
"But, but why does it feel so good?"

"A bit."

"Hass, hess, miss, please continue scolding me, I am the miss's dog!"

"The turtle is carrying the barber shop—"

Lin Qiong covered his face, now he feels more and more that this secretary has a tendency to develop into Shirai Heizi—could it be said that whether it is a Heizi or a secretary, they will eventually become Biantai?

"Ke Ke Ke, but, young master, don't you feel excited?" Secretary Zili looked at Lin Qiong in shock and said, "Think about it, if the eldest lady stepped on your face with her jade feet in black silk, and then Look at you with eyes like looking at garbage, and then say to you in a cold voice..."

After saying this, the secretary cleared her throat, then imitated the eldest lady's voice and said: "Who allowed you to raise your head and look at me? You scum——"

"Hiss—" Lin Qiong couldn't help but shuddered, then smacked his lips, and said, "It seems to be quite a feeling!"

Lin Qiong is not really shaking M. If there is such a condescending queen-type character, Lin Qiongding will follow the trend and shout "Sister step on me", but he will not really run over and kneel at the opponent's feet, waiting for the queen patronize.

But if this kind of "queen" is a little love affair between lovers, it doesn't matter - Lin Qiong even wanted the eldest lady to look at trash and lift up her skirt to show him how fat she is!

Don't say you don't want to!

Seeing that Lin Qiong approved of his thoughts, the secretary immediately said with bright eyes: "Isn't that right? It's absolutely suitable for the eldest lady to make that kind of expression!"

really!When the eldest lady first appeared on the stage, she was an absolute queen-type character. It was only after she was successively attacked by Master Abe (in terms of cooking skills) and Ah Xing (in terms of talent) that she curbed her sharp arrogance.

Lin Qiong nodded solemnly, then climbed up from the floor and walked towards the house. Looking at his movements, the secretary hurriedly asked: "Master, what are you going to do?"

Lin Qiong turned his head, smiled at the secretary, and said, "Rua legs!"


The secretary was stunned for a moment, then showed a heartbroken expression, clutched his chest and fell on the tatami, showing the expression of a defeated dog in various senses.



A few days after returning to the World of Food Halberd, the guardians brought out from the World of Bone King are basically familiar with life in this world, and are happily serving the life of the Supreme Being. The powerful kind.

As for Lin Qiong and the eldest lady... uh...

Well, I'm not afraid of everyone's contempt. Although they have been back for a few days, they still failed to take the last step, which is really embarrassing to everyone.

"That won't work."

The secretary knelt on the cushion, and said with a sad face: "The atmosphere between the eldest lady and the young master is very good, but every time it feels like the last step is coming, the young master is inexplicably scared—"

If there are older virgins of the same age here, they will definitely understand Lin Qiong very well, and even empathize with him—this feeling is like an older man who wants to get out of the singles, so he searched the Internet for how to date a girl, and read an article After another guide, I had the idea of ​​"what's so difficult about this?", and when I was preparing for the actual battle, I saw the girl who was alone, and I was so scared that I walked past the other party, and I didn't dare to fart.

Lin Qiong is also in the same situation. Although he often thinks about having sex with the eldest lady before going to bed, when it comes to that step, he is inexplicably discouraged - the first experience is so important.

"Tsk, can he do it?" Nakiri Magi leaned back on the chair with a speechless face, and said, "I've never seen such a cowardly man! If another man comes over, I'm afraid that even my grandson will be hugged."

The old man nodded with deep emotion, and said, "It won't work like this! We have to give them a push!"

"How?" Nagiri Nakiri raised her eyebrows and said, "We can't just strip them naked and lock them up in the room, and then we can't come out if we don't do anything?"


The black line on the old man's face, what stimulated his daughter, why did she say such wolfish words?

"That's definitely not possible, it doesn't fit the status of the Nakiri family at all!" The old man said angrily, while Nakiri Manna curled his lips and said angrily: "Returning the status? Who is in a hurry at night?" Couldn't sleep and lifted me out of bed?"

"Cough cough."

The old man coughed a few times guiltily, then slowly took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, put it on the table, and said: "I came up with a plan and called it 'Date Big.'" "Combat', what do you think of this plan?"

The secretary and Nagiri Nakiri looked at the proposal, and then fell silent.

Nakiri Magi couldn't help but said: "I thought that you, as the head of the Nakiri family and the commander-in-chief of Yuanyue, faced with the battle of two women, you must have a high opinion if you come up with a plan in such a serious manner. I didn’t expect to come up with such a crude plan!?”

