Now seeing another Prechto and Zanquero come out, everyone in God's Sorrow immediately knew that they had been deceived by Rastyros.

Except for Prejito and Zankro, the rest of the people from the Gate of Purgatory also rushed over after hearing the movement.

"It's okay, this is not a missed opportunity, because we are very strong."

Seeing this, Fei Yongyue showed a look of indifference.

Her bright eyes swept over and looked at all the existing members of Purgatory Gate. There were seven in total, and she recognized everyone's identity and history.

Seeing such a situation, Concubine Yongyue couldn't help but smile: "Seven people? It happens to be equal to the number of my generation. Under such circumstances, how about one-on-one?"

Prechto looked at Fei Yongyue and the others solemnly.

He didn't know how the people of God's Sorrow were found, it couldn't be that Huayuan betrayed them, right?But other than that, he couldn't think of any other reason.

Hearing Fei Yongyue's words, Prechto said seriously: "Altair, there is no reason for us to collide, are you right?"

"No, you and we naturally have a reason to fight. Because, Xie Wang Zhenyan is already a member of God's Sorrow." Concubine Yongyue said bluntly.

"And you guys were responsible for the disappearance of people in Xiamu City, right?" Esdeth also spoke, and after sweeping his gaze, he said: "In short, today you, the Gate of Purgatory, bid farewell to this world completely, no one is left behind. It's necessary."

"Do you really think we are so easy to deal with?" Prechto also sneered when he heard this, and a strong momentum immediately swept out of him.

"Let's do it." A person walking beside Prechto said.

The man was a man with black hair, a long braid, and a prominent stubble on his chin, dressed in blue-black clothes and a white overcoat.

His name is Bruno Tega, also from the drama "Fairy Tail". The character he plays is Prechto's deputy, and he has a good relationship with Prechto. In reality, after Prechto's invitation, he decides to follow Prechto.

At this moment, as his voice fell, a powerful force swept over immediately, making Fei Yongyue and others feel a pressure from top to bottom.

This is Bruno's gravity magic, which made everyone feel the strong gravity in an instant, and was directly crushed and couldn't stand up straight.

"This guy's strength is good, he left it to me." Esdeath said in a timely manner, with a smile on his face.

She has never been afraid that the enemy is too strong, but that the enemy is not strong enough. Only a strong enough enemy can make her blood boil.

Brunot heard Esdeth's words and said coldly: "Leave it to you? It seems that I am underestimated. Although the character I played is not very popular in the drama, it does not mean that my strength is low. "

Speaking of which, Brunote flew up directly. As a user of gravity magic, it is naturally easy to control his own floating.And after flying in the air, he shouted loudly and raised his hand to give the demander a virtual pressure.

"Crack me!"


Accompanied by Bruno's words, a large area of ​​the ground sank on the spot, and pieces of gravel broke apart, and everyone in God's Mourning sank into it at this moment.

Estes raised his head, his eyes were colder than Bingshuang: "I have already said that your opponent is me, and you still attack the others together, which is a little too confident!"

As the voice fell, a large number of ice spears emerged out of nowhere around Esdeth, and then roared and flew towards the sky, completely ignoring the strong gravity exerted by Bronott, which forced Brunotte to withdraw the gravity acting on the rest of the people, and concentrated his force on the flying ice spears, which caused these ice spears to fall down under the pressure of gravity.

"Esdes, don't let this guy affect us anymore." Krulu squeezed his fist and said.

Her pink hair was tied into three ponytails as always, and she was wearing a black gothic skirt. She was petite and cute, but her small body contained a lot of strength.

Seeing her legs exerting force, the ground directly shattered into more pieces, and she jumped out, rushed directly to a man and punched him.

It was a young man with blue medium-length hair, his face was covered with seams, his right eye was gray, his left eye was blue, and he was wearing a black top and black trousers with a grid pattern.

