

After spending a few hours of depression (lightning), dullness (storm), suffocation (heavy bombardment), despair (blood emperor) and wakuwaku (Fruda) in the city of the sky, the blood emperor and his group He was sent back to the border pavilion of the empire by Kyle.


Sitting in the room with the skylight still open (no roof), the Blood Emperor held his forehead and let out a broken laugh, which made Ji Feng and Lei Guang next to him look worried.

As for the heavy bombardment?Sorry, she has no loyalty, oh, maybe her loyalty is for "money", so she just leaned against the wall with a face full of fear, wiping the pus overflowing from the wound on the right side of her face with a handkerchief .

"Your Majesty, are you all right?"

Lei Guang squatted on the ground, looked at the bloody emperor with a disfigured face, and said worriedly, "Are you alright?"

"Ha, haha, I have something to do, what can I do?" The Blood Emperor put down his right hand, then dressed roughly, and said unwillingly: "I'm just, not reconciled, not reconciled!!"

In the eyes of the Blood Emperor, in his generation, the problem of the aristocrats of the empire has been solved. As long as he is given a period of time, the national power of the empire will rise further, and then he will definitely be able to eat the weakening kingdom!

However, at this moment, the strength of the city of the sky appeared without warning, and the absolute strength of the other party made him feel deeply hopeless——what the hell, he just wanted to curse An idiot's fate!

The Goddess of Fate of Gouyue, it's interesting to play with Lao Tzu, isn't it?

Just when the Blood Emperor's emotions reached the limit, Fuluda walked into the room slowly, and then came to the side of the Blood Emperor, Shi Shiran sat down, and asked: "Your Majesty, regarding today's experience, Do you have anything to say?"

The exhausted Blood Emperor looked at Fuluda beside him, and asked, "Old man, what do you mean?"

He really didn't have the energy to think too much.

"What the old man means is, are you ready to surrender, or are you going to continue to challenge the majesty of Sky City?" The old man's eyes were full of curiosity and teasing, "I declare in advance that anyone who comes out of Sky City will It can make this old man helpless—"

This is a lie, but it is also true.

The "powerless to resist" in the old man's mouth does not mean that he has no power to resist at the level of combat power, but that he, as a magic madman who explores the abyss of the magic way, naturally wants to be the loyal licking dog of the city of the sky, so of course People who can't resist the city of the sky.

But in the ears of the Blood Emperor, this sentence became "Anyone who comes out of the Sky City will have a fighting power stronger than the old man who is the strongest mage in the empire", which immediately increased his psychological pressure.

Blood Emperor: I'm desperate, I'm desperate for this mechanical descendant world!



That night, Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the carpet, and happily said to his secretary, "How is it? Is my performance today okay? I didn't even show my timidity when facing a boss like the Blood Emperor!"

I have to say, confidence is really important!

To give a simple example, if an ordinary person sees the little golden man, he will definitely collapse on the ground with fright, trembling all over, worried that the other person will step on him to death; but what about Noah or Reggado?Not only will they not be afraid, but they will laugh and flick the little golden man's brains with their fingers, and then round each other into little golden balls.

"As expected of the young master, the progress is really great!" The secretary clapped his hands and said, "It's actually possible to have a conversation with a real emperor without losing the wind! It's amazing!"

This is encouragement!

In fact, both Lin Qiong and the secretary knew that the honesty of the Blood Emperor was entirely based on Lin Qiong's absolute strength, just like in the original book, he was also honest when facing the Bone King.

But "absolute strength" itself is also one of Lin Qiong's capitals, and showing respect to those who are stronger than himself is also one of the most basic principles, and there is nothing to argue about.

"Now the empire should be honest, next..." Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Apart from the Dragon Clan, there are still people from the Kingdom?"

The secretary reminded: "Master, strictly speaking, there is also the Holy Kingdom."

"Hiss! I almost forgot—" Lin Qiong patted his forehead—it's no wonder he forgot the Holy Kingdom, after all, he is an animation party, and the Holy Kingdom is a country that only appeared later in the novel.

