Seeing the approach of the ghost spider, Tokisaki Kurumi finally reacted.

She barely gathered her own strength, and made a pistol appear in her hand with difficulty. A tattered golden clock also emerged from behind her. She aimed the pistol at the direction representing four o'clock, absorbing the power inside.Just after this force was absorbed, the entire golden clock collapsed.

This is the last force, will it work?

Tokisaki Kurumi pointed the pistol at himself.

"Want to recover again? Don't even think about it!"

Seeing this scene, the ghost spider burst forward at an astonishing speed.

In the previous battle between Tokisaki Kurumi and Akainu, Tokisaki Kurumi had frequently used the four bullets to rewind his own time to recover. The ghost spider is naturally familiar with such a situation, and he does not want to see similar things happen at this moment .

He dashed forward, attached the domineering aura of armed color to the knife, strengthened the knife to be sharper and tougher, and then slashed heavily.


A beautiful arm flew into the sky like this.


Even Tokisaki Kurumi felt very unbearable to bear the pain of a broken arm suddenly. She looked at her left hand, which was completely cut off from the shoulder, and blood gushed out continuously at this moment.

"Do you feel pain? Don't worry, you won't be in pain soon, and I will send you on your way quickly."

The ghost spider showed a grin, and slashed down with eight knives on its arms and head at the same time. The cold light of the knives made Tokisaki Kurumi understand that he had come to the end, and had to close his eyes regretfully.

But just after Tokisaki Kurumi closed her eyes, a series of sounds of gold and iron clashing suddenly came over her head.

Tokisaki Kurumi opened his eyes again, and saw a handful of sabers flying over his body, and he was quickly confronting the ghost spider.


At the same time, the voice of Akainu came from afar.

Altair is here?

Tokisaki Kurumi was a little surprised, and then saw a figure appearing beside him, holding the pistol that fell out together after his arm was cut off.

"Kangsan." Concubine Yongyue looked at Tokisaki Kuangsan with complicated emotions.

She didn't expect that Tokisaki Kumzo would suffer such a great trauma during such a short time apart. If she came one step later, Tokisaki Kumzo would really have to bid farewell to this world.

"Altair, I showed you how embarrassed you are." Tokisaki Kurumi smiled weakly, and said again: "I'm sorry, because I saw Akainu abuse the cat, I didn't hold back for a while and showed up. I am Isn't it stupid?"

"No, you are just doing what you think is right. Anyone who walks on the right path is commendable." Fei Yongyue said and put the pistol in Tokisaki Kurumi's other intact hand .

"Altair, don't you want to stop me from killing people!"

Seeing this, the ghost spider yelled and accelerated its attack speed, approaching Fei Yongyue with one knife after another.


Concubine Yongyue suddenly turned her head to look at the ghost spider, and all a dozen sabers spun out and chopped it out. At the same time, she used the appearance Zhanguan directly, so that the weapon in the ghost spider's hand changed its structure and turned into flower petals on the spot.

This kind of situation is something that the ghost spider can't react to. He has dealt with many enemies, but he has never seen one like Fei Yongyue. With the cutting of the saber, his whole body was dismembered on the spot in front of everyone.

"Ghost spider!"

Seeing such a situation, both the red dog and the flying squirrel showed anger.

The red dog raised his hand without any hesitation, roared "Underworld Dog", turned his arm into lava, exuding a scalding breath, and directly hit Fei Yongyue.

With a wave of Fei Yongyue's hand, several sabers gathered together, forming a wind wheel to block in front of the lava's arm, forcibly blocking Chiquan's attack.

At this time, Tokisaki Kurumi had already aimed his pistol at himself.

Four bullets!


Accompanied by a gunshot, Tokisaki Kurumi's broken arm flew back immediately, rejoined himself, and most of the injuries on his body recovered.

However, she is still very weak, because the reverse time is not unlimited, and it is very rare for her to recover to the point where her body is intact at this moment, and she cannot ask for more.

Seeing Tokisaki Kurumi recovering, Concubine Yongyue also heaved a sigh of relief.

Although Tokisaki Kurumi is not a member of God's Sorrow, but after staying together for a while, seeing Tokisaki Kurumi being seriously injured, Concubine Yongyue still felt uncomfortable in her heart, and she let it go after seeing Tokizaki Kurumi recovering Come on.

Tokisaki Kurumi supported his body, looked at Fei Yongyue and said: "Altair, my strength is running out, I can't fight for the time being, I'm sorry I can't help you."

Her strength is related to time. After the previous battle with the three Akainu, her strength has been exhausted, and then she has to find a way to replenish some time.

"Don't worry, leave everything here to me." Fei Yongyue looked at the red dog and the flying squirrel.

