Liu Maoxing, who had already been bribed by the toffee, covered his saliva secreting mouth with both hands and ran towards the backyard. He needed to find a place to taste the delicious toffee.

It's so delicious⑧!It's a sound of nature!

After sitting in front of Abei, Lin Qiong said with a smile: "A Xing is really a good boy."

Lin Qiong hates bear children very much, not only because of bear children, but also because bear children often have a pair of bear parents, and the combination of their bears is often disgusting to the bone.

However, Lin Qiong has absolutely no reason to dislike children who are not bears and are well-behaved!Who would hate a little boy who will carefully walk up to you with a glass of water after you have worked hard all day, and say to you, "Brother Lin, you have worked hard! Drink some water and take a break"?

After hearing Lin Qiong's praise, Abe showed a gentle smile with joy, and she said softly, "You are a good boy too."

"Uh..." Lin Qiong coughed a few times in embarrassment. He has never received much praise since he was a child. If it counts—so I always feel a little embarrassed in the face of such a straightforward compliment.

"Let's talk about your trip this time?" Abe did not continue to tease Lin Qiong, but changed the subject with a smile. She was so gentle, and Lin Qiong cried to death.

"Okay!" Lin Qiong nodded, and then told a series of things about taking Abe's lunch to Yuanyue this time, and when it came to Dojima Yin, he gritted his teeth angrily and complained: "That's a new type of domestic violence! I don't even know how I survived!"

"Although it sounds miserable, you really need a little exercise." Abe couldn't help covering his mouth with laughter, and said, "Even I am stronger than you."

"How can I compare with you—" Lin Qiong lay down on the table weakly, although Abe is just a girl, but as a chef, she chops, stir-fries, and shakes the pot all day long. Larger than many adult males.

"That's why you need to exercise." Abe encouraged with a smile, "You can do it, come on!"

'Oh, please stop praising me, I'm too embarrassed to continue complaining! Lin Qiong bulged his mouth and buried his face in his arms, then said angrily: "Then, and then the second thing! It's about the 'Tongue of God' -"

Lin Qiong simply told Abe about the Nakiri family, and then Lin Qiong kept lying down and waited for Abe's response!But he lay on the ground for several seconds without hearing anything from Abe, so he couldn't help but raise his head strangely.

What caught my eye was Abe's smiling eyes—it turned out that she was imitating Lin Qiong, resting her chin on the table, shaking her head, and watching his every move.

"Oh, what are you looking at me for?" Lin Qiong covered his face with his hands a little too much, hurriedly changed the subject, and said, "Sister Abe, if it was you, how long can the God's Tongue last?" Feed?"

"Well, I still don't know the evolution level of that God's Tongue, and I don't know their culinary skills, so you suddenly asked me this question, and it's hard for me to answer—" Abe showed a distressed look With an expression on his face, he said, "Xiao Lin, why don't you go back and ask them to cook their special dishes for me?"

"Success!" Lin Qiong nodded, he stood up, and after summoning the world-penetrating gate, he returned to the world of the halberd-eating spirit.



After Lin Qiong returned to the Spirit of the Halberd Eater and repeated Abei's request to the old man, the old man's confidence suddenly increased!He immediately summoned Dojima Gin and Saiba Seiichiro, and then went into the kitchen with Nakiri Magi, and after a while, these four people came out with a box of bento each—this may not be 100 points cooking, but it is 100% their cooking!

Lin Qiong immediately returned to the world of Zhonghua with these four dishes, and after tasting the peak craftsmanship of these four people, Abei closed her eyes and thought for nearly 3 minutes, and gave her answer: " If I deliberately slow down the growth rate of God's Tongue, then with my cooking skills, I can probably last for three to four years."

This answer was already a surprise to Lin Qiong!After all, the three to four years mentioned by Abei is based on ordinary ingredients. If Lin Qiong can find better ingredients, it is estimated that this time can continue to be extended-and the longer the time span, the more Lin Qiong gets. More time to develop!

In Lin Qiong's plan, if he wants to solve the problem of God's Tongue, he must go to the mysterious side world where magic exists!However, if he rushed into the mysterious world without being prepared, he might not even know how he died. That's why he was so happy when he learned that he still had several years to develop.

Mana Nakiri was also very happy, and the old man who saw Mana Nakiri's flamboyant posture was also very happy, and Joichiro and Gin Dojima were also very happy to see the old man happy,

All in all, we all have a bright future!

