
"Beast Kaido!"


Hearing this name, a figure immediately appeared in Fei Yongyue's mind.

That is the existence called one of the Four Emperors in "One Piece", the ability user in the form of Yuyu fruit, phantom beast, and blue dragon, has extremely powerful and terrifying strength.

Why would such a person come to see me?

Many thoughts came to Fei Yongyue's mind at once, but no matter what, since the other party will come to visit tomorrow, then she will be able to know the specifics tomorrow.

"I see, I'll see him tomorrow." Fei Yongyue didn't think too much about Kaido's arrival.

It was getting late, and everyone had communicated with each other in the office for a while, and after Fei Yongyue said that they could go to rest, they went back to their bedrooms.

Not long after, the only one left was Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Concubine Yongyue glanced at Shizaki Kuangsan and asked.

"Well, didn't you say it before? Let me use many clones to let you feel the attack of dozens of people. How do you feel about it?" Tokisaki Kurumi teased.


"Altair, I know you're an insincere person, let's get right to it."

Tokisaki Kurumi was very active, and as the voice fell, shadows appeared on the surrounding ground, and among the many shadows, Tokisaki Kurumi appeared one after another, looking at Concubine Yongyue with blurred eyes.

Concubine Yongyue: "..."

Looking at the Tokisaki Kuumou who surrounded him, and feeling the wolf-like eyes of many Tokisaki Kurumi, Fei Yongyue also had a strange feeling in her heart.

Chapter 127 Good Morning

I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well tonight.

Although she can directly order Tokisaki Kuangzo to do nothing, even Tokisaki Kuangzo's avatar is controlled by herself, and she can't do anything at all.

But... But for some reason, watching Tokisaki Kuumo's actions, deep in her heart, she also had some expectations for the follow-up development.Doesn't this kind of self also become strange?

Just one night!

Fei Yongyue thought silently.

Just for one night, I won't let Tokisaki Kurumi act like this in the future.

While thinking this way, many Tokisaki Kurumi finally came to Concubine Yongyue's side, and delicate little hands fell on Concubine Yongyue's body.

it has started.



The next day.

When Concubine Yongyue woke up, the sky was already bright, and the sunlight shone in from the window, making the whole bedroom look warm.

Not only is the sun warm, but the body is also warm.

Concubine Yongyue lay on the bed, feeling the soft and tender body beside her, not knowing what to say in her heart.

Last night, it was a little crazy.

Looking at Tokisaki Kurumi, who was still sleeping soundly beside her, Fei Yongyue removed the other person's hand holding her without leaving a trace, and then changed herself into a military uniform and walked out of the bedroom.

After Fei Yongyue finished washing and had breakfast, Esdeth sent a message on his mobile phone, indicating that Kaido had arrived, so Fei Yongyue went to the conference room next.

When Concubine Yongyue came to the meeting room, Esdes was already sitting in the meeting room, and opposite to Esdess, a very burly man was sitting there.

This person is without a doubt Kaido!

He is extremely tall and burly, with black hair shawl, a pair of long horns, and a dragon-like beard on his mouth. His upper body is bare, with a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm, and an X-shaped scar on his right abdomen. Wearing dark green baggy trousers and a purple fluffy cape.He just sat there, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"Are you really going to stop thinking about it?"

At this time Kaido was communicating with Estes.

"It's not necessary at all." Esdeth refused without hesitation: "I stayed in God's Mourn very well, and I have no intention of joining the Beasts Pirates at all."

The faction formed by Kaido is called the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

"Kaido!" Fei Yongyue walked in, looked at Kaido with an unkind expression and said, "Is it because you came to my territory to recruit my siblings?"

"Altair!" Kaido turned his head and looked over, smiling with white teeth: "I am a person who likes outstanding talents very much. Esdeath is like this, and so are you. How about it, are you interested in joining the Hundred Beasts Pirates?"

"Are you dreaming? Kaido?" Fei Yongyue's expression turned even worse: "If this is the purpose of your visit, then you can leave. God's Sorrow does not welcome arrogant people."

"It's really boring." Wen Yan Kaido sighed, and then said: "Well, actually, I came here to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation?" Fei Yongyue narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, let's cooperate with the Beasts Pirates. I know you have grievances with the Navy Headquarters, so let's cooperate and subvert the Navy Headquarters together!" Kaido issued an invitation.

Concubine Wenyan Yongyue and Esdeth couldn't help but look at each other.

