
Looking at the passionate eldest prince, the noble army behind him excitedly raised their spears and let out a loud cry.

"Everyone, charge—"

The eldest prince turned his horse's head, then held up the long sword in his right hand, swung it forward forcefully, and said, "Listen to my orders, overthrow the empire, expel the Church—"

Thor, who was mixed in the soldiers' phalanx and arranged by the nobles, shouted loudly: "Down with the Empire, expel the Church—"

The so-called spark can start a prairie fire. Under the agreement of the trustees who did not feel embarrassed at all, the panicked soldiers calmed down a little, and then imitated the appearance of the noble army, raised their spears, and shouted "Long live the prince!" voice.

The morale of the Royal Army gradually began to rise, and then quickly began to rise.

The next moment, accompanied by a sound of "咻", the eldest prince's head shattered like a watermelon being pumped by Da Kongyi, and it shattered into scum all over the sky.


After a dead silence, the morale of the Royal Army fell to the bottom.



"Crack——" After ejecting the discarded shells, Violet put away the sniper rifle in her hand expressionlessly, then sat on the ground obediently, and said, "Mission completed."

Silly criticism of the prince.



The king fell into a coma, and the eldest prince was headshot to death by an unknown attack.

In this way, the burden of handling the affairs of the kingdom suddenly fell on the head of the second prince of the kingdom, Senak Leu Vanesse, which gave him an unreal feeling.

"What is this?"

He sat on the chair in the temporary office, dumbfounded, and said, "Is this counting as driving ducks to the shelves?"

"My lord—"

Just when he doubted his life, a soldier with a flustered expression ran up to him holding a scroll, and stammered, "Teach, a document sent by the emissary of the Theocracy."

"Tsk, did you really come—"

The second prince clicked his tongue. He felt strange from the very beginning—the Theocracy and the Empire joined forces, and even in such a turbulent situation within the kingdom, it was actually an aboveboard arrangement for an army to encircle the border of the kingdom! ?If you really want to fight, shouldn't you just launch an attack directly and catch the kingdom by surprise?

Not only that, after the opponent's attack and siege openly, they never launched an attack, but remained in a stalemate. This made the second prince feel baffled - 20 troops were sitting on the border to eat melons! ?Do you have a fever when you have too much money?

In, Fuguo V50 billion?

Now, when the key plot prop "The Church's Document" appeared in front of him, he immediately understood - the reason why the Church and the Empire did this must be a conspiracy, and the other party's purpose, I am afraid it is written on this document.

"give me."

The second prince stretched out his right hand towards the soldier, and after receiving the document, he removed the sealing seal with a solemn expression, and then opened the letter paper, only to find that there was only one line of extremely simple words on it.


Second Prince of the Kingdom

Please negotiate at the Tripartite Corps Center at [-]:[-] am tomorrow.

Joint name of Theocracy and Empire

"Huh?" The second prince showed a surprised expression, and he murmured in confusion: "What kind of medicine are they selling in the gourd?"



The next day, eight fifty in the morning.

When dealing with affairs until four o'clock in the morning, the second prince, who had just woken up in a daze, washed his face with cold water, and a soldier told him that a huge tent had appeared in the center of the three armies.

'It seems that the tent should be the place for negotiation. After the second prince wiped off the water droplets on his face with a towel, he said to the guards beside him: "Prepare the horse, let's go!"

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

'The emperor's brother was instantly killed in the base camp, which means that the other party has the means to attack and kill from a long distance. In this case, the other party can kill my father, me, and even other nobles one by one. , but the other party did not do so...'

Wearing armor and sitting on the horse, the second prince galloped towards the tent with a heavy heart.

'Why did the other party do such an unreasonable thing? '

Don't understand, don't understand at all!

The second prince, who was full of doubts, pushed open the curtain and walked in, and found two people on the left and right sitting on the two sides of the tent respectively——

The person on the left is sitting on a chair with his hands neatly placed on his knees, looking at his nose, nose, and heart. He is wearing a pure white priest's uniform and a gorgeously decorated crown on his head. He obviously belongs to the Theocracy. the supreme priest of the

The person on the right is sitting on a chair with his arms crossed. He is wearing a red, gold, and black robe. His short golden hair is extremely messy. His handsome face is full of thoughts at this time. It seems that he is from the Empire. the emperor.

