"Wait!" The girl hurried over and grabbed the phone from Mebius, "I'm the knight who came to rescue the princess, if you mess around, you won't be able to get out."

"No, I feel that you are even more suspicious!" Mebius raised his voice, trying even harder to grab the phone back.

The girl put one hand on Mebius' chest, and shook the phone with the other hand, turning into a rose under Mebius' gaze.

"Give it back to you ma'am, the flowers are more in line with your temperament." She handed the roses to Mebius with a smile, "Please give me a chance to communicate, don't worry... the atmosphere will be very relaxed."

Mebius: "..."

Why, it feels like she's been teased, it's a very subtle feeling, and she really doesn't need anyone to save her.

Chapter 69


"So, how do you want to take me out?" Mebius took the rose handed by the other party, stared at Wei Wei curiously and asked, "Could it be, are you planning to teleport me out?"

The name of the girl in front of her was already known in her previous life, Wei Wei, is the top genius of this era, with multiple personalities and unparalleled creativity, even if compared with Mebius, she will not be inferior.

It played an extremely important role in the fight against the collapse of the pre-civilization. The God's Key, the Moonlight Throne, etc., were all participated in and developed by Wei Wei.

If she is given enough time, then with her genius, she will definitely be able to lead mankind to a completely different future.

That is completely different from the future that Mebius can lead to.

"Ma'am, why don't you ask me about my identity?" Wei Wei showed a curious look. She broke in out of nowhere and wanted to take Mebius away. No matter how she looked at it, she was very suspicious.

However, I didn't expect Mebius to accept it so readily, wouldn't it be too much to doubt her intentions?

At least ask her name.

"Ask now, and you won't tell me the truth, will you?" Mebius asked with a chuckle, and Wei Wei smiled awkwardly, then coughed lightly, and then took off the unique hat on her head .

"Ma'am, next I will perform an interesting magic trick for you. Under everyone's gaze, I will directly take you out." She said mysteriously, while she reached into the hat and miraculously took out a set of clothes. Handed it over to Mebius, "However, Ms. Mebius, your demeanor is too eye-catching, and you need to cover up your light a little bit."

"... This level of camouflage is useless." Mebius looked at the white dress in her hand and said with a slight frown, even though she knew that Wei Wei must have other means.

However, it is still necessary to maintain the character design, to continue acting with Wei Wei, and to see what the other party wants to do.

At least, it's very interesting right now, isn't it?

"Please believe in the magic of magic." Wei Wei smiled mysteriously, "I will take you out with the flow."

"Do you know what will happen if you fail?" Mebius asked Weierwei. In the current world, Snake...has the common surveillance of many countries. It can be said that she is close to...no, it is beyond the level of nuclear bombs.

There is a sense of seeing her as a Pandora's box.

Under such circumstances, if she suddenly disappeared in the world snake, the uproar caused would be enough to affect the whole world.

And the one who dared to take her out of the world snake.

The end will definitely not be good.

"Thrilling is also a part of magic." Wei Wei put on her hat again, and smiled confidently at Mebius, "The more thrilling the magic, the greater the surprise people will get."

When she came to rescue Mebius, she had already thought of the situation she was about to face, which was the real enemy of the whole world.

However, even so, she wanted to save Mebius.

"Really, then I will look forward to it for a while." Mebius did not refuse, took off the white coat on his body, then raised his hand to unbutton his clothes, and said to Wei Wei by the way, "Help Let me go, move faster like this."

"Ah... oh." After being slightly stunned, Wei Wei began to help Mebius change his clothes, and observed the other's figure by the way. It has to be said that it is really perfect, making people want to untie the other party. Underwear, to peep at the real impulse of the other party, raise your hand to touch the white and tender skin, it feels like stroking silk.

Not only that, she has such a strong brain, and such a good figure and appearance, which is favored by God.

Well, just about the same as her.


"...It doesn't fit well." Mebius commented. She changed into a long white dress. Because it was too wide, not only her feet were covered, but her fingers could not be exposed.

But Wei Wei shook her head, took off the hat, took out the scarf from inside, and covered Mebius' head.

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle." She snapped her fingers lightly, and the clothes and headscarf worn on Mebius distorted the surrounding light after they shone slightly.

Then a miraculous scene happened, and Mebius disappeared in place out of thin air, as if invisible.

Magic, no... magic.

"Next, follow me closely." Wei Wei put on her hat again, and pressed it lightly, and as the 'bang' white mist spread, her hair color and attire also changed.

Become an ordinary female white-collar worker.

"The essence of magic is to attract attention." She took out a disc and placed it on the table, and the projected light formed the image of Mebius.

Then she swaggered out of the room.

And Mebius didn't say much, glanced at the projected self, and then silently followed Wei Wei's footsteps.

At this time, she was thinking about a very serious matter, how to trick Wei Wei into working under her afterwards.

The creativity of the other party is indeed very surprising.

Everything that followed went very smoothly, no matter whether it was thermal imaging or gravity sensors, they all failed.

Wei Wei probably hacked into the system in advance, these high-tech instruments have long been ineffective against Wei Wei.

And human eyes... under the cover of the invisibility cloak and Wei Wei, passed the level very smoothly.

The two walked to the outside of the world snake.

"Don't worry, Ms. Mebius." Weiwei maintained her existing pace and whispered to the invisible Mebius.

"Now is not the time to relax."

