"You only want to live forever for yourself and the people around you, is that so?" the woman asked seriously.

However, the other accompanying people were not so calm. They all showed vague resistance to Mebius's plan to use the technology of immortality, and began to try to force Mebius to hand over the technology to the government.

"This technology should be regulated." Someone said, "I think it must be handed over to the government to confirm its safety, and then slowly consider whether it should be popularized."

"Dr. Mebius, are you willing to provide the technology?" Someone also said, "The government will award you honors and generous bonuses."

"This technology is too dangerous, and safety must be confirmed." On the projected screen, people reached an agreement.

Get the technology of Mebius first.

"Even if I give you the technology, do you think you can reproduce my immortality surgery?" Mebius sighed, "Don't be so naive, the immortality surgery is impossible without a certain amount of sacrifice. Once it’s done, I won’t hand it over to you to harm others.”

"Mebius, I think you misunderstood." The woman said with a smile, "We just want to confirm the safety of this technology."

"Afterwards, I will announce this meeting." Mebius said coldly, "This is not a private meeting."

The atmosphere fell silent.

Those calls to force Mebius to hand over the technology suddenly became much smaller, as if they were being choked.

It makes people feel aggrieved.

"Dr. Mebius, do you think your technology is safe?" The woman asked again, "What is your definition of a human being?"

"The condition of the people undergoing surgery is very good." Mebius replied, "As long as the people undergoing transformation don't reproduce in large numbers and pollute the human gene pool, there is nothing to worry about."

Having said that, she added another sentence.

"Don't worry, I don't plan to perform immortality surgery on anyone. The current technology is going to be temporarily sealed until the appropriate era."

"What time do you think is appropriate to use it again?" An old man asked anxiously.

Young people can afford to wait.

However, they couldn't afford to wait when they were old. When Mebius felt it was appropriate, they might all be burned to ashes.

This technology cannot be sealed.

"Solve the problem of cost and safety." Mebius replied, "The current cost of an operation is absolutely unaffordable for ordinary people. I want to wait until it becomes popular before unblocking it."

"How long will it take?" The woman asked. This technology will not only cause social conflicts, but also attract people very much.

The older you are, the more attractive you are.

"I don't know, it may be one year... or it may be ten years, 50 years." Mebius replied, "It depends on the current level of industrialization of civilization and my research and development progress. As long as it is achieved, it can be popularized."

The atmosphere fell silent.

The people present couldn't help but feel pain in their eggs or breasts in response to Mebius' answer.

It is true that what Mebius said is very reasonable, and the time for banning technology is not too long, so it can be said to be very optimistic.

However, this is for ordinary people. People at the bottom have no money and no resources to support immortality surgery.

But these people are rich and powerful.

Therefore, even though they represented the public, they initiated inquiries about Mebius.

The position is not all on the side of the bottom people.

However, it certainly cannot be said that way.

"Dr. Mebius, can you guarantee that you will not privately transform people into immortality?" The woman asked Mebius, "Is there a need for research during this time?"

A little translation is whether there is any plan to perform immortality surgery on some people during this period.

And Mebius didn't seem to hear the meaning behind the words, shook his head slightly, and answered very seriously, "No, I will never modify the human body until I am sure that the technology is safe enough."



All the people present were left speechless by Mebius's overly ironic answer.

Are researchers so inflexible?

"If it's okay, let's stop here." Mebius stood up, "I still have a lot of research to do."

After she finished speaking, she got up and left the meeting room directly. The virtual projection screens that were lit went off one by one after a moment of silence.

This meeting was originally a bit private in nature, and it was not something that was put on the table.

But they understood what Mebius was thinking.

Well, with serious means, it is impossible to enjoy Mebius's immortality surgery.

As for the original intention of this meeting, it was to confirm whether Mebius' technology was safe and whether Mebius had any dangerous thoughts.

That can only be said... yes, but not many.



Outside the meeting room.

"Doctor, you seem to be in a good mood." Klein looked at the smiling Mebius and asked.

"It seems that they didn't make it difficult for the doctor."

"Klein, do you know their performance?" Mebius smiled, "It's like a duplicity child, who clearly wants it, but can't move his eyes, but still hides it clumsily."

Having said that, she paused.

"Humans are really interesting, aren't they?"

"Doctor, you're really wicked." Klein shook his head helplessly, and the current Dr. Mebius is not much better.

Kind of like a little girl who pulls off a trick.

"This is not a prank." Mebius smiled. "They have two choices now. One is to force me to operate on them, and the other is to find a way to help me popularize immortality for all human beings."

She asked Klein.

"What do you think they will do?"

"The second one seems more rational." Klein replied, "However, they will definitely choose to force the doctor to operate on you."

Chapter 68

She was saved by a hero

"Waiting is a very painful thing." Mebius narrowed his eyes and said with a chuckle, "However, they shouldn't dare to go too far. I'm the one who's doing the surgery. If I'm a little wicked."

She raised her hand slightly and waved it down.

"If there is an accident in the operation, it will be very troublesome."