Seeing that Krulu's fist quickly reached his eyes, the man quickly backed away.


Krulu hit the ground with a fist, the ground cracked, and gravel splashed out indiscriminately.

Krulu didn't care about the punch being missed. He raised his head and looked at the young man escaping coldly and said: "In your gate of purgatory, you are the only one who needs to attack ordinary people, right? The missing people in Xiamu City were all captured by you and turned into reformed people, right? Real people?"

This young man is called Zhenren, from the drama "Curse Return to War", and belongs to a creature called a curse spirit, and a curse spirit is a curse born out of human hatred and fear of humans.

"That's right, I did it. You seem to have an opinion on it? But what's the use of your opinion?"

The real person sneered, and opened his mouth to spit out one after another transformed people from ordinary people. The shape of each transformed person became particularly distorted and terrifying. After being transformed by him, these transformed persons would shrink and be swallowed by him. Now is the time to use them.

Tokisaki Kurumi is also eyeing someone at this moment.

"Your ability seems very interesting, why don't you show it to me?" Tokisaki Kurumi said and came to Rastyros with a smile on his face.

She has entered the spirit outfit form, wearing a black and red gothic suspender dress, with one long and one short ponytail tied up, her golden eyes under the bangs are shining, and she is holding a rifle and a pistol in both hands.

"Hmph, the Dark Sword!"

When Rastyros saw Tokisaki Kumzo, he immediately raised his hand and slammed towards Tokisaki Kumzo. When his arm was stretched out, he quickly imagined it as a huge steel claw, blasting towards him with a dangerous breath.

At this time, a huge golden clock Ji Kedi appeared behind Saki Kuangsan, quickly absorbed the bullets in it, and then shot his own bullets directly forward.

Four bullets!

As Tokisaki Kurumi's bullet hit the huge claw that Rastyros had displayed, the huge claw was immediately reversed in time and restored to a time that had not yet appeared.

Such a situation made Rastyros startled, and then felt a little troublesome.

"Ah, ah, it seems that you have already seen it. Next, we will enter the moment of endurance competition. Who will be unable to hold it first? It is really curious." Tokisaki Kurumi smiled beautifully.

At this time, Tomori Sanae also stared at his target, a huge golden hammer appeared in his hand, and came to the target.

"You look so strange Death, is it the Death who has become like this after playing for a long time?" Tomori Sanae asked curiously.

The man in front of him was short in stature, with a pot-like head, one eye in the middle, bluish-blue skin, yellow clothes with black spots on his upper body, and black trousers on his lower body.

This guy is called a clepsydra, and he belongs to the curse spirit like a real person, not a human being.

"Stop talking nonsense, since you are in front of me, you will die!" As soon as the clepsydra's voice fell, a fiery flame appeared around it, making Tomori Sanae feel the intense heat.

Seeing this, Tushou Sanae didn't talk nonsense, shouted "Crazy Thunder Hammer Crusher", jumped up, grabbed the golden hammer with a hammer head bigger than his whole body in his hand, rolled towards the clepsydra, and then smashed it down heavily.


The clepsydra narrowly escaped, but the original location was immediately smashed to pieces in a large area, and countless gravels flew up.

Such a scene caused the pupils of the clepsydra to shrink for a while, and felt that the strength of the second disease of the second disease, Toshou Sanae, was much stronger than I imagined.

Different from the other characters, anyone who has watched the drama can judge one or two, how strong the combat power of Tomorie Sanae is, and the clepsydra is really unclear. Even if he has watched the drama, after all, whoever watches the battle scenes so carefully in Love Fan, but only now realizes that the opponent may have extremely amazing strength.

Zanquero also felt the same way.

At this moment, Zancro is facing Qigong Zhiyin.

Zhiyin Qigong has completed the transformation of a magical girl, wearing a skirt that fits her body, made of black and red, with a cloak that resembles wings behind her, and there is no doubt that a magic wand appears in her hand.

