After the words fell, her figure turned into a silver moonlight and disappeared into Princess Lana's room.


Princess Lana let out a weird laugh. With a distorted face, she raised her hands to hold her face, and said like my wife Yuno in a different world: "Wait, Climb - soon, soon We can always, always be together—"

So, although Princess Lana's spirit is different from ordinary people, as long as it is used well, it is also a very good card, right?



Let's turn the clock back.

Three days after the negotiations ended, Kingdom Front.

Because the king fainted in the front line in a hurry, and he was too old, so everyone dared not move him at will, so they had to let him temporarily rest in the other hall near the front line.

Today, he finally woke up.

"Father, are you awake?"

The second prince ran into the room, looked at his father who was sitting up and leaning on the cushion, couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and said, "Brother, he..."

"I know everything."

The old king sighed. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said, "You did a good job, your elder brother... Hey."

Although I really don't like my eldest son getting mixed up with nobles, but he is my son anyway, and now he is sent by a white-haired man to a yellow-haired man. If you say that he is not sad at all, it is a lie .

The second prince was silent for a few seconds, then looked up at his father, and said, "Father, I have something to tell you—"

The old king raised his head and looked at the second prince and said, "Is it about that negotiation?"

"Yes." The second prince nodded. After he told his father the contents of the negotiation, the old king fell into a long silence.

Faced with this situation, the second prince did not find it strange at all. On the contrary, he had a feeling that "it is indeed the case" - wasn't it the same situation when he just came out of the negotiation tent?

He didn't urge him, but just sat obediently on the chair beside the bed, waiting for the old king to think quietly.



Castle in the Sky, Linqiong bedroom.

"Jie Jie!"

I don’t know why, when Lin Qiong looked at the information in front of him, he couldn’t help but want to laugh like this. This made the secretary on the side couldn’t help but complain: "Master, calm down, we are good people, aren't we?" Villain, you will be beaten to death for laughing like that."

"Ahem, it's not a big problem!" Lin Qiong coughed twice, and then said with joy: "The habitats of the Rotten Coffin Dragon King and the Ever Dark Dragon King have been found, and the only one left is the hypocrite Platinum Dragon King."

Hearing this news, the eldest lady's eyes "ding" lit up, and she who was lazily lying on the bed reading comics straightened her body at that time, and said, "Qion! The words of the dragon seem to be full of scars." Baby right?"

Her words seemed to remind everyone in the room. Everyone looked at each other and began to take stock.

Lin Qiong: "Dragon bones and dragon blood can be used as potions—"

Secretary: "Dragon teeth and claws can be used as weapons——"

Yoyo: "Dragon scales and longan can be used as equipment—"

Lin Qiong, Secretary Zi and Youyou: "The point is dragon meat——"

Suck it, dragon meat!

The eldest lady sat on the bed with a longing look on her face and murmured to herself: "I have never tried cooking dragon meat! I don't know what it tastes like? Is it roasted? Is it roasted? Is it stir-fried? Is it boiled?"

"Suck -" x3

The other three took another breath, looked at each other, and said in unison: "Arrange the dragon slaying plan now!"

We can't wait a second now!



Just as planned——

Xia, Luo and Violet are in charge of the Dragon King of Ever Darkness; the three sisters Shivana and Protoss are in charge of the Dragon King of the Coffin!

In addition, Lin Qiong also prepared several world-class props for each guardian (no way, props are capricious) to fight against the original magic on the Dragon King, and the world-class authority attached to his identity-we can Lose, but you can't lose to authority, right?

While the seven guardians went to slay the dragon, shocking changes also occurred within the kingdom——

First of all, after Diana obtained the information provided by the Golden Princess, she transformed into the Cang Yue Assassin and killed nearly ten nobles and their cronies living in the capital in just one night - all thanks to The siege by the Empire and the Theocracy made these nobles worry that their territories were not safe, so they all retreated to the royal capital;

Secondly, on the second day when a large number of nobles died and the capital was in turmoil, Cang Qiangwei cooperated with Sun Moon Forest to raid the base camp of Eight Fingers late at night the next day. After a fierce battle, they successfully captured and destroyed all of Eight Fingers This organization that colluded with the nobles within the kingdom and was extremely evil—of course, members of the Angel Guard and Demon Guard also acted secretly, otherwise it would be unrealistic to rely solely on Cang Qiangwei to take down Eight Fingers.

Then, in the three days after a large number of nobles died and Eight Fingers was arrested, the nobles of the kingdom seemed to be cursed. They died one after another. But the strange thing was that the servants and family members in their homes did not. Not all will be killed.

