After the pink hair was submerged in sea water, it lost consciousness.

The little cat girl slowly sank to the bottom of the sea...

After an unknown amount of time, her consciousness suddenly returned, and then she vaguely heard someone talking.

"I said, there should be no new numbers here that will fall into it. I heard that the chances of getting a new number from here are very low!"

It was a very familiar female voice. Fenmao always felt that she had heard this voice before in a blur of consciousness.

"Do you dare not listen to the orders of the D-rank nobles?" His ears moved, and the companion on the side answered what the man said just now.

"In fact, she just wanted to eat sea fish, so she asked us to come here."

"Yeah!" another person agreed.

"Although she said that there may be a new number here, but before leaving, she also hinted that we should bring more aquatic products back. I guess this is the reason why she asked us to come here."

"No way, who told us that we are inferior B-level, as long as we can be upgraded to C, we can enjoy the treatment of civilians."

One of them suddenly said in a very envious and yearning tone.

"But when we came out to register, we were allowed to come here only after ensuring that there was a new number here. It was for this reason that we were not assigned to the place where we worked before today."

"If we don't find a new number, we will be miserable, and we will definitely be beaten!"

Yi er Lin ⑶ [-]. o-paint IV

"Speaking of which, you can't offend this side, and you can't offend that side. It's really a disaster for both ends!"

"Hey - there's no way."

Her companion also sighed: "Then look for it quickly."

"However, I heard that very few people have found new numbers in the sea, most of them are on land and in small sea areas. I hope we have that luck this time."

"I think that's enough. If we have that luck, I hope that when I was born, I would be an F grade. No matter what, even if I'm not lucky, I'll be better off than I am now."

What are they talking about?

Because besides the sound of the waves, there were only these two female voices. Before Fenmao could feel the presence of his body, he heard their conversation first.

But the content of their conversation was so inexplicable that Fen Mao couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Moreover, the voices of these two people are very similar, and Fenmao also thinks it is very familiar, she always feels that she has heard it somewhere.

But for a while, she just couldn't remember where she had heard it.

([-]) Jiu Lin Wu Shan [-] ⑦ I ⑶ Yu

However, the distance from the sound seemed to be not very far from her. Fenmao couldn't feel the existence of her body for a while, so she had to concentrate on listening to their speech.

"You can be content, it's not the worst A grade, among us, the worst is A."

The other person sighed, and it sounded a little lucky.

"Yes, A-level is the most, and also the cheapest hard labor."

"Don't talk about it, let's hurry up and salvage it. Anyway, let's salvage the aquatic products that person needs first!"

The two of them thought about how to complete one thing first, so that the tasks on both sides would not fail.

But whether a new serial number can be found is naturally resigned to fate.

"Okay, let's do it first!" Another person agreed.

"Then fix the net and let's cast it out~!"

Then there was the sound of two people stepping on wooden boards, and the sound of constantly fiddling with something.

Fenmao didn't know what they were going to do, and he only half understood what they said.

"Come on, get ready, and throw them out together!"

"Okay, get ready, one, two, three! Sex!"

With the sound of yelling, something was thrown into the water, and there was a sound of falling into the water.

Through their conversation, Fenmao guessed that the things that were thrown down were probably fishing nets.

And after waiting like this for a while, the two girls yelled [hey] and took the thing back.

"Look, what's in there?"

"Crabs, squid, oh oh, and a few shallow sea fish, the harvest is good."

"Because no one here is fishing—everyone eats grown breast-enhancing food."

"But I heard that fish can also enlarge breasts, and it can also allow us to see things at night."

"Where did you hear that? Is there such a thing? Why didn't I know? And—" the girl who spoke paused, and then continued, "Where did we get the night here?"

"That's right." The other girl hesitated for a moment, then said, "Then let's continue."

With that said, the two started fishing again.

And Fenmao was in a fog when listening to their conversation. From the beginning to the present, he didn't know what they meant.

