But she still felt a chill from the inside out.

Could it be that the girl has been killed?

And at this moment, the hull of the boat shook, and some sea water sloshed in, just pouring under Fenmao's little head.

This made her mistakenly think that the liquid was the blood of the girl who had lost her voice, and she couldn't help being extremely scared for a while.

But she also didn't think about how the blood should be warm, so how could it be so cold?

But once the mind is occupied by fear, Fenmao can't even make many simple judgments.

"Wait a minute, I will give you artificial respiration, you should not be dead yet."

And hearing that the other party didn't intend to kill him or something, Fen Mao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But I still can't relax my vigilance, maybe this girl is afraid that she is pretending to be unconscious, so she uses such words to confuse herself, and then kills me while I am not paying attention! ?

But, speaking of it, why did she kill?

There is no reason, right?

Could it be that I just happened to bump into the aquatic products that I wanted to monopolize this boat?

Are aquatic products so valuable?

No!I am innocent!

How about you just throw me back into the sea and let me continue to float.

Sometimes, I have to say that although Fenmao is a bit stupid, he still has a big brain.

But that's not a great plus.

However, the girl outside who was talking about needing artificial respiration naturally couldn't hear her complaining in her heart at the moment.

The girl looked at the pink hair lying in the wooden boat, and then started artificial respiration.

She first opened Fenmao's small mouth with her hands to see if there was any foreign matter inside, and then opened her mouth without any scruples and took a deep breath.


Then facing the pink-haired little mouth...


A pleasant fragrance flowed from his mouth into his body in an instant, and Fenmao could definitely feel his small chest swell up like a balloon.

Then, the girl lowered her little head, and began to fold her hands and squeeze her chest.

Ugh, it hurts, it hurts, take it easy——

Even if he couldn't control his body, Fenmao could still feel the pain in his small chest.

And at this moment, the girl who gave her artificial respiration said regretfully: "It looks like the cutest among us, and has very rare cat ears, but why is the chest so flat!?"


I touched someone's chest and squeezed it hard, and now I even commented that my chest is flat!

Who gave you the courage!

I don't need boobs at all, it's all fat, fat, useless weight!

What do I want that thing for?

What a pity?It's not a pity at all, okay?

You will not understand the happiness of flat chest!

But the girl said so, and continued to give Fenmao artificial respiration.

And this cycle went on and on several times, and Fenmao immediately coughed on the water.


Fenmao sat up with a sound of [wow], then spit out a mouthful of sea water, followed by a series of coughing.

Every time you cough, you spit out the sea water in your lungs.

When she finally regained her strength, Fenmao realized that she had gained control of her body.

Being able to move, likewise, being able to see things!

She immediately looked in the direction of the girl who gave her artificial respiration just now, but she was stunned just by looking at it.

Because, the other party actually looks very similar to her!

In addition to not having cat ears, the hair is also clean and refreshing short hair, and the skin is relatively dark.

Just looking at the facial contours, it really resembles her very much.


I see everyone's reminders

I was also secretly rewarded today

Reward and +2 more

So let’s add more, I’m afraid I’ll forget this secret transaction

So today, I will reward two chapters for today’s update.


12 chapters still owed)

Chapter 160 Five Whoever has big breasts will listen to him

However, this light one is obviously different from the pink hair, not only in appearance, but also in giving people a more mature temperament.


The first time people see her, they will feel that she is more mature than her external age.

"Oh, you're awake!" The girl greeted her with a smile, and then the girl pointed to a piece of numbered cloth on her chest.

It says [5642].

"Hello, I'm number 5642. Nice to meet you. I'm a new number. You can call me 5642." The girl smiled and held out her hand, motioning for a handshake.

Looking at the other person's face exactly like hers, Fenmao couldn't calm down.

She stared at the other's outstretched hand blankly, without any intention of moving.

"Uh, haven't you come to your senses yet?" The girl withdrew her hand in embarrassment, and then said.

"Forget it, our mission has been completed, so we don't need to stay here anymore."

熘 O ⒉ er delete the teacher to put the eight things

Saying that, 5642 didn't care about the dazed pink hair, but picked up the wooden paddle beside him and started rowing the boat.

