The Blood Emperor came to the edge of the battlefield in person and said to his old man solemnly.

"Don't worry." The old man looked at this blond boy with a kind face, from the bratty boy who was wearing open pants and showing his dick with a tree branch against the poop, growing up bit by bit into the emperor now, softly Said: "The old man will definitely bring you victory!"

Don't ask why the old man is so confident, but the old man can use sixth-level magic—the sixth level, understand?It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just worship!

Fuluda swaggered into the air, then held a staff, and gracefully flew towards the center of the battlefield, and then stopped at the front of the imperial army, looking at the twenty majestic Archangels in front of him with a smile on his face , said to himself: "The Theocracy is really big money. To maintain the existence of twenty mighty Archangels, the daily investment is not a small amount, right?"

It's a pity that the mighty Archangel is not a real angel, but an angel-type monster. They don't have wisdom and can only complete the tasks assigned by the summoner mechanically, so they can't respond to Fuluda's inquiry.

"Well, haven't you attacked yet? Could it be a range alert type?" Fuluda stroked his beard, he thought for a while, then flicked his staff with his right hand, a stone emerged from the ground, and then floated in front of him, He controlled it and flew towards the open space ahead.

One meter, two meters, ten meters, 20 meters...

When the stone flew about 30 meters away from Fluda, that is, within 50 meters of the border of the Theocracy, a golden ray suddenly shot out from the top of the scepter in the hand of a majestic archangel, "Bang!" With a bang, the stone Fruda threw was shot into pieces.

"Is it really a passive range defense? Why is it set up like this? What's the point—" Fruda was puzzled. In his opinion, the setting conditions of Archangel Majestic at this time are completely passive defense. As long as the empire Nothing will happen if the army is not close to the past-but this is the doubt, since you have controlled so many majestic lord angels, wouldn't it be good to directly suppress the army?What position defense are you playing! ?

Don't understand, don't understand at all.

It's like you have turned into an Ultraman, why are you still passively defending! ?Wouldn't you fly directly into the universe and try to blow up the Sfia base camp during the novice protection period?

"Since it's a range defense, will it react to long-range attacks?" Fuluda let out a "hehehe" laugh. He slowly raised the staff in his right hand and said softly: "The fifth-level magic ·Long Lei—”

The next moment, a white lightning strike in the shape of a dragon shot out from the top of Fuluda's staff, whizzing and shot towards the head of the mighty lord angel directly in front of him. Facing the galloping attack, The majestic lord angel raised his staff very naturally, emitting a golden light for defense.

'This time I won't let you hit easily...'

Fluda thought in his heart, he skillfully controlled the magic to turn the trajectory of the Thunder Dragon, perfectly dodged the light beam emitted by the Master Angel of Prestige, and then hit its head.

Chapter 0140 Sorry, Jill


The thunder dragon shining with blue and white thunder light all over its body bombarded Archangel Majestic's head, but it was blocked by a hexagonal shield that emerged out of thin air, and the real damage caused was only one tenth of the real power of this magic. one.

"That's... a magic shield?" Fuluda showed an interested expression, and he sighed "Oh oh oh" like an old urchin seeing a novelty, and said, "Isn't this Is the original ability of the Master Angel of Weiguang, that is to say, the additional magic shield imposed by the summoner? Interesting, so interesting!"

It can be seen that it is as simple as adding a magic shield to the mighty Archangel!The essence of magic is a bit like programming, and the act of adding a shield to Archangel Majestic is tantamount to "reediting" the original "program" and "working perfectly" - this is a brand new technology, and Inevitably Frudawa Kuwaku.

Ah, Fruda, I haven't seen any new magic, just snort~

However, Fluda didn't have time to sigh at this time!After all, after the Mighty Light Lord Angel was attacked, its counterattack mechanism was officially activated - its golden eyes lit up, and then it quickly locked on Fulda, who used magic to attack it.

"Is there only one body locked on the old man? It seems that hatred and wit are separated..." Fruda could not see any nervousness, but was still analyzing leisurely: "Well, it should be to prevent chain hatred Under the mechanism, use fast-moving units to pull these majestic Lord Angels away from the battlefield in one go? However, doesn’t this give the enemy a chance to scatter and break? It’s still too tender—”

While he was leisurely analyzing, the Archangel of Prestige had already raised his staff, and a super-long-distance laser beam had condensed on its staff——Looking at this scene, Fuluda couldn't help but challenge He raised his own eyebrows.

