"Suck it-"

She took another sip of saliva, and at the same time, she sighed in her heart, how could there be so many delicious meat dishes?Sure enough, humans evolved to the top of the food chain just to eat meat, right?

Chapter 0148 The End of the Bone King Chapter

Sky City, first floor periphery, garden area.

"Come on, everyone relax today, relax—"

Lin Qiong looked at the guests in front of him and showed a warm smile.

Kingdom side—

The old king, the second prince, the warrior captain, Princess Lana, Climb;

Empire side——

Blood Emperor, Four Knights, Fuluda;

On the side of Theocracy——

The Supreme Priest and all members of the Dark Codex;

Holy Kingdom——

Holy Queen Calca, Holy Knight Remedios;

Reviewing country——

All members of the Supreme Council.

Elven country——

New elf king, new elf guard.

By the way, the previous elf king and most of the elves with abnormal brains have been crushed to death by Jue sie, and the remaining members of the elf kingdom are all elves with normal brains, so they can survive.

It can be said very straightforwardly - if Lin Qiong suddenly went crazy today and threw a Kamepa Qigong wave into the yard, then the entire continent would fall into chaos for at least ten years.

At this moment, the reason why Lin Qiong wants to hold this banquet is that on the one hand, he hopes that the leaders of various countries can get in touch with each other, and on the other hand, he wants to further show off his fists, so that some ambitious people-don't look , I’m talking about you, the Blood Emperor who lost his hair—you can be more honest.

You see, in order to increase his persuasiveness, he even hung several dragon skins and scales of the Dragon King on the city wall for display.

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong——"

After taking a sip of the wine in the wine glass, the Blood Emperor looked at the dragon skin on the city wall and said, "Is this the evil dragon king who invaded the sky city that you said in the invitation letter?"


Lin Qiong nodded, and he said with emotion: "Speaking of which, Platinum Dragon King still has the title of 'Thirteen Heroes' in your mouth--unfortunately, he is still too weak, and he didn't even last for 5 minutes. , vomited blood and died.”


Heathcliff, who was eating Roujiamo (Jialong meat), rolled his eyes and thought to himself: 'Being beaten up by the four of you together, he can last for 5 minutes is already pretty good, okay?He's trying really hard to survive—'

Please, Lin Qiong is not only a full-level player, but he also uses every ounce of his strength to perfection, and uses the martial arts taught by Misaki Yueji Qiuyu to make one point of strength into two points or even three points. Macho man.

Platinum Dragon King really worked hard.



"As expected of Lord Heathcliff—"

Jue Shi Jueming in the Theocracy's camp was holding a Rubik's Cube with all six sides restored in his hand, looking at Heathcliff with a glass of juice in his left hand and a meat sandwich in his right, with relish, and murmured Said: "Even the scene of the oil leaking out and sliding down the chin is so handsome."


Mr. Captain exchanged glances with his partners in the second and third seats, then silently lowered his head, facing the sliced ​​meat in the bowl—they knew very well that they couldn’t raise their heads at this time, otherwise they would definitely be caught in a flower trap. Jue Shi Jue Ming, who was in an insane state, asked a lot of weird questions.

For example--

"Tell me, will the child of Lord Heathcliff and me be a boy or a girl?"

How the hell do I know, can't you have a boy and a girl?

"Do you think the child of Lord Heathcliff and I will be the strongest in the new world?"

How the hell do I know, what if your cubs don't like fighting, but like raising pigs?

"Tell me, will the child of Lord Heathcliff and I inherit his appearance?"

I admit that he is handsome, but if your child is a girl, if you make her so handsome, do you want her to be the number one female wrench in mainland China?

Look, what's the problem?

Mr. Captain shook his head speechlessly, no wonder the Six Great Gods once left famous sayings like "Love makes people stupid", honestly don't lie to me!Look at the once calm and powerful Jue Shi Jue Ming, now he is almost becoming a nympho!



On the other side of the table, the emperor and Fruda of the empire, the king and second prince of the kingdom, the supreme priest and the five priests of the church, the king and saint of the holy kingdom, the councilors of the council, and the new elf kingdom The new elf kings all sat together.

"This scenery is really like a dream." His Majesty the King took a sip of the wine, and then said with emotion: "I never thought that one day we would be able to sit at the same table and have such a harmonious conversation." .”

"Indeed." The Supreme Priest smiled slightly. He glanced at His Majesty the King and said, "Speaking of which, His Majesty the King, thanks to His Excellency Lin Qiong, the environment of the kingdom has improved a lot."

"Hahaha, that's true." When talking about this topic, His Majesty the King smiled heartily and said, "I never imagined that the aristocratic problem that has plagued the kingdom for so many years was solved by His Excellency Lin Qiong with a sharp knife. It really amazes me.”

The Blood Emperor drank the wine with a displeased face—it was numb, our empire worked hard for several generations, exhausted all the greedy nobles, and in the end the kingdom actually won.

Are you saying he's angry?

What makes him even more angry is that according to the current trend, in the future the world is expected to become a situation where "several major countries divide and rule on the surface", but in fact it will be a situation where "all countries have a common leader."

In other words, there will be no more wars.



The dinner ended smoothly, and the representatives, heirs, and high-end military forces of various countries also met each other face to face. Although it would not be said that they were intimate, at least they were familiar with each other.

"Phew, it's beautiful!"