II Zero Dad Wuling Dove ([-]) Slip⑨

By the way, what's the matter with the breast enlargement?

It sounds so powerful... No, it looks so wretched.

During such a long wait, Fenmao could feel that he was brought to their position by the current.

The voices of the two are also getting closer.

At some point, she floated into their fishing nets.

"I think this is enough?" This time the voice was clearer than before, because the distance was close enough.

"Let's get some more, we can hide some for ourselves!" another girl replied with some expectation.

"Don't think about it, as long as we go back and are asked if we have hidden food, we can't lie."

"Yeah, I almost forgot, damn it, this damn rule!" the girl said angrily.

"Then let's salvage it again. We should find a new number, or we will be beaten again when we go back. I don't want to."

"Hey, just get rid of the B grade, as long as we get to the C!"

Both of them sighed, and then began to pull the fishing net hard.


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Chapter 160 Four You Don't Understand the Happiness of Flat Chest

"Wow, it's so heavy, what did you get this time?"

"It's not a shark, is it?"

"How is it possible, they didn't move."

"Dead shark?"

"Are you still afraid of dead sharks?"

"But can that stuff be eaten?"

"I don't know. If it is, let's take it back together. Anyway, we don't eat it. Whether the D-rank nobles eat it is her business."

As they spoke, the two continued to pull the fishing net vigorously, and Fenmao could feel that he was being pulled out of the water.

"Oh, it doesn't look like a shark~" the girl exclaimed.

"Is it a seal? No, it's white. Could it be a giant jellyfish?"

And as Fenmao was dragged out of the water, her appearance was also seen clearly.

"It's the white one!" The girl seemed to be a little fussy, "Why is the white one so heavy?"

"Stupid!" The girl beside her knocked her head, "Of course it's worn on a human body, so it's so heavy."

"Oh! That's it!" The girl suddenly realized, and immediately realized, "Then, isn't that the new number we are looking for!?"

"It could be another number from Overboard." The other girl sounded much calmer than the last one.

②Research Ling.No ⒊ Baqiyi③

But after Fenmao's body completely surfaced, she couldn't help but said happily: "Well, it really didn't take much effort."

"I didn't expect that we were going to salvage for the last time, and we would salvage the new number. It seems that we are lucky. If that is the case, we will not be far from upgrading to C-level."

"Come here, give me a hand, and fish her up."

And with the concerted efforts of the two girls, the pink hair was dragged to the wooden board of the boat in a short while.

"Why is she not moving? Could it be that she is dead?"

Poke poke -!

"I do not know either--"


Group ([-]) ⒐ O Noon ⒊ Seven One Three

"It should be because he choked on a lot of water. Death should not exist in this world."

"Really, you said there is no death but you haven't seen it?"

"I haven't seen anyone die. Doesn't that explain the problem?"

"Forget about that, just wake her up first."

"Then what are we going to do, slap your belly?" As he spoke, he touched Fenmao's belly with one hand, and the kitten could still feel the warmth of the other's hand.

Although I could hear their conversation and feel the touch on my body, I just couldn't move.

It was as if she had no limbs and no spine.

Could it be that his hands and feet have been soaked in sea water?

So you can't move yourself?

Fenmao panicked at the thought of this, and didn't react at all to the fact that a girl wanted to hammer her stomach to wake her up.

"Idiot!" Another girl knocked her head again, "Of course not, if you're drowning, your lungs must be filled with water and you need to squeeze it out!"

"How do you know, why don't I have such knowledge in my brain?" the girl asked suspiciously.

"That's because you are an incomplete product." The girl on the side said with some disgust.

"Hey, who are you calling a defective product, watch out for my punch the size of a sandbag to imprint on your face!"



There was a crisp sound, followed by a neat sound of falling to the ground, and the girl who was about to show her fist has been silent since then.


Fen Mao has no way of knowing what happened at the moment, and now she can't even shrink her neck or hug herself tightly.

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