Seeing this, Hua Yuan's movements are also very fast, and he changed the material of the doll again, making the doll become cold-resistant, so that he can resist the attack of ice attribute.

When he couldn't feel the cold air emanating from Esdeth, Huayuan rushed towards Esdesh directly, raised his palm, and made a plan to attack immediately when he got close.

In addition to his Lost Magic, he also has this pretty good physical skill, so he doesn't think he can't fight, at least he can escape from Esdesh's hands.

However, this kind of behavior made Esdes show a sneer.

"I long for a passionate battle, but you don't have such strength."

As Estes' voice fell, a huge shadow also appeared above Huayuan's head, which made him subconsciously look up, and then saw a huge ice ball floating in midair, falling towards him quickly.

Such a scene made Huayuan's face change drastically, because this kind of attack could not be called an ice attribute attack, it was completely attacked with the terrifying weight brought by its size, so he naturally couldn't take it hard.

But when Huayuan was about to escape, he realized that his feet could not move. He looked down and saw that his feet had been frozen at some point. Can't break free.

"No no no, don't do this!"

Hua Yuan showed a terrified look.

next moment……


The huge hockey puck fell straight down, crushing Huayuan firmly on the spot.

"By the way, it can't be killed directly."

It wasn't until the ice pucks fell that Estes thought of this, and quickly let the ice pucks disperse.But at this time, Hua Yuan was already covered with blood, and it seemed that he could no longer survive.

Estes immediately stepped forward to check the situation in the Xiahuayuan, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, although the person is dead, the mobile phone is fortunately preserved. I hope there is a way to contact the rest of the Gate of Purgatory. In this way, Bronya can use this information to find out about those people."

Estes didn't care about Hua Yuan's death, so who would care about the death of the enemy?

Picking up the phone, Esdeth headed back to the God's Sorrow station, and at the same time, all the ice walls that appeared around him dissipated at this moment. The cold air that permeates the surroundings proves what happened.

"How's it going?"

When Estes came back, Fei Yongyue also fell from the sky.

Estes brushed his hair: "Since I made a move, there is no problem. This is Huayuan's mobile phone. Next, I will look for his contacts and ask Bronya to help find the whereabouts of those people."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you."

Fei Yongyue nodded, she can rest assured that this kind of matter is left to Esdesh to handle.Because, that's Estes.

Concubine Yongyue then returned to the infirmary.

Here in the infirmary, with the death of Hua Yuan, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua was no longer under control, and was lying powerlessly on the ground at the moment, while the three of Toshou Sanae pressed sideways on Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's body, letting Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua Can't move.

Xiaotiaoyou Liuhua was freed, but the three of Tushou Sanae didn't know that Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua was free, and they were still pressing down tightly, making Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua, who was already seriously injured, almost suffocated, but was crushed again speechless.

Seeing the appearance of Concubine Yongyue, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's left eye showed the meaning of asking for help.

"Let go of Liuhua, the person who controlled Liuhua has been dealt with." Seeing this, Fei Yongyue hurriedly reminded her.

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, the three of them stood up one after another.

It wasn't until this time that Xiao Niaoyou Liuhua was able to pant heavily, and murmured: "I saw the angels flying, they welcomed me to heaven, and asked me what I need in the next life."

Concubine Yongyue: "..."

Seeing Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua like this, Fei Yongyue had no choice but to call the doctor to give Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua a checkup.

The results are not optimistic.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua had been severely injured by Prechto's sneak attack before, and not too long had passed, and after experiencing the situation just now, his injuries naturally worsened.

This kind of thing can't be blamed on Tomori Sanae and others, because after Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua gained extraordinary power, his strength is very strong, and the rest of the people can't suppress Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua if they don't use their strength.

The female doctor finished the examination and reported to Concubine Yongyue: "Xiao Niao You Liu Hua's injury can only be stabilized at present, and the stable time is about half a month. Another way to treat her must be found within half a month, otherwise the situation will be unimaginable."

This kind of answer made everyone present feel very surprised when they heard it. They didn't expect that the situation of Xiaoniaoyouliuhua has become so serious.

"What should I do about this kind of thing?" Dansheng Gu Morixia asked Fei Yongyue, probably only Fei Yongyue could make her feel hopeful to change the situation at this time.

Fei Yongyue pondered for a while and said, "I'll try to openly recruit actors with healing abilities, but I'm not sure if I can recruit them. If not, I can only let Krulu transform Liuhua into a vampire."

Transformed into a vampire?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. If this is the case, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's injuries can indeed be recovered, but in this way, as a vampire, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's strength may continue to decline for a long time, and eventually he may lose the power that belongs to the evil king's true eye. After all, the evil king's true eye itself is not a vampire.

Of course, in front of life, strength is still secondary. If there is really no other way, then this is the last choice.

After letting Tushou Sanae and the others continue to guard Xiaotiaoyouliuhua, Fei Yongyue asked Esdes to use the official account of God's Sorrow to announce on the short video software that he would recruit an actor with healing ability.