"If a person becomes crazy, he can do anything." Klein shook his head, wanting to remind her, but found that Mebius stretched out his hand, gently touched her cheek and smiled.

"My weakness is only you, Klein." Mebius's smile was extremely gentle, and his voice was like a spring breeze blowing on his face.

"So, do you want Klein to live with me tonight, so that I can personally protect your safety?"

"..." Klein was lost in thought, and met Mebius' eyes, "Doctor, I... have to work overtime at night."

"That kind of thing is not important." Mebius pulled Klein's arm, "For safety, Klein will sleep with me tonight."

"Wait, not today!" Klein reacted strangely, causing Mebius to ask with some doubts.

"Aren't we safer this way?"

"But, doctor...I'm not feeling well today." Klein raised his hand and touched his lower abdomen, and explained to Mebius.

The air froze.

"...Is that uncomfortable?" Mebius asked blankly, and got Klein's affirmative answer.

"Don't worry, I won't mess around." She assured, and then added, "It's just a normal cohabitation."

"Doctor, it's very safe in World Snake." Klein shook his head lightly. Since World Snake is a pharmaceutical company, and Dr. Mebius's research cost is much lower than other companies.

As a result, World Snake is more profitable than ordinary pharmaceutical companies, and has enough economic strength to build its own headquarters.

It can be said that in the headquarters building of World Snake, the security measures are very advanced, especially for the protection of important personnel.

If you want to bypass the security of the World Snake Headquarters, you must be a genius beyond this era.

Otherwise, it is impossible to do it.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have made the World Snake so safe." Mebius complained as she raised her hand to cover her forehead. She still wanted to find an opportunity to make herself and Klein go further.

Let the two communicate more deeply.

"Stop messing around, doctor." Klein sighed again, "You still have a lot of work to do."

"Yes, yes." Mebius rolled her eyes charmingly, turned and walked towards the laboratory. She still has to develop a universal life form for the environment, which can be used to solve the Herrscher and Sekiryuutei. .

And behind her, Klein didn't keep up, but just lowered his head and touched his lower abdomen. In fact, she...has nothing wrong with her.

However, being invited by Dr. Mebius to live together, I still feel the temperature of my body rising slightly.

After the refusal, there is a subtle feeling of loss.

Sometimes human beings are really strange, in the midst of worrying about gains and losses, and there is no way to make a choice.

the next day. ,

early morning.

Unexpectedly, but predictably, the entire "World Snake" was managed by multinational governments in the name of protecting safety.

Among them, Mebius' personal freedom is the most restricted, unable to leave the world snake, let alone contact related personnel.

In a sense, imprisonment is formed, restricting Mebius' freedom in the name of protection.

It is also to better control the genius Mebius.

"Losippe, right?" Mebius rested his chin on his hand, looking helplessly at the old woman across the table, "Are you sure you want to stay with me all the time?"

"Dr. Mebius, I am responsible for your safety." Losipe replied, "It's a pity that I have to be by your side all the time."

"You are the management, not the so-called bodyguard." Mebius frowned, but got the answer from Luo Sipe.

"That way I can communicate with you better."

This is a lie, she does not need to be in contact with Mebius all the time, the main reason is to get acquainted with Mebius, use her power to exchange with Mebius, at least let her complete the surgery of immortality.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no need for her to come here to waste time.

"This is really troublesome." Mebius smiled. She was able to be surrounded and protected by the cooperation of multinational governments the next day, which showed how attractive her immortal surgery was to them.

And this is undoubtedly a good thing, so that she will have more bargaining chips and let them voluntarily cooperate with her to continue.

When she completes her plan to rule the world and redefine human beings, she has no problem dealing with these old guys.

However, accidents always happen.

in a month.

During this period, Mebius helped several rich people complete the experiment of immortality, letting people know that the technology she mastered was real.

And the gray snake outside keeps promoting the conflict between human beings and new human beings, preaching that the old human beings will be ruled by the new human beings forever.

At that time, there will never be an upward channel.

The feeling of insecurity quickly spread to various places, especially when Mebius regularly performed immortality surgery on people.

The conflict has become more intense, and there have been a lot of voices announcing that the immortals will be expelled.

Under such circumstances, some younger politicians, in order to win votes or other goals, also began to vigorously promote the concept that "immortals" are not human beings.

Everything is going according to the plan. Not surprisingly, in order to maintain power and citizenship, the upper echelons will urge Mebius to develop a universal immortality surgery. In order to achieve this goal, they will even actively cooperate with all of Mebius. Require.


"..." Mebius sat at the desk, silently looking at the brown-haired girl in front of her. She was dressed... very mechanically, with many gears on her clothes, and a hat on her head. Turning the gears, the temperament is very confident and energetic.

"How did you get in here?" she asked.

"Although the security measures here are a bit difficult." The girl smiled confidently, "However, this is not difficult for the greatest magician."

"So it's a magician!" Mebius showed a dazed expression, and was about to call the police with his mobile phone.

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