But he didn't say anything, and continued to collide with Fei Yongyue. Even if he didn't rely on elementalization and armed domineering, as a lava fruit capable user, he still had very strong strength, which was definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Along with the battle, the lava in this area flew all over the sky with great momentum. Groups of lava sputtered out along with the battle, smashing the surrounding earth into huge potholes one after another.If people who don't understand the situation look at this side from a distance, they may even think that there is a volcano erupting here.

Of course, it's not just them who are fighting. Marin Fando is also fighting. From their position, they can see all kinds of movements on the island in the distance.

Marin Fanduo's battle made Akaken look over there, knowing that Sengoku was causing trouble for him, but thinking of the existence of Aokiji and Yellow Monkey, he didn't worry too much, and said coldly: "It doesn't matter, justice is will win."

"Of course justice will win, because whoever wins is just, and you can't win." Concubine Yongyue mercilessly tore off the so-called cloak of justice in Akainu.

"My actions are for justice, and victory also belongs to me." Akainu insisted on this very much.

"It's ridiculous. Do you still think that the victory will be yours? Even though I was completely suppressed in the battle, you can still say such words. Red dog, are you unable to recognize yourself?" Concubine Yongyue Cold and authentic.

"Altair, you are the one who doesn't recognize yourself. Whether you can win depends on more than just brute force." Akainu said with a sneer on his face: "Do you think your secret can continue to be hidden? Altair. Unlike other characters, once your character shows abilities outside of the show, everyone can understand that you can still acquire abilities in reality. This is an indescribable benefit for you, but since it is revealed to others, then you have only one end. Therefore, you are the loser."

Akainu stepped back a little while saying that.

After the previous collision, he also saw that it might be unrealistic for him to take down Concubine Yongyue. Instead of this, he might as well return to the Navy Headquarters immediately to solve the troubles caused by the Warring States Period and minimize the losses of the Navy Headquarters.

Of course, Chiquan also knows that Fei Yongyue will not let him go so easily, but he does not believe that Fei Yongyue can stop him from leaving. As long as he is allowed to go back successfully, not only the troubles caused by the Warring States period can be solved, but he can even leak the secrets belonging to Fei Yongyue, making Fei Yongyue an enemy of the whole world.

At that time, I naturally won without a fight!

Seeing Fei Yongyue's slightly changed expression, Chiquan sneered and said: "When you can attack the elemental me, some answers have become obvious."

For the rest of the characters, when attacking him without the ability to attack the elementalized him, he would only think about whether the opponent's weapon is special, or whether the opponent has a buff state imposed by others.But if it is Altair, he will immediately think of the fact that the other party can infinitely master abilities in reality!

"Altair, you should be ready to be judged by the whole world!"

Akainu left this sentence and flew straight into the air, flying towards Marin Fanduo, not thinking that there was still a need to fight.

How could Kefei Yongyue let Chiquan go so easily?

She looked around, except for Tokisaki Kurumi, who was looking at this side strangely, there was no one else.

Is there only one Tokisaki Kurumi...

Since some things cannot be hidden, then there is no need to hide them, as long as the aftermath is dealt with properly.

Tokisaki Kurumi will talk about it later, but Akainu must be dealt with first.

The red dog who was flying high in the sky heard the sound of piercing the air, and knew without turning his head that it was Fei Yongyue's saber flying over again. He didn't care about the lava of his arm, and it became extraordinarily huge, and he threw it behind him, blasting away Those sabers.

But at this moment, a huge shadow enveloped him, causing him to raise his head strangely, and then saw a huge saber fell directly from the top of his head.

How can it be so big?

The red dog was startled for a moment, and then realized that it must be the embodiment of Fei Yongyue's other abilities. He immediately raised his other hand, and a lava dog's head appeared from the lava-like hand. If the huge saber fell, it would definitely be killed. Lava dog bites the head, which is still a manageable means.

He has always been confident in his own red dog, but at this moment, there was a strange melody in his ears, and when he heard those melodies, he suddenly laughed uncontrollably.


