"Plus, I think my abilities should be very attractive to the Nakiri family." Lin Qiong showed a conspiratorial smile and said, "Aren't you interested in ingredients from other worlds?"

This move will be a killer!


Shiroichiro glanced at the old man on the side, and then drank his tea carefully - he said something, he was really moved!But now the old man is in charge, so he can only shout "Nod, old man" from the bottom of his heart, assisting Lin Qiong.

"Ingredients from another world, brand-new cooking techniques, and a solution to God's Tongue..." Senzaemon sighed a long time, smiled wryly, and said, "Information is really important. Something!"

In terms of mind and scheming, twenty Lin Qiong bundles together are not Senzaemon's opponent, but when Lin Qiong fully understands the Nakiri family and grasps the weakness of Nakiri Senzaemon, Senzaemon Weimon was eaten to death.

"So..." Lin Qiong's eyes lit up slightly, he looked at Senzaemon with some expectation, and said, "Is the old man willing to cooperate?"

"Is there any reason why I don't want to?" The old man burst out laughing. He stretched out his right hand towards Lin Qiong and said, "Mr. Xiao Lin, happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Overjoyed, Lin Qiong quickly took Senzaemon's hand, and he said happily, "Fortunately, the old man agreed, otherwise, if I fail the first time I take the initiative, I guess I will shut myself up on the spot. .”

"Hahaha, you need to be more confident in your abilities." Senzaemon laughed heartily, he stretched out his hand and patted Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said seriously: "Just a 'different world' resources', it is enough to make people desperate!"



After formally establishing a cooperative relationship, Mr. Senzaemon contacted Gin Dojima, one of his team members. After introducing Lin Qiong's background, Gin Dojima, who was full of muscles, suddenly showed a smile that made Joichiro laugh. expression.

"Hahaha, what kind of expression is that?" Shiro Ichiro is worthy of being Yao Wang's father, the expressions of the two when they mocked others are exactly the same, "I can see the little tongue, puff——"

"Mujiro Sai!" Dojima Gin glared at Joichiro and said, "How can you not be surprised when you hear such news all of a sudden?"

"That's true."

"Then you still have the nerve to laugh at me?"

"When other people know the news, you can laugh at them openly!"

"Makes sense!"

"Hahaha——" x2

So, you two are villains, right?It is indeed the duo that made Yuanyue bloody back then!

"Oh, I didn't expect that at my age, I could still see this kind of thing." Gin Dojima laughed and patted Lin Qiong's shoulder, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Young man, your My bones are a little weak!"


Lin Qiong coughed twice in embarrassment, then stretched out his hand and patted Dojima Gin's abdominal and chest muscles, and said, "To be honest, compared with your muscles, 90% of young people are weak."

"Hahaha, this is my proud training result -" Dojima Gin happily raised his hands, made a bodybuilder's movement, and said, "How about it, do you want to exercise with me?"

"Uh, this, let's forget it..." Lin Qiong swallowed, just looking at the muscles on Dojima Gin, he can imagine how brutal this man's usual exercise is, and he can't bear it this level of training.

"You can't do this!" Dojima Gin shook his head, and he sat on the chair vigorously, and said, "No matter what you do, a strong body is indispensable! You can't be afraid of suffering. No way!"

"Hey, it does make some sense, but this exercise..." Lin Qiong rubbed his hands with a smile and said, "Well, otherwise... I'd better find a way to get some potions that can enhance physical fitness in other worlds. Right?"

build muscle?Forget this!If I could bear this hardship, I wouldn't be able to graduate from the Pheasant University, how could I get a book?

Chapter 0003 This is abuse, I want to mess it up

The family knows their own affairs.

Lin Qiong is not someone who has a high level of ambition and a low level of ability and cannot see clearly about himself. On the contrary, he understands his own character very well!He is the kind of person who likes to be lazy and lacks perseverance - it's not that there is no way to make him insist on exercising, but there must be a fierce person by his side to supervise him and force him!

And during this process, Lin Qiong will probably keep talking about how tired he is, how hard he is, how he doesn't want to do it, and how he wants to show up—at this time, either the fierce man patiently coaxes Lin Qiong, or the fierce man directly suppresses it with force. Lin Qiong was dissatisfied.

