I Have a World-Transmitting Gate Author: Yokai Idler


Time travel is not about fighting and killing, but about understanding the world.

In the morning, go to Chrysanthemum and go downstairs, and then take Fairy Eevee to the Reverse Mountain to see the scenery;

At noon, I went to Totsuki, and then went to Muse's concert with Erina;

Camping by the river at night, leaning in the arms of the wind speed dog and watching the magical girls fight each other.


Fork those who say Black Soul in the morning, Warhammer at noon, and containment at night, go to Siberia to dig potatoes!

Chapter 0001 The beginning of everything

The world, the spirit of eating halberds.

Time, half a year before the start of the plot.

Location, in front of Yukihira Restaurant.

"Phew, it's up to this time whether we can succeed." Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and patted his face, licked his lips with some anxiety, looked down at the bento box in his hand, and murmured: " However, with Master Abei's cooking skills, it should be a random killing in this world, right?"



Lin Qiong woke up after a nap a month ago and found a pink wooden door in his mind.Through the novice instructions that come with the gate, he understands that this is a transboundary gate that can link and travel to and from any animation world.

After gaining this ability, Lin Qiong felt a burst of ecstasy at first, then opened the bangumi website, and began to search the list of dramas, ready to find a suitable world, take a passionate adventure, write a magnificent epic, and become a hero who saves the world !

But when he searched all afternoon, recorded more than a dozen worlds, and even imagined that he would kill everyone and establish some kind of friendship with the heroine, Lin Qiong, who was awakened by hunger, suddenly realized something -

A thrilling adventure?A magnificent epic?The hero who saves the world?

No, do these three elements have anything to do with a sub-healthy young man who pants like a dog after running 1000 meters in modern society?With his fighting strength, if he were really thrown into the world of Pirates, Hokage, Zanmei, and Dunyong, he probably wouldn't even know how he died, would he?

After waking up, Lin Qiong hurriedly washed his face with cold water to calm himself down. After he took out his mobile phone and ordered a Mala Tang, he sat back in his seat and began to think calmly——

The first thing to consider is "safety". Before you have gained enough power to protect yourself (self, props or bodyguards), it is best not to go to a world with high dangers, otherwise you will see a cold valley with your front foot Tang Keke called himself with both hands. Wasn't that sent on the spot?

The second thing that needs to be considered is "resources". As a modern person, Lin Qiong knows that money is not everything, but without money, nothing is impossible. He can't go to the Two-dimensional world every day to be a different dimension. Workers, right?

'But here comes the problem, I'm a f*cking writer, how do I get resources? Lin Qiong looked at the one-bedroom rental house in front of him and the laptop he was using to code. He rubbed his face with a headache and said, "Do you want to be a bad guy?"

Lin Qiong has naturally read a lot of double-crossing novels, and the protagonists in these novels often take advantage of the opportunity of double-crossing to become a villain. The most typical example is to exchange food from modern society for ancient or apocalyptic " Luxury".

However, it's a bit too strange to travel through the Two-dimensional world and become a loser, right?pour what?

The indoor shoes worn by Yukinoshita Hirano?The spoon used by Kasumigaoka Shiwa?Or is it the bunny girl costume replaced by Mai Sakurajima?

Does anyone really believe this kind of thing?

Lin Qiong put Malatang on the table, and murmured: "People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry! First make the meal and then think about it... wait!"

Looking at the fragrant Malatang in front of him, Lin Qiong touched his chin thoughtfully and said to himself: "Hey, it seems like there isn't an enemy to fool me?"



After consulting some information, Lin Qiong bought a few exquisitely shaped glass products, and then used the world-transmitting gate to come to the world of China. Chrysanthemum down all the property that day.

After introducing his background to Master Abei, Lin Qiong said that he had always been fascinated by Master Abei's craftsmanship, and couldn't bear to watch Juxia go down in despair. As in the original book, he worked so hard to revitalize Chrysanthemum downstairs that he died young, but passed the most difficult period safely.

In addition, after the first crossing, Lin Qiong learned about the three stages of the world-transmitting gate——

In the first stage, when you have just arrived in the new world, the world-traveling gate can only let the host know the language of this world and achieve barrier-free communication. At this stage, it takes about ten seconds for the host to summon the world-traveling gate. ;

In the second stage, the host needs to stay in the new world for about a month without interruption (if you leave midway, you need to stay again for a month), then the world-traversing gate can record the coordinates of this world. At this stage, the host no longer needs to read time, you can instantly summon the world-crossing gate;

In the third stage, when the host stays in the new world for about half a year, the world-traversing gate can completely adapt to the rules of this world and can carry living creatures through it.

In addition, when Lin Qiong is threatened by attacks (including severed hands and feet), the World Transmitting Gate will deploy a shield with a lower limit that can withstand common thermal weapons and an upper limit that is determined by the strength of the host. , to purify the abnormal state of everyone within the shield range-of course, the initial charge of the shield is only ten times, and Lin Qiong must provide energy for recharging after it is used up.