Such a situation came so suddenly that the movements in Akainu's hands suddenly became chaotic, and he was caught off guard by the saber falling from the top of his head and cut directly from his body.


The pain of tearing the body made Akainu let out a miserable scream amidst the loud laughter.

His reaction was already very fast. At the moment of crisis, he moved sideways to avoid the fate of being cut in two, but the huge saber still passed by his side, leaving a huge gash on his body, and a lot of blood sprayed out.

And that's just the beginning.

After Akainu avoided the previous sabers, he found that all eighteen sabers in all directions had become extraordinarily huge, sealing off his whole body in an area, and the swords slashed towards him mercilessly.

Concubine Yongyue, who was not far away, was floating above the beach, holding a violin in her hand and playing it leisurely, emitting some pleasant melodies.

Under such circumstances, Akainu needs to laugh uncontrollably while responding to the attack, and is in a hurry for a while, because he has never experienced such a fighting method.

He tried to use the armed domineering when Fei Yongyue was pulling the violin, but Fei Yongyue was always able to switch to using the summary source in a very timely manner, directly cutting off the additional setting of his armed domineering, making Akainu extremely embarrassed.

However, Akainu is worthy of being an Akainu, and after paying the price of more than a dozen wounds, he adapted to fighting in this situation.

But after the red dog got used to this fighting style, Fei Yongyue stopped playing the violin, but the stop was only short, and it didn't take long for Fei Yongyue to play the violin again.

She saw Akainu's adaptation, so when she pulled the violin to perform the Shenming Overture became a random situation, making Akainu laugh from time to time, then suddenly recovered, and then suddenly laughed again.

Under the influence of such irregular interference, Akainu's battle suddenly becomes extremely difficult. After all, when you face an imminent blow and prepare to counterattack very seriously, suddenly laughing like a fool is very influential. status.

It didn't take long for Chigou to be bruised and scarred by Fei Yongyue, and he could be as embarrassed as he wanted.

This was a time that Akainu hadn't expected at all before, but the voice that made him worse came over.

"Emperor Keke Seven Bullets!"

At this moment, Tokizaki Kurumi has recovered a little strength, when the Nanichi who is about to be able to stop the target time is ejected, and hits Akainu when Akainu is unprepared, causing Akainu's movements to stop directly In place.

"It's now, Altair!" On the beach, Tokisaki Kurumi reluctantly fired a shot and then sat on the ground weakly, but he still shouted to Fei Yongyue immediately.

How could Fei Yongyue miss such an opportunity?

More than a dozen sabers shone with piercing sharpness, and they fell down one after another. Under the blessing of absolute control, completely ignoring elementalization, they chopped up Akainu's body in pieces on the spot, and blood splashed into the sky!

"Ah, ah, what a beautiful picture."

Tokisaki Kurumi, who was slumped on the beach, looked up at the blood splashed in the air, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Finally, she finally took revenge for her poor cat.

For a moment, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help recalling the days when he lived with cats and cats in the past. What a cute cat it was, but it was wiped out just because it passed by Akainu.Such a guy... such a guy finally went to hell!

When Tokisaki Kuangzo fell into memories briefly, Concubine Yongyue put away many sabers and violins, and returned to Tokisaki Kuangzo, looking at this weak girl who could only be slaughtered by others.

Tokisaki Kurumi didn't recall it for too long, he looked up at Concubine Yongyue beside him, and said with a smile: "Well, Altair, I can actually guess what you are thinking now. About your secret, you If you think you can’t expose it, then it doesn’t matter if you kill me, who let me know what I shouldn’t know? Anyway, Akainu has solved it, and I am satisfied.”

"I won't kill you." Fei Yongyue replied.

"Ah, ah, this is really a happy answer. I remember that you are still my fan. Is it because of this reason that you are not willing to attack me? However, since you are willing to spare my life , then I have to make a good promise. I, Tokisaki Kurumi, promise not to tell anyone the secret of Altair, is this feasible?" Tokisaki Kurumi looked at Fei Yongyue said with a smile.

