Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, looked at Arceus behind him innocently, and said, "There is no way, this thing is too big, if you want to take it to the world of eating halberds, it probably won't work."

At present, the world-transmitting gate is still fixed-point, that is, the mode of "leaving from which position, and appearing from that position next time", and the last time Lin Qiong left the World of Food Halberd was in the courtyard of Nakiri's house, so Once he brings the Sky City back to Shoji World, people in the entire urban area will probably be able to see this "Sky City" floating in the sky.

That would cause a bit of a stir, which is really not good.

"It doesn't matter." Arceus looked at the scenery of the Sky City with curious eyes and said, "I am quite curious about this building - and it is indeed very beautiful."


It has to be said that Heathcliff, as a maniac, created the entire Aincrad setting alone. After learning that the Castle in the Sky could truly be realized, Heathcliff went all out to create a "treasure" that was truly a masterpiece. It can only be described as "work of art" - especially this garden, which made Arceus feel ashamed.

"If you like, you can live here during this period." Lin Qiong, who liked this bird, patted Arceus' body with a smile and said, "I will also bring you some props from another world this time. Come here, check it out?"

"it is good--"

There was a hint of anticipation in Arceus' eyes.

The materials that Lin Qiong brought to him last time came from the world of Suqing, which indeed allowed him to comprehend more knowledge by analogy, and further deepened his comprehension of the rules.

"These are all props brought out of the game and within our scope of use—" Lin Qiong said, taking things out of the travel backpack.

"The first is the potion. The red one is the life potion, and the blue one is the mana potion. From low to high, the potency is slight, light, normal, strong, and super."

"Then there is the magic storage item. This weapon stores a low-level magic flame vortex, and it takes about twenty hours to charge; this amulet stores a magic resistance, which can offset fifth-level and lower magic, and the charging time is thirteen Hours; this ring stores a short-distance teleportation skill, the maximum distance is 200 meters, and the charge can be one hour—"

"Then there are special props. There is a resurrection spell inside this scepter. The cooling time is [-] days. It can resurrect the life of the soul regardless of any conditions. Of course, if the creature actively refuses to be resurrected, the resurrection will fail. And go into cooldown as usual."

"The cooling time is as long as ten years? What kind of hot chicken is this?" Feng Wang showed a disdainful look, and she said, "Please, you have me! Once I scatter my holy ashes, no matter ten or A hundred can be resurrected for you, okay?"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and complained angrily: "Pay attention to the conditions I mentioned, I mean ignoring any conditions - simply put, even if Arceus' body dies, I can still use this Props revive it, can you?"

Feng Wang fell into silence. Her resurrection power is limited to beings whose strength is lower than hers. If they are stronger than her or are of the same level as hers, then they can only show everyone a stare.


"Is it a resurrection that ignores any conditions? In this way, it is indeed a very powerful item." Even Arceus couldn't help getting up and leaning in front of it after hearing the function of the scepter, saying : "It is equivalent to giving me a second life, thank you for your gift, Lin Qiong."

"Oh, in fact, its restrictions are quite large, otherwise I wouldn't be so generous." Lin Qiong shrugged helplessly, and said: "To be honest, a scepter like this is in the warehouse of Sky City. , there are at least a thousand..."

"Thousands?" Feng Wang's voice changed. She turned her bird's eyes in circles and said to herself: "If there are this number, isn't the cooling time a joke? It's invincible!"

"It can't be that simple -" Lin Qiong shook his head angrily and tried to shake off the Phoenix King above his head, but the bird's grip was particularly strong. Lin Qiong was afraid of shaking off his bald head, so he stopped this dangerous move. , said: "The cooling time of this prop does not refer to the cooling time of this scepter, but the cooling time of the 'Resurrection' in this world."

Feng Wang: "What do you mean?"

Compared to the bird-headed Phoenix King, Arceus' thinking was obviously much more active. After a moment's thought, he understood what Lin Qiong meant and said, "What you mean is, whether it's my scepter or your warehouse, As long as one of those resurrection scepters is used 'in this world', then all the scepters in 'this world' will simultaneously enter the ten-year cooling time?"