'What is this weird feeling? '

The second prince stood at the door. He looked left and right, then squeezed out a stiff smile, and said, "You two, are we now... to start negotiating?"

The Supreme Priest and the Blood Emperor of the Empire glanced at the second prince, and then one of them continued to watch his nose, nose, nose and heart, and the other continued to fold his arms and closed his eyes to meditate, as if he had never entered at all.

'? ? ? '

The second prince, who was already full of doubts, was even more confused at this time-you know, the words "Second Prince" were clearly written on the paperwork given to him, which meant that the other party should know that he was the one who came to negotiate. Yes, so it is impossible to have a plot like "Cricket is a prince, he is not qualified to negotiate with us, so call your father."

But, what is the situation now? ?

Just when the atmosphere in the tent was stiff to the extreme, a blue portal with a starry sky in the center suddenly appeared in the tent. When the portal appeared, the priest and the blood who had been statues before appeared. Emperor coincidentally knelt on one knee on the ground and lowered his head.


Looking at this scene, the second prince felt that if he hadn't been wearing armor and his chin was supported by the helmet, then he would have dislocated his jaw out of surprise—what's the situation! ?what's going on! ?Why would the Supreme Priest of the Theocracy and the Emperor of the Empire, the Blood Emperor, salute like others! ?

'Could it be that this person is the mastermind behind the scenes...'

The second prince was sweating profusely and fixed his eyes on the portal, only to see a man in a black dress embroidered with gold thread slowly walking out of it.

"Get up."

He said.



"Get up."

Lin Qiong glanced at the chief priest and the Blood Emperor who were kneeling on the ground, smiled and sat on the only throne behind him, and said: "I have already said, there is no need to kneel down. After all, you are also people with status."

'It's coming again, it's coming again——'Cold sweat dripped from the blood emperor's forehead, his heart was filled with fear, 'How suspicious must this person be!Even if I kneel in front of the people of the kingdom, will he continue to test me? '

Don't be careless, absolutely don't be careless!Once he exposed any disrespect or rebellious heart, he would definitely kill him instantly! !

Compared with the blood emperor who was terrified, the performance of the highest priest was much simpler - he bowed his head piously, and said seriously: "You are the sun, you are the moon, you are the only light, and you are the one who guides us. Lord who goes on—”

'A sycophant! '

The Blood Emperor spat in his heart, and then said: "The priest is right! Your Excellency Lin Qiong, your broad mind and lofty ideals deeply attract me -"

"Hey, I almost believed everything I said." Lin Qiong waved his hand, glanced at the second prince who was standing blankly at the door, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, find a place to sit—then , let’s start negotiating, shall we?”

"Uh, okay, okay."

The second prince, who was stunned by the scene, nodded, and he randomly found a chair that was closer to the great priest and sat on it, but his posture was as regular as that of an elementary school student who is serious about class.

"Hmm, since everyone is here—" Lin Qiong coughed dryly, and said, "Because the second prince of the kingdom doesn't know my identity yet, so let me introduce myself first—"

"I am Lin Qiong, and I am the owner of the Sky City—by the way, the warrior commander Gazef is currently in the prison of the Sky City."

Hearing this news, the second prince clenched his fists subconsciously—he was even more sure that Lin Qiong was behind the joint encirclement of the Kingdom by the Church and the Empire this time!

So, what is his purpose?

"Your Highness, the Second Prince, you are a smart person." Lin Qiong looked at the Second Prince in front of him, smiled, and said, "So, I hope you can listen carefully to my next words..."



The negotiation didn't last long. When the second prince came out of the tent with a dazed expression on his face, the chief priest who came out after him patted him on the shoulder and said, "Master Lin Qiong will not treat us badly. .”

"Uh... um."

The second prince nodded blankly, obviously not yet recovered.

Seeing this, the Chief Priest stopped living any more. Instead, he smiled slightly, turned around and walked towards the Theocracy's position. At this time, the Blood Emperor who came out squinted at the Chief and said something. Left without sending.