The eldest lady supported her chin and said, "Let's deal with the affairs of the kingdom first—one step at a time is better!"

Lin Qiong nodded, and said, "Indeed! It's not okay to be so ambitious! Well, how to solve the matter on the kingdom's side..."

The secretary didn't speak at the side. After all, the purpose of the Bone King World this time is to let Lin Qiong grow up, so even if she has a draft, she still has to wait for Lin Qiong to figure out a way, and then give "hints" and "tips" on the sidelines. Guidance" instead of giving an answer directly.

"I remember that among the heirs of the kingdom, only the second prince is more reliable, right?" Lin Qiong rested his fingers on his forehead, recalling the plot in the animation, and said, "The first prince has a bad brain, and the golden princess is completely spiritual." Alien."

The secretary nodded and said, "The young master is right!"

Not to mention the brain-dead prince who was (squeezed) by Anli to destroy the general (juice) army (Ji), the golden princess is a psychomorph, no one will refute it, right?This is a distorted personality who can sell her family and even the whole country without hesitation in order to be with her puppy—of course, you can say that she understands reality clearly.

But there is one thing to say, if the Golden Princess is used well, it is also a good help.

"Secretary, what do you think of this plan—" Lin Qiong looked at the secretary and said, "The Church and the Empire will send troops together to force the king to negotiate—the best solution can be resolved without bloodshed, what do you think?"

The secretary thought for a while and said, "Young master, if the kingdom is the same as the empire, it would be easy for the king to say his word, but nearly half of the power in the kingdom has been divided up by the nobles. I'm worried that a king's nod won't do much."

She almost said that Lin Qiong was too idealistic.

"The bloodless war I'm talking about doesn't include the lives of those dog nobles." Lin Qiong shook his head and said, "Among the nobles in the kingdom, at least eight out of ten are scumbags who don't want to die. any psychological burden."

"It would be great if the young master thought so—" the secretary breathed a sigh of relief, and she said softly, "Without the interference of that group of nobles, the kingdom should be able to be taken peacefully just like the empire."

"That's OK!"

Lin Qiong stretched happily, and said, "Hey, in this case, the task of conquering the world will be accomplished soon, and we can leave with peace of mind."

The eldest lady approached Lin Qiong and asked, "Aren't you worried that after we leave, the hard-won peace will collapse again?"

"Hiss, there is indeed this possibility..." Lin Qiong pressed his chin in distress, and muttered, "What should I do? We can't leave the guardians to watch the scene...Huh? It seems that there is someone who can stay?"

It's up to you, Heathcliff!

If you like the fantasy world so much, you won't mind staying in this world for a year or two, right?

Chapter 0144 The eldest prince is a brain entanglement

After Lin Qiong showed his fists, the Blood Emperor thoroughly recognized the facts. He no longer had any intention of resisting, and decided to be a good baby.

Therefore, under Lin Qiong's order, he obediently arranged a [-] army, together with the [-] cavalry of the Theocracy, appeared on the border of the kingdom from two directions, and then marched hand in hand towards the interior of the kingdom. Offensive.

Even though the kingdom was in turmoil at this time because the nobles learned that the warrior commander had been defeated and was kidnapped, thinking that it was a good opportunity to reduce the king's power and further force the king to give up power, the noble group and the royal family group also learned of the Theocracy and the Empire's plan for the first time. Information on the joint offensive.

The sky is falling down.

The entire royal family is shrouded in the shadow of war, and almost all industries have been catastrophically destroyed—except for the liquor industry and sebum industry!At this time, the residents of the kingdom need a lot of fun and drunkenness to numb their nerves.

Inside the palace.


Blue Rose's captain - Lakyus - sat on the chair with a tired face, then rubbed her temples with both hands, trying to relieve her pressure in this way.

"Lakyus, you've worked hard—" Golden Princess Lana put a teapot on the table with a worried face, and said, "This is the scented tea I made for people, it can effectively relieve mental fatigue, drink it A little bit."

"Thank you, Princess Lana." Lakyus squeezed out a smile, and then said to herself: "If only the nobles in the kingdom were like you—that group of hateful scum!"