This paper seems to be full of things, but after removing all the nonsense and deleted and rewritten parts, and after condensing and summarizing it, you will find that its essence is just a short paragraph——

First let the two go on a date at the amusement park, and then guide them to the love hotel.

That's it?That's it, that's it?

"Commander—" The secretary's expression was as ugly as if she had eaten a devil fruit. She wrinkled her face and looked at the white paper in her hand several times, and then asked, "Is it just this sentence? No more details?" A little plan?"

What is the difference between your plan and the plan of "making a lot of money and becoming a rich man"?Who doesn't know that earning a lot of money can become a rich person, the question is how to make a lot of money! ?You can't go to Thailand first, then go to the cold country, and then come back to marry a local tyrant, get a divorce, divide half of the family property, and then go to Thailand to rectify it, right?

"Cough cough."

The old man coughed a few times with a guilty conscience, and said: "I just gave a tone, a main line, how to improve it depends on the efforts of all of us!"

Bah, what kind of behavior is An Yilun doing!

Nagiri Nagi and the secretary covered their foreheads at the same time, and then let out a speechless exclamation of "Ah--", which made the old man a little bit unstoppable--but he still stretched himself with his tempered face, It's amazing!

"First of all, why do you definitely go to a love hotel when you go to an amusement park?" Nagiri Nakiri couldn't help asking, "Aren't they going home? There must be a reason, right?"

"Uh, it's too late to play, so I can't get a car?"

"Don't my Nakiri family have a car? Do you want them to be taxis and subways?"

The reason the old man just came up with was ruthlessly rejected by Nakiri Magi, making him suddenly depressed and took a sip of tea to relieve his mood.

"What if it is an uncontrollable factor?" At this time, the secretary said thoughtfully: "Madam, Commander-in-Chief, I have a bold idea."

Bold idea?

The old man and Nagiri Nakiri looked at each other, and said in unison: "Tell me!"

"If you want the young master and the eldest lady to enter the love hotel, then the first condition is 'can't go home', and the commander-in-chief proposed that playing too late and not being able to find a car is obviously an unstable factor, because we can't control the young master and the eldest lady Will play until the subway stops running.”


"Then, we need to create a stable factor that prevents the two of them from returning home, such as a sudden rainstorm-this can be done by Yoyo and the guardians using water magic together."

"But if it's raining, can't you still come back by car?"

"The driver is also a member of the Nakiri family. We just need to ask the driver to reply that there is a problem with the car and it cannot start."


Hearing this, the old man and Nagiri Nakiri looked at each other again, and they said in unison again: "It can be fixed!"

It rained heavily - the car broke down - had to stay in a love hotel - the sound of a movie appeared next door - the young couple couldn't help but taste the forbidden fruit for the first time under the influence of the atmosphere...

Steady, little sister!

After figuring out the plan, the old man immediately looked at the secretary with fiery eyes—don't get me wrong, the old man felt from the bottom of his heart that the secretary was guaranteed to be an SR-rank dog-headed military adviser, and he wanted to elevate the status of the new family!

Let’s start the whole process now!



The next morning, when the family was sitting in the restaurant having dinner, the old man seemed to have remembered something. He reached out and took out two tickets from his pocket, pushed them in front of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, and said, "I am an old man. My friend bought a new amusement park and upgraded it, so he gave me two tickets to experience it - hey, what kind of amusement park should I go to as an old man? So you two go and check it out for me. Just come back and tell me your experience."

A very fair reason.

"amusement park?"

Lin Qiong swallowed the sauced meat bun in his mouth, then looked at the eldest lady, and said casually, "Are you going? If you don't, just give the ticket to the secretary and Yoyo."

'If it's just me and Qiong going, wouldn't it be a date rounded up? ’ The eldest lady’s stupid hair stood up quickly, she coughed dryly, and said, “Speaking of which, I haven’t been to an amusement park much.”

Lin Qiong nodded his head. After taking a sip of soy milk to moisten his mouth, he picked up a fragrant fresh meat bun and said with a smile, "Wait a minute, then we'll set off."

'yes! 'x3

The old man, Nagiri Nakiri and the secretary looked at each other, and the three nodded in unison.

Now that the first step of the plan has been completed, the next step is to act according to the plan - tonight, the two of you will have sex!