"Kang San, although I won't kill you, I'm afraid your promise is not enough. In this matter, I don't have any sense of security, can you understand what I mean?" Fei Yongyue was also thinking at this moment What to do next.

"Sense of security? I remember when we first met, you took away someone's first kiss because of a similar statement." Tokisaki Kurumi nodded his lips as he said, his eyes seemed a little blurred.

Hearing what Tokisaki Kuangzo said, Fei Yongyue also thought of what happened at the beginning, and then she understood what she should do.

Some things, even if you fail many times, you still have to do it again.

Concubine Yongyue looked at Tokisaki Kuangsan and said: "Kangsan, I helped you kill Akainu and saved your life. Can I ask you for repayment? Of course, it seems strange to ask for repayment, but I still want to get something from you. You should understand what I mean, right?"

The sea breeze blew in, and Tokisaki Kurumi's long and short twin tails swayed gently.

She tilted her head and looked at Concubine Yongyue, with a weird smile on her face: "Repay? Is that the kind of thing you want in return? Well, I probably understand what you think. My body has such a strong desire. Well, but no matter what, as you said, it is you who avenged me, and you who saved my life. I really need to give enough repayment, just to hide Your secret, and helping you solve the king's Qiwuhai, is not enough reward."

"So you agreed?" Fei Yongyue's mood was not calm at this time.

Looking at Tokisaki Kurumi's charming and charming appearance, her heartbeat will still speed up a little bit, especially when the other party shows a bit of a look that you can pick and choose.

"Of course I can only agree, this is the reward I should pay. So, Altair, when do you plan to start? Do you plan to do it in the open air on this beach? I don't care, but if someone passes by and sees you and me, I always feel that I will suffer, doesn't it?" Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile.

Fei Yongyue looked at Marin Fando.

The battle over there is not over yet, and there are roaring sounds from time to time, logically speaking, they should also check the situation.

But to be honest, Tokisaki Kuangsan is too cunning, and Fei Yongyue doesn't know whether the other party's behavior is very real at the moment, whether the words he said are true or false, if he wants to stabilize himself and find a chance to escape , that would be troublesome, compared to the things here are more important.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yongyue said, "Let's find a hotel."

Speaking of which, Concubine Yongyue stepped forward and hugged Tokisaki Kurumi in the posture of a princess.

Tokisaki Kurumi embraced Concubine Yongyue's neck, opened his small mouth and blew softly in Concubine Yongyue's ear: "Let me tell you first, I don't have much experience in this kind of thing, so I may not be able to satisfy you. Don't have too high expectations."

"I know."

Concubine Yongyue carried Tokisaki Kurumi and flew into the distance.

Chapter 126 Yes, We Did

In a hotel, Concubine Yongyue flew in through the window with Tokisaki Kuzo in her arms. When passing through the window, she touched the wind chime, and there was a crisp sound.

The interior of the hotel looks very emotional, the environment is warm, and there is a large and soft bed.

"Altair." Tokisaki Kurumi scanned the surroundings and said, "Is this the place you chose? But we didn't come in through the normal method, and someone will come in if the work is half done?"

"You didn't look carefully just now, and you may not have noticed that people in a large area around here have already left, because the battle at the Navy Headquarters has clearly spread, and Haiyun City is also worried because of the close distance. It was affected, so many people chose to leave." Fei Yongyue explained the situation.

"So that's how it is." Tokisaki Kurumi understood.

Then Concubine Yongyue lifted the quilt and put Tokisaki Kurumi on the bed like this.

Tokisaki Kurumi was wearing a black and red gothic-style suspender skirt. At this moment, the suspenders on his shoulders had slipped off, revealing round and fair shoulders, with a special sense of temptation.

She lay down, put her right hand under her delicate collarbone, and looked at Concubine Yongyue with blurred eyes with one golden and one red pupil.

"Altair, I'm still curious, why do you have this hobby? Could it make people feel more happy?" Tokisaki Kurumi seemed a little curious.