"Lin Sang, thank you so much." The old man once again expressed his gratitude to Lin Qiong. He bent his majestic upper body and said solemnly: "No matter what help you need, as long as the Nakiri clan can do it Yes, we will definitely do our best!”

"Uh, what do you want to say that I need help..." Lin Qiong hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, thought for a while, then glanced at Dojima Yin, and asked in a low voice: "Can we not dance?" Is it? Others are seeking money at most, but Dojima Yin is killing his life!"


The old man was choked by these words. He coughed and then recovered, but his face still had an unbearable expression - Damn it, I really want to laugh!But does laughing at this time damage my coach's reputation?Will it damage my image as a food devil?

No, you can't laugh, you have to collapse!

Chapter 0005 I Can't Stand Erina

Here, the old man is still trying to keep his face straight to keep himself from laughing. This serious face is matched with the scar on his right eye. A younger brother made a mistake and was going to send them to Thailand to change their sex and come back to be a big boss who loves to show off.

Over there, I feel that the rhythm of Compendium of Materia Medica and Dragon Fist is very good. Dojima Gin, who is about to download these two songs to his mobile phone and use them as the background music for training Lin Qiong's aerobics, turned his head suddenly. He looked at Lin Qiong with disbelieving eyes—the eyes were like that of Tohsaka Tokiomi whose kidney was pierced by Kotomine Kirei.

How could he say that! ?Why did I get killed! ?

"Xiao Lin, have you forgotten the sweat the two of us sweated in the gym?"

"Xiao Lin, have you forgotten that we looked at each other and smiled, and then we were speeding on the treadmill?"

"Xiao Lin, have you forgotten the memory of our heads touching each other after we fell to the ground exhausted, panting and laughing?"

"Xiao Lin..."


Lin Qiong raised his right hand to block in front of him, then frowned at Dojima Gin, and couldn't help but ask: "If my memory is correct, in the past month, I have been the one who fell to the ground from exhaustion. After you can’t even get up, why don’t you practice more alone?”

"Any questions?"

"So where did the scene where you said about smiling at each other and then running on the treadmill, and laughing loudly after falling on the ground from exhaustion, come from?"

"Of course it's the brain!" Gin Dojima gave Lin Qiong a thumbs-up with a smile on his face. He showed an emotional, warm and doting smile and said, "Every time we train together, I always feel like this. Memories - yes, we are writing masters and apprentices, reading as close friends! MyFriends!"

'Where are you from Todo? '

Lin Qiong subconsciously took half a step back, and then looked at Dojima Gin in front of him with alert eyes—speaking of which, if I remember correctly, Dojima Gin's voice actor seems to be Zi Yasutake?Think about the roles that guy played before, like Dior, Nobuyuki, Nobuyuki Sugo, Kyohei Kannazuki...

Pinch it, which one is not a heavyweight role?So the one standing in front of me now, wouldn't it be a hidden heavyweight, right?After all, Gin Dojima is not considered the main character, so Halberd Eater doesn't describe him very much. If he has any unknown hobbies...

Lin Qiong's scalp felt numb and his anus tightened.

'Are you serious about taking a step back? 'Dojima Gin froze in place because of Lin Qiong's move, but that small movement caused so much harm to him!Gin Dojima felt a long-lost emo - the last time he felt this emo was when he found Lin Qiong secretly ordering a McNugget!

EXM?I, a world-class chef, is responsible for your three meals a day, and you actually sneaked into McDonald's! ?Disgusting, huh?I will really tie Q!

"Ahem -" Lin Qiong looked at Dojima Gin's sad expression and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Did he poke someone's heart?So he whispered: "Well, actually, I am quite happy training with you! Your training really makes me feel that my body is gradually getting stronger..."

The next moment, Dojima Gin gave Lin Qiong a thumbs up with a sassy face, and said, "As expected of my friend! Elbow, let's do ten sets of belly crunches!"

"No, wait..." Lin Qiong tried to say something, but in the end he was dragged helplessly by Dojima Gin into the gym of Nakiri's house.

Dojima Silver!When you eat instant noodles, you will always only buy old sauerkraut flavor! ! !



After the world-crossing gate entered the second stage, because Lin Qiong wanted to bring "takeaway" to Nakiri Nagi, he and Dojima Gin moved from Yuanyue Resort to Nakiri's ancestral house.

'So, why can't I escape his clutches even though I've moved here? Lin Qiong walked through the corridor of Nakie's house holding a bottle of iced milk helplessly, and muttered in a low voice: "The most terrifying thing, I'm so fucking used to this kind of life, I can't be brainwashed right?"