"The attack method is long-range sniper killing? Is this because he is determined not to leave his current position?" He raised his height and moved towards the open space on the other side of the battlefield, avoiding the prestige later The attack of the master angel will fall on the heads of the soldiers below.

"call out--"

A second later, the laser was launched, but Fuluda, who had been prepared for a long time, dodged the high-speed laser by turning sideways, and joked leisurely in his mouth: "Although the laser is fired very fast, its agglutination and It takes time to aim, you only need to shift your position at the right time, and there is no difficulty in dodging."

Do you understand the gold content of the number one magic caster in the empire? (Tactical back.jpg

"call out--"

After a short charge, the second laser shot struck, but Fluda, who was as proficient as Chunxi, had no difficulty in dodging this monotonous attack.

"call out--"

Then came the third shot.

Fuluda frowned in dissatisfaction, and said, "What about other attacks? Is this the only attack method at this stage?"

What is this summoner doing? Such a powerful Archangel of Prestige is actually being used as a laser emitter! ?Or did it seal most of its functions in order to prolong its summoning time and save the energy it consumes?

"In this case, it's a bit boring—" Fuluda showed a disappointed expression, and he muttered: "I thought I could study the ability of Master Angel Weiguang."

Just as Fuluda was complaining, and was about to evade the next attack, and launched a counterattack, the Lord Angel of Prestige stopped suddenly, then retracted the scepter he raised, closed his eyes, and re-entered Into the same "standby mode" as other prestige master angels.


Fuluda's movements paused slightly. He looked at the action of the main angel of Weiguang in a strange way, and said to himself: "Stopped? Is the energy exhausted? Try again——"

He raised his staff again, and said softly: "The fifth-level magic Dragon Thunder——"

Just as the dragon thunder he released was fired towards the Lord Angel of Prestige, a same dragon thunder shot out from the ground on the Theocracy's side, collided with the dragon thunder he fired, and then disappeared in the air.


Fuluda showed a slightly surprised expression, and he murmured: "The old man's magic has been cancelled? Interesting! Could it be that there are new stars of magic casters in the Theocracy? That's great, the empire doesn't even have any good seedlings." -"

"That, that—" Just as Fuluda was thinking, a weak and cute voice came from below—I saw a man wearing a black magic robe, with two low twisted braids hanging over his shoulders The girl on board came out from behind the main angel of prestige, and said to Fuluda who was floating in the air: "Old man, can we have a talk?"

"Little girl?" Fuluda was even more surprised, he couldn't wait to land in front of Yoyo, and asked: "And she looks like only a teenager—hahaha, it's terrible, it's terrible! Teenage girl Can the little girl release fifth-level magic? Is it your natural ability, or is it a rare magic item?"

Youyou thought for a while and said, "Should it be a natural ability?"

Among the passive skills she obtained in the game, there is a passive that can be said to be the most dreamed-for magic caster, and now that this passive has been converted into her physique, Yoyo has become an "element-like affinity physique"—— To put it simply, the affinity for elements is exceptionally high. Unleashing elemental magic not only reduces the consumption and increases the power, but also reduces the time for singing.

Major elements: This human cub, we covered it, you know, understand?

"Oh! Is it a natural ability that directly increases strength, or a natural ability that speeds up magic learning?" Fluda continued to ask enthusiastically, "Speaking of which, little girl, do you want to leave the Theocracy and become the disciple of this old man? This old man is the number one magic caster in the empire—”

"Uh, no, no need." Yoyo waved her hands with an awkward smile on her face. Seeing that the old man was about to say something, she hurriedly said, "That, that! Old man, I have something to say to you—"

"Huh? What do you want to say?"

"First of all, please stay calm later, if you show something strange, there is no need for us to continue communicating." Youyou kept in mind Lin Qiong's instructions before she left, with a serious attitude "Warning" Fruda, said: "Understood?"

"Little girl, do you know what I'm talking about?" Fuluda twitched his eyebrows lightly, and he said a little funny: "How many people want to exchange magic with this old man but don't get this opportunity, you actually... oh ... oh oh oh..."

Before he finished speaking, Yoyo took off the prop ring on his hand to shield his intelligence, and when the ring was taken off, Fuluda's natural ability suddenly let him see what Yoyo was doing. The level of magic he has mastered - that is what he has never imagined, called "the abyss of the magic way", a bottomless magic cultivation.


