"I don't quite understand what you mean..."

"It's a girl, girl!" Lin Qiong raised his finger and said, "A winner in life like you must have no shortage of girlfriends, right? Damn it, maybe you change one a month, twelve a year , hundreds of people are easily stunned!"

"No, no, no! Although I don't know what you are thinking, but you have a huge misunderstanding of me!" Dojima Gin waved his hands with a black face, "I have been single so far, right?"

"!" Lin Qiong's expression was very exciting, he was as shocked as if he was rescued by the superhero Batman, but unexpectedly discovered that the other party's identity was the national husband Wang Duoyu.

"What's that look on your face? Is it surprising that I don't have a girlfriend?"

"Could it be that you have a crush on Nagiri Magi, but because..."

"Can you put away your brain? Your brain is almost as good as Kennedy's."

"Pfft...cough! Damn it, you damn weakling! You've deprived me of ten years of merit!"

"Obviously you laughed it off, are you not good?"

"You are obviously the one who made this joke!"



"So, are you lonely and want a woman?" Dojima Yin imitated Lin Qiong's posture, Ge You lay on the sofa, turned his head to look at Lin Qiong beside him, and joked.

"Don't make it so ugly, what do you mean by 'missing a woman'?" Lin Qiong waved his hands and said, "I just, um, just feel a little lonely in life, and I just want to find someone to accompany me! "

"Isn't that just missing a woman?"

"No way race!" Lin Qiong pushed Dojima Yin impatiently, which drew Yinsang's burst of laughter. The man's smile is so weird.

After laughing enough, Dojima Gin rubbed his abdominal muscles, then took a meaningful look at Lin Qiong, and joked, "Shall I introduce some to you?"

"Forget it, all you know are BBAs in their 40s and [-]s~" Lin Qiong snorted and said, "I still like people who are younger than me—at least it's okay to look younger than me."

"How rude! I also know many daughters of wealthy families!"

"Damn it, you really are a frequent visitor to those ladies' bedrooms! You guys still say you are a virgin!"

"That's not true! What kind of image do I have in your mind!"

"Use your cooking skills to hold the lady's stomach, and use your muscles to capture her body..." Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "The number one yellow hair in Yuanyue?"

"You guy, you are unexpectedly weak in some places——"

"If you want to hit me, please allow me to apologize! But if you don't hit me, then just pretend that I didn't say the previous sentence -"

Dojima Gin rubbed his forehead and said, "You guy, after getting acquainted with it, it's unexpected... um..."

How should I put it, there are a lot of sassy words.

Hearing Dojima Yin's complaints, Lin Qiong braced his chin and muttered: "Normal, modern young people are like this!"

If you don't believe me, look through the chat records between yourself and Hao Jiyou, and then look through the chat records between yourself and your sister?You will find that when chatting with engine oil, the sassy talk is simply like an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another; when chatting with girls, you can't fart for a long time.

It was so normal, so normal that Lin Qiong couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I'm not joking with you." Dojima Gin waved his hand. He glanced at Lin Qiong and said, "Having said that, the old man is going to hold a banquet in two days to invite the past and current top ten graduates."

Lin Qiong looked at Dojima Yin blankly, and asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

Dojima Yin dried up the silence, he sighed, and said, "The old man hopes that you will also attend this banquet, and he wants to introduce your identity to those graduates."

"Oh oh oh!" Lin Qiong nodded suddenly. He straightened his back and sat up from the sofa, saying: "It's okay, but several of the current top ten are young men!"

"Twenty-five boy?"

"That's right! That's because Ji Nakamura's little Bessan secretly hooked up with six members of the Ten Elites and impeached Mr. Senzaemon." Lin Qiong picked his ears and said, "I remember it was around the time of the Moon Festival. .”

"Wait, wait a minute!" Dojima Gin covered his face speechlessly and said, "No, is it really okay for you to directly spoil the future like this!?"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "It should be fine, right? I didn't feel any backlash from revealing the secrets? It seems that this book doesn't care about that."

"Uh..." Dojima Gin rubbed his head. In fact, he didn't want to say that. "I mean, if you reveal the future so casually, don't you worry about the butterfly effect?"

"Don't you think that from the moment you know me, the original trajectory of fate is like a dump truck out of control, and it's heading in an unknown direction?"

"It seems to be right?" Dojima Gin was right when he thought about it, he looked at Lin Qiong and asked, "Then do you mind telling us something about the future?"

"Jie Jie! In the future, this kind of information cannot be obtained casually—" Lin Qiong showed an expression full of evil, and he laughed wildly: "Pay the price! Yinsang! Tomorrow I want to eat hot dry noodles made by you in the morning!"

"That's it?"

"No road race! I'm a true Hubei native. I won't give face to your cooking if it's not delicious! Maybe I'll tell you that Nakamura Ji's entry into Zuo Yuanyue's house is actually to get closer to a future like you!"