Lin Qiong in the past could never do morning exercises at six in the morning, let alone do fifty push-ups in one go now!It can only be said that getting used to this kind of thing is really terrible.

"Are you insulting my tongue!?"

At this moment, Lin Qiong suddenly heard an angry voice coming from a certain room next to him.

"This is the worst steak I've ever tasted! It's worse than garbage!"

Oh?Someone got scolded?

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, he quietly touched the outside of the room, then cautiously approached the door, and looked inside - he saw a beautiful girl with long blond hair sitting with her arms crossed On the chair, those magnificent violet eyes filled with impatient disgust!And behind the table directly opposite the beautiful girl, a middle-aged man who was old enough to be her father was nodding and apologizing.

'One look at Erina! Lin Qiong touched his chin and muttered: "It's as fierce as in the plot, it's really scary, unlike me, I only feel sorry for my brother!"

"Are you afraid of Erina?" At this time, Dojima Yin's voice sounded from behind Lin Qiong. He was imitating Lin Qiong's posture, hiding behind the door, and secretly watching Erina in the room with his head sideways. Li pointed out the appearance of Jiangshan's inspiring words.

"It's true that I'm a little scared." Lin Qiong thought for a while and said with some distress: "The eldest lady's temper and tsundere attribute, the combined lethality is simply increased tenfold!"

Lin Qiong is not the male protagonist of Assassin, he endured the "arrogance" of the female character as if he had no temper, and finally ushered in her "delicate" side-the torment of the armor of pride is really not something ordinary people can bear.

"This..." Seeing Lin Qiong's expression of "Erina is so troublesome", Dojima Gin also showed a distressed expression - the Nakiri family is Lin Qiong's partner, and the Nakiri Erina is the Nakiri family direct heirs!If there is a gap or conflict between Lin Qiong and Erina, it will definitely have a bad impact on the cooperation between the two parties.

'In a short period of time - at least while the commander-in-chief is in charge of the Nakiri family - there should be no problem. However, as Lin Qiong's ability increases, the Nakiri family's help to him will inevitably become less and less. His importance will gradually decrease..." Dojima Gin put his left hand under his right armpit, then supported his chin with his right hand, staring at Lin Qiong's back thoughtfully, "If at this time, Commander-in-Chief After his death, if Miss Erina, who is opposed by Lin Qiong, takes over the Nakiri family, maybe the Nakiri family, the 'subordinate ministers of the dragon', will squeeze out the core group. '

This kind of thing is something that no one with the Nakiri family as the core of their interests would want to see, so Dojima Gin must alleviate Lin Qiong's "resistance" to Erina at this time.

"Actually, I think, in terms of status, you who cooperate with the Nakiri family should be a little bit taller than Miss Erina." Dojima Gin said with a serious face: "So you really don't need to be afraid of Miss Get mad at you or something."

"Hiss, it seems to make sense?" Lin Qiong was taken aback, touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Chefs in this world are afraid of the eldest lady because she has a magical tongue. If you eat', your career as a chef is over, right?"


"But I'm not a chef! It's better to say that her mother is still waiting for me to give her three meals a day!?" Lin Qiong felt himself stiffen, and he suddenly showed a villainous smile, " Jie Jie! Miss Erina, you don’t want Mrs. Managi to have nothing to eat, do you?”


Dojima Gin was slightly startled. He looked at Lin Qiong's back and hesitated to speak, but hesitated to speak.

"No, no! How could I say such a thing?" Lin Qiong shook his head, letting Dojima Gin behind him breathe a sigh of relief, and then he continued: "It should be like this—Jie Jie! Mrs. Nagi, You also don't want Erina's God's Tongue to grow up and be unable to eat like you, do you? — That's right!"


Dojima Gin was silent for a few seconds, then covered his face with his hands, and said, "If the old man hears your words, I will definitely not have your good juice."

"Ahem, don't you have to ask me, Yin Sang, to do this?" Lin Qiong clasped his hands in his fists and said, "For the reason that I have been tortured by you for so long, don't tell the old man!"

"Even if I don't tell you, you have to pay attention to yourself!" Dojima Gin shook his head helplessly and said: "Anyway, joking about Managi is still a bit suspicious."

"Doesn't it matter to Erina?" Lin Qiong was shocked.

"Well..." Dojima Gin touched his chin for a while and thought, and said, "If you are interested in Erina, it's not impossible."