Fuluda hastily took a few deep breaths, he subconsciously wanted to kneel on the ground and beg Yoyo to give him a chance to see the abyss of the demonic way, but at the moment he was about to bend his knees, he suddenly thought of Yoyo's love His instruction abruptly stopped his tendency to kneel down.

Calm down, old man, calm down!

She said, if the old man shows something strange, there is no need to communicate!That is to say, as long as the old man maintains his current appearance and does not show any flaws, she can be willing to continue communicating with him—wait a minute, why did he specially let the old man maintain his current appearance?If it is deterrence, it is obviously more effective to make the old man kneel down, right?That is to say...

Although Fuluda is old, his mind is not out of order at all. He quickly came to the conclusion that the people on the Theocracy side wanted him to pretend that he had been instigated, and the goal was naturally the emperor of the empire. .

"I'm sorry, Jill, for the sake of the old man's abyss of magic, I have to sacrifice you—"

Although he said "I'm sorry" in his heart, in fact, Fruda didn't even have the slightest apology in his heart. All he had was yearning for the abyss of the magic way and curiosity about unknown magic.

"This lord—"

Fuluda quickly changed the previous address from "little girl" to "adult", and then said the most humble words in the most arrogant manner: "I don't know if there is any order that I need to complete? I will do my best to cooperate." you."

"Well, you don't need to deliberately cooperate with anything -" Youyou shook her head, she said softly: "You only need to show interest in the Archangel Mighty Light, and then persuade the emperor to temporarily withdraw his troops, and then let it develop naturally. .”

"I see." Fuluda nodded and said, "It's just that the fact that we stopped communicating has been seen by others, what should we do?"

"Let's just follow what I said just now—" Yoyo held the staff and said, "Just say that you became interested in my natural abilities and wanted to accept me as a disciple, but I refused."

"Okay, I understand." Fuluda nodded, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said to Yoyo: "Then, please allow me to retire temporarily."

"OK, go ahead."

Youyou nodded, and waited until Fuluda flew again and left the border of the Theocracy before she retreated behind Archangel Majestic, then patted her chest, let out a long breath, and said: " Wow, I'm so nervous! Woohoo, I hope I won't be asked to do this kind of mission next time—"

"With all due respect, Your Excellency—" The maid team member (Lv.35) who is in charge of Yoyo's daily life said with a smile on his face, "Because only His Excellency has mastered super-level magic in the entire Sky City, Lin Supreme Master Qiong arranged for Supreme Master Yoyo to complete this task, right?"

"Well, I know I know, but I'm still really nervous." Youyou pursed her lips and muttered, "It's better to finish the task quickly and go back—"

She misses Erina's sister's embrace, the furry body of Wind Speed ​​Dog, and Banana of Tropical Dragon.

Chapter 0141 So that's it, I understand

As Lin Qiong expected, after Yoyo showed her superhuman magical strength, Fuluda was like a commenter on the Sese website, full of thoughts of "Thank you LZ, good people have a safe life".

After bidding farewell to Yoyo and returning to the army camp of the empire, Fruda saw Emperor Jill approaching him with a worried face as a matter of course, and he couldn't help feeling a warm current flow from the bottom of his heart.

'Little Jill is such a good boy, so he certainly wouldn't mind sacrificing his own for my Demonic Abyss, right? '

"Father, are you alright?"

Jill looked at Fuluda worriedly, and said, "What's the matter with that little girl?"

"She has a very rare natural ability." Fluda had already prepared a draft when he was flying, and said: "She is a genius who learns magic—it's a pity that she is a member of the Church, and the old man originally wanted to take her away. Be a disciple."

Because this answer was too "Fluda", so the emperor not only did not have doubts, but showed a dumbfounding expression, and said: "The old man is still pursuing the way of magic as always, and he can't move when he sees talented seedlings." Got it."

"Hahaha, it's an old problem, and it can't be changed." Fuluda let out a haha ​​laugh, waved his hand lightly, and said, "Your Majesty, let's retreat for the time being—the majestic Archangel and the Ordinary ones are different, this old man needs to ponder for a while before he can decipher them!"

"Well, since the old man said so—" the emperor sighed, and then nodded—he knew very well that if he wanted to break through the mighty Archangel's line of defense, he had to rely on the old man Fluda.