Such a strange situation made the high-level circles of the entire kingdom panic, for fear that they would be the next to die, but it is strange that, contrary to the noble circle, the residents of the territories of the dead nobles, after learning of the deaths of these nobles, all They all made the same move.

They raised the wine glasses in their hands, laughed and said, "Damn, open champagne—"

Chapter 0147 Platinum Dragon King I’ll slap you Immortal

"I'm even a little doubtful, is the blessing of the Phoenix King still on us—" Lying on the lap of the young lady, Lin Qiong squinted his eyes to feel the touch of the stockings from the back of his neck, and couldn't help smacking his mouth Said: "Otherwise, this will be too smooth, right?"

The secretary at the side looked at the information reported by the guardians, and couldn't help but nodded subtly, and said, "I have to say, it did go well."

Now a week has passed since the guardians set out to slay the dragon, and within this week, earth-shaking changes have taken place within the empire, kingdom and theocracy——

First, the nobles in the three countries were further screened. The nobles who had been involved in black industries such as slave trading, smuggling, theft, drug trading, loan sharking, etc. were all visited one by one by Diana and members of the Angel and Demon Guards. question mark, and kindly sent them to meet their relatives (referring to their ancestors);

Under this kind of ruthless and iron-blooded killing that does not need to take into account the absolute strength of the other party's violent resistance, in just one week, the crime index of the three countries has dropped by nearly 60.00% - the remaining 40.00% is due to It will take some time to find out all the little devils under Hades;

Secondly, other countries, such as the Agrande Council and the Holy Kingdom of Roble, were a little restless after hearing that the Theocracy, the Empire and the Kingdom were united, but before they could react, the Triple Alliance Army It has been divided into two and came to their door.

Cooperating with the beheading actions of the guardians, after killing the greedy nobles on the evil side of the army, the two countries also quickly chose to lower their heads and obediently chose to join the alliance of the alliance.

Then comes the last and most troublesome race on this continent, the dragon race!

After the Ever Dark Dragon King and the Decayed Coffin Dragon King successively became the materials in the warehouse of Sky City and the ingredients on the dining table, the Dragon Clan also seemed to have discovered something was wrong. The Platinum Dragon King, the old Bi, took the lead and took all the remaining True Dragon Kings. called up.




The Platinum Dragon King lay on his treasure, and said to the other Dragon Kings in a solemn tone: "Eternal Darkness and the Dead Coffin are dead! This is enough to prove that new players have arrived and set their sights on us— —”

The Thousand-Blade Dragon King flicked his tail and said grumpily, "What a bunch of greedy humans! We didn't provoke them this time, did we? They actually took the initiative to attack us..."

The Platinum Dragon King snorted coldly, and said: "Not only that! According to the information I got, several major countries in the human world have been integrated by the newly arrived players! If we don't intervene, I'm afraid this continent will become theirs." It’s something—this is an act that even the Eight Great Gods and the King of Six Desires couldn’t accomplish back then!”

Of course, most of the reasons for not being able to complete it are due to the greedy mood of the players. After all, people’s hearts are complicated. Who can guarantee that they can maintain their original intentions after time travel and stay close to other companions?

The Colorful Dragon King yawned and said, "Okay, tell me what to do! Get it done quickly so that I can go back and rest - I am about to marry Mrs. 1 and have a child with her."

'Death is too—'

The other dragon kings spat in the bottom of their hearts at the same time.

It’s no wonder they think the Colorful Dragon King is a changer, because if we think of dragons as human beings, humans are roughly equivalent to cats in our eyes, and the Colorful Dragon King’s speech at this time is equivalent to your buddy next door saying to you: "Hurry up. Finished, I just bought the 17th Ragdoll cat from the cattery, and I’m going to go back and care for it——"

Just say it won’t change, right?

"According to my knowledge, Ever Darkness and the Rotten Coffin were both killed in their own habitats, which proves that the other party has probably already grasped our whereabouts—" Platinum Dragon King said with a gloomy face, " So we can no longer sit still! I will distribute the props I have collected during this time to you, and then we will take the initiative to attack and encircle them—"

"it is good!"



Lin Qiong never dreamed that he was still worrying about the whereabouts of the other dragon kings, when he heard Violet's report - the remaining dragon kings joined together and moved towards the place where the dragon kings were located above the plain. The Sky City launched an attack.

"What is this? The pillow came by itself when you fell asleep?" Lin Qiong looked at the three girls dumbfounded, and said, "What do you say? One for each person or let the guardian practice first?"

"Give the other three to the guardians, shall we go to battle with the Platinum Dragon King?" The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong eagerly, and said, "At least let me experience the feeling of dividing dragon meat? Are the creatures the same?"

