After enjoying a delicious breakfast (Managi ate something made by Master Abe), the secretary cleaned up the dishes, and everyone sat neatly at the table.

Holding a cup of scented tea in both hands, Lin Qiong said eagerly, "Then shall I start?"

"Let's get started." The old man nodded, looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "Let's listen to the original future of this world!"

Lin Qiong nodded. After thinking about the wording for a moment, he said, "Let's start with the name first! The story that happened in this world is called "The Spirit of the Halberd Eater" in our world."

"Food halberd? Tsk tsk, isn't this an old tradition of our Yuanyue?" Joichiro touched his chin, winked at Dojima Gin and said, "We used the food halberd to make Jixingliao Yuanyue The first organization of the month!"

"Why does this sentence come out of your mouth, giving people the feeling of the underworld expanding their territory?"

"That's almost what it means, hahaha——" Shiroichiro laughed arrogantly, as expected of Yao Wang's biological father, the two laughed exactly the same.

"I can understand Shiji, but what does soma mean?" Dojima Yin showed a strange expression.

"It refers to the name of the male protagonist in this manga—" Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, looked at Shiroichiro beside him, and said, "Mr. Shiroichiro, don't you think it sounds familiar?"

"No way?" Shiro Ichiro, who was laughing maniacally, was taken aback for a moment, he twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's not what I imagined, is it?"

"Hey~" Lin Qiong smiled at Joichiro, and said, "Unfortunately, it's exactly what you imagined—congratulations! Your son, Xing Ping Chuangzhen, is the leading actor of the Spirit of the Halberd Eater! "

Joichiro covered his face subtly, and said in an extremely disgusting tone: "Is he really that kid?"

"Obviously very proud, but still pretending to be disgusted!" Dojima Yin patted Joichiro's chest angrily, and said, "Don't be complacent! Maybe the plot is that the father of the hero died unexpectedly, and then... "

"You guy, you wish something happened to me, right?"

"The guy who disappeared without authorization for so many years is not qualified to say this!"

"Roadless race! I'm back!"

"STOP!" Lin Qiong raised his voice and said, "If you want to flirt, go back and fix it! Now is my happy spoiler time!"


Shiro Ichiro and Dojima Gin immediately stared at Lin Qiong with death stares, their malicious eyes seemed to be thinking whether it would be better for Lin Qiong to dance Compendium of Materia Medica or Dragon Fist tonight.

"Speaking of the male protagonist Xinghei Chuangzhen, I have to say his nickname—" Lin Qiong glanced at Joichiro with a smirk on his face, and said, "Because this world is a gourmet world! So in order to highlight How delicious the food everyone cooks, often focuses on portraying the reaction of the characters after eating the food! And the more famous one is the bursting of the old man's skirt."


Dojima Yin couldn't help but asked: "That is to say, in your world, tens of thousands of people have seen the picture of the old man's clothes bursting?"

Having said this, the old man himself was a little bit shocked - although he usually likes to have his clothes explode, but when he thought about tens of thousands of people watching the scene of his clothes exploding, he suddenly felt a bit shocked.

"Well, there may be more than tens of thousands of people, maybe millions or tens of millions." Lin Qiong scratched his face and said softly: "Oh, there is another famous scene, which is the old man's pocket... "

'It cannot be said! The old man's eyes widened instantly, he hurriedly interrupted Lin Qiong's voice, and said, "Don't talk about me, the old man! No one will be interested! You should continue to talk about Xing Ping Chuangzhen's foreign affairs. number."

"Oh, that's fine." Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "In order to highlight the delicacy of the food, gourmet fans usually focus on portraying the reaction of the characters when they eat the food! As a result, the reactions of the characters in this world are exaggerated, leading some people to jokingly call it 'Food Halberd'." The dishes of the spirit of the spirit are all drugged! So Xing Ping Chuangzhen, as the leading actor, won the nickname of "King of Medicine"."

"King of medicine..." Shiro Ichiro raised his hand to cover his forehead, he looked at the table in front of him suspiciously, and murmured, "Why do other people have nicknames like 'God's Tongue' and 'Dining Table'?" "White Knight", "Sura", "Vegetable Magician", and my son became the King of Medicine?"

[Beep——] What's wrong with the king of medicine!Almost done!

"Ahem, doesn't this mean that your son's cooking skills are superb?" Dojima Gin comforted Shiroichiro with a smile, "After all, he is the leading actor! This is a good thing, ahem, a good thing!"

"Good thing? Then how about I give this title to you? Yakuo Dojima Gin, how handsome!" Shiro Ichiro gritted his teeth and looked at his bad friend, and said, "How? I promise that I will travel around the world at the same time. Help you spread this handsome nickname!"

"Puff, cough, forget it, forget it, forget it." Dojima Gin coughed several times quickly, he waved his hands with a smirk, and said, "This, this honor, I'll leave it to you!"

Joichiro pouted.