When Qigong Zhiyin first came, Zancro didn't take Qigong Zhiyin seriously at all, and opened his mouth to spew out black flames. This is his magic, Vulcan's wrath!

Faced with such an attack, Qigong Zhiyin yelled "Vulcan's Shield", and placed the magic wand horizontally in front of her body to form a light shield, easily blocking the blow.

This surprised Zancro. He didn't pay attention to this kind of guy at first, but he didn't expect the other party to respond so calmly.

Qigong Zhiyin took it for granted, and said with a smile: "It seems that little Sophia is going to give it her all."

Zhiyin Qigong, who claimed to be Sufia Ning SP Saturn VII, soared into the air and pointed the magic wand at Zankero.

Thousand Feather Phoenix!

Accompanied by the casting of the magic, feather-like light spots emitting intense red light poured down crazily, submerging Zanquero like a waterfall.

Flame God's dinner!

Zancro didn't dare to be careless, he created a pair of big mastiffs with black flames with both hands, and waved them directly to shadow Qigong Zhiyin's attack.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Where the two of them were, an extremely strong roar erupted.

Hearing such a roar, Dan Shenggu Senxia showed helplessness, looked at a figure and said: "It seems that my opponent is only you, right?"

In front of Senxia Danshenggu, there was also a curse spirit like a real person and a clepsydra. It looked weird, like a human figure formed by trees, with many black stripes on its body and horns on its head.

Her name is Hana Yu, and although the curse spirit is not strictly human and has no gender, she still feels more feminine.

Facing Dan Sheng Gu Morixia's words, Hana Yu had no intention of responding at all, and with a soft snort, the ground was torn apart, and huge tree roots came out of it, directly shooting towards Dan Sheng Gu Mori Xia .

Faced with such an attack, Dan Shenggu Morixia calmed down, put his hands together and said softly: "Fly, elf. Whisper, elf. Spiritual caricature!"

As her words fell, a burst of dazzling blue light directly spread out from her center, and went straight to the sky, crushing all the roots of the trees that were swept by Hana Yu on the spot.

The battle broke out like a raging fire.

At the same time, Fei Yongyue floated at low altitude and headed towards Prechtto unhurriedly.

Prechto ignored Concubine Yongyue, but looked at the others, and his expression became ugly.

Because the battle situation is not a good thing for him, especially the three secondary diseases, the strength displayed far exceeds everyone's imagination. Perhaps because the script is not a battle scene, the production team will not make any restrictions on the battle scenes at all. The production can be as shocking as it is, so after being recognized by the audience, the strength of these secondary diseases has a very good upper limit.

"Prechto, everyone already has their own opponents, and your opponent is my body." As Fei Yongyue said, sabers around her body had already emerged, and when each saber appeared, there was a clanging sound.

Accompanied by Fei Yongyue's words, Estes, who had been reminded by Fei Yongyue in advance, also took the time to raise a huge frost wall to isolate the scene on Fei Yongyue's side, so that Fei Yongyue You can give full play without having to be seen by others. After all, Tomori Sanae and others are not first-order people.

Of course, in order to avoid the suspicion of trying to cover up, she raised more frosty walls, so that people don't know what her purpose is.

Seeing such a situation, Prechto withdrew his gaze and looked at Fei Yongyue, and said with a sneer, "Altair, you are also worthy to be my opponent? Who do you think I am? I am someone you must look up to, do you understand? ?Appearance, causality restoration, abstract origin... These abilities seem amazing, but what is the use to me? Which one can work for me? And more abilities that belong to the character of Altair, you have not even Master, you don't have the qualifications to fight me like this."

"You are really confident and even a bit arrogant. I hope your self-confidence and arrogance can continue to be maintained in front of us."

As Fei Yongyue said, with a wave of her hand, all the sabers around her flew out, tearing apart the space with a roar, and surrounded Prechtto directly.

Black bullet!