After the secretary heard this from the side, he immediately nodded with a pityful expression and said, "The eldest lady is right! Last time, the flesh of the two dragon kings, Chang An and Xu Coffin, were lost because of Shiva." Na and Violet didn't know how to handle this kind of ingredients, so they didn't handle it properly when they killed it, which affected the taste to a certain extent - this time we took action personally, and we must make the dragon meat taste as good as possible! "

The eldest lady clenched her fists and said, "Yes, the highest!"

Yoyo was almost drooling when she heard it from the sidelines. Hearing what Sister Erina and Sister Feishazi said, the fragrant dragon meat that was eaten last time was actually a "defective" dragon meat after the meat quality and taste were affected. ! ?

Darling, how delicious is that perfect quality dragon meat! ?


She couldn't help but raise her right hand like the eldest lady and secretary, and said: "Defeat the dragon king and eat dragon meat!"


After listening to the words of the three women, Lin Qiong couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and then lit a candle for the Platinum Dragon King whom he had never met before.

Foreword, the Platinum Dragon King of Heaven.

You have been regarded as an ingredient on the table by the eldest lady.

I hope you are healthy and don't affect the taste.

Thank you.



The Platinum Dragon King, who was fully armed and flying towards the Sky City, couldn't help but shudder. He looked around suspiciously, then rubbed his arms with his hands and muttered: "What's going on?"

The Thousand Blade Dragon King asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

The Platinum Dragon King muttered with a strange expression: "I feel burrs all over my body, as if someone pressed me on the cutting board, scraped my scales with a knife, and then ripped me open and put the blood serum innards—"

The Thousand-Blade Dragon King pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "How do you say that you are like a fish on a chopping board? Please, you are the Dragon King, how could it be..."

Before he could finish his words, accompanied by a flash of black light, a figure in black light armor had already hit the belly of the Platinum Dragon King like a meteor falling to the ground, forcibly smashing the flying Platinum Dragon King who was wearing equipment to the ground.

Even, the Thousand Blade Dragon King could clearly see his widened eyes, long mouth, and the exposed little tongue of the dragon clan at the moment when the Platinum Dragon King fell down after being hit.

Immediately afterwards, the eldest lady wearing red leather armor descended from the sky. She shouted with a hint of fanaticism: "Kill the Dragon King! Scrape the dragon scales! Eat the dragon meat!"

When the eldest lady turned into a shooting star and fell to the ground, Yoyo, who was wearing a white robe and holding a staff taller than her, was floating in the air. She opened her magic shield and was staring at the Platinum Dragon King who fell to the ground. , murmured in his mouth: "Sora Nissan teaches that when facing a powerful enemy, you should start your hands and move out of position to show respect——"

The next moment, a huge magic circle unfolded from behind her, blue magic appeared on her body as a burning special effect, and the robe wrapped around her became even more automatic without wind.

"Super Magic·The Wrath of the Four Saints!"

The green Qinglong, golden Xuanwu, red Suzaku, and black Xuanwu emerged from behind Youyou, and then turned into four streams of light and rushed towards the Platinum Dragon King below.

"Oh, don't worry -" the secretary pressed his hat with his hand and said hurriedly: "Wait until I add a BUFF to you!"

Four-dimensional upgrade, three-speed upgrade, magic damage boost, magic level boost, attack damage boost, defense-breaking attribute addition, penetration attribute addition, armor-piercing attribute addition...

Take a good look, this is the correct usage of auxiliary mouth teeth!


The Thousand Blade Dragon King floated in the air with a dazed face, as if he was passing by the grass in the river with the ADC, but in the blink of an eye, the ADC next to him was passed by the robot Q, and then watched helplessly as the ADC was killed by vampires, wrist tycoons, males, etc. Beaten by the knife, he could only helplessly stay where he was, like a shivering assistant.

More importantly, when the assistant turned his head, he found a man wearing a silver full-body armor holding a cross shield, leading an angel, a demon, and a nine-tailed fox, staring at him.

"That, that..." Thousand Blade Dragon King said tremblingly: "If I say that I went the wrong way, would you believe me?"

"Enemy! Grass! Enemy! Fight!"

The next moment, with the order to start the war, the Thousand Blade Dragon King issued his last words in this world: "Platinum Dragon King, I will slap you Immortal—"




After the battle, Lin Qiong looked at the corpses of several giant dragons lying in the open space of Sky City, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Very good! Very good! I'm going to have a good time!"

"Suck it-"

Yoyo is caught in the fantasy of carnivorous animals——

Fried dragon steak, steamed dragon meat in pot, braised dragon meat, charcoal grilled dragon meat, shabu-shabu dragon meat, dragon meatballs, sweet and sour dragon tenderloin...

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