"En." Responding softly, Mebius quickened his pace, came to Wei Wei's side, and gently touched the back of Wei Wei's hand with the back of his hand.

And Wei Wei's expression was not abnormal, she just lightly touched the back of Mebius' hand in response.

The two walked lightly like dancers, without anyone noticing, only under the gaze of the moonlight.

Leaving the area of ​​the world snake.



outside the city.

In the basement of an ordinary house.

"Okay, Ms. Mebius." Wei Wei pressed the light switch in the basement, then raised her hand and pressed the hat, and her dress changed back to her original appearance, a bit like the transformation of a legendary magical girl.

"This is a safe place for the time being." She smiled at Mebius, "Of course, you can't stay for a long time."

"What are we going to do next?" Mebius took off his hood and asked Wei Wei, "Do you want to wander the world with you?"

"Wandering around the world sounds quite romantic." Wei Wei shook her head after thinking for a while, "Ms. Mebius, you can't waste your mind."

Even though she brought Mebius out, it didn't mean she wanted Mebius to wander around the world and be an ordinary person.

The opponent's mind is the most important treasure of mankind and an essential element to promote the advancement of human civilization.

Times and people need someone like Mebius.

"I'm still a little looking forward to wandering the world." Mebius smiled, "It feels very interesting to be with you."

"Magicians always surprise people." Wei Wei nodded proudly, then turned and walked to the closet beside her, and took out a set of clothes that had been prepared, as well as a full set of cosmetics.

"Ma'am, let's do some makeup magic."

"You seem to know everything." Mebius consciously came to the dressing table, and with Wei Wei's help, he dressed and changed his clothes.

In front of the vanity mirror, a strange but familiar person was reflected. Her long green hair was tied up and hung on her shoulders like a mature wife. She was wearing a long beige dress, which outlined her perfect figure.

Her demeanor is gentle and inclusive, with a touch of weakness, which is in contrast to her usual strong and confident appearance.

Add a strange charm.

"Yeah, that's good." Wei Wei is very satisfied. She just deliberately dressed Mebius differently from usual. This gentle and considerate wife looks hard to make people look like Mebius in the past. s get in touch.

In people's old impression, Mebius is a real genius, full of strong self-confidence, and the focus of the natural crowd.

And what appeared in the mirror now... was a beautiful wife with green hair, gentle and mature demeanor.

The two sides cannot say that they have nothing to do with each other.

It can only be said that it has nothing to do with it.

"..." Mebius was silent, looking at himself in the mirror, feeling the urge to ask who you are.

This is a bit different from her previous appearance. Makeup is a bit scary, and it can make people look completely different.

No wonder makeup is sometimes applied, known as a head transplant.

"Walking on the street like this, no one will think that you are Mebius." Weiwei packed up the cosmetics and clothes, packed them up quickly, and then she will slip away with Mebius .

"By the way, is there any place you want to go?" She asked Mebius who was sitting silently in front of the mirror.

"There is a place I want to go." Mebius stood up, and under Wei Wei's surprised eyes, straightened the collar of the other party, "But, dear Miss Magician, it seems that you didn't tell me your name. "

"You can just call me Wei Wei." The magician girl smiled, put her hands on her chest, and her expression was full of confidence, "No matter where you want to go, I will accompany you."

"Why, do you want to help me like this?" Mebius' eyes revealed doubts, while Wei Wei just smiled and looked towards the exit of the basement, "Before then, we need to get out of here."

She shrugged helplessly, and pushed open a secret door in the basement, which led to the no-man's land outside the city. .

"Let's at least talk while we're running."

"Then I'm counting on you." Mebius didn't refuse, followed Wilvi's footsteps, and walked into the dark underground passage.

As for worrying about whether Wei Wei will harm her, don't worry... In the current civilization, no one can harm her life.

At this moment, she is the real strongest creature on the surface.

The next day.

early morning.

A piece of news spread uncontrollably to the world.

Existing in the world snake, under the strictest security in the world, Mebius disappeared, and no one knew how she left.

Whether he was kidnapped or fled voluntarily.

Not sure.

However, one thing is very clear, that is, the trace of Mebius must be found as soon as possible,

Even if it is to pay a sky-high reward.

"How dangerous is it to know that Mebius is missing?"

On the Internet, there are well-known political anchors who explain the dangers of things to fans.

"Imagine, if the genius who developed the immortality surgery and the great scientist who promoted the progress of biology was caught and threatened to make a genetic weapon, or target a specific group of lethal viruses."

"The number of deaths may be much more serious than a world war, and the nature of the matter is no less than the loss of a nuclear bomb."

"Maybe it's going to be more serious."

"Don't think I'm sensational, this kind of thing... It's not that it's impossible, on the contrary, the possibility is very high."

"So, I seriously suspect that there are insiders who secretly captured Dr. Mebius..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the current political anchor's account was permanently banned in the next second, and he was invited to the police station for tea.

The reason is to deliberately spread scare news.

However, the remarks and thoughts about this anchor have been widely recognized, and people have begun to be afraid.

If the hostile forces captured Mebius and asked her to study bacterial weapons, the end would be very bad.

As a result, the situation became interesting, and countries began to suspect whether it was another country that took Dr. Mebius abducted.

And worried that the other party would use Mebius to make bacterial weapons.

The wind is turbulent, just because one person is missing, the whole world begins to become tense.

And at the same time.

on the highway.

In a second-hand car, Wei Wei listened to the radio while driving the car, confirming the information about Mebius' disappearance.

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