And beside the place where Fenmao was sitting, there were several wooden barrels. At this moment, there was the sound of crabs scratching the walls of the wooden barrels.

On the other side of the wooden boat, there was also a girl who was very similar to Fenmao lying there desperately.

The girl who called herself 5642 was wearing a linen-colored rough dress, a very loose one, even though it was just a top, it could be worn as a dress.

And that number was sewn on her chest.

The pink hair can clearly see that this 5642's chest is much more majestic than hers, at least to the extent that it can clearly see the protrusion.

Her face is almost the same as hers, except that her skin is darker, not as white as hers.

5642 Paddle the water surface with a wooden paddle...

In the hands of this girl who didn't say her name, but only had the number 5642, the ship slowly changed its direction.

The girl looked around to find the direction of the current, and then adjusted the direction with the oars to stabilize the hull.

Although this person looks very similar to himself, Fenmao knows that he can't paddle, they are completely two people!

The biggest difference is that the other party does not have cat ears!

"Uh, that~" Fenmao softly shouted.

"Don't talk, wait until the shore. Now I have to concentrate on controlling the wooden boat." 5642 turned to her and said, "You don't want to go back to the sea again, do you?"

Fenmao subconsciously shook her head, then shut up obediently.

At this time, the sky began to darken. Although it was not very dark, the light seemed insufficient.

Unknowingly, the wind on the sea surface began to increase, and the waves began to become fierce.

Fortunately, the distance from the wooden boat to the sea is not far, and we can leave here before the wind and waves continue to get bigger.

Fenmao is holding onto the hull of the boat to avoid too much turbulence, and she can clearly see the beach not far away.

As long as the past is fine, you can leave this piece of sea.

Thinking that she first experienced the barbecue in the magma sea area, then drowned in the endless seabed, and now finally saw the normal land, she couldn't help but feel very kind.

Thinking of this, Fenmao quickly reached out to touch the soles of his feet and his little butt.

It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't hurt, it's okay.

She thought those feelings before sinking into the sea were all fake!

Speaking of which, wasn't she fully baked before, why did it get better again?

I really can't understand!

Before the wind and waves got bigger, 5642 finally rowed the small wooden boat to the shore.

The moment the bottom of the boat touched the beach, 5642 stopped paddling, then walked around the dazed-looking pink hair, walked over and kicked the fainted girl.

"Don't pretend to be dead, get up quickly."

"Wow!" The girl lying on the board jumped up suddenly, "Is this how you treat patients?"

"I didn't see you sick."

"I was knocked down by you~! You still treat me like this, sadist!"

The girl who fell to the ground is nearly 90.00% similar to the pink hair, except that she has freckles on her face and no cat ears. She also tied a single ponytail with a straw rope, which looks more lively.

She is wearing the same loose linen clothes as 5642, but the number on it is 6903.

②⊙岜五, Drenched wine three Liu⑼

"Forget it, get up and get those parallel imports."

With that said, she jumped down, and said to Fenmao, "Come down!"

"Oh!" Fenmao agreed in a daze, and then jumped down.

There was soft and wet sand under his feet, Fenmao got off the boat for a while, and then stared at his feet in a daze.

"Go on!" Standing in the boat, 6903 lifted up the wooden barrel and handed it to 5642. The two cooperated with each other and lifted the wooden barrel down in a few strokes.

After 6903 with freckles jumped down, I saw that unique little cat girl with cat ears happily playing in the sand.

As if seeing the sand for the first time, the cat girl is constantly stepping on the ground with her little feet, as if feeling the softness of the sand.

She is very happy to step on it and feel the wet sand squeeze out between her feet.

5642 and 6903 looked at Fenmao speechlessly, and then they worked together to pull the small wooden boat to the shore.

This is to prevent the boat from being swept away by huge waves when no one is around.

Of course……

"Hey!" 6903 took a small stake from the wooden boat and stuck it on the beach.

They also need to tie up the boat.

After doing all this, 5642 looked at Fenmao and shouted.

"Hey, new number, come here~"

Hearing 5642's shout, Fenmao stopped stepping on the sand, then looked at her, pointed at himself with a confused look on his face.

"That's right, I'm calling you. I guess you don't have a name like us. The newcomers are all called new numbers."


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