The administrator's eyes gradually dimmed, as if declaring that his heart was dead.

"So... I want to be relieved here."

Chapter 66 Lying is Bad

"Can you fulfill me? Spectator."

Yexing was silent for a moment.

"As for my friends' wishes, I usually try my best to realize them. Even if the wish is difficult, I am willing to do my best. In the past, in order to restore my friends' important items, I searched for a certain figure in a city full of scary puppets. There is always the risk of being caught, and in order not to let my friends disappear, I have to endure social fear to go on a big stage with tens of thousands of spectators, and face many eyes. These are great challenges for me, and it is also my Proof of going all out."

The administrator listened to Ye Xing's narration without interrupting.

"For friends' requests, I mostly agree, because friends are hard to come by, and I have only recently had so many precious friends. My star is [Wish Wishing Machine], which can fulfill any wish in theory, and I hardly ever use it. It is to realize my desire, because I will be very tired afterwards, so I will give the chance to make a wish to friends in need and try to help them."

Yexing turned to look at the administrator, his eyes were full of determination.

"Although you have made a wish to me, I refuse to fulfill your wish. The decision is in my hands. I will refuse to fulfill the wish that seems unreasonable to me. This is my own opinion."

Hearing this, the administrator lowered his head, as if expressing silent despair.

"If this is the case... then give me a reason to continue living. My long life is meaningless. I don't want to continue to suffer, and I don't want to see people around me die one after another. I am a different kind and I am doomed. Can't fit into this world."

"Are you asking me for help?" Ye Xing asked.


Ye Xing stood up and said seriously: "In this case, I will give you a reason to live. Let me ask you, do you regard me as a friend?"

The administrator was slightly taken aback, but finally nodded.

"It is undeniable, yes, even I, who was unwilling to make friends anymore, was moved by your sincerity. Maybe my psychological defense line will stagnate in a few hundred years."

"Then have you considered your friend's feelings?"

The administrator was silent.

Yexing is still outputting.

"Is the meaning of your support until now, is it to find a way to kill yourself? Why not to meet me and live happily with me?"

"This is obsession..."

"It's not a matter of obsession or not! I only know that I will be very sad when you die. You said that you have experienced the pain of being separated from your best friends many times. If this is the case, do you have the heart to make me feel sad for you? "

"I don't know...the heart is empty, without any expectations for the future. If it can be resolved in a few words, it won't be like this."

Ye Xing grabbed the administrator by the shoulder and made her look him in the eye.

"Then make a wish to me again."


"I can become a universal wishing machine, and I will help you achieve a perfect ending, which is acceptable to both you and me, so speak your mind and don't hide anything, okay?"

Ye Xing stretched out his hand to the administrator, speaking in a tone of pleading.

Feeling Ye Xing's sincerity, the administrator slowly closed his eyes.

Some people do not want her to die, she understands.

Not just the spectators in front of you, but also the respectable eternal watchman.

Bing Lixi also has the ability to be near immortality, and has experienced a long time.

It's just that she has a great goal, which is to fight for a better world, for which she can always persevere.

One day, Bing Lixi became friends with her by accident.

When Bing Lixi knew what happened to her, she expressed sympathy and kept using words and actions to enlighten her.

How does it feel to have such a person by your side at the last moment?

All the admin knew was that it was reassuring to feel, at least not to feel alone and out of place in the world.

Now there is another person who really cares about her.

That is, the audience.

This innocent and lovely silver-haired girl may be an angel who fell from the sky, and people always like it so much.

And her request, to some extent, cannot be refused.

It would be too impolite to refuse such a begging.

Therefore, the administrator plucked up the last courage to grab Ye Xing's hand, like a life-saving straw when he was drowning, revealing the last bit of desire.

"My wish is to live peacefully...."

"I will make it happen." Yexing nodded in agreement.

The wishing machine starts.

Space-time standstill dislocation.

A flash of white light swallowed Ye Xing and completely disappeared into the theater.

When Yexing opened his eyes again, he found himself in a strange place.

"Hmm... where is this place? Could it be that the wish-granting machine sent me to some strange place again?"