For some reason, Dojima Gin's fist clenched inexplicably.



The next morning.

"No, I said..." Lin Qiong's expression was a little guilty, because besides him and Dojima Yin in the living room at this time, there were only Ichiro Hayagi, Nakiri Senzaemon, Nakiri Mannagi, and Nakiri E Rina sat in it.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Dojima Yin, and asked, "Why are they all sitting here?"

Lin Qiong said "they", so Dojima Gin understood his subtext in an instant - he was not surprised by the appearance of the old man and Joichiro, but by Nakiri Erina and the man who was standing beside her stiffly. Why did the secretary appear here.

Chapter 0007 can not be reluctant to comment

"This..." Dojima Gin scratched his face and said, "When the old man and I reported the situation last night, Erina outside the door heard it."

"Your awareness of defense is comparable to that of Superman A Guang!" Lin Qiong couldn't help but complain.

"Erina is the heir of the Nakiri family after all, and I will tell her about these things sooner or later." Dojima Gin said indifferently. It was for this reason that he and the old man were not overly on guard, so Erina heard these things information.

"That's true..." Lin Qiong muttered, then quietly glanced at Erina, who had been silent since just now, looking a little dazed and haggard, and thought to himself: "Does this girl know about the world-crossing gate?" After the news, you didn't sleep all night, right? '

What Lin Qiong didn't know was that Erina did not sleep all night, but the reason why she couldn't sleep was that besides the world-crossing gate, there was also the truth that Nagiri Magi ran away from home - she never understood the truth of her mother. Why she was not by her side since she was a child, even if she asked Senzaemon many times, she still couldn't get an answer, but now she understands.

"Mr. Lin—" Nakiri Erina looked at Lin Qiong, she lowered her head slightly, and said, "Thank you very much for your help to my mother."

Lin Qiong was a little surprised by Erina's attitude. In the original book, the proud young lady with eyes above her head actually showed such a peaceful side in front of her?

If it was me before I got the world-transmitting gate, I'm afraid I wouldn't even get one right?

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong instantly recovered from the inflated mentality he had just had. He rubbed his fingers and said, "This is just a matter of little effort."

Senzaemon stroked his beard and said solemnly, "It's easy for you, but it's a great favor for us."

"I'm the worst at dealing with this kind of situation." Lin Qiong raised his hands helplessly and said, "Can we let this topic pass?"

"Hahaha, no problem, no problem." Senzaemon smiled and continued: "It's getting late, let Gin make breakfast first?"

"That's right! I almost forgot about it!" Only then did Lin Qiong remember that there was such a thing as breakfast. He immediately looked at Dojima Yin with a smile, and then hinted with his eyes that it was time for him to work.

"Leave it to me." Dojima Gin stood up from his seat while rolling his sleeves, he moved his shoulders with a smile, and said, "Today I will let you eat a bowl of the most delicious hot food in the world." Dried noodles!"

Hearing Dojima Yin's speech, Lin Qiong pouted, imitating the emphasis of the yellow monkey, and said in a strange way: "Oh, it's so scary~ the most delicious hot dry noodles in the world~~ I don't know~~ Can it be possible? Let sister Mana eat it?"

Dojima Gin staggered, he quickly supported the door frame beside him, then glared at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Your conscience is really bigbig's bad! No, your conscience is just like Ender's. Like a man's father, it doesn't exist at all!"

"Pfft! Cough cough... Hundan! You have caused me to lose another ten years of merit!"

"It's obviously your own problem that makes you laugh, right?"

"Isn't it your question for telling the joke?"

"Anyway, you will go to hell after you die!"

"Are you going to go to heaven?"

"Sorry, I have cleaned up all the chat records, browser access records, and posts and replies on major forums!"

"As expected of you!"

Erina watched Lin Qiong and Dojima Gin choke each other with a little surprise—it was the first time she saw the majestic Uncle Dojima in her impression talking to another person so casually.

"Go downstairs! Didn't you see a room full of people waiting to be fed?"

"Just open your mouth and wait to eat." Dojima Yin glanced at Lin Qiong, and then walked into the kitchen with his head held high - there is still an old man waiting for dinner today, he has to get serious!



During the time when Dojima Gin was making breakfast, Erina had been observing Lin Qiong—to be honest, she felt from the bottom of her heart that this man was really...

so common!

To put it bluntly, if this person were placed in a shoujo manga, he would be a passer-by character who can't even draw a face!At most, a box will be given, and then it will be marked that he is student A with student number 030.

But it happened that such a seemingly unremarkable passer-by male character changed suddenly and became a partner that his grandfather valued very much. He even told her very bluntly that the relationship with Lin Qiong directly affected whether she could continue to serve as Nakiri. heir to the family.

I have to say that fate (luck) is really unpredictable.

"Chicken soup is coming!"