Facing the joint attack of the Theocracy and the Empire, the aristocratic group that was working together to persecute the royal family just a second ago fell apart in just half a day. Some nobles began to frantically squeeze the residents in the territory, trying to squeeze as much as possible in the last time. Squeeze out more money, and then fly away with your own treasures - at worst, go to other countries to buy a border nobleman to be the emperor of the country, isn't it good?I don't want to die in a war!

"That's right!" Bone King's best woman in the world, Gagran, folded her arms and nodded, saying angrily, "The nobles in the kingdom really don't have any masculinity at all!"



The ninja sisters also nodded.

Judging from Cang Qiangwei's reaction, the demonic behavior of the kingdom's nobles during this period has made them all choked up - the key is that the current situation in the kingdom makes them have nothing to do with these shitty nobles.

Are you angry?

"Okay, okay——" Princess Lana said with a gentle smile on her face, like a saint who saved the world; "Let's focus on what we can do."

"You're right." Lakyus opened her eyes, then looked at Princess Lana, and said, "It's also thanks to the demons of the nobles recently, as well as the joint attack of the Empire and Theocracy. The movements of the eight fingers have revealed their feet - we have already found out the location of their base camp!"

"Really? That's great!" Princess Lana clasped her hands in front of her chest, showing a happy expression, and said, "If you can get rid of the eight fingers, the situation in the kingdom should be much better, right?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Looking at the hopeful expression on Princess Lana's face, Lakyus couldn't help but look away with a sense of guilt—she couldn't tell Princess Lana that the situation in the kingdom is no longer the same. It means it can be improved!If you want to regenerate the kingdom, you must kill all the filthy nobles like carrion, but the problem is...

The kingdom doesn't have that courage and ability at all!

"However, Princess Lana—" Gagaran drank the scented tea in one gulp, and made Sister Ninja spit out "what a waste of drinking water", and then punched the other party, saying: "Based on the information we have obtained Look, if we, Cang Qiangwei, only rely on us to deal with Eight Fingers, we may still lack a little—a little bit of combat power—"

She stretched out the thumb and index finger of her right hand with a big smile on her face, and gestured for a small distance—but anyone who is familiar with Ge Gelan knows that if it is really just "working hard", the gap can be caught up , Ge Gelan will definitely yell about "spine" and "blood", and then really try to fill that gap.

Standing in the corner, Wang Jiang, who belongs exclusively to Princess Lana - Clem showed a surprised expression, and couldn't help asking: "Is Eight Fingers so powerful?"

Lakyus showed a shamed expression, and said: "Yes! Although it may be a bit embarrassing to say so, every member of Eight Finger's security department [Six Arms] is at the level of fine steel, plus other The assistance of the members..."

But relying on a Cang Qiangwei, it is estimated that it cannot be eaten.

"Then, what should we do..." Climb stepped forward a bit overwhelmed, and said, "For example, if you count my combat power..."

"Clem, I'm so rude——" Princess Lana comforted her little dog calmly, and said, "Actually, in order to prevent this situation, I also contacted another team of adventurers in advance. ——At that time, I thought that if Lakyus could solve it alone, there would be no need to hire them. If Lakyus was in trouble, they could also be used as an extra hole card to help. It seems that this move was right. !"

Hearing Princess Lana's words, not only did Lakyus not have the thought that "she actually found a backup method, and she didn't trust my strength", on the contrary, she felt a sense of relief.

"That's great——" Lakyus leaned back on the chair, let out a long breath, and said, "I'm worried about how to explain to you—thanks to Princess Lana for being prepared, Otherwise, we really don’t know where to find temporary allies.”

It would have been okay before, but in the current situation, most capable adventurers are hired by the nobles of the kingdom to protect their lives, and there is simply no suitable manpower to find.

"So, Princess Lana, who exactly are you looking for?" Ge Gelan said with a look of enthusiasm: "Although it is a bit boastful to say so, not just any adventurer is qualified to cooperate with Blue Rose! "

In any case, Blue Qiangwei is one of the few stainless steel-level adventure groups in the Kingdom. It is the top of adventurers and the elite of the elite. Not all cats and dogs are qualified to cooperate.