Therefore, in order to complete his plan, Lin Qiong first returned to Earth to arrange his own affairs, and then came to the world of China again.After lingering for a month, I confidently took the bento carefully prepared by Master Abei and came to the world of the spirit of eating halberds.




When Lin Qiong walked into Xingping Restaurant, the red hedgehog-haired Xingping Chuangzhen shouted at him enthusiastically: "Guest, what do you want to eat?"

"Well, let's have an omelette." Lin Qiong thought for a while, then sat on the chair, and said with a smile, "Can I meet your father?"

"Oh!" Xing Pingchuang really didn't think much, he said to the back kitchen at the top of his voice, "Father, someone is looking for you!"

"Eh?" Koichiro poked his head out with a puzzled face, and said, "Looking for me? Who is it?"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand high and said, "I, I, I! Mr. Caibo, I have a very important matter with you!"

Looking at the stranger who shouted out his old surname in front of him, Joichiro Kohei narrowed his eyes a little, but then he laughed and said, "Oh, guest, you misidentified the person, my surname is Yukihira!"

"Ah, did you admit it wrong?" Lin Qiong said pretending to be distressed: "Oh, I have something very important and I hope to find Mr. Cai Bo."

"Although I don't know who the Caibo you are talking about is, but if the guest doesn't mind, you can tell me about the important things you said." Xinghei Joichiro wiped his hands with a towel, and walked away with a smile come over.

"Father, why are you so gossip?" Chuangzhen, who was completely unaware of what Lin Qiong and Joichiro were talking about, said with a bewildered expression, "Could it be menopause?"


Hard, fist hard.

Xing Pingcheng Ichiro took a breath, and then said to himself from the bottom of his heart: "My own, my own, my own!"Her and my baby, her and my baby, her and my baby! '


After slapping Soma hard on the back of the head and sending him to the kitchen, Yukihira Joichiro sat down in front of Lin Qiong and said in a relaxed tone: "Okay, little brother, let's talk about it. Well, what you said is important."

"Okay." Lin Qiong nodded, raised his hands and put the bento made by Master Abei on the table, then took a deep breath, opened the bento box, and said, "Before I explain my purpose, the city Mr. Ichiro, please have a taste of this bento."

"You don't... want to enter Yuanyue through the back door from me?" Shiroichiro gave Lin Qiong a strange look, then reached out and took out a pair of wooden chopsticks from the chopstick holder next to him, and said, "If If this is the plan, you may be disappointed! I am not..."

As the first piece of boiled meat entered his mouth, Joichiro Kohei stopped talking, and he was petrified as if he had been stared at by Medusa's magic eyes, leaving only his mouth still. Chewing subconsciously, savoring this delicacy.

'what is this? '

'Why is it so delicious? '

'Just plain stuff, but, but...'

'The technique, the technique is not at the same level at all!No flaws can be found at all, just like a natural work of God! '

The chef's hands should be steady, but at this moment, Joichiro's hands were trembling slightly.

"It seems to be successful." Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his head with a smile, looked at Mr. Shiroichiro in front of him, and said, "Zaibo... no, Mr. Xinghei Shiroichiro! Please allow me to explain My reason for coming——I hope you will introduce me to Mr. Nakiri Senzaemon, I believe that the cooking level of this dish is enough to save the God Tongue of Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Mannagi.”

That's right, this is Lin Qiong's plan!

Using Master Abei's culinary skills as a stepping stone, and then let the Nakiri clan in the world of Halberd Eater become his "resource backing"!

The reason why I came to Xingheicheng Ichiro first was because he was thinking that if he knocked on Yuanyue's door with a box of lunch, and then said to the gatekeeper, "Let me meet the commander-in-chief and let him taste my food." Is it your cooking?”, I guess people will be dismissed as crazy.



After an hour and a half.

Nakiri's house, reception room.


The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched as he looked at the commander-in-chief, who had only a loincloth in front of him. Looking at the ferocious muscles, he had a feeling that if he got into a fight with Nakiri Senzaemon, he would only need three seconds. It would make Senzaemon kneel on the ground and beg him not to die.

"I've never tasted such a miraculous dish." Nakiri Senzaemon's expression at this time was like a pious believer seeing his faith appear in front of him. Dao, now that I finally see that there is still a road ahead, how can I not be excited?What's more, this kind of cooking skill means that his daughter, his granddaughter, whose gift is also a curse-like tongue, has the hope of redemption.

"It would be great to meet Zong Shuai's appetite." Lin Qiong put on a smile on his face. It seems that this cooperation should be stable this time, and his impatient appearance also made Xian Zuowei Men and Joichiro looked at each other.

"Kobayashi-san—" Senzaemon looked at the young man in front of him, and said, "Isn't this dish from your hands?"

Chapter 0002 Showdown, I am a time traveler

Listening to Senzaemon's question, Lin Qiong said curiously: "Although the old gentleman used a probing tone, it seems that you already have an answer?"

