Jifeng: "Good, good, such a terrifying momentum, I can't move at all..."

Chong Bang: "Oh my god, I'm sloppy, I shouldn't have jumped out!"No matter how you look at it, this is not an enemy I can beat!If I knew earlier that I would run away with the bucket—"

"Are there two more people?" Kyle frowned and muttered, "It's so troublesome, the Supreme didn't say what to do in this situation."

'Again, can you guys learn to be flexible? Morgana rolled her eyes angrily, she floated in front of Kyle, and said to the four figures below: "Then take these two people to the Sky City to meet the Supreme Lord ?”

"That's right." Kyle nodded in agreement with Morgana's statement, then looked seriously at the Blood Emperor below, and said, "Emperor of the Empire! I'll give you 10 minutes to prepare, and then go to see him with us." Supreme Being—this is a rare honor in the world, you must learn to be grateful!"

Blood Emperor: "???"

If it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, he would have cursed more or less—no, you broke in and demolished my house, and almost put a knife on my neck to force me to meet your supreme being, and now I'm still You have to be grateful to him, right?

I can't stand it anymore!

With an extremely stiff smile on his face, the Golden Emperor was about to negotiate with Kyle and Morgana, but he just said, "That..."

"Shua—" With a sound, Kyle and Morgana disappeared into the sky, causing the Golden Emperor to swallow the second half of the sentence abruptly.

I'm so angry!

"What, what should we do, Your Majesty?" The Lightning Knight looked at his emperor blankly. The suddenness of this matter made him feel puzzled.

"Your Majesty, I advise you to go there—"

Just when the Blood Emperor was hesitating, along with the sound of footsteps, Fuluda's figure appeared outside the room with the skylight open. He held a staff in his hand, looked out the window solemnly, and said, "The one who appeared just now With the strength of the two messengers, even this old man is no match for them."

"Even the old man..."

The Blood Emperor showed a shocked expression, he took two steps back, and then sat down on the sofa with an ugly face, propping the lower half of his face with his hands, and said solemnly: "Damn it, what happened to the Theocracy? What!? Why did such a powerful creature suddenly appear! "

The poor blood emperor doesn't know yet, if the Theocracy hadn't been worried about the shit-stirring stick of the Platinum Dragon King, with the power of the dark scripture, they would have crushed the kingdom and empire long ago.

"His Majesty--"

Ji Feng and Chong Bang also set their sights on the Blood Emperor, waiting for him to make a final decision.

"I can only go." The Blood Emperor raised his head and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty—" Fuluda stroked his beard, and said, "Judging from the strength shown by those two messengers, if they want to kill them, the entire annex is now dead. Erase it from the map, even the old man can’t survive—since the other party didn’t do this, obviously they won’t attack you easily.”

The Blood Emperor let out a breath, then showed an ugly smile, and said, "I thought so too—Old man, I might trouble you to go with me this time."

Fuluda nodded without any surprise, and said with a smile: "Huo Huo Huo, don't worry, Your Majesty! Even if I am not their opponent, it should be fine to take you and use the teleportation magic to leave at the critical moment."

The Blood Emperor showed a reassuring expression, and said: "As expected of the old man, it really makes people feel reliable!"

Facing the trust of the Blood Emperor, the old man smiled and thought: "I'm sorry, little Jill, I won't take you away with me—this is the closest I've come to the abyss of the devil, so I have to sacrifice you." '

Chapter 0142 What a terrifying scheming

Ten minutes passed quickly, and the Blood Emperor was sitting in a luxuriously decorated carriage, accompanied by the three of the Four Horsemen, the Fiery Wind, Heavy Bang and Thunder Light, and Fuluda, who was the national teacher, It was sitting in another carriage with the same luxurious decoration.

"It looks like you are ready?"

Kyle crossed his arms, looked at the two carriages in front of him and the soldiers around him, and said with dissatisfaction: "There are too many people! I only allow a few of you to pass."

"I understand."

Faced with Kyle's request, the Blood Emperor waved his right hand without any objection, and dismissed the surrounding soldiers—this is a smart man, he knows that the situation is stronger than others at this time, and he bows his head when it is time to bow.

"very good."

Kyle nodded in satisfaction, she stretched out her right hand, a golden light shrouded the surroundings of the two carriages, and then brought the two carriages and the people inside them to float.

"Everyone, we are ready to leave for the city of the sky—"

After Kyle gave an order, he turned around and flew towards the sky city with Morgana, leaving behind the soldiers who looked up and were full of bewilderment.

So, what's going on?




Sitting on the floated carriage, the Blood Emperor grabbed his knees with both hands nervously—this was his normal reaction. Humans without the ability to fly fly into the air without any precautions, and it is inevitable that they will be nervous Emotions.

"Your Majesty, relax." The Lightning Knight held the Blood Emperor's arm, and said with a solemn expression: "We are moving very fast, and we should have left the border of the empire by now."

"So fast?"