"You must have heard of the name of this adventure group—" Princess Lana put her fingers on her fingers with a smile, and said, "It's the supernova adventure group that has become famous recently!"

Gagaran: "The recently famous—"

Lakyus: "Supernova—"

Ninja Sisters: "Adventure group?"

The four looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Sun and Moon Forest Adventure Group!?"

"The answer is correct—" Princess Lana clapped her hands and said, "Based on their record, they should be qualified to cooperate with you, right?"

"Hahahaha, conquered the wise king of the forest, defeated the ogre camp entrenched outside the city, and defeated the Giant of the East and the Demon Snake of the West in the Forest of Monsters—" Gagaran laughed heartily, "This way Excellent fighters, of course we can cooperate!"

"That's right, just kick Gagran out—" said the ninja sister.

"That's right, it's good to cooperate with Sun Moon Forest, there is no need for Ge Gelan." Sister Ninja added.


Ge Gelan looked at his partner, and a question mark appeared in his head—please, I am the best woman in the world, okay? !

If you don't believe me, go and see the barrage at station B, how many people want to call me! ?



Thanks to the pressure from the Theocracy and the Empire, Leona, Diana, and Ari who rushed from Yelan Tier to the capital finally found a chance to deal with Eight Fingers, the most disgusting dark organization in the kingdom.

After hearing the news, the three of them were almost moved to tears—finally, they finally saw the hope of completing the task, and they could return to Sky City to continue serving the Supreme Being. Too, so not easy!

Just behind the kingdom, while Princess Lana and Lakyus were discussing how to deal with Eight Fingers, some unprecedented changes were also taking place in the battlefield directly in front of the kingdom.

"Father, let me go!" The eldest prince stood in front of the aging kingdom with his head held high, and said loudly, "It's just 20 enemy troops! Give me 15, no, 13 soldiers and horses. It can be taken easily!"

The king looked at his eldest son with disappointed eyes. He knew why he said such words—it was nothing more than the nobleman's promise that if he could beat back the enemy, he would support him as the new king!

But, my foolish son, have you ever thought that a king's role does not require the recognition of nobles?The moment you think that you need the help of the nobles to become a king, you have already bowed your head like them-you don’t know what happens to a king who bows his head like a noble, don’t you?


Seeing that his father was silent, the eldest prince took a step forward impatiently, and impulsively said: "What are you afraid of!? Don't you even have the courage to fight without the warrior commander?"

The king closed his eyes speechlessly, and said softly: "Do you have anyone who can defeat Gazef? You know, even Gazef failed..."

"Father! Although the warrior commander is powerful, he is only one person after all!" The eldest prince interrupted the king's inquiry with great confidence, and said with a passionate expression: "But war is different! War depends on the cooperation of soldiers—— With the command of the boy, you will be able to take the enemy lightly, then capture the opponent's general, and exchange the warrior commander back!"

If conditions permit, the old king will definitely rush up and grab his stupid son's collar by the collar, and then ask him: "Where did you get the confidence to say such a thing!?"

But after the warrior captain was defeated and taken prisoner, the old king had been wasting his mind and dealing with the aristocratic group that was about to move, so when he heard the eldest prince say such mindless words, his vision went dark on the spot and he fell on the throne.

Chapter 0145 Negotiation Meeting

The old king fell.

This news swept across the front line like a storm, causing the soldiers on the front line to fall into panic. They didn't know what the future of the kingdom was like, and this unknown enveloped them.

At the critical moment, the eldest prince of the kingdom, Pablo Verserph, bravely stood up. He was wearing a beautiful armor, riding on a handsome horse, and walked to everyone surrounded by noble soldiers. In front of him, he raised his arms and shouted: "Everyone, the kingdom is now at a critical moment, but my father, the king, accidentally fell into a coma - we can't just sit here and wait for death, we must resist! Resistance can bring victory! Gentlemen, follow along!" Let me fight and bring strength and glory to the kingdom!"

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