After discovering that there was a strange situation here, Fei Yongyue just let herself come over, and as for Zhan Guo and Tao Tu, they continued to go to Marin Fando.However, because her saber could not be too far away from her, she put the two of them down and asked them to use other methods to pass by themselves.

This is not difficult for Sengoku and Taotu, relying on some yachts on the shore, it doesn't take much time to reach Marin Fando.

Although Concubine Yongyue's plan has changed to some extent because of Tokisaki Kumzo's situation, but it doesn't matter, it's okay to let herself deal with Akainu here.

As for their existence in the Warring States Period, it will not be useless, because if they don’t go to Marin Fando, the battle will break out not far from Marin Fando, and they will definitely be noticed. At that time, there will be many red dog helpers in the Navy Headquarters.But now, the existence of the Warring States Period can definitely make it difficult for the Navy Headquarters to send a helping hand.


Just when Fei Yongyue rescued Shizaki Kuangsan, Sengoku and Momotu also came to Marin Fando.

They have already arrived here, and the heart of the Warring States has also become firm, and immediately displayed his fruit ability, making his body huge at this moment.

The devil fruit of the Warring States period is in the form of human fruit, phantom beast, and great Buddha. Phantom beast devil fruits are rarer than natural devil fruits.

With the display of his ability, Warring States was bathed in extremely bright golden light, and his body became bigger and bigger. In a blink of an eye, he became a huge Buddha, appearing on the edge of the sea in Marin Fando.

And the appearance of the Warring States Period in such a posture immediately made the people in the Marine Vanduo Navy Headquarters aware of it.

People from the Navy Headquarters established a huge naval fortress in Marlin Fandor. At this moment, many navies rushed out of the fortress, including high-ranking navies and even the three admirals of the navy.

"It's Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

"This is the Buddha form of the fruit of everyone. Why did Marshal Warring States appear in such a posture?"

"It's so dazzling, I can hardly see the front clearly."

"As expected of Marshal of the Warring States Period."

Under the amazed gaze of countless people, Warring States approached step by step.

As he approached, Sengoku finally spoke: "I am Sengoku, and I think everyone is familiar with me. Maybe everyone was wondering why the Navy Headquarters was established, but I never came as a marshal. Now, I can tell you why, because I was plotted by Sakasky. In order to become a marshal, that guy sneaked in and plotted against me, so that I have been recuperating in the dark before!"

As the words of the Warring States Period fell, there was an uproar within the Navy Headquarters.

In the past, has such a thing happened?

Seeing that everyone was intimidated, Sengoku raised his arms and shouted: "I come back today, and I hope that everyone can agree with me, the orthodox admiral of the navy, and let us attack Sakasky together. Who is willing to stand by my side?"

"I am willing!"

Admiral Fujitora was the first to stand up.

Seeing this scene of the Warring States Period, he also showed joy. The attitude of the admiral was undoubtedly very important, which made him happy, and he also looked at Aokiji and Kizaru.


But both of them stood there with the presence of the old gods, and did not express their views.Not expressing a position seems to be an answer.

This situation made Zhan Guo's heart sink.

Not to mention the Warring States period, Fujitora was also surprised when he noticed this situation, and quickly looked at the two of them: "Aokiji, Kizaru, do you want to continue helping Akainu?"

The green pheasant and the yellow ape still didn't speak.

Seeing this, Fujitora couldn't help but become serious, and distanced himself from the two of them.

As for the rest of the vice admirals, major admirals, and more navies, they are also in chaos at this moment, with different thoughts.


On the beach, Fei Yongyue made Tokisaki Kurumi, who still had the strength to walk, step back and stared at Akainu.

"Altair, since you're here today, there's no need to go back." Akainu seemed to breathe with the breath of magma, and the fiery breath emanating from his body could be felt from far away.

"Do you want my life? Then come on, there are many people who have this idea, but so far no one can do it. You, Red Dog, can't do it either." Fei Yongyue said mercilessly expressed his contempt.

Akaken snorted, and was about to do it, but at this time the mobile phone on his body rang.

He took out his mobile phone to look at it, and still chose to connect, listening to the various things reported to him over there.And when he understood the situation, Akainu's face suddenly changed.

"Warring States..."

Akainu pronounced the name.

"It looks like, Red Dog, you know that Warring States has arrived in Marlin Vanduo. I can tell you that I let Warring States go. What kind of changes do you think will happen to the Navy Headquarters?" Fei Yongyue's tone was both mocking and provocative.

"So it's still related to you." Chiquan stared at Fei Yongyue: "Do you think you can influence anything if you find Sengoku? Do you think that just the appearance of Sengoku can tilt the balance of the Navy Headquarters towards him? It's so naive. Between me and Sengoku, many people in the Navy Headquarters know how to choose."

"Really? In this kind of matter, the choice of the three generals is the most important thing. Do you think the three generals will choose you?" Fei Yongyue asked unhurriedly.