"Yes, 'in this world'!" Lin Qiong heard from Arceus' accentuated words that she had understood her own meaning, "So there is actually a way to bypass this limitation."

For example, if Arceus, Necrozma, and Infinity are all at the same time, you can resurrect Arceus in the Pokémon world, then go to the Halberd world to resurrect Necrozma, and finally go to China. The world is resurrected in Wujutina - this way, three gods can be resurrected "simultaneously", but the price is that the resurrection time of these three worlds has entered a ten-year cooling period.

"...I see." Arceus nodded his head and said, "Although there are restrictions, it is still a very powerful item."

"Right? So it's not too much to help Erina and the others with their powerful abilities?"

"Hahaha, it's not too much!" Arceus said with a hunchbacked face, "Is it the power of overcoming? Or super power? Or the power of perdition? Or the power of waveguide?"

When he acquired the ability last time, Lin Qiong simply and rudely defined the power of Periphery as the healing system, while the super power was the law system, and the waveguide was the physics system, but after experiencing the power of waveguide himself, he discovered these Capabilities cannot be simply divided.

Take the power of the waveguide as an example, it can be used to strengthen one's own body, it can also be transformed into the power of wind, fire, thunder, ice and other elements, or it can simply condense magic power to attack - how to develop it depends on is the person who uses it.

"Let's ask them themselves." Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the ground and said with a smile, "I don't know what they will choose—"



Secretary: "The power of Changpan."

Her essence is logistics, and the power of Changpan can increase her healing ability and buff ability.

Missy: "Super power."

The convenience of super powers is too strong, the eldest lady can use super powers to help herself when cooking.

Yoyo: "The power of waveguide."

For Yoyo, the power of waveguide can effectively help her better perceive the fluctuations emitted by various elements, and let her go further on the road of magician.

"Actually, I also understand -" The alpaca lifted the grass on the Midina Plain with its feet somewhat unhappily, and said gloomily: "The main ability of the superpower is to establish a long-range psychic link, which is of little help in combat. ,I also understood--"

Feng Wang looked at his immediate superior with a sweaty face, and said, "Ah, yes, yes, you understand, you understand, what's the use of you staying here as a complaining wife?"Don't worry about your overpowering power! '

Lin Qiong on the side put his hands on his hips, looking at the awkward alpaca with a dumbfounded look, and said: "There is nothing we can do! Although the long-distance call with the power of superpower is very good, it is of no use in combat at all, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Choosing this instead of others is very blue!"

Feng Wang nodded incredulously.

"Hmph, I'm not envious!" The alpaca raised its head proudly, and said, "The power of transcendence can communicate with me, Palkya, and Dialka, and even drive them Strength, if you don’t choose, it’s you who will suffer!”

"Yeah!" Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily, thinking in his heart: "The commander and the small steel aluminum dragon and the small gill ichthyosaur still need to use the super-powerful force?"Isn't that the guy who can direct Erina's pots and pans? '

Therefore, dogs are not chosen for the power of overcoming.

Chapter 0150 is broken, she reacted

After taking the eldest lady, Secretary Zi and Yuyou to familiarize themselves with the abilities they acquired in the Pokémon world for a few days, Lin Qiong returned to the world of Halberds with three teammates and fourteen guardians - as for the rest Half a team of maids, I leave it to you to maintain the operation of Sky City on a daily basis.


After returning home, the eldest lady took the lead in stretching, and then said with a sigh: "Although I have traveled to many worlds, my own home is still the most comfortable -"


After hearing what the eldest lady said, Lin Qiong fell into thought, and the secretary beside him asked worriedly, "Master, what's the matter?"

"I was just wondering if I should go back too." Lin Qiong touched the tip of his nose and said, "I am referring to my own world."