Let’s get to work (whipping)!

To be honest, he is a very troublesome guy!

It was precisely because he knew his own character that Lin Qiong proposed to look for items that could strengthen his body instead of agreeing to Dojima Gin's training invitation!After all, he was still a little worried that his troublesome personality would bore Dojima Gin.

"Looking for items to strengthen the body?" Dojima Gin was stunned, and soon he realized it - Lin Qiong's subtext was to prepare to get something for nothing and use external force to obtain a healthy body.However, he did not show any expression of disdain or resistance. Instead, he held his chin with his right hand and said thoughtfully: "If such an item really exists, it would be a good choice."

"Eh? I thought you would say that it's shameful to get something for nothing..." Dojima Gin's answer stunned Lin Qiong for a moment. He scratched his head and said, "A character like you shouldn't feel that ability requires a lot of effort." Is it meaningful to train a little bit?"

"No matter whether the cat is black or white, it can only catch mice, so it is a good cat." Dojima Gin smiled and said: "Besides, the choice is your business. I have no right to dictate your choice. Isn’t it?”

"Your answer made me feel ashamed." Lin Qiong rubbed his face helplessly, and said, "It made me feel that I would be sorry for you if I didn't try with you."

"Oh? Then try it!" Dojima Gin's eyes lit up, and he said eagerly, "Don't worry! I'm very experienced, and I will definitely do it step by step, so that you can feel the fun of exercising your muscles!"

"Wow, forget it! I'm a very troublesome person—" Lin Qiong quickly raised his hands in front of him, and he hurriedly told Dojima Yin about his "troublesome place", saying: "... ...that's why I don't want to affect our relationship because of this kind of thing."

"I see, is this the character?" Dojima Yin pinched his chin, nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Well, it does sound troublesome!"

"Right? So forget it! I remember that there are many things that can increase physical strength." Lin Qiong saw Dojima Ginsatsu's mouth, and immediately said with a smile: "That's it! Oh my, what's next? In the next half year, I want to enjoy some delicious food——"

"Wait a minute, I have one last question about this matter—" Dojima Yin blinked his eyes, he looked at Lin Qiong who was looking at him with his head tilted, and asked curiously: "Let's assume, You have really obtained the body strengthening potion, allowing you to have an enviable body with perfect muscles..."


Looking at Lin Qiong with a puzzled expression, Dojima Yin crossed his arms and said with a smile on his mouth: "Then do you think, with your living habits and mastery of fitness knowledge, are you sure you can maintain the muscles in your body?" ?”


Lin Qiong froze in place, he had never thought about these problems! !

"It seems that you haven't considered it at all—" Dojima Gin smiled, and he continued: "The muscles and body shape that are easily obtained, the owner will not cherish them very much? If you don't exercise well and maintain them, you will lose weight." If you eat Hesai, maybe your figure will be out of shape in half a year? What are you going to do at that time, and then find a way to get a body-shaping item? But that kind of thing will have a restriction on repeated use, right?"

"Ah, this, this..." Lin Qiong stuttered a little, and he showed a tangled and troubled expression - it seems like it is really the same as what Gin Dojima said?Even if you gain a bat back, a dog waist, a mermaid line, and eight-pack abs through external force, can you really maintain those muscles?

If you don’t have good living habits, it won’t work! ?

Looking at Lin Qiong's shaken expression, Dojima Gin couldn't help showing a smile, and said softly: "Even if we can obtain a perfect body shape through other means in the future, a good life schedule is also essential! Right? So, you should train with me! At least lay a foundation now, and it will be much easier in the future!"

"But I have a very troublesome personality——"

Seeing Lin Qiong's expression of being just one step away from being convinced, Dojima Ginxiao walked over and hugged his shoulders, saying: "It's okay! Didn't you tell me everything? As long as I ignore your resistance. Enough?"

"This, this..."

"Don't worry! I'll make a fitness meal for you myself, and the taste is guaranteed!"

"Uh, this..."