The old man: "Useless grandson-in-law, when I was my age, my wife was about to have a second child!" '

Nakiri Shinagi: 'Useless daughter, when I was this age, my husband couldn't even get out of bed! '

Secretary: "This, that, Emma, ​​this bun is so delicious..."

Chapter 0152 Dating in progress——

Food Halberd World.

New Tokyo Cat Cat Amusement Park.

"Although I don't know whether this amusement park is really fun, but what is certain is that the owner of the amusement park must like cats very much."

Lin Qiong, who was wearing casual pants and a white T-shirt, looked at the images of cats on the LOGO at the entrance of the amusement park with a smile on his face and said: "Unfortunately, I don't know much about cats. I can only recognize blue cats, cloth cats, etc." Oval cats and orange cats.”

Daju Weizhong was so easy to recognize, and its enchanting figure made Lin Qiong spot it among the cats at a glance.

"That one is mostly white, but the center of the face is black. It's a Siamese cat."

"The lower part of the Siamese cat on the left is white and the upper part is black. It is a Norwegian forest cat."

"The one on the outside that looks really big and has a lot of cats, it's a Maine Coon—"

The eldest lady hugged Lin Qiong's arm affectionately, then raised her left hand to introduce.

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady with a little surprise, and said, "Do you still like cats?"

The eldest lady said embarrassedly: "It's not that I like cats, but when I set up Chocolate and Vanilla, I searched a lot of cat information with Yoyo, and I only recognized some of them now."

Lin Qiong nodded clearly, then looked away from the signboard, and said softly: "Okay, let's go in——today we're going to play all day wantonly, and experience all kinds of projects over and over again. !"


The eldest lady happily raised her right hand and left hand, and said, "Pirate ship, jumping machine, roller coaster, and bungee jumping, I have to experience it once!"

"Uh..." Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds, and then whispered in the eldest lady's ear: "With your current strength, you should be able to run faster than a roller coaster, right?"

Are you still afraid of that thing?

Isn't this as ridiculous as Conan saying that he is afraid of corpses?He was probably more excited than anyone else when he saw the corpse——Wuhu, what a death, and the case can be solved again!

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Stupid! It's the atmosphere, the atmosphere! Haven't you seen a sentence? No matter how delicious fried noodles are, they can't compare to having a meal with someone you like during the fireworks celebration. Bought at a celebration stall, overcooked fried noodles with a burnt smell!"

Lin Qiong complained in a puzzled manner: "I will believe some people say this, but you are Nakiri Erina, would you eat that kind of fried noodles at the roadside stall?"

The eldest lady immediately poked Lin Qiong's waist angrily with her finger and said, "Metaphor, do you understand metaphor?"

"Understood, understood! I know brother well, let me understand it all." Lin Qiong dragged the eldest lady into the amusement park with a helpless expression, and said, "Okay, okay, let's hurry up and queue up Right! Otherwise, I’m afraid the time will be spent on queuing—”

After the two of them entered the amusement park, at the corner at the back, several figures wearing sunglasses, masks, and coats came out.

Old man: "Very good! It looks like the atmosphere is pretty good!"

Nakiri Shinagi: "Isn't it quite sticky to get along with each other in daily life? We are hugging each other and I don't see Erina being shy. How come it doesn't work at night?"

Secretary: "Miss, young master, come on!"

Yuyou: "This, is this something I can see?"

When the four of them touched their chins and commented on Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, they were a little behind them.

The silver-haired sister-in-law was looking at this scene with bright eyes, and said, "Sure enough, there are good things to watch! My cousin and brother-in-law are dating, and my aunt and grandfather are following... No matter how you look at it, there is something interesting about it." Smell!"

I want to get involved too, desu!




After entering the amusement park, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady suddenly made surprise sounds.

The couple thought to themselves that 08:30 should be quite early to come to the amusement park, right?As a result, as soon as I entered the door, I was frightened by the huge crowd of people inside!

"My dear, I believe this traffic flow even if you say it's a road in Baijing!" Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said with a bit of toothache: "No, there are so many people at this moment?"

The eldest lady thought for a while, then showed a stunned expression, and said to Lin Qiong, dumbfounded: "Qiong, I seem to have realized it - our world is currently in the summer vacation, and it is still the weekend..."


Lin Qiong also realized that this kind of explosive traffic is not incomprehensible after summer vacation and weekends!but……

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady stood helplessly at the gate of the amusement park, and murmured, "But, with so many people, how long will the queue last?"

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