At this time, accompanied by Dojima Yin's voice, he put a large bowl of noodles on the table, and said enthusiastically, "Dojima Gin's Special Luxurious Hot Dry Noodles!"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then glanced at Saiba Seiichiro, Senzaemon, and Erina, and said, "According to the practice of gourmet fans, shouldn't you have a taste and then make some comments? "

Joichiro on the side showed a subtle expression, and he asked curiously, "Are you interested in this?"

"Uh, it's not that I'm not interested, the main thing is..." Lin Qiong scratched the back of his head and said, "For example, if you are traveling in China, you will definitely want to go to the zoo to take pictures with giant pandas, right? That's the kind The feeling of witnessing a famous scene!"

"Although I understand what you said, being called a famous scene is somewhat complicated..." Dojima Gin rubbed his brows dumbfounded, and said, "It's complicated in various senses."

"There are too many famous scenes in your world—" Lin Qiong became playful, and he picked up a large bowl of hot dry noodles with his serving chopsticks and put them in his own bowl, saying, "For example, the most classic one is the hot and dry noodles." Clothes name scene! That is, the lapel of the old man’s clothes burst—”

Hearing this famous scene, Joichiro was delighted at the time: "Hahaha, there is indeed—"

Dojima Gin held his forehead and said, "So, did many audiences in another world enjoy the scene of the old man's clothes bursting?"


Joichiro smiled even more happily, while the old man's expression became a little tense.

"Oh, eat the noodles first!" Lin Qiong said with a smile: "If the hot dry noodles are kept for too long, it will not taste good when the sesame paste dries up!"

Senzaemon took the lead to put a large bowl of noodles into his bowl, then glanced at Dojima Gin, and said, "Let me taste it."

The corner of Dojima Gin's mouth twitched slightly, he glanced at the old man, and thought: "Grandpa, you are venting your anger on me—"

"Then let me try it too." Cheng Yilang smiled, and he also put a chopsticks of hot dry noodles into his bowl, and then said: "I remember that hot dry noodles are a very common breakfast in the Hubei area of ​​China Pasta, right? The method is also very simple, after boiling the noodles..."

As expected of Shura who traveled all over the world in search of new cooking methods, Joichiro casually mentioned the method of making hot dry noodles, and then concluded: "Generally speaking, it's not a difficult dish—even in You can do it at home."

"That's true." Lin Qiong nodded, shrugging his shoulders and said, "In our world, during the closure of the city, I made hot dry noodles for myself at home."

As for the taste, it's not bad at all!After all, the taste of this kind of breakfast is mostly made up of condiments, and there is also sesame sauce as the base, so the difference is not much worse.

Joichiro picked up a pair of chopsticks wrapped in sesame paste noodles, sniffed them lightly, put them in his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls, and said: "The noodles are cooked just right, refreshing and springy, and the noodles are delicious. The sesame paste is evenly wrapped on the top, and the taste of the seasoning is perfectly integrated into the sesame paste..."

Lin Qiong on the side stared dumbfoundedly at Joichiro and Senzaemon as if they were writing a thesis. The two commented on the hot dry noodles made by Dojima Gin in a long discussion. , the only word in his mind is "delicious".

'This looks a little bit handsome——'

Lin Qiong glanced at the three people who were talking and laughing happily, and couldn't help but want to express his own opinion - anyway, he is also a man who has chased after delicious food, Zhonghuayiyi and the spirit of eating halberds, and a few decent comments should be Not a problem, is it?

"Ahem——" Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and after attracting everyone's attention, he solemnly picked up a few noodles and put them into his mouth, then shook his head and said, "Well, the taste of this noodle, Uh, very good! And the taste of this noodle, well, it’s also very good! And the consistency of this sesame paste, well, it’s also very good!”


All of a sudden, everyone's eyes became a little subtle, and Shiroichiro said sincerely: "Xiaolin! If you really don't know how to comment, you don't have to force yourself like this."

Lin Qiong blushed. He looked at Shiro Ichiro angrily and said, "What do you mean you can't comment!? I'm a man who has watched more than 1000 episodes of Conan!"

"What does it have to do with whether you can review more than 1000 episodes of Conan?"

"What I mean is, I am proficient in dozens of methods of killing people in secret rooms; the configuration of hundreds of poisons; and the concealment of hundreds of weapons!"

"Ahem, I didn't say anything just now."

Looking at Cheng Yilang, who had confessed to being cowardly, Lin Qiong hummed and whispered a few words of BB, and then urged: "Okay, okay! All cooking masters and gourmets, let's eat noodles first? I'll pay for breakfast after eating I'm going to give you a spoiler!"

Spoilers are business!What could be more exciting than spoilers in front of the original characters?Maybe it's just the collective viewing of the movie from the heavens and the world plus questions and answers?It's a pity that what Lin Qiong got was the world-transmitting gate, not the Zhiyong Quiz Breakthrough studio—otherwise he would have designated to show the characters from the heavens and the world their dark history, and stage a wave of ultimate social death!

Chapter 0008 You are not on the same level as others

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