Like the second prince, he is a "loser", and no one has the right to mock another.


After standing blankly in front of the tent for more than half an hour, the second prince, whose knees were a little sore, staggered on his horse, then smiled wryly, and said, "This time, it's really a farce."

Chapter 0146 Opening the Champagne

Turn back time for a moment.

The night before the negotiation was also the night when the king fainted and the eldest prince died, and the second prince had to start dealing with affairs.

The capital of the Kingdom of Ri Estij.

Yellow (lacquer) gold (black) princess palace.


In the empty and dark room, Princess Lana stood in front of the window, looked at the bright moon hanging in the night sky with a smile on her face, and murmured: "I accidentally did something unnecessary."

"What do you mean?"

Along with the cold voice, the moonlight condensed in the room through the window into a tall woman with silver hair and wearing a pink and silver military uniform. She held a silver moon scimitar in her left hand and sat elegantly on the sofa in the room.

"Meet you again, Lady Diana—"

Lana turned around without being surprised at all, then pulled the hem of her skirt with both hands, saluted with a smile, and said: "With the strength of Lord Diana and Lord Leona, there is no need to join forces with Blue Rose, right? But I entrusted them additionally—is this a superfluous thing?”


Diana clicked her tongue, then looked at Princess Lana with an evil look, and said, "I should have said that I hate your calculations and the look in your eyes - if you look at me with that calculating look again, I’ll make sure you never see your puppy.”


Princess Lana twitched at the corners of her mouth, then raised her hands helplessly and rubbed her face. After wiping away the mask-like smile on her face, she sat in front of Diana with a distorted expression. , Said: "Sorry, Lady Diana, I was a little rude just now."

This is the legendary scholar who meets the enemy, and it's hard to explain why. Faced with Diana's character of taking action if she doesn't accept it, Lana can't come up with all her calculations, so she can only keep them in her stomach.

"What about things?"

Diana is too lazy to talk nonsense with Lana. If there is no order from the Supreme, she probably would not pay attention to such a mentally abnormal person-she once wondered if Lana was taken away by someone, and now the soul in this body It's an alien species, otherwise why would it be so weird?

"it's here--"

Lana had a weird smile on her lips. She took out a fragrant scroll from her chest with dull eyes, then placed it on the table and said, "This is what your lord wants, the list of nobles." .”

"Very good." Diana nodded in satisfaction, but when she picked up the scroll and felt the temperature on it and the fragrance emanating from it, she immediately showed a somewhat disgusted expression, and pulled out a towel from her pocket to lay on it. Wipe it, it seems to be stained with something dirty.


Even if Princess Lana's spirit is different from ordinary people, she can't hold back at this time.

No, after all, I am also the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, with the reputation of "Golden Princess", and even in the official setting, I am a T0 level peerless beauty. Take out the scroll from my chest, what on earth do you dislike! ?

To be reasonable, if this scroll is obtained by other nobles, even if they don't have to confess it as a family heirloom, and smell it every night to sleep well, okay?

If Diana heard what Princess Lana was saying, she would probably point at her head with disgust, and then complain: "Because your brain is so stupid, do you know how to do it?"

My mother, what a woman, am I crazy to smell your milk?Pooh!

Under Princess Lana's twitching gaze, Diana wiped the scroll for five minutes before throwing the towel into the trash can next to her... Wait, she threw it into the trash can instead of putting it back! ?

Princess Lana (sweaty soybean face): 'How much do you dislike me! ? '

"It's finally done." Diana breathed a sigh of relief. She opened the scroll in front of Princess Lana, then lowered her head and browsed the contents above, and said: "The list of all the nobles involved in the underworld is on it. Yet?"

"Yes~" Although she was complaining about Diana in her heart and almost reached the third level of super complainer, Princess Lana still looked gentle and calm on the surface, "This is what I have been collecting and updating since a long time ago. The list—as long as everyone on it is dead, there will be no threat within the kingdom."

"Very good." Diana nodded in satisfaction. She stood up from the sofa and said, "Then, tonight will be a sleepless night for the kingdom—for the sake of the Supreme, a new moon is rising!"

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