Speaking of actors with healing abilities, Concubine Yongyue inevitably thought of Barbara back then. Barbara, who used to be a member of the Actors Association, helped Huang Shumo Meixiang heal her injuries. Bara is friended.However, with the subsequent break with the Actors Association, she even changed her mobile phone, and Barbara's contact information was naturally gone.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yong Yueshun sent Misaka Mikoto a message: "Miqin, is Barbara still in the actor's association?"

Without making Concubine Yongyue wait too long, Misaka Mikoto replied to the message and said: "Barbara was indeed a member of the actors' association before, but now she has quit and joined an organization called Mond."

Concubine Yongyue: "..."

Barbara comes from a country called Mond in the world of "Original God", and is a priest in the West Wind Church under Mond.If Mond is also established in reality, then it is not surprising that Barbara returns to Mond.

"Altair, do you need someone with healing ability?" Misaka Mikoto asked.

"It is indeed necessary, but you don't need to ask others, after all, your identity as an undercover agent cannot be exposed." Fei Yongyue replied.

"I don't think there's any problem with this." Misaka Mikoto sent a smiling face over and said, "Did you forget that you saved me in Haiyun City last time? Now everyone in the Actors Association knows that you passed by and saved me with the abstract source. So if you need someone from the Actors Association to help with healing abilities, you will not refuse to come to the Actors Association."

"Indeed, I forgot about this before." Concubine Yongyue replied thoughtfully, "Then you can also prepare for this aspect, but there is no need to worry, the members of the Actors Association are members of the Actors Association after all. It is undoubtedly the best if there is an actor who belongs to Godmour. I will wait another five days. If there is no result after five days, I will ask you for help."

"Recruit God's Sorrow's own healing actor? I know." Misaka Mikoto expressed her understanding.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua can still persist for half a month without getting worse, Fei Yongyue is not in a hurry, maybe she will find something in a few days.

After finishing the communication with Misaka Mikoto, Fei Yongyue entered the first sequence chat group to have a look.

In the chat group, Estes had finished exchanging information with Bronya, and at this time Bronya also sent a map to the chat group.

"This is the positioning of everyone. They seem to be staying together at the moment. If you want to do something to them, you can go now." Bronya said.

"This is our enemy?" Cruru said with an arrogant face, "Then, let the battle begin, and there is no need to show any mercy to them."

"Ah, ah, is this a fight? I'm very interested." Tokisaki Kurumi also appeared.

"@Altair, as our leader, you can give orders now, when will you do it?" Esdes said directly to Fei Yongyue.

Concubine Yongyue, who had a panoramic view of everyone's communication, also spoke immediately: "Everyone gather at God's Sorrow first, since the location of the target is determined, naturally we can't let them go."

Seeing Fei Yongyue's message, people from all over Xiamu City came back one after another.

Not long after, in Concubine Yongyue's office, a person came here and waited for Concubine Yongyue to issue orders.

Seeing the people of the first sequence coming, Fei Yongyue was slightly distracted.

Unknowingly, has the organization I established gathered so many outstanding people?How could I have thought of this kind of thing a few months ago?

After feeling deeply in her heart, Fei Yongyue came back to her senses and made serious arrangements.

First of all, the people in the first sequence can't deal with the target together. Someone still needs to stay at the God's Sorrow station. Although it seems that there is no other force that will threaten God's Sorrow, there should be some caution. .

Concubine Yongyue chose to let Ma Yin and Huang Shumo Meixiang stay. Their strength is considered weak in the first series of God's Mourn, so they don't need to fight on the front line at this time.

Ma Yin and Huang Shumo Meixiang have no objection to Fei Yongyue's move. They all know their own abilities, and they know that being brave will only add burden to everyone. Besides, staying at the station is also an important thing.

Except for the two of them and those who are not in Xiamu City, the rest of the first sequence, Esdeth, Tokisaki Kurumi, and Krulu, will naturally all participate in this battle.

Not just them.

Fei Yongyue will also find a few people from the second sequence to act together, and the target has already been selected.

Tushou Sanae, Tansheng Gu Morixia, Qigong Zhiyin!

The relationship between the three of them and Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua is quite good. When Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua was hit hard by the gate of purgatory, they would be quite willing to attack the gate of purgatory, and their strength is not a problem at all.

"The arrangement won't be too complicated, that's it. Then, let's start our battle!"

After Concubine Yongyue finished speaking, the clothes on her body turned into a military uniform, and a fierce aura radiated from her body.

Chapter 130 The Gate of Purgatory

In a farm on the outskirts of Xiamu City, it looks very cold. The poultry that existed here in the past have now disappeared without a trace.

Prechto walked slowly, raising the cloak behind him, frowning slightly.

"Hey, President, Hua Yuan has been away for a long time and hasn't come back yet. Do you think something happened? How about sending him a message?" A voice came from behind Prechto.