Lin Qiong went to the bed, and then lay very naturally on the white and tender thighs of the eldest lady who was only wearing a T-shirt on the upper body, and said with emotion: "Although there is a kind of flattering feeling when rubbing against the pantyhose. Feeling, but bare feet are also great—as expected of Erina, no matter what form she is, she is charming!"

The secretary clapped his hands as usual and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "As expected of the young master, he easily accomplished what we couldn't do!"

Refers to easily using exaggerations to make the eldest lady blush.

"Qiao, you are a hopeless leg control—"

"No, you are wrong!"


"I'm not only leg control, I'm also foot control, hand control, waist control, back control, chest control, clavicle control -"

"Understood, you're trying to say that you're just being nice, aren't you?"

"No, I mean, I like everything about you, so I control everything."

100% real damage, and a critical strike, causing 250% damage, the young lady was killed with one blow.


She covered her face with her hands, got into the bed beside her, and then only showed a pair of big purple eyes, looking at Lin Qiong flutteringly.


The secretary shook her head resentfully, and she said, "Old man... oh, it's still one step away! You get along so naturally, I didn't realize it."


Lin Qiong touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and said reservedly: "Don't panic! It's not far, it's not far! I'll deal with her when we return to the Shoji World. I said it, even the old man can't stop me!"

"Young master is domineering!"

"Jie Jie, I want to bathe Erina with my tongue!"

The secretary gasped, and she raised her hands to cover her nose, feeling that her loyalty to the eldest lady was about to overflow again.

The eldest lady hiding under the blanket: "???"

Didn't you already do that kind of thing... Bah bah bah!How could such a thing be said in front of Fei Shazi!You idiot, hentai, Seharu madman!

"Change too—"

The eldest lady couldn't help stretching out a foot from under the quilt, and kicked Lin Qiong's side angrily, but that soft attack was not so much an attack as a coquettish act—the soft The soft kick made Lin Qiong's heart itch, and he couldn't help but turned over and hugged it in his arms.


The eldest lady exclaimed, and said in a panic, "Let go!"

"Don't let it go!"

"Let go!"

"Da ba yo da baa!"

"Fei Shazi is still here!"

"That's right, secretary, why don't you go out for a while?"


The secretary sitting at the end of the bed looked at Lin Qiong in astonishment. She raised her right hand and pointed to her nose, as if she was looking at Lin Qiong for proof—Master, can you say what you just said again?

"Ahem, okay, okay, let's stop making trouble."

With all his strength, Lin Qiong dragged her out of the bed under the exclamation of "Wow", and then hugged her into his arms, and said with a smile: "Let's summarize the recent situation?"

The eldest lady hammered Lin Qiong angrily, but after realizing that Lin Qiong's rough skin and thick flesh were beyond her control, she puffed her mouth and opened her mouth to gently bite Lin Qiong's shoulder.

The secretary was so sour that she felt as if she had eaten a ton of lemons. She smacked her lips and said, "All the dragon kings have been killed, and the moth nobles in several countries have also died. To be honest, as long as the countries can be stable, As long as we get along, we will have almost nothing to worry about."

"Then..." Lin Qiong's hand around the young lady's waist suddenly tightened a little bit, and he said with a little expectation: "So we can go back?"

The secretary blinked, and she quietly glanced at the eldest lady who, although she didn't care on the surface, actually had her ears pricked up, she couldn't help but said with a smile: "It's not impossible! As long as the follow-up work-- This refers to preventing certain countries from starting another war - leave it to Mr Heathcliff."

Of course, the premise is that Heathcliff himself is willing to stay.

"I think it's ok! Then I'll ask him tomorrow?" Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and then he touched the eldest lady's thigh excitedly, and said, "It's finally possible to go back! I'm looking forward to it!"

'He he he he, what the hell is he expecting? The eldest lady's eyes started to circle, "Is it the one I think?"Must be the one I thought?Wow!Although I am looking forward to this person, you can't say that! '

Lin Qiong: Good!You can go to the new world soon!I am so looking forward to the new world!

So, thanks to the young lady's ability to read minds, otherwise Lin Qiong would be tied to the bed and trampled on.

Chapter 0149 The Restriction of Resurrection Items in Other Worlds

The next day, when Lin Qiong was still debating how to speak to Heathcliff, saying that he hoped that he would stay in this world alone and temporarily take care of the residents of this world, so that they would not start a war for at least a few years, let him A surprise happened.

"Lin Qiong, I have something to discuss with you—" Heathcliff looked at Lin Qiong who walked into the restaurant, and said seriously: "The world has stabilized for the time being, I guess you should be planning leave now?"

"Uh, I have this idea, what's wrong?"

"It's like this, I'm currently researching the combination of magic and technology, and I need a suitable research place—" Heathcliff put his hands and fingers on the table, and said seriously: "Although the new world is very tempting. people, but it may affect my experiment, so I apply to stay in this world alone for a while—of course, I have to leave my laboratory and Violet’s machinery factory behind, but I don’t know..."


Lin Qiong didn't wait for Heathcliff to finish speaking, and stretched out his hands to hold his hand with excitement, waving it up and down as if a fellow countryman saw a fellow countryman, and said, "Don't worry! The city of the sky was originally Variable structure, I will separate your area from Sky City, and place it in the plains together with Violet's machinery factory! I will also leave the angel guards, demon guards, and half of the maid team to Yours! How about I treat you well?"

Moreover, I will warmly tell Jue Shi Jue Ming the location of your laboratory, and ask her to take good care of you!Take it easy (thumbs up).

Heathcliff: "Huh?"

Grass, careless again!



Mijna, over the plain.

"That's all for now."

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