Some simple things could not make Tokisaki Kuumo shy, but some extremely in-depth exchanges made her unable to maintain her composure, so it was inevitable that she would be influenced by the mark of the kiss and controlled by Concubine Yongyue.

After confirming that Tokisaki Kuangzo was under control before, Fei Yongyue explained the situation of the mark of the kiss, so Tokisaki Kuangzo already understood the situation.

"Fortunately, I thought you really liked me, but it turned out that it was just because you wanted to control me. It really made people feel wronged." Tokisaki Kurumi sighed.

"Sincerely? Didn't you want to repay? Why are you sincere again?" Fei Yongyue couldn't help asking.

"At the beginning, it was for repayment, but would it be strange to gradually gain sincerity? I think that under the circumstances that the things under your control cannot be changed, saying that I have sincerity for you will allow me to be treated better in the future, right?"

"It turns out that there is no sincerity."

"Even if I don't have it, I can pretend to have it. If I pretend all my life, it means I have a sincere heart all my life, isn't it?"


Concubine Yongyue didn't know what to say to Tokisaki Kuumou's strange point of view, she could only say: "Although you are under my control, I will not use this to bully you, you will know about this kind of thing in the future."

"Will what we did before happen again?" Tokisaki Kurumi turned his head to look at Fei Yongyue and asked.

Looking at Tokisaki Kurumi's exquisite face, Fei Yongyue swallowed back what she wanted to say that there is no need to do it anymore, and always felt that there was no need to miss this kind of thing.

"Do you think so?" Fei Yongyue asked.

"Well, maybe you want it?" Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile.

"If you want it, you will have it." Fei Yongyue replied.

Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help licking his lips, as if he was looking forward to the future, perhaps because of Concubine Yongyue, she also became interested in certain things.

At this time, Tokisaki Kurumi thought of another question: "By the way, Altair, I'm not the only one controlled by you with the mark of the kiss, right?"

"That's right." Concubine Yongyue admitted frankly: "In God's Sorrow, the people who belong to the first sequence are all people controlled by me, and everyone gets along very well now."

"Then is their relationship with you as close as ours?" Tokisaki Kurumi emphasized the word close.

"...No." Fei Yongyue replied.

"Ah, ah, from this point of view, it seems that I still have such a different status, which is really flattering." Tokisaki Kurumi rested his head on Concubine Yongyue's shoulder and said, "But in the future, maybe there will be other people who can have a relationship like ours? After all, if they are not shy, you can only go one step further, right?"

Concubine Yongyue: "..."

"In that case, I can actually help you. When two people attack together, it's easier to make the defending person feel shy. Don't you think so?" Said with a thoughtful look.

Concubine Yongyue was completely speechless, feeling that Tokisaki Kurumi was too bold.

"Speaking of which, if I participate, then it's not two people. I can summon many clones, and dozens of people attack together." Tokisaki Kurumi said again.

Concubine Yongyue couldn't even answer such a topic.

I don't know if it's a closer relationship, but Tokisaki Kurumi really dared to say anything when facing her, without any embarrassment at all.

"By the way, you haven't experienced dozens of me attacking the same person. I'll let you feel it when I have a chance later." Tokisaki Kurumi said softly in Concubine Yongyue's ear.

Concubine Yongyue couldn't stand it anymore.

She quickly said: "Kang San, let me drag you into the first sequence chat group first."

Tokisaki Kusan's eyes lit up slightly: "Alright, let me see how many people you have kissed, Altair."

Concubine Yongyue: "..."

In any case, she still invited Tokisaki Kurumi to join the first sequence chat group.

With the addition of Tokisaki Kurumi, a person suddenly appeared in the chat group.

Estes: "Cats are the cutest, who is this?"

Tokisaki Kurumi changed his nickname to his own.

Krulu: "Tokisaki Kyouzo? In the end, Tokisaki Kakuzo couldn't escape this day. As expected of Altair, there is no one who can't take it down."

Huang Shumo Meixiang: "Sister Altair is the most powerful."

Ma Yin: "Tokisaki Kurumi, did Altair do something strange to you? After all, she failed with you many times, and she finally succeeded this time. She must have done something extraordinary, right?"

Seeing everyone's speeches in the chat group, Tokisaki Kurumi showed a smile and replied: "Yes, now he has changed into the shape of Altair."

"Kangsan." Seeing Tokisaki Kuangsan's speech, Concubine Yongyue hurriedly said, "Don't say anything strange."

"Ah, ah, Altair, are you embarrassed?" Tokisaki Kurumi looked at Fei Yongyue with winking eyes, such eyes made people feel hot inside.

Tokisaki Kurumi is really a seductive fairy.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto came out of the group and asked suspiciously: "Altair, what are you doing now? The battle at Marin Fandor is still going on. I thought you were fighting there too, but it doesn't look like it now?"