The grievances between God's Sorrow and the Navy Headquarters have ended with the change of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.But that just happened yesterday, and Warring States probably needs to be busy with some things, so many things have not been announced to the public, so that Kaido doesn't know about these things, so he came to God's Sorrow to invite.

After understanding Kaido's reason for coming, Fei Yongyue sat down and shook her head and said: "Kaido, your news is behind. The grievances between God's Sorrow and the Navy Headquarters have ended, and we have no reason to attack the Navy Headquarters."

"It's over?" Kaido was very surprised by this answer: "You guys had a very difficult collision not long ago, and even the king's Shichibukai was destroyed because of it. How could Sakaski think that nothing happened?"

"It's very simple, just let Sakalski bid farewell to this world. Kaido, the naval headquarters has changed commanders, and the Warring States is back." Fei Yongyue said unhurriedly.

This answer made Kaido's pupils shrink for a while, and he didn't expect things to develop to such a point.

Sakaski is dead, Sengoku is back?In a short period of time, how many things happened at the Navy headquarters?As for those matters, how much did Altair in front of him participate in.

"In short, God's Sorrow will not casually participate in any disputes now, you can go back." After Fei Yongyue finished speaking, she got up and left directly, without any further communication.

Kaido is not a good person, and he is also a villain in the drama. In reality, Kaido has such a strong sense of oppression, which is enough to show that he has been walking on the road of a villain. It is better to reduce dealings with such a guy.

Besides, God's Sorrow still has its own things to do now, and that is to completely control Xiamu City. If the existing problems in the city where it is located are not resolved early, it is really impossible for people to be completely at ease.

As Fei Yongyue left, Esdesi sat there, crossed his legs and said lightly: "Kaido, you can go."

Kaido's eyes fell on Estes: "I came here in person with sincerity, but I got such a result. I can say without hesitation that I am very dissatisfied."

"What can you do if you are not satisfied? Is there any reason for God's Sorrow to satisfy you?" Esdeth's tone did not give in.

Hearing this, Kaido took a deep look at Esdesh, turned around and left without saying anything more.

The change of commander of the Navy Headquarters will eliminate the threat to God's Sorrow, but there will be no more difference to the Beast Pirates. Their opposition is indelible, so he has to go back and do something to deal with it. OK.


Soon the concubine Yongyue returned to her office.

As soon as she came here, she saw Huang Shumo Meixiang standing here, her pretty face was swollen, as if she was not happy.

Seeing Concubine Yongyue coming back, Huang Shumo Meixiang also looked over immediately, with a gloomy gaze: "Sister Altair, did you sleep with Tokisaki Kurumi last night?"

Concubine Yongyue looked at the open door of the bedroom, and Tokisaki Kurumi, who was sitting on the bed, wrapped herself in a quilt, with a lazy expression, and couldn't help being a little speechless.

"Sister Altair, since you came to the resident, you told me that there are many bedrooms that I can live in, and I can't sleep with you all the time. But, you slept with someone else." Huang Shumo Meixiang said a little aggrieved.

She really likes staying with Concubine Yongyue, after all, she has rented together for a year, and she has already developed an instinctive attachment.

Concubine Wenyan Yongyue hadn't spoken yet, Tokisaki Kuumou over there heard the words here, and said indifferently: "If you want to sleep with Altair so much, Huangshu Momixiang, then you can come here at night, and the three of us can sleep together."

Concubine Yongyue: "..."

Huang Shumo Meixiang looked back into the bedroom, and snorted coquettishly, "I just want to sleep with Sister Altair, not you."

"Ah, ah, what a wayward child, you will embarrass Altair like this. If you really like Altair, you should be more considerate of Altair and consider things from Altair's point of view." Tokisaki Kurumi leisurely said.


When Tokisaki Kuumou said this, Koki Mamika was speechless immediately, because she actually felt that what Tokisaki Kuumou said was right.

"Needless to say." Concubine Yongyue shook her head and said, "From now on, you will all sleep in your own room."

"Sister Altair..." Huang Shumo Meixiang lowered her head helplessly.

Tokisaki Kurumi didn't care about this.

What does it matter if they all sleep in their own rooms?Fei Yongyue didn't say that she also slept in her own room.

"What do you want to see me for? Mo Meixiang." Fei Yongyue asked.

"I just came to see Sister Altair, there is no special purpose." Huang Shumomeixiang shook her head and replied.

It's just that she never expected that when she arrived, she would see Tokisaki Kurumi lying on Concubine Yongyue's bed, and under the quilt it seemed...as if she wasn't wearing anything!