"Yeah, speaking of it, I haven't heard much about my own world -" the eldest lady blinked her eyes and said with some curiosity: "The only thing I know about is probably the ordinary daily world, and then the whole world is shrouded in a certain A virus?"

"It's because it's too ordinary and there's nothing particularly outstanding about it, so I didn't mention it much." Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "It's just an ordinary world that isn't worth mentioning."

The secretary said dissatisfied: "Oh, what an ordinary world that is not worth mentioning! Just because that world is the original world of the young master, it is enough to make us curious! Come on, it's tempting to draw a card to sink the ship -"

"Wow!" Lin Qiong wailed, and he wailed: "Secretary! Is your curse too harsh?"

The eldest lady couldn't help but laugh and said: "If you don't appetize people, won't everything be fine? Come on, tell me——"

The fourteen guardians on the side all nodded curiously, and even Violet, who was usually expressionless, widened her eyes at this moment, looking at Lin Qiong with expectant eyes—Supreme Supreme world?What is it like?I care so much!


Lin Qiong couldn't help but tilted his head with a distressed look on his face, then crossed his arms and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, since you are all so interested, I'll just say it casually."

"Yeah—" x17

After hearing that Lin Qiong was about to tell a story, the girls sat in the corridor one after another, and some of them were even squeezed into the living room inside. Then seventeen pairs of eyes looked at Lin Qiong with curiosity, making him feel... Feeling ashamed.

"Well, my world is a world without any special abilities - including but not limited to magic, fighting spirit, summoned beasts, ghosts, etc." Lin Qiong thought for a moment and said, "And the level of technology is compared to the world of swords and swords. And the world of Bone King is also inferior, and now VR games have been developed, which do not support somatosensory."

The eldest lady muttered, "No wonder you say it's a very ordinary world."

"Hahaha, isn't it? It's so ordinary that I feel like there's nothing to introduce." Lin Qiong took the opportunity to sit in the corridor space vacated by the girls and said: "Then, about three years ago, in my place A new influenza virus was discovered in the province and city where I lived, and then spread rapidly and swept the world - you have no idea how badly the people in our city scolded us at that time, haha."

In this way, Lin Qiong told the girls his own story bit by bit, and the old man who noticed the movement also imitated the girls and sat in the living room, listening to Lin Qiong's narration quietly.



"...It's probably like this, a very ordinary world, right?" Lin Qiong withdrew his gaze from looking at the sky, then smiled at the eldest lady, and said, "Actually, I don't have much to remember about that world. ——It would be better to say that I have been away for so long inexplicably, and the ZF probably regards me as a missing person."

I'm afraid it wasn't for the news that "A certain man in Tianchao Beihu disappeared inexplicably" was on the hot search for a while, but in the end because he couldn't find anyone, he had to let it go.

"Ah this-"

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Hey, what a big deal!" Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile: "If there is anything I can't let go of in that world, it's probably the virus—if I have a chance, I will Find out if there is any solution to the virus, and make a final contribution to that world."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the old man's mouth showed a smile - Lin Qiong's behavior was enough to prove that he was a nostalgic and grateful person, and such a person was a partner of the Nakiri family, what else could he be dissatisfied with? ?

Oh, there really is.

The old man glanced at the eldest lady's abdomen calmly, frowned his brows somewhat resentfully, then put his right hand to his mouth, and let out a heart-piercing cough: "Uh, cough, cough , cough cough—"


The eldest lady turned around when she heard the coughing sound, and saw the figure of Senzaemon who was hunched over. She rushed over and said worriedly: "What's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

"I, phew, I'm fine." Senzaemon raised his head, waved his hands with a bitter look on his face, and sighed: "It's just that when people get older, all kinds of problems come out... uh... cough cough Cough...cough came out..."


Lin Qiong couldn't help but take a breath, and then looked at Youyou beside him.

To be honest, looking at the appearance of the old man at this time, he is afraid that he will vomit blood in the next second, and then show his respect on the spot, but the problem is that in the perception of Lin Qiong and Yoyo, the old man's body cannot be said to be very good. Healthy, I can only say that I can continue to participate in the triathlon and win the championship.