Putting nothing else aside, judging from Dojima Gin's understanding of Lin Qiong this month, if Lin Qiong married Erina, then he would definitely not watch Erina's God's Tongue grow into a curse Restricting her from eating anymore—this means that solving the problem of God's Tongue will enter Lin Qiong's first sequence!Even the world with the food halberd will become Lin Qiong's "mother's home" that Lin Qiong attaches great importance to!

Of course, this is only limited to the situation where Erina and Lin Qiong see each other right!Neither Senzaemon nor Dojima Gin would do anything to force Erina to marry Lin Qiong in order to tie the Nakiri family to Lin Qiong.

"This..." Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head hastily, and said, "No way! I can't stand Erina's food concept!"

Lin Qiong remembered very clearly that Nakiri Erina looked down on common people's food in the early stage!And what about Lin Qiong?He loves hot pot, Mala Tang, fried chicken, barbecue, and hot dry noodles, and these happen to be the "common people's food" in Erina's eyes. If he is going to marry and go home, why not make a fuss?

More importantly, Erina is only 15 years old now, 15 years old! !No matter what I do, I, Lin Qiong, would never attack a girl who is eight years younger than me! ?

Chapter 0006 Your life must be rose-red, right?

"Did he say so?"

"Well, that's what he said."

"Is that so-"

At this time, Dojima Gin was kneeling in front of Senzaemon, reporting to him Lin Qiong's evaluation of Erina. After hearing Lin Qiong's "resistance" to Erina, Senzaemon couldn't help but reveal A distressed expression.

Senzaemon's thinking is exactly the same as Dojima Yin's. He will not force Erina to please Lin Qiong and strive to become his wife in order to benefit the Nakiri family.But he is very happy to see the situation where the two see each other correctly!

'It's just that we didn't expect that our previous education of Erina would cause such a thing. Senzaemon had a distressed expression—to be honest, if Lin Qiong hadn't appeared, then Erina would have been destined to be at the top of the world, so his elite education would be no problem at all!

But a guy from "outside the world" jumped out and disrupted all the arrangements of Senzaemon.

"Old man, most of Lin Qiong's resistance to Missy comes from her current Missy's temper." Dojima Gin thought for a while, and suggested: "If she can let go of her anger, there should be no big problem between the two of them getting along."

Based on Dojima Yin's understanding of Lin Qiong during this period of time, as long as the eldest lady puts down her temper and doesn't have anything to do, then even if she can't be a lover, there is no problem in being an ordinary friend.

"Yin, I'll leave this matter to you." The old man patted Dojima Yin on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "It's too inappropriate for me, an old man, to come forward in this matter. You young people should do it."

'You are throwing the blame, you are throwing the blame! Gin Dojima, who was nearly forty years old, sighed silently and said, "I understand."



Of course Lin Qiong knows that Erina's nature is not bad, and also knows that Erina's personality will gradually change, but as a single dog who has been soloing for more than 20 years... ah, he is a lone wolf, Lin Qiong thinks that he is incapable of and Charm went to attack Erina, and then changed the temper of this eldest lady through love.

Besides, compared with the arrogant Erina who has a big temper, isn't Tian Suohui, who is full of attributes of a good wife and mother, not fragrant?She is good at local cuisine, and her personality is soft and healing!

Fragrant, so fragrant!

There is one thing to say, if Lin Qiong can find such a girlfriend, I am afraid that Lin Qiong will have to burn incense and thank the ancestors for their blessings, and then hold Tian Suohui in the palm of his hand and spoil him to death-she deserves to be like this treat!

However, Tian Suohui is also 15 years old, thank you eggplant, I don't want to wear a silver bracelet yet!

Although I took the lead in the alchemy of Erthorn Ape, but when Erthorn Ape became three-dimensional, Lin Qiong could only obey the law honestly!

When Dojima Gin walked out of the room, he saw Lin Qiong lying half-dead on the sofa. He couldn't help but asked strangely: "What's wrong? He looks like he has no love left."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" The general manager of Yuanyue Resort—the winner in life is talking about you, right? Damn it! Nishine!"


A series of question marks appeared on Dojima Gin's head, and he couldn't help complaining: "What are you going crazy again? Are you stimulated?"

"It's... my uncle is here?" Lin Qiong thought for a while, then sat up from the sofa, and said, "Men always have such a bad mood for more than 30 days every month!"

"More than 30 days a month... Isn't that a bad mood every day!?"

"That's what it means?" Lin Qiong chuckled, then leaned closer to Dojima Yin, elbowed him on the waist with a teasing face, and said, "I said Yinsang, isn't your life full of happiness?" The rose red one?"

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