Fei Yongyue replied: "I have dealt with some other things, and then I am going to Marin Fando. By the way, I left the last work on a tall building, you go and pick her up."

Speaking of this, Fei Yongyue also mentioned an address.

Misaka Mikoto replied: "I know, leave the last work to me."

Putting down the phone, Concubine Yongyue said to Tokisaki Kurumi: "I really have to take a look at the situation at the Navy Headquarters. Although Akainu has been dealt with, the Navy Headquarters is still on the opposite side of God's Sorrow. This kind of thing still needs to be dealt with."

Tokisaki Kurumi also put away his phone and said, "Let's go together, I don't need to stay. Besides, after being controlled by you, I don't want to be a member of God's Sorrow, are you right?"

"That's right, you are already a member of God's Sorrow, there is no doubt about that." Fei Yongyue nodded.

"Then let's go." Tokisaki Kurumi grabbed the quilt and threw it away.

Concubine Yongyue directly used cross-dressing to put herself in a military uniform, and she would not be exposed because of Tokisaki Kurumi's behavior.As for Tokisaki Kurumi, she didn't care about getting naked, instead she put on her clothes slowly in front of her concubine Yongyue.

One piece, two pieces, stockings, coat...

Not long after, Tokisaki Kurumi appeared in front of his eyes in his normal state. His long black hair was soft and shiny, with two long braids hanging down from the front of his body. His waterfall-like bangs blocked his golden left eye, revealing only his wine-red right eye. His slender body was wearing a white lining and a black coat, and his lower body was a blue pleated skirt and black pantyhose.

"Let's go, Altair." Tokisaki Kurumi opened his hands to Concubine Yongyue.

"What are you going to do?" Concubine Yongyue couldn't help asking when she saw Tokisaki Kuumou's outstretched hands.

"Well, of course I want you to hug me and fly, it's the princess hug." Tokisaki Kurumi smiled.

"Do you like princess hugs?"

"Because it's Altair, so I like it."

"I see."

After all, she is someone who has just had a physical relationship, and Fei Yongyue also has some special feelings for Tokisaki Kurumi, so she will naturally not refuse such a simple request.

Immediate concubine Yongyue embraced Tokisaki Kurumi's slender body, and with the other hand bent down from Tokisaki Kurumi's leg, she hugged Tokisaki Kurumi directly in the posture of a princess hug.

After that, she flew out of the hotel with Tokisaki Kurumi in her arms.

Tokisaki Kurumi took advantage of the situation and wrapped his hands around Concubine Yongyue's neck, smelling the breath that belonged to Concubine Yongyue.


Marine Vandor, the civil war at Navy Headquarters is in full swing.

Warring States, who was already injured, felt very headache. Relying on his huge and tough golden body of the Buddha statue to resist the attacks from all sides, his face was not very good-looking.

If the fight continues, it will only hurt both sides. At this time, how much he hopes that Fei Yongyue can come, but when the naval headquarters is fighting fiercely, what is Fei Yongyue doing?

Warring States couldn't help looking into the distance.

Before, he noticed the movement of a battle on the beach on the other side of the sea, and through the magma splashing all over the sky, he confirmed that the red dog Sakaski was there, and then thought of the thing that Fei Yongyue was going there, he naturally knew that it was Fei Yongyue who was fighting the red dog.

The movement of the battle had disappeared for quite a while, and when it disappeared, Sennome was also worried. He didn't know who the winner was, but as time passed, he knew that the winner must be Concubine Yongyue.Why didn't Concubine Yongyue come here immediately after she won the victory?Could it be that it was difficult to come to support after being severely injured?

The Warring States Period never knew that when he was in dire straits, Concubine Yongyue was very happy.

Just when Sennai's heart was heavy, Concubine Yongyue finally flew over with Tokisaki Kurumi in her arms, and they also went to the place where Akainu died in battle, and pierced Akainu's head with a saber and brought them over.

When she arrived, Fei Yongyue floated in the air and said loudly: "Sakalski the Red Dog is dead!"

Accompanied by Fei Yongyue's voice, the audience fell silent. When they looked up at the sky, when they saw the head of a red dog strung on a saber, many people's expressions changed immediately.

Seeing this, the Warring States showed joy, and quickly shouted: "Sakaski is dead, you support Sakaski, do you still need to continue fighting with me?"

The audience was silent, and everyone stopped fighting.

Many people in the Navy Headquarters were shocked. They didn't expect Akainu, who hadn't appeared for a long time, to die, and they didn't expect Concubine Yongyue to come. Some people found Tokisaki Kurumi who was hugged by Concubine Yongyue. They were also shocked by the appearance of this member of Shichibukai.

Concubine Yongyue's simple appearance made many people feel that their brains were not enough.