Fei Yongyue sat down beside the bed, and asked back: "Why do you care about this kind of problem, Kuang San? Could it be that such a thing is relatively unreasonable? Can't it be a matter of course?"

"Well, this is indeed a reasonable thing in many places, but it's the first time I've met it." Tokisaki Kuang smiled and looked at Fei Yongyue.

Tokisaki Kumzo already knew about the fact that he could gain unlimited abilities, so Concubine Yongyue didn't hide her ability, she used a disguise to make her military uniform disappear, and changed into a black nightdress with suspenders. The skirt is thin and light, and it outlines her graceful silhouette that belongs to a girl. The exposed arms and legs are white and delicate, and her long silver-white hair is unrestrained and pouring down.

"Is this ability to change clothes also your new ability, Altair? It's really interesting." Tokisaki Kurumi is now very curious about Concubine Yongyue.

She knew that by now, Fei Yongyue must have mastered many abilities, and she didn't know what other abilities she had.

"That's right, this is my cross-dressing ability, I can make the clothes on my body change or disappear at will." Fei Yongyue replied.

"Change or disappear... If that's the case, Altair." Tokisaki Kurumi smiled brightly, with a provocative tone: "Since you have plans for that in the future, why don't you choose to let the clothes disappear directly, but What about changing into a nightdress? You don’t want to do something, but you don’t dare to do it, do you? No way, no way? This is really unbelievable, and Altair will shrink back Woolen cloth."

"I will not back down, some things must be done!" Fei Yongyue was very sure.

"Really?" Tokisaki Kurumi looked at Fei Yongyue with a funny face.

Concubine Yongyue raised her feet, turned around and came to Tokisaki Kurumi who was lying down, after thinking about it, she just straddled Tokisaki Kurumi's stomach, and looked down at Tokisaki Kurumi.

She stretched out her hand, and lightly brushed Tokisaki Kurumi's pretty face, Tokisaki Kurumi's face was really delicate and smooth, just stroking it gently made people feel like they couldn't put it down.

The perfect facial lines and fair skin are so fascinating.Especially those pair of heterochromatic pupils are even more attractive, like two vortexes, people almost fall into it.



"I won't do anything after that."


"You understand what I mean? No matter what you do, I will not refuse, because this is my reward."

Tokisaki Kurumi smiled.

Fei Yongyue thought for a while but said: "I think you should not really do nothing. If you are like a piece of wood, it will inevitably make people feel disappointed."

"Ah, ah, do you still want me to cooperate? Well, although I am not very willing, but since you said so, I have no reason to refuse." Tokisaki Kusanyi looked helpless .

"Then Kuangsan, it's time to start." Fei Yongyue leaned down and whispered in Tokisaki Kusan's ear.

"Is it just starting now? I thought it had already started." Tokisaki Kurumi responded with a smile.

"Are you really ready?" Fei Yongyue said again.

"Do I need to make any special preparations for this kind of thing? Isn't it enough to just lie down? Anyway, Altair, you can do whatever you want." Tokisaki Kurumi's voice also became more seductive at this moment.

This made Concubine Yongyue can't help but wonder if Tokisaki Kurumi also had expectations for this aspect?

Judging from the past getting along, Tokisaki Kurumi should be relatively resistant to these things, but today's resistance is no longer visible. Is it true that all resistance has disappeared because he wants to repay himself?

No matter what, what should come will still come.

In the room, with the follow-up of Fei Yongyue, it gradually filled with spring scenery.


After a long time.

Concubine Yongyue and Tokisaki Kurumi were lying on the bed together, covered with the hotel's soft and comfortable quilt, their bodies were close together, and they could feel each other's still warm body temperature.

"It's... really an unexpected moment." Lying there, Tokisaki Kurumi rarely sighed.

"Kang San, raise your hand." Fei Yongyue ordered.

Tokisaki Kurumi immediately raised his hand uncontrollably.

After raising her hand, she said helplessly: "Don't try again, I'm really controlled by you, why do you think I'm lying to you? On the contrary, Altair, your ultimate goal is to trick me into being controlled by you , which really took me by surprise.”

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