This made her always feel sour in her heart, thinking that Concubine Yongyue and Tokisaki Kurumi might have done something ulterior...but this should be her own illusion, right?After all, the Concubine Yongyue she knew was more or less a decent person, how could she do such a thing?

For a while, Huang Shumo Meixiang couldn't figure out the situation, but felt a little lost.

"Just came to see me? Now that you see it, let's go back first. Now Mo Meixiang has asked many members of the third sequence to lead her from Krulu, right? They should be trained well." Fei Yongyue rubbed Huangshu Momeixiang's head and said.

As Krulu transforms more and more vampires, she certainly cannot manage so many vampires by herself, or can't manage them better by herself. It just so happens that Huangshu Momeixiang, Ma Yin and others have enough When it was time, some vampires were allocated for them to manage.

"I see, then I'll train everyone first." Huang Shumo Meixiang nodded her head and left here.

As Huang Shumo Meixiang left, Concubine Yongyue entered the bedroom, looked at Tokisaki Kurumi and said, "It's time to get up, it's getting late."

Tokisaki Kuang san nestled in the quilt and said: "But there is still the smell of Altair in the quilt, let me inhale it for a while."

Concubine Yongyue: "..."

Tokisaki Kurumi smiled and said, "Altair, what shall we do next?"

"Are you talking about future actions? Naturally, find out all actors in Xiamu City who are not part of God's Sorrow, and make Xiamu City completely become the Xiamu City of God's Sorrow." Fei Yongyue said without hesitation.

"So that's the case, but before that, Altair, don't you think there is a better way to quickly increase the power of God's Sorrow?" Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile.

"A faster way?" Fei Yongyue looked at Tokisaki Kurumi.

"That's right, you with the mark of the kiss, you can go crazy looking for suitable targets and turn them into your subordinates. And in this process, I will also help you. How to make people shy, I can Think of many methods in a flash, and those methods will definitely make you blush and heartbeat." Tokisaki Kurumi expressed his thoughts.

"But I don't want to kiss anyone casually." Fei Yongyue replied calmly.

Naturally, she would not fail to think of the idea that Tokisaki Kurumi said, but if she casually kissed a large number of people in order to get more subordinates, she always felt that it was too strange for her to be like that.

And no matter how many subordinates there are, no matter how potential they have, can they be more potential than herself?She doesn't have to focus on others, she just needs to subdue her subordinates and be at peace with the situation.

"Don't you kiss people casually? Are you worried that I will be jealous? But I won't be jealous, and I will help." Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile.

"Don't get me wrong, Kuang San, I'm just not so casual, you don't need to make up the rest of the content." Fei Yongyue retorted.

"Ah, ah, at this time, Altair, you can follow my words. Just say that you are really worried about my jealousy and care about my thoughts. I will be very happy in this way, you You missed an opportunity to make me happy." Tokisaki Kurumi said quietly.

Concubine Yongyue: "..."

When facing Tokisaki Kurumi, she often doesn't know how to deal with him.

After being silent for a while, Concubine Yongyue told Tokisaki Kurumi her true thoughts, telling the other party that improving her strength was the most convenient way.

After listening to Concubine Yongyue's explanation, Tokisaki Kurumi thought for a while and said, "Is it possible to obtain ability through secondary creation? It's an enviable ability. I understand what you mean, but I can't help you with creating secondary creations. I can only use my body to comfort your tired body when you are tired of creating Altair."

"...You should get up first."

Concubine Yongyue almost fell silent again.

"Got it." Tokisaki Kurumi lifted the quilt, and the sunlight coming in from the window made her delicate body look extraordinarily dazzling.

Then she came to Concubine Yongyue's side, hugged Concubine Yongyue's neck and said softly, "You should give me a good morning kiss."

Fei Yongyue did not refuse, but lowered her head.

The breath of each other blended together.

At this time in the office, Mai Sakurajima came to see Concubine Yongyue.

Seeing the open bedroom door, Mai Sakurajima went directly outside and looked inside, her eyes widened at that moment.

what did she see?

Concubine Yongyue and Tokisaki Kurumi, what are they doing?

Such a picture had too much impact on Mai Sakurajima. She felt that this was not Concubine Yongyue using the mark of kiss to subdue others at all, because Tokisaki Kurumimoto was a person of the first sequence and had already been subdued. If she continued to do this while already subdued, then there was only one possibility.

Mai Sakurajima suddenly felt that she was very dangerous. Concubine Yongyue didn't attack her, it must be because there were many people who were worth attacking, and it was not her turn. Once Concubine Yongyue's novelty towards the others passed, would she focus on herself?

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