When the audience was silent, Warring States also expressed his gratitude to Fei Yongyue: "Altair, thank you for destroying Sakasky. From now on, the Navy Headquarters, which I will re-rule, will not become the enemy of God's Sorrow."

"The answer to God's Sorrow is very satisfactory, but you don't have to thank me alone. After all, I was able to kill Sakaski because of the help of my siblings. This is a joint victory for me and my siblings."

Concubine Yongyue designed a small language trap to make people think that she still has helpers who are not there, so that everyone will not think too much about her killing the red dog, and will not consider why she can touch the element Transform the enemy.

Afterwards, Concubine Yongyue mentioned one more thing, which was what Chiquan had admitted, that there was a handle on Aokiji and Yellow Ape.

After talking about this matter, there is no need for Fei Yongyue to interfere with the remaining matters of the Navy Headquarters. Without Akainu, it is no longer a problem for Sengoku to want to control the Navy Headquarters.

In addition, Warring States admitted that the Navy Headquarters is no longer the enemy of God's Sorrow under the eyes of everyone, so the threat from the Navy Headquarters is now over.

I can go back!

Concubine Yongyue hugged Tokisaki Kurumi, turned around and flew away again.

"Altair, your performance is really majestic, you are worthy of being my woman." Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile as he hugged Concubine Yongyue's neck.

"Kang San, you are my woman." Fei Yongyue retorted.

"Yes, I am your woman, but you are also my woman, aren't you?" Tokisaki Kurumi smiled like a flower.

Concubine Yongyue: "..."

Tokisaki Kurumi hugged Concubine Yongyue even tighter, and pressed his face and Concubine Yongyue's face together, and said softly: "The future life will no longer be in my plan, and everything is unknown. Under such circumstances, Altair, you will give me a life that will not be boring, right?"

"I don't know what your definition of boring is, anyway, I live a very fulfilling life every day." Fei Yongyue replied.

"Well, anyway, I like Altair's breath now, and then Altair must take me by his side every day, otherwise it will be a boring life." Tokisaki Kurumi showed a little attachment.

"it is good."

Concubine Yongyue agreed.


It didn't take too long to go to Haiyun City this time, but there were many things that happened.

For Concubine Yongyue, the biggest gain should be to make Tokisaki Kurumi her own person, adding a solid and reliable force to God's Sorrow.

When night fell, Concubine Yongyue finally flew back to Xiamu City with Tokisaki Kusan in her arms.

Landing in the Grief of God's residence, Fei Yongyue looked at Tokisaki Kurumi who was still holding her in her arms and said: "You can come down."

"Can't you stay longer? This hug feels very comfortable." Tokisaki Kurumi looked at Concubine Yongyue with a smile.

"Let's come down first, and I will arrange a place for you next." Fei Yongyue talked about her future plans.

Regarding Concubine Yongyue's order, Tokisaki Kuangsan couldn't resist, so he could only calm down, but he said: "Why do you arrange a place for me? I just sleep with you."

Concubine Yongyue looked at Tokisaki Kurumi strangely and said: "When I wanted to do something to you before, you were always resisting and unwilling to let me succeed. Why are you more active now?"

"Well... this is probably because I have tasted the sweetness." Tokisaki Kurumi said, and licked his lips, with a strong sense of temptation between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Don't tell others about our affairs." Seeing this, Fei Yongyue left such an order.

"Why?" Tokisaki Kuangsan was puzzled: "Are you still coveting someone, afraid that it will be misunderstood if you say this kind of thing? But everyone is subject to you, no matter what you want to do to them is okay?"

"No, you misunderstood me. Anyway, you don't have to say this kind of thing, it's our private matter." Fei Yongyue shook her head and said.

"Is it a private matter...well, this is our secret." Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile.

Then Concubine Yongyue took Tokisaki Kuangzo into the building in front, and arranged a residence for Tokisaki Kuangzo, not far from her office.

Knowing that Concubine Yongyue came back, Mai Sakurajima, who just stayed in Concubine Yongyue's office and read books on the bookshelf, was also very happy. After all, this is the only person who can recognize herself.

The rest of the people also came to meet Concubine Yongyue one after another, and got acquainted with Tokisaki Kurumi formally. After all, everyone will be in the first series of God's Sorrow from now on.

Queen's Esthers.

Krulu standing coolly by the side.

The tsundere and lovely Maine.

Huang Shumo Meixiang is as small as an adult.

As long as Tokisaki Kurumi is willing, he can get along with everyone happily, and the atmosphere between them seems to be pretty good.

While everyone was communicating, Esdes said to Fei Yongyue: "Altair, I got some news not long ago, it may be more important."

"What's the matter?" Concubine Yongyue asked.

"There is a person who wants to see you and will come to you tomorrow."

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