Prechto also shot violently immediately, and one after another black and purple light spots poured out immediately, attacking in all directions, violently colliding with the flying sabers.

When they collided, a violent roar resounded directly between the two of them. Explosions burst out one after another, connecting them together. The resulting explosions directly formed a dazzling light, making it impossible for people to see.

Prechto, who was in the center of the explosion, stood tall, unmoved, extremely confident in his own strength, and completely disbelieving that Fei Yongyue could do anything to her with these sabers.

But at this moment, Prechto noticed the sound of being torn apart by the surrounding wind. That sound made him feel a little strange, because it seemed to be the sound of a huge object piercing the space, and there should be nothing here that could make such a sound at this moment, but the explosion just happened was so dazzling that he couldn't see the surrounding situation clearly.

Although he couldn't see clearly, Prechto still opened his hand and used his ability, Shadow of Everlasting Darkness, forming a black barrier around his body, which was enough to resist all attacks of the opponent.

next moment……

"Boom boom boom!"

Prechto noticed that the barrier he cast had suffered a series of heavy blows, and a large amount of his own magic power had been drawn to make up for the barrier, which made him show a strange color.

Although his own barrier has not been broken, what is the situation?What kind of attack can be so lethal that it consumes so much power to maintain the barrier?

When Prechto was surprised, the surrounding light from the previous explosion finally dimmed, and the surrounding environment finally reappeared in front of his eyes.

When he saw the surrounding situation clearly, Prechto couldn't help but gasped.


The sabers have become extraordinarily huge, and each one is like a hill, slashing him down one after another and quickly in the form of a wheel battle, causing the dark barrier to withstand the attacks again and again, and it is precisely because of such fierce attacks that his power will be consumed in a large amount.

Why do these sabers get so big?

After the object becomes bigger, the power will undoubtedly increase, and the power contained in these sabers that have become as huge as a hill is undoubtedly very terrifying!

Prechto didn't have time to think about it, and immediately took off the blindfold covering his right eye, and opened a pair of scarlet eyes.

This is the devil's eye, and as he opened it, all his hidden magic power was immediately released.

Immediately after...

"Amaterasu Hundred Styles!"

Prechto did not counterattack the attacks of many sabers at all, but chose to counterattack Fei Yongyue herself, and directly made a seven-fold spell formation appear under Fei Yongyue, and the purple rings were distributed simultaneously up, down, left, and right. Then it exploded with a bang!

Prechto was very confident in his own attack. Under such a strong and terrifying attack, the opponent had no means of defense, so he definitely couldn't bear it.

But as the attack fell, Prechto found that the many sabers slashing at him crazily still did not stop at all, and the consumption of his magic power could hardly resist the growth of the barrier.

"Wait, have the number of sabers decreased?"

Suddenly, Prechto noticed the problem.

When he summoned the sabers before Concubine Yongyue, although he looked down on Concubine Yongyue, he still remembered the number of sabers. Now when he looked at the sabers that slashed him, it was clear that there were six missing.

Where did those six go?

Thinking of this, Prechto looked forward, where the aftermath of Amaterasu's hundred-style explosion dissipated, and finally showed the situation in that area. You can see six huge sabers floating there, connected to each other, directly blocking the front, rear, left, right, up and down, forming a cube.

When Prechto looked over, the cube was also disassembled, revealing the unscathed Fei Yongyue inside.

"Prechto, you who left the arrogant words, don't you have the only means? I remember that in the drama, your strongest magic is called Heaven's Executioner, Heaven's Punishment. Why don't you use it and see?" Fei Yongyue said with great interest.

Prechto said with a sullen face: "You want to see? Then I will help you!"

Speaking of which, the magic power around Prechto surged crazily, and then sank into the ground.The next moment, one figure after another emerged from the ground.

These figures are all magical aggregates, which can also be called demons. Their skin has the color of the night sky, with pink stripes, and various shapes.

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