"Okay! Stop worrying, let's go!" Dojima Gin made a gesture towards Joichiro who was covering his mouth and snickering in the corner, and then walked out the door with Lin Qiong who looked confused in his arms.




At this moment, Lin Qiong was lying on the floor of the gym, sweating profusely, panting like an old bellows, but the rapid panting could not relieve his pain, but instead made him feel dizzy and suffocated.

"Young man Xiaolin, you can't do this!" Dojima Gin looked at Lin Qiong who was lying on the ground in a bad shape, and said worriedly: "If you can't lie on the ground directly after exercise, you need to move a little bit, otherwise the next day will be worse." Very~very~pain~bitter~oh~”

"I understand everything you said -" Lin Qiong wriggled his lips with difficulty and said hoarsely: "But, I really don't have the strength to move now! Even if the flash mother monster wants to do something to me, I The kind that you can’t even resist!”

If the person standing here is an old and unscrupulous thing like Cheng Yilang, he would probably say with a smile: "I said, are you implying something to me? Daba daba, my sexual orientation is normal coming!"

"Your physical strength is totally lacking!"

"Is this my line!? Your physical strength is completely monster, right? This is fraud, this is fraud!" Lin Qiong's voice was full of grievances.

To be honest, even though he was fooled by Dojima Gin, Lin Qiong, who had been slightly heated for 3 minutes, still prepared himself mentally on the road and prepared to train with Dojima Gin - at least for the first time. ——Show a correct attitude!

The results of it?

The result was that when Lin Qiong gritted his teeth, stared, and followed Dojima Gin one move after another until the end, just when he was so tired that he almost fainted, Dojima Gin said: "Okay! The warm-up is almost over, let’s get started!”

At that time, Lin Qiong was full of questions: "No, look me in the eyes and say what you just said again!" ? '

warm up?Fuck you, don't care about the amount of exercise, call it, fuck it, warm up! ?


Lin Qiong, who was completely exhausted, fell to the ground at that time, and the fatigue and resentment suppressed by his third-rate will instantly overwhelmed him.

"Well, judging from your performance, your physique is weaker than I imagined—" Dojima Yin scratched his head in distress, and muttered: "It shouldn't be! The girls in Yuanyue are all stronger than you Have some strength..."

"This must be survivor bias, right?" Lin Qiong, who had rested for a few minutes and felt that he had regained some strength, sat up feebly and said with a wry smile: "This world is a world dominated by food and chefs, so what appears in front of you The students have all practiced their cooking skills - I remember being a chef requires you to practice cooking, right? It still requires physical strength and strength."

"That makes sense -" Gin Dojima touched his chin, rolled his eyes, squatted in front of Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "I said, why don't you follow me and learn something?" How about learning how to cook?”

"Wow! Don't mess with me! My cooking skills are still at the level of instant noodles!" Lin Qiong pushed Dojima Yin's big face away angrily, and said, "And it's that kind of noodle Once you add the seasoning and sprinkle it, soak it for a few minutes and start eating!"

"Doesn't this just prove that you don't have a foundation in cooking, so it's easier to teach!" Dojima Gin winked at Lin Qiong, and said mysteriously: "You don't want to meet a girl you like in the future, Show her your cooking skills, and then hold her stomach tightly so that she can never leave you again?"

"I would rather find a girl who can cook, prepare a table of hot meals, and then tell me, my dear, should I eat first, take a bath first, or eat her first—" Lin Qiong held the back of his head with his hands , with a bad look, "It's better to have a nude apron! This is a man's romance!"

"Oh? I didn't expect you to take such a good bite—" Dojima Yin suddenly showed a smile that men can understand. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin, and said, "Then you have to learn cooking skills! Yuanyue There are a lot of super cute girls in it! If you want to learn cooking, can't you be close to the water?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a Dojima Yin!" Lin Qiong squinted at Dojima Yin, and said, "Aren't you afraid that those female students will give you a good boat with a kitchen knife after hearing your words?"

"Nice ship?"

"That's right—" Lin Qiong raised his hand, stroked his neck horizontally, then stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes, making a gesture of dying, "—that's it!"