"The three generals... I don't know the choice of Fujitora, but Aokiji and Kizaru will definitely choose me. If you want to ask why... because their handle is in my hands." Akaken revealed a rather amazing information.


Concubine Yongyue narrowed her eyes slightly.

This kind of thing is not only a bit surprising, but also makes people think it is reasonable, because Akainu can become the marshal without dispute, it seems surprising, and I always feel that there may be something tricky in it.Now it seems that there is indeed trickery.Perhaps Aokiji and Kizaru also had family members held hostage by Akainu and had to help Akainu.

"So what waves can the Warring States make? Even if he goes to Marin Fandor, what can he do? After I solve you, go to Marin Fandor, and everything will be stabilized again." Akaken looks like he has everything under control. look.

"Going to Marin Fando in the Warring States Period is of course useful, because then you will have no reinforcements, at least for a short period of time. Under such circumstances, what do you use to fight me? Just rely on your weak performance?" Fei Yongyue mocked.

In order to ensure his position as the marshal, Akainu has done a lot of things that endanger the headquarters of the navy. This will bring weakness to his performance. Although he can make up for it through other performances afterwards, it will eventually cause a certain damage to his strength. Influence.

Hearing Concubine Yongyue's words, Chiquan's face sank like water, and he didn't say anything more at the moment, his whole body turned into hot magma and rushed towards Concubine Yongyue.

As for the flying squirrel, it took this opportunity to rush towards Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Myriad Things·The Third Movement·Appearance View."

Concubine Yongyue whispered.

As her voice fell, a large piece of petals immediately floated out and fell on the beach one after another.

The flying squirrel who rushed towards Tokisaki Kurumi found that his weapon was gone, and even his clothes were gone, directly exposing everything about himself to the sun.

Not only the flying squirrel, but the red dog also faced the same situation, and the clothes on his body disappeared in an instant.

Such a situation made both of them subconsciously cover themselves.

They are not particularly thick-skinned people. When all the clothes on their bodies are gone, it is really difficult to keep themselves calm.

When Tokisaki Kurumi, who was watching the battle, saw this scene, he even laughed out loud on the spot: "Ah, ah, as expected of Altair, using methods to such a degree is enough to make everyone fall into a headache."

The red dog and the flying squirrel would be messed up because of the disappearance of their clothes, but Fei Yongyue would not let go of this opportunity, she flew directly towards the weaker flying squirrel with a handful of sabers, and wanted to get rid of this guy first.

The flying squirrel naturally sensed Fei Yongyue's actions, and immediately covered his whole body with armed domineering aura, making his skin dark and gaining extremely tough protection.

As a vice admiral, it is necessary to master both armed domineering and knowledge-colored domineering. Before the ghost spider had no time to release armed domineering to harden himself, he naturally couldn't make the same mistake.


"Everything in the Universe · No.13 Movement · Abstract Origin!"

When Fei Yongyue's voice fell, a special force swept over the flying squirrel, and the armed arrogance covering his body dissipated immediately, and his body became fragile all of a sudden.

Such a change was undoubtedly not expected by the flying squirrel.

Under such circumstances, the sabers naturally penetrated the flying squirrel's body without hindrance, causing the flying squirrel to be impaled into a hedgehog on the spot, and the blood stained the whole body in an instant.

This powerful lieutenant general followed in the footsteps of the ghost spider.


Such a situation made Akainu furious, and he no longer cared about the shame of not wearing clothes, his whole body became elemental, and he rushed over like a churning magma.

Seeing the arrival of the red dog, Fei Yongyue also held the saber in her hand and slashed over without hesitation.

Of course, apart from the saber in his hand, there are seventeen other sabers flying around Concubine Yongyue's body, attacking the red dog together, the cold light of the saber seems to be able to cut everything.

The two collided quickly, but after a few confrontations, Akainu showed a look of shock.

He already knew that the armed color would be broken by Fei Yongyue with the abstract origin, so he planned to use the elemental body to fight. Elementalization is his own ability, not an additional setting, and it should not be broken by the abstract origin.In fact, Concubine Yongyue didn't use the abstract origin on elementalization anymore, but at this time another problem appeared, that is, her own elementalization was useless.

As Fei Yongyue fell with a knife, wounds appeared on Chiquan's body, and the elemental body was injured under such an attack!

Such a situation undoubtedly shocked Akainu very much. Does the other party have an ability similar to armed domineering?This kind of ability can ignore elementalization and attack, but does the opponent have such ability in the drama?

Although Akainu has not watched many dramas because of his age, he understands Altair, who is the biggest problem of the Navy Headquarters recently, because he has made up for it deliberately, and understands what the other party has. Ability.

For a moment, Akainu's eyes flickered, as if thinking of something.

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