So why are you so weak here?

"Grandfather, you're fine!" The eldest lady hurriedly looked at the secretary and said, "Fei Shazi, come and treat me quickly."

"Miss, I understand!"

The secretary ran over quickly. She knelt in front of the old man, stretched out her hands and said softly: "Jiban·Status Inquiry...huh?"

When the power of Viridian entered the old man's body, the feedback the secretary felt was that the old man was not in good health, and now he can participate in indiscriminate fighting.

what's the situation?

The secretary looked up suspiciously, and immediately found that Senzaemon and Lin Qiong were all winking at her in unison—at this moment, the secretary was blessed to the heart, and she realized it!

"I'll start the treatment now -" The secretary suddenly showed a serious expression, and then began to release his skills: "Jiuban·Abnormal status clearing! Changpan·Restore life!"

After using two skills in a row, the old man, who was already healthy and capable of resisting horses, suddenly felt as if there was endless energy in his body. He wanted to jump up on the spot and rush out to dance for an hour - but he relied on his strong With astonishing willpower, he stopped his behavior abruptly. Instead, he sat upright with a "slight improvement" and said "weakly" to the secretary: "Thank you for the spell, Fei Shasha."

"Commander, it's because I'm not good at learning and I can't treat your situation thoroughly..." The secretary lowered his head with a "looked disappointed", but quickly raised his head seriously, and said, "Don't worry! In the next world, I will definitely practice hard and try to get your body in order after I get back!"

'What a serious girl! The old man sighed, then continued to put on a pretentious sigh, and said, "Hey, old man, I've lived for nearly a hundred years. I haven't encountered anything? I don't have any regrets."

Hearing Senzaemon's appearance as if he was about to leave his last words, the eldest lady hurriedly covered the old man's mouth and said, "Grandfather, don't talk nonsense! You can live for a long, long time!"

Senzaemon laughed and said, "Silly boy, people are mortal. I've lived long enough...cough cough..."

After hearing what he said, the secretary quickly said in the ear of the eldest lady: "Miss! The commander-in-chief realizes that his life is perfect and he has no will to live! You have to give him a new goal -"

"New, new goal..." The eldest lady looked at the secretary in a panic and said, "But, but, what new goal should I find?"

Lin Qiong said thoughtfully from the side: "Generally speaking, the old man's wish is nothing more than holding a grandson, right?"

The eldest lady's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again, and she said, "But Grandpa has already made this wish..."

Isn't she the grandson of the old man?

The secretary came close to the eldest lady's ear again and reminded in a low voice: "Although we have grandchildren, don't we also have great-grandchildren?"

yes!Great grandchildren!

The eldest lady's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said to the old man: "Grandpa, don't you want to hold your great-grandson... hmm?"

Having said this, the eldest lady suddenly felt that something was wrong. She frowned suspiciously, then glanced at Lin Qiong, the secretary and the old man.

The three of them couldn't help but tighten their hearts: "It's broken, the eldest lady has reacted!" '

The next moment, the young lady's mental power surged out, and she quickly checked the old man's body, and found that the old man was as healthy as a golden boat.

She understands, she understands, she realizes!

"You three..." The eldest lady, whose face darkened, didn't even call out to her grandfather, and simply summed it up with "the three of you". Seeing her reaction at this time, the three of them immediately screamed in disbelief. wonderful.

"Ahem, the old man remembered, I haven't flushed the toilet yet!" The old man stood up abruptly, and then shouted recklessly in a voice that overwhelmed everything: "Oh, old people just have memory. Not good! I’m getting old! How can I forget such an important thing? It really shouldn’t be—”

Hearing his rasping voice gradually fade away, the eldest lady cast her gloomy gaze on Lin Qiong and the secretary who were about to sneak away quietly.

"Come here, sit down—"

"Oh—" x2

Chapter 0151 I have a bold idea——

"Wuuuuuu, young master, we were scolded by the eldest lady."

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