"Then... um..." Lin Qiong thought for a while, rubbed his chin depressedly, and murmured: "Hiss, if I dictate the whole plot, I'm afraid I'll be exhausted? No, I have to find a way be lazy--"

So, Lin Qiong raised his head, showed a business-like smile, and said, "Everyone, let's make up the show together?"




After half an hour.

Nakiri house, the living room.

The 100-inch TV hanging on the wall is playing the first season of the halberd-eating spirit, while Lin Qiong is sitting on the sofa, eating the snacks prepared by the secretary with relish, and secretly observing other human expression.

When I saw in the first episode, Soshin’s classmate Mayumi Kurase ate Joichiro’s fried rice, her eyes blurred, Xia Fei’s cheeks looked like, Joichiro, Dojima Gin, and the old man all covered themselves in unison. s face.

"Thinking about it now, it seems that this is really the case..." Shiro Ichiro's tone was full of desolation, "Why haven't you discovered it all this time?"

"Probably because everyone is used to it, right?" Dojima Yin raised his head silently, and said in a heavy tone, "We didn't realize that something was wrong until we were pointed out by Xiaolin."

"Wait a minute -" At this time, Erina, who had recovered from the shock, turned her head and looked at her uncle, mother and grandfather, and said in a collapsed tone: "Do you think I am usually like this?"

"Ah, about this point, Miss, you can rest assured!" Lin Qiong gave Erina a thumbs up with a smile on his face, and said, "If Chuang is really the hero, you are the heroine! So you can eat Food's reaction is naturally not completely different from this ordinary female character!"

" that so?" Erina breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she didn't show such an angry picture, it would be fine!

Soon, the plot progressed to the scene where Xinghei Chuangzhen captured Yaeko Minezaki with a dish made of bacon and potatoes!Seeing his son's activeness in the picture, Shiroichiro stroked his chin, and said in a slightly shy voice: "Hmm! Although the cooking skills still need to be improved, the creativity is still good!"

'Virtue! '

Dojima Gin glanced sideways at Joichiro, what's so great about having a son?

Erina looked at Soma Xinghei in the picture with a little distaste. She couldn't believe that the son of Uncle Joichiro, whom she admired the most, would cook such "extremely common" cuisine!

While everyone was watching with great interest, the plot progressed to the second episode - Soma Xinghei, under the arrangement of Joichiro, was preparing to take the entrance examination of Totsuki, but he did not expect that the examiner was actually the legendary "God's Tongue" Nakiri Erina!

"Babies usually start talking between one and two years old, but Erina-sama spoke the first words when she was three months old..."

"She said: The taste is not strong enough!"

When everyone heard the passer-by explaining the legend of Erina, and the disgusted expression of the baby Erina in the picture, everyone including Lin Qiong burst into unscrupulous laughter.

"Puhahaha! Absolutely! Old man, did Erina really say such things when she was a child?" Joichiro let out an unscrupulous laugh.

"Hey——" the old man sighed, and said, "It's almost like this! It was really difficult to take care of at that time! I have to prepare the milk powder at home..."

"Ahhhh—" Erina was so shy that she covered her face with her hands and let out a wailing—what is this! ?Black history made public? ?And it was in front of Uncle Joichiro! ?

You shark me!Woo hoo!

Different from the grief-stricken Erina, the secretary on the side was holding her nose firmly. She endured the loyalty that was about to overflow, and thought excitedly: "Small, Mrs. Erina when I was a child, it is good cute--'

A few minutes later, when Erina ate Kohei Soshin's "Transformation Egg Rice Bowl" into his mouth, the whole room fell into silence.


Erina blushed and opened her mouth wide. She turned her head to look at Lin Qiong with difficulty, and wailed: "Lin, Mr. Lin Qiong! Is this the reaction you said, which is completely different from ordinary female characters?"

"That's right! It's completely different, right?" Lin Qiong showed Erina a refreshing smile, and gave Erina a thumbs up, saying: "As expected of the heroine, the degree of astringency is comparable to that of other heroines. The characters are completely incomparable!"

"Don't, ah, ah—"

At this moment, Nakiri Erina held her head in her hands and screamed. As she screamed, she secretly swore in her heart: 'Soma Yukihira, even if you are the son of Uncle Joichiro, I will never forgive you! ! '

This grudge, I, Nakiri Erina, wrote it down!

Chapter 0009 Erina's request

As the saying goes, as long as I accept my weakness, then I am invincible!And when this sentence is used on Erina at this time, it can probably be changed to...

'As long as I accept my black history, I am invincible! '

When her "ugliness" appeared for the first time, Erina showed shame and indignation, became angry from embarrassment, and became incompetent and furious;

When her "ugliness" appeared for the second time, Erina showed a gloomy complexion, gritted her teeth, and became impotent and furious;

When my "ugliness" is the third, fourth, fifth time...