The Blood Emperor's eyes narrowed. He ignored the fear and quickly looked out of the window of the carriage - the scenery outside was moving towards the rear quickly, and he couldn't even see where he passed for a while.

"Ha, is this absolute strength?"

The Blood Emperor gave up, he gave a wry smile, then sat on the chair, and sighed somewhat dejectedly.

But now, he can't find a breaking point at all!In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and schemes are false—not from Reaper or Quincy, but false.

Looking at the blood emperor who fell into despair, the three and four knights in the carriage looked at each other, but they didn't know how to comfort the emperor at this time, so they fell silent.

After being silent for an unknown amount of time, Kyle's voice sounded from outside the carriage: "We have arrived in Sky City, everyone can get out of the carriage—"

Immediately afterwards, there was a slight vibration as the carriage fell to the ground.

The Blood Emperor glanced out of the car window, and found that he was in a huge open space surrounded by a thick city wall, which seemed to be inside the city wall.

"City in the sky, is it in the sky?"

With doubts, the Blood Emperor supported the door frame of the carriage and got out of the carriage, then squinted his eyes and looked around - the surrounding scenery seemed to be inside a certain manor at first glance, whether it was the green belt or the decoration of the fountain. The luxury of one top and one top, the white jade shining white luster in the sun, even the emperor has a dazzling feeling.

What a luxury.

But what the Blood Emperor cares more about is the "castle" located in the center of this "manor" - it is a tall building that soars into the sky, and it is roughly estimated to be hundreds of meters high. It is hard to imagine such a large building. How it was built.

Heathcliff: Of course it depends on architecture, do you understand architecture?It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I edited the gold content of Aincrad alone, do you understand! ?

"Yes Yes--"

Kyle stood aside, put his right hand on his temple, nodded slightly, then looked at the Blood Emperor and the others again, and said, "I'm sorry, because the Supreme is dealing with some things, so please wait a moment .”

This is the "New Nianhua" developed by Yoyo coveting the "message" function in the game. Its effect is that within a certain range, if you know the frequency of the other party's mental power, you can make a long-distance call.

'It's a slap in the face, definitely a slap in the face! The blood emperor's brain started to work quickly, "It's the same as my usual method, let some thorns dry for a while on purpose, and rub their sharpness!"This supreme being is no ordinary person! '

(Lin Qiong at this time: lying on the lap of the eldest lady, and enjoying the feeding service of the eldest lady, so he has no time to accompany the blood emperor)

"It's okay, it's okay!" Although his heart was full of fear, the Blood Emperor waved his hands indifferently on the surface, and said, "We just wait outside! The matter of the Supreme should come first."

"Be more understanding." Kyle nodded, she turned around and looked into the castle, and said, "Please rest assured, the maid team of Sky City will be responsible for all matters during this period of time. Order them to-"

After the words fell, Kyle clapped his hands, and saw more than [-] maids wearing British classical maid dresses came out of the Sky City—they were of different races, including purebred humans, elves, and dwarves Loli, there are fox-eared girls, dog-eared girls, cat-eared girls and so on.

However, looking at this group of charming maids, the Blood Emperor didn't have any strange thoughts. All this was because of a word that Lei Guang of the Four Horsemen whispered in his ear.

He stammered and said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Each of these maids has stepped into the realm of heroes..."


After hearing the news, the Blood Emperor took a breath visible to the naked eye, and then looked at the respectful maids in shock—what did he hear? exm?All the maids here are strong in the field of heroes! ?

no no!

Let him stroke it!

First of all, none of the four generals around him, that is, the four generals that the empire is proud of, has stepped into the realm of heroes!The only strong man in the field of heroes that he can rely on is the old man (Fluda) alone!

But now?A maid team of more than 20 members, each of which is a hero field! ?

ha?What a joke! ?

Could this be a fantasy novel written more than ten years ago! ?

At the beginning of the game, there are only the four saints of grabbing, knife, sword, and law. In the later stage, hundreds of saints will die with one sneeze! ?

'Calm down, calm down, Jilknever! The Blood Emperor grabbed his hair with both hands, trying to use this pain to calm down his emotions, "This must be the means of the Supreme!"Show off your muscles while placing the spikes - what a crude way to do it! '

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the Blood Emperor's forehead, and he felt even more that the "Supreme Supreme" who didn't show up was a scheming boy—it was so terrifying to show such scheming even though he had such great strength. Si!

(At the same time, Lin Qiong was stroking the young lady's fleshy thigh while kissing her, he couldn't think of leaving, so he didn't want to come down to find the blood emperor)

'Then it's better to be patient than anyone else! '

Xuexue hardened his heart, folded his hands on his chest, and then sat down on the chair prepared by the maid, staring sharply at the table in front of him.

'I want to see who can't sit still first! '



1 minute, 10 minutes, half an hour, one hour, one and a half hours...