Now that Mr. Fuluda wants to study Archangel Majesty, let him study it——Having known the old man for so long, the Blood Emperor knows very well that this old man is a magic idiot, so don't let him study magic , just as cruel as after the game version is updated, you don't let people go to the game to draw new card pools and play new activities.

That's simply impossible~



Under the order of the Blood Emperor, the imperial army, which was originally facing the "Archangel of Might and Light" across the river from the Theocracy's army, began to retreat. Only about 5000 troops were left to guard against the Theocracy's sudden attack, and the others returned temporarily. When we arrived at the barracks, we began to rest.


His Majesty, the great hair-losing emperor of the empire, was sitting on a chair with a displeased face. He propped his side face, and said with a sigh: "If there is no shit-stirring stick like the Church Kingdom, if we take action against the Kingdom now, we will definitely be able to get rid of it." The Kingdom took a big bite out of it!"

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry." One of the four knights, "Thunder Light" Bajoud, showed a hearty smile, and said, "As long as Mr. Fuluda understands the operation of the group of archangels, he will take them down in one go. The Theocracy! Then it will be our world."

"Hahaha, you're right, Bajoud!" The Thunder Knight's speech obviously won the Emperor's heart, which made the Blood Emperor laugh heartily, and said, "That's right! How can the Cricket Church be our empire? All-in-one enemy!?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Bajoud nodded vigorously, and said loudly, "I'm waiting ahead, absolutely invincible!"


As soon as the voice fell, a roar like an explosion sounded from outside, followed by one of Neon's specialties, an earthquake.

"Fa, what happened?"

The Blood Emperor subconsciously supported the deputy beside him, and then asked eagerly.

"No, I don't know—"

Bajoud also had doubts on his face. He stabilized his body and found that the vibration had disappeared, so he said to the Blood Emperor: "Your Majesty, I'll go and see what happened first. You hide and protect yourself."

"I see." The Blood Emperor nodded with a serious expression on his face. Smartly, he squatted down and hid behind the coffee table, and then watched Bajoud's movements - only to see Bajoud carrying a His vigilance moved along the wall to the window, and then, under the searching gaze of the Blood Emperor, he looked out of the window from the corner of his eye.

"Qing Bajiud, what happened outside?" The Blood Emperor couldn't help asking.

"Your Majesty, there is an angel and a demon outside..." Bajud's expression became a little dull, as if he couldn't believe what he saw, he stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, and said : "It's really angels and demons."

"Is it the mighty Archangel?"

"No, it's not the summoned monster, but...but..." Bajoud opened his mouth and said with difficulty: "It's a real angel! The one that is completely human."

"How is this possible!?" The Blood Emperor's expression changed, and he was about to say something when Kyle's voice sounded in the empty palace: "Emperor of the Empire, please show up."

Hearing Kyle's words, the Blood Emperor looked towards Bajude. Although he didn't speak, his questioning eyes obviously wanted Bajude to give him a suggestion.

Looking at the emperor's expression, Bajoud couldn't help showing a distressed expression. He was about to say something when he felt a black light flashing above him—the next moment, the entire top of the annex disappeared. The sunlight shone into the room through the empty sky, making both the Blood Emperor and Bajud look dazed.


Morgana crossed her arms, looked at the yellow-haired man below with a displeased face, and said, "Didn't I tell you everything? Show up, you didn't hear it, did you?"

"No, this..."

The Blood Emperor stammered a little, he stood up with a little numbness, and said, "This devil lady, I don't know your identity is..."

"Me?" Morgana recalled Lin Qiong's instructions, and after finding out that he did not prohibit self-reporting, she said in a proud tone: "I am the first-tier guardian of Sky City, Morgana. na!"

"Castle in the Sky?"

The blood emperor's left eye revealed a bewilderment, and his right eye revealed a bewilderment—what is the city in the sky?Why have I never heard of it! ?

"Morgana, if you introduce it like that, he can't understand it." Kyle shook his head, she landed beside Morgana, and said to the Blood Emperor: "You have to tell them that we represent the Theocracy .”

'The Church! ?So that's how it is... that's what it is...'

At this moment, the Blood Emperor suddenly realized, and he showed an expression of "I understand". He subconsciously put his hand on his chin, then used his brain to start a brainstorm.

At the same time, other soldiers who noticed the movement and other members of the Four Knights - Nippur the Tornado and Reinas the Heavy Boom quickly appeared beside the Golden Emperor, and when they saw them floating in the air, After staring at his angel and demon with indifferent eyes, his expression froze.

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