when I started, I have been looking for a way to die. At that moment, my ending has already been fixed. I am not a strong-willed person. I just survived suffering one after another by virtue of numbness and habit. This kind of loneliness and pain makes me sleep in an abyss."

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