Seeing Lin Qiong's seemingly doubtful, but in fact seeking confirmation, Senzaemon touched his beard with a smile, then raised his hand, pointed to Lin Qiong's hands with his fingers, and opened his hands again. Palm, said: "It is impossible for a person with such superb cooking skills to have such white hands."

Only then did Lin Qiong see the calluses on Senzaemon's palms. They were undoubtedly the marks left by day after day of knife skills practice or pot-turning practice, and they were also medals left by his efforts.

"Well, I really didn't make this." Lin Qiong scratched his cheek, and said, "This dish is made by Ms. Chen Bangling, the chef from Chrysanthemum Downstairs in Sichuan, China!"

"Chengdu, Sichuan, Chrysanthemum Downstairs..." Senzaemon's eyes flickered—whether it was Chrysanthemum Downstairs or Chen Bangling, they were names he had never heard of before!

"It's normal that the old man has never heard of it, because Ms. Chen is not in this world." Lin Qiong felt that he had finally grasped the topic, so he couldn't help showing a smile, and said, "No matter what method you use, you can find not reach."

"What, what does this mean?" Shiroichiro looked at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and said, "You are not going to say something... the soul of an ancient super chef is attached to your chopping board, right? "

"Hiss, the chef version of Chess Soul?" Lin Qiong couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Shiro Ichiro's brain hole. He waved his hand with a smile and said, "No, no! Oh, I'll introduce myself and you will understand."

Lin Qiong stood up, then took two steps back, gave a gentlemanly salute to the two, and said: "My name is Lin Qiong, I am 23 years old, and I am a newcomer who has just started traveling in different worlds. Traveler!"

"Traveling in different worlds..."


Senzaemon and Joichiro looked at each other blankly, they were a little confused as to how things were going.



Lin Qiong did not intend to pretend to be a magic stick from the beginning. After all, he lived alone in an ivory tower. He stayed at home to write novels after graduation. He had never experienced the beatings of the society. People like Joichiro and Joichiro who have lived most of their lives are playing tricks?

Less routine, more sincerity!

After Lin Qiong summoned the world-crossing gate in front of Senzaemon and Joichiro, the two finally believed in this "unbelievable" thing.

"So, Mr. Kobayashi..." Senzaemon was obviously hesitant when he called out Lin Qiong's last name, and Lin Qiong said hurriedly: "Master, just keep calling me Xiaolin! There is no need to make too many false claims. Ba Nao’s.”

"Okay, then I will continue to call you Kobayashi." Senzaemon smiled, looked at Lin Qiong, and asked, "I can ask, why did you show up to Joichiro with this bento?" in front of you?"

"Judging from your behavior, you seem to know us very well?" Joichiro immediately added, "You know that I can contact Mr. Nakiri, and you also know the curse of God's Tongue..."

"Yes, I know all about it!" Lin Qiong nodded, looked at the two people in front of him, and said softly: "Just now Cheng Yilang mentioned the chess soul, right? Then will it be..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but Joichiro already understood what he wanted to say.

"You mean..." Shiroichiro's eyelids twitched, he stretched out his hand to cover his forehead, and said to himself: "Is our world just a book of 'Spirit of Chess'? Ha, I didn't expect..."

"Wait, wait—" Lin Qiong looked at the skeptical expressions of the two, and couldn't help raising his hand, and said, "Are you going to sigh 'My world is actually a comic book' or something like that? "


Joichiro, who was just about to sing the Bible, was immediately silenced, and he nodded awkwardly.

"Actually, I have long expected that this kind of development might happen, so I specially collected three hypotheses——"

"The first one is the theory of author creation. The authors of comics are the creators of this world. They have unparalleled authority. They can change a person's fate and mind with just a thought."

"The second is the theory of information transmission. The fluctuations emitted by this world resonate with the author's brain, making the author receive a piece of information from this world, and then generate inspiration and draw it."

"The third type is the infinite world theory. There are infinite worlds in the void, so there will always be a world that is exactly the same as a certain author's imagination. It's just a coincidence!"

After finishing these words in one breath, Lin Qiong took a breath and continued: "As for which theory you two are willing to believe, it's up to you two."

After listening to Lin Qiong's words, Senzaemon and Joichiro looked at each other, and both of them smiled wryly.

"Ashamed that I was comforted by a junior." Joichiro smiled bitterly and shook his head. He picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip of tea. Then he exhaled a long breath and said, "Brother Lin! You specially You must have your own purpose in choosing our world, right?"

"Yes!" Lin Qiong nodded, he scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly, and said, "The main reason is that I have some power in this world—after I acquired this ability, I thought about it at home. It's been a while..."

Lin Qiong unreservedly told Senzaemon and Joichiro his thoughts on "safety" and "resources", and then explained why he chose the Nakiri family—in this food In a world dominated by people, the Nakiri family can really be said to be the emperor of the earth!Maybe Lin Qiong thinks that the entire production line of automobiles or mobile phones can be assembled for him!


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