"Ahem! Don't worry, they can't beat me." Dojima Gin made a joke, then stood up on his knees and said: "You are almost rested! Get up and continue training?"

"..." Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground, and said weakly, "Lin Qiong is dead, burn the paper for something!"

Start messing around!

Chapter 0004 Others seek money at most, you are killing your life

What a joy it is to live a messed up life!

As the old saying goes, once I accept my weakness, I am invincible.

Just when Lin Qiong was about to act as a dead fish, he forgot that he had revealed his old background to Dojima Yin-he said that he was a person who was very easy to complain and give up, so he had to let people behind him Overseer!

"Human life is very tenacious!" Dojima Gin looked at Lin Qiong who was lying on the ground like a salted fish that had just landed. He couldn't help but grinned and said, "Besides, how can the dead speak?"

As he spoke, he bent down, pulled Lin Qiong's clothes, pulled him up from the ground, then carried him to the treadmill beside him, and said, "Come, let's jog together!"

"Forgive me, Yinsang!" Lin Qiong looked at Dojima Yin with a look of lovelessness, and he said without tears: "It's too much! If I want to exercise my body, it must be done step by step. You can't become fat if you eat it in one breath!"

“If you can’t become fat by eating, you have to eat enough!”

"I'm full, I'm really full!"

"I don't believe it!" Dojima Yin stretched out his hand and touched Lin Qiong's stomach.Then he said thoughtfully: "Well, I touched it! It's only three-thirds full at most! It seems that I can eat a little more!"

Dojima Yin, you must eat instant noodles without seasoning packets and plastic forks! ! !



Thanks to Lin Qiong's self-disclosure of his "passive" attribute, in the following daily life, Tangdao Silver even handed over the work of Yuanyue Resort to his subordinates temporarily, and was responsible for Lin Qiong's daily life wholeheartedly. Life.

With this kind of "24-hour one-on-one SVIP service from a top fitness coach" level of care, the first thing Lin Qiong does when he wakes up every day is to run through his mind - How did I survive yesterday?How am I going to survive today?

Then, before he could get the answer, Dojima Gin would wear fitness clothes and push open his door with a smile on his face. Then he looked at Lin Qiong, who was sitting on the bed with a blank expression and doubting his life, and said enthusiastically: " Oh! Are you awake already? It seems you slept well last night! GOGOGO, let’s start today’s training!”

Heh, heh heh!

The point is, Dojima Yin is not the kind of moral kidnapping of Lin Qiong with "I'm for your own good"!After all, fitness is really good for Lin Qiong, and the intensity of fitness arranged by Yin Dojima for Lin Qiong is just right, and it didn't cause any damage to his body.

What can Lin Qiong do?He could only knock down his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. As an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, she endured his fitness supervision under the "hegemony" of Dojima Gin.



Under the supervision of Dojima Gin, Lin Qiong's fitness life lasted for a month before he ushered in his first holiday - mainly because Lin Qiong had stayed in this world for a full month and passed through the world gate. Having successfully evolved to the second stage, it is no longer necessary to stay in this world in order to resonate with the coordinates.

This news is really good news for Mr. Senzaemon!A month ago, he wanted to ask Lin Qiong to help Nakirma Nagi bring takeaways, but after learning the rules of the world-crossing gate, he could only wait for a whole month.

That's called hopelessness. He felt that he had never expected his daughter or granddaughter so much.

Lin Qiong did not keep the old man waiting. After entering the second stage of the world-traversing gate, he immediately summoned the world-traveling gate and returned to the world of Zhonghua. Then he came to Juxiastairs and found Master Abe.

"Huh! I'm back!" Lin Qiong waved his right hand towards Abei, then hugged the rushing A Xing in his arms, and said with a smile, "Is A Xing obedient?"

"Yes!" Liu Maoxing, who was still a kid, replied energetically, "Ah Xing, please listen to Mama's words obediently!"

"So cute!" Lin Qiong smiled, and he took out a big white rabbit toffee from his pocket, stuffed it quickly into A Xing's mouth, put him back on the ground, and said, "Go and find Your sister is going to play."

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