Ye Xing pondered for a moment, completely ignorant of the principle of wish fulfillment.

The administrator wants a reason to live, wants to live in peace and security, isn't this a simple wish?

"Forget it."

After much deliberation, Ye Xing could only shake off the random thoughts in his mind and prepare to observe the surrounding environment.

Since Xingchen sent her to this place, it definitely has something to do with the administrator's wish.

Ye Xing needs to take action to fulfill the key conditions.

"Is this... the wild?"

Ye Xing observed and found that this place seemed to be a suburb, surrounded by green trees and grass, it didn't look like it was in a city.

And she also heard the sound of running water, probably there is a creek or something nearby.

Yexing started to look for the administrator.

I always feel that the time span between now and the future is very large, probably when the administrator was still very young.

Was it hundreds of years ago?

With this doubt in his heart, Ye Xing looked around and carefully sensed the atmosphere around him.

Soon, she finally sensed a breath, and then walked over quickly.


Coming to the bank of the creek, Ye Xing saw a girl sitting on the grass in a daze, seemingly depressed.

Although she was a little different from the future administrator, Ye Xing recognized her at a glance.

Seeing this, Ye Xing walked up without hesitation.

"Well, hello, can I meet you?"

The girl raised her head with doubts in her eyes.

"who are you?"

"How should I put it? I am a person from the future, and I came here specially to meet you from the future."

Ye Xing said this without hesitation, without any concealment.

Hearing this sentence, the girl was stunned immediately.

"Future... are you kidding me? It's not good to lie."

Yexing didn't explain too much to her.

"You can live forever, right?"

"Then... what is that? I don't know what you're talking about." The girl couldn't help looking away, looking a little guilty.

It seems that at this time she doesn't know how to hide the secret, and she can tell it at a glance.

In this regard, Ye Xing returned exactly what he said just now.

"It's not good to lie."


Seeing that the girl fell silent, Ye Xing sat down beside her without saying anything.

In the end, the girl couldn't help but speak first.

"Who are you? Why do you know my secret?"

"Well~ As I said just now, I am a future man, your future friend, you can call me...Ye Xing."

"Evening Star..."

The girl repeated it a few times, and for some reason she began to trust the silver-haired girl in front of her.

Chapter 67

The girl feels that she has the characteristic of immortality. Since there are even such extremely unscientific things, it seems that the existence of future people is not unacceptable.

But before that, it needs to be confirmed.

"Since you are my friend, do you know my name?"

If it is a friend, then this question should be able to answer.

But what she didn't expect was that Ye Xing fell into deep thought.

"I do not know."

"Ah this?"

The girl didn't know what to say.

Feeling her strange sight, Ye Xing couldn't help but blushed, pouted and said, "You never told me, you in the future don't know my name, you are called by a code name, I call you Admin, and you called me a spectator, and I didn't tell you my real name until now."

"That's right."

The girl smiled, very pretty.

"Then I will tell you my name now, my name is Shuyao, please give me more advice."

"Hmm~ What a nice name!"

Just like that, the two started chatting.

Shuyao is very curious about what she will look like in the future.

"What will I do in the future? The name administrator is a bit strange."

"Well, when I met you, you were a librarian and liked to read books, so I called you a librarian."

"A librarian? What a strange profession. After all, I don't like reading very much now, and I find it boring."

"Maybe it's a hobby to develop in the future."

It was Yexing's turn to ask questions.

"Speaking of which, Shuyao, why are you here? When I saw you just now, you seemed to be in a daze and seemed a little sad."

Hearing this, Shuyao hugged her legs, buried her chin in her knees, and let out a soft sigh.

"Because my friend died..."


"Well, she is my good friend and knows my secret, but just a few days ago, she passed away and her life span reached the end."

"Well, sorry."

"For her, this is a very happy ending. Just watching her leave, I feel a sense of loss and emptiness in my heart. I didn't have that kind of concept before, but after experiencing this many times, I began to think about life. Suspicion arose."

When the strong wind blew, Shuyao stretched out her hand to catch the petals flying in the air, her eyes gradually blurred.

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