The person who spoke was a man with unkempt blond long hair, red pupils, and clothes in a different world style, revealing the right half of his body, who mastered the fire-killing god magic!

This person is called Zankro, and he comes from the same drama and the same faction as Prechto. In reality, he also chooses to follow Prechto, or stay together because he and Prechto have the same purpose.

"No need to send it. If you come back, you will come back. If you don't come back, it will be useless." Prechto replied.

That's what he said, but after not seeing Hua Yuan back for so long, Prechto actually had a bad feeling in his heart, thinking that something unexpected might have happened to Hua Yuan.

Obviously, it was just to secretly control Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua to commit suicide, is it impossible to do such a thing?

Prechto was a little dissatisfied.

"President, let's talk about another thing." Zan Keluo said unhappily: "Because of Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's betrayal, her companions will undoubtedly not join the gate of purgatory again, which makes our How should the plan be carried out? The number of people we agreed with the Alvarez Empire at the beginning is far from reaching."

"The Alvarez Empire..." Prechto's gaze involuntarily deepened.

The reason why they appeared in Xiamu City was naturally related to the Alvarez Empire.Just like others wanted to join the powerful Alvarez Empire in the future, Prechto also wanted to join, but the Alvarez Empire was not willing to accept anyone, but made a request, and only by fulfilling that request , to be able to join the Alvarez Empire.

There are two key points to this requirement.

First, establish an organization and recruit more than ten combat department actors.

This requirement does not seem to be difficult. If it is changed to any place, Prechto feels that he can complete the task quickly.

But the second point is very troublesome.

The second point is that the requested location is in Xiamu City.

Prechto didn't know why the Alvarez Empire had to set the location in Xiamu City, but since it was the request of the Alvarez Empire, he couldn't disobey it.

However, at that time, Xiamu City had already been ruled by the Sorrow of God. Under such circumstances, it was not easy for him to recruit enough members in this place.

"President, don't be silent." Zan Keluo said unhappily: "It turns out that there are already seven people in the organization without counting you and me. When the three companions of Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua arrive, there will be ten people. As a result Now Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua has betrayed, and those three people can't come, this is a very bad thing for us."

"Don't worry, it's hard to say whether the joining of those three people will count at first." Prechto shook his head and said: "I originally planned to wait for those three people to join before contacting the Alvarez Empire and let them Let them be accommodating, after all, it is really difficult to recruit people in Xiamu City, and now they can't even ask for accommodating."

"It's so annoying, why did you choose to be in Xiamu City?" Zanquero looked very unhappy.

"Perhaps the empire failed here once." Prechto said after thinking about the past.

This empire, of course, does not refer to the Alvarez Empire, but another empire that Esdes once joined.It was also that battle that allowed Fei Yongyue to completely slam Altai's name, and exposed the actor's existence and spread it all over the world.

Hearing what Prechto said, Zanquero also immediately knew what was going on. Although the Alvarez Empire did not personally participate in that matter, I am afraid it felt a shame, so they let them do it too. Let's do something here.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the Alvarez Empire didn't like them at all, and directly gave them a difficult request. As for the result, the Alvarez Empire didn't care.

"Enemy attack!"

At this moment, a loud cry suddenly came from not far away.

Prechto and Zanquero immediately turned and looked in the direction of the sound.

"It's Rastyros." Zanquero said the name of the owner of the voice.

Lastiros and Zanquero have similar origins, and they are also from the drama "Fairy Tail". In reality, they just stayed in the city of Xiamu City, and joined the gate of purgatory after Prechto and Zanquero approached the door.

"How could there be an enemy attack? Could it be that the Sorrow of God came? But how did the Sorrow of God come to you?" Prechto was a little surprised, and his expression became serious.

Bronya belongs to God's Mourn, but now only the first rank of God's Mourn knows, and others naturally wouldn't think that a master hacker joined God's Mourn.

But no matter what, if there is an enemy attack, an adequate response must be made.

Prechto and Zanquero rushed towards the entrance and exit of the farm, walking very fast, and it didn't take long before they saw Rastyros who was in charge of guarding.

Rastyros is a male with silvery-blond hair, black-rimmed glasses, a dark blue coat with fluff on the collar, and gloves.

His magic is the arc of embodiment, which can bring the imagined to life.This kind of ability sounds powerful, but it actually has certain restrictions and conditions, and it also requires a very concentrated attention.

At this moment, Ras Tilos directly manifested Prechto and Zanquero, and everyone else at the Gate of Purgatory was by his side, confronting the coming God's Sorrow.

"You guys are here. God's Sorrow suddenly came with a lot of people, which really surprised me." Rastyros said, this is why he manifested his companions, it was purely for the first time. The opponent delays the time and waits for his companion to arrive.

Facts have proved that he was quite successful. In a short period of time, the people in God's Sorrow really didn't know whether those people had manifested. When they saw that the people at the gate of purgatory stood in front of them as if they were prepared, He hesitated for a while, and did not choose to attack directly.

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