Thanks to the enchantment of Sky City, even if the sun shines on everyone at noon, they don't feel the heat, but a gentle feeling like the warm sun in winter!Coupled with the chilled juice and delicious desserts (made by the maid team) delivered by the maids, the other members including Fuluda were quite satisfied.

Except for the Blood Emperor.

'It's terrible——' The Blood Emperor grabbed his arm, his eyes were already bloodshot, "He actually left me in the air for an hour and a half, what the hell was he thinking! ? '

(At this time, Lin Qiong, after making out with the eldest lady, the two of them leaned together tired of watching the animated movie Josie's Tiger and Fish)

Finally, when the pressure in the blood emperor's heart was about to reach the limit (mainly because he was surrounded by "enemies" in the hero field, which made him extremely insecure), accompanied by the uniform kneeling sound of the maids, a man dressed in pitch black The man in the armor came out of the castle.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry—" Lin Qiong said to the Blood Emperor in an unapologetic voice: "Oh, I'm so busy, I accidentally forgot the time—have you been waiting for a long time?"

'This is knowingly asking... No!He did it on purpose——" The Blood Emperor's eyes shrank suddenly, and his heartbeat accelerated rapidly, "What is too busy, it's all a lie!He must have been hiding in the dark to observe me, and after confirming that my psychological pressure has reached the limit, he just appeared in front of me...'

What a terrible scheming!This person is amazing!

Cold sweat broke out again on the Blood Emperor's forehead, but he was determined not to lose his status as an emperor, so he managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "Where is it! The scenery of the Sky City is beautiful, and there are such beautiful maids serving you." , plus delicious pastries and drinks, it doesn’t hurt to wait a little longer.”

I just won't admit I'm in a hurry!What's the matter?

"Since you are satisfied with our service, I'm relieved." Lin Qiong showed a sincere smile. After all, he was more or less guilty for leaving someone out for more than an hour by accident, but it seemed that the other party didn't care. The look of indifference made him have to say with emotion: "His Majesty the Emperor is really open-minded——"

'He, what is he hinting at me! ? ’ The blood emperor’s brainstorming started again, ‘Open minded...yes!He was reminding me that the Empire is no match for the Theocracy, no matter in terms of national strength or military strength, so he reminded me that I must and can only be open-minded! ! '

The Blood Emperor clenched his teeth subconsciously, and he deeply felt the unseen scheming of the man in front of him.

Chapter 0143 is up to you, Heathcliff

In the courtyard of Sky City, Lin Qiong and the Blood Emperor were sitting across the table, but their moods were totally different.

In Lin Qiong's eyes, the Blood Emperor is an extremely smart king who judges the situation, so after he showed his own strength, the Blood Emperor should have knelt down in his heart;

In the eyes of the Blood Emperor, Lin Qiong was planning everything from the moment he invited him over... No, it was Lin Qiong who had planned everything from the moment he arranged for the Theocracy's troops to appear on the border of the empire. , a scheming person who controls everything—the most frightening thing is, has the other party's attitude of not treating him as an enemy at all, has he already eaten him?Does this mean that he is expected not to dare to resist?

Damn, the gap between the two sides is really too big! !

At this time, the Blood Emperor felt as if he had entered the game, holding a farmer in his hand, and was just about to flex his muscles, only to find out that the opponent's farmer was an old farmer destroying the tyrant—is he still playing with a hammer?The other party snapped their fingers and I sent it on the spot, okay?

They are all farmers, why is there such a big gap?

Don't ask, ask is whosyourdaddy.

"What's the matter, Your Majesty the Emperor?" Lin Qiong looked at the blood emperor whose face was getting uglier and asked a little worriedly, "Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you Supreme for your concern." The Blood Emperor pulled the corner of his mouth, showing a difficult smile, and said in a low voice: "Your Excellency, I have a small question, can you answer it for me? one time?"

"Huh? You said—" Lin Qiong took a sip of the juice, and the dog-eared maid standing next to him immediately wagged her tail and filled it up for him, "I know everything!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, cold sweat broke out again on the Blood Emperor's forehead.

'Knowing everything, what does he mean, even if he puts all the plans in front of me, I don't have the strength to resist? The Blood Emperor couldn't help but clenched his teeth, "What confidence is this, this man is really terrifying!" '

At this time, the blood emperor felt as if he was an ant placed in a petri dish, and then the owner of the petri dish told himself "I will pour hot water into the petri dish in 3 minutes, you are ready to prepare" - I plan I told you, what can you do?What are you fighting against?Show me resistance!

Pressure, unparalleled pressure!

"Your Excellency..." After thinking about the words for a while, the Blood Emperor said seriously: "Are you going to conquer the kingdom and the empire at the same time?"

"Oh, yes, not right!" Lin Qiong touched his chin, and he said with a smile: "Just a kingdom and an empire can't satisfy my appetite-my goal is the whole world's teeth!"


Not only the Blood Emperor, but even the four knights beside him couldn't help but gasped.

World, world conquer! ?Is this person for real? ?

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