Soon, Erina was able to hold the flower tea made by her secretary without changing her expression, and watch the drama together with everyone—this calm appearance immediately made Lin Qiong show a disappointed expression.

Season one, season two, season three, season four...

As everyone watched intently, the drama soon came to the end of the fourth season!With the cooperation of Missy and Yao Wang, after defeating Si Yingshi and Kobayashi Gendan, defeating Nakie Ji's plot, and becoming Yuan Yuexin's commander-in-chief and the first seat...

"Feisha! When you were eating halberds in the joint team, you said that you are already my friend, right?" Lin Qiong looked at Cheng Yilang excitedly, and said loudly: "In this case, please call me 'Kiss Erina'!"

Saiba Seiichiro showed a shaken expression, and he replied with difficulty: "No, it can't be done! Miss, how can I call you by this name..."

"Then, then...then call me...Erina-chan!"


"Crimson Sand Sauce!"


"Crimson Sand Sauce!!"


The next one, next to him, Nakiri Magi fell to the ground clutching his stomach, then patted the tatami mat under him without any image, and said: "After the scene that was already very funny was replayed by you two big men It got even worse hahahahaha—”

Dojima Gin on the side coughed desperately to hide his laughter, and even Senzaemon on the side turned sideways, worried that his distorted expression would be seen by others.

As for Erina and the secretary who are involved?At this time, they are like a stupid couple who just realized that the other party likes them, sitting on the sofa with flushed faces, hands clamped nervously) (between the legs, and occasionally raising their heads shyly to look at each other, in After meeting his eyes, he lowered his head in a panic...

It's too sweet, so sweet that Lin Qiong feels like he's about to take insulin!



Soon, after watching the last episode, everyone fell into a brief silence.

"How do you say..." Joichiro rubbed his head, then glanced at Nakiri Magi, and said, "I didn't expect your mother and daughter to get along so awkwardly."

"You have to take care of it!" Nagiri Shinagi, who was holding a fan, glared at Joichiro, then looked at Erina with hatred, and said: "My stupid daughter, you are actually afraid of that gloomy man!? You What do you think?"

"No way! It's not because you ran away from home when I was young!"

"Isn't that just to find a solution to God's Tongue!"

"Then you found it?"

"No Road Race!"

"No road race no road race!"

"No road race no road race no road race!"

Lin Qiong looked at the two with Conan's same style of dead fish eyes, shouting no way like elementary school students arguing, and Shiro Ichiro and Dojima Gin looked at each other, and the two of them invariably pressed their lips together. The upper stroke draws a zipper action.

Women are unreasonable, especially women who are arguing, that is even more unreasonable!So we two brothers should just be spectators honestly, but don't get caught up in the fire!

Lin Qiong glanced contemptuously at the two people who were wise and safe, and then set their sights on Erina and Nagiri Nagi, the mother and daughter—in just a dozen seconds, these two people had already closed their eyes. He kept yelling "No Road Race" towards the opponent, as if whoever stopped first would lose.

So you are really elementary school students, right?

"Stop, friend! Stop for a moment—" Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised his hand to interrupt the elementary school students' quarrel. "Compared to quarreling now, should we discuss something more meaningful?"

Probably because it was Lin Qiong's collaborator who was speaking, it was rare for Nagiri Nagi to not explode the young miss's temper, but asked patiently, "For example?"

"For example..." Lin Qiong thought for a moment and said, "For example, after seeing the future direction, how do you deal with Nakamura Ji's usurpation of the throne and the subsequent incident of Nakamura Chaoyang? Should you take the lead in attacking, or should you wait for work?"

"To deal with that gloomy man, I can handle it easily—" Nakiri Magi curled her lips, and then said in a strange way: "After all, I am not like some god's tongue, afraid of a gloomy man!"

You're almost there!Erina is almost turning into a puffer fish!

"Then take the initiative to attack!" The old man said decisively: "If there is no Xiaolin, I will choose to let the new generation experience it, but in the case of cooperation, it is better to do less."

This is a very simple truth. If a force doesn't even understand their own housework, then who would dare to cooperate with them?Therefore, the old man wanted to make Yuanyue completely settle down before the cooperation officially started.

"Everyone, we need to work together in the future." The old man glanced at Dojima Gin and Joichiro, and said in a deep voice, "It's time to issue an order to summon the Ten Heroes!"



After the old man and the others entered the mode of chatting about business, Lin Qiong found a reason and left the meeting room, strolled to the corridor of the Nakiri house by himself, and lay down lazily.

After lying down for a few minutes, Lin Qiong heard slight footsteps, and he turned his head to see that Erina was walking from the corner of the corridor with his secretary.

"Looking for me?" Lin Qiong sat up and asked, pointing at himself.

"En." Erina nodded thoughtfully, she sat down beside Lin Qiong with her hands pressed against the bottom of her skirt, and said, "Well, Mr. Xiaolin—"


"Thank you."

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