Just when the two were worried about the number of people, a young man who looked like a college student walked over, handed the leaflet in his hand to Lin Qiong with a smile on his face, and said enthusiastically: "Let's find out on behalf of Didi!"

Lin Qiong took the flyer subconsciously, and the man continued to walk towards the next couple with a smile, and then enthusiastically handed over the flyer, saying the same: "Didi arranges for you to find out!"

Didi row?

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, they lowered their heads, looked at the content on the leaflet, and then showed strange expressions at the same time.

Lin Qiong said with a look of admiration: "I guessed blindly, it may be that members of a certain university club—or even multiple clubs—joined up to make money."

The eldest lady nodded as well, and said, "It's a good thing they thought of this kind of method—but it's also a good way to make money!"

To put it bluntly, it was nothing more than a group of student parties who took advantage of the holidays and went to the amusement park to line up in advance, and then sold the number plates to those in need-this kind of behavior that only needs to line up is not only much easier than part-time jobs, And the hourly wages are several times higher than part-time jobs.

Lin Qiong turned his head to look at the eldest lady beside him, and asked, "Should we patronize? Looking at the current number of people, I conservatively estimate that we can play a game in a two-hour queue."


The eldest lady clicked her tongue and said, "Buy! I don't want to stand in the sun for two hours!"

It would be fine if they were cash-strapped, but how could the Nakiri family be cash-strapped?As long as the eldest lady has needs, she may not be able to book out this amusement park to have a good time.

"Okay! Let's go to the rapids first!" Lin Qiong pointed to the map at the entrance of the amusement park, and said: "Then go to the jumping machine next to it, and then go to the spinning coffee and the pirate ship..."

The eldest lady naturally has no objection, for her, "what to play" is not important, what is important is "to play with Lin Qiong" - without Lin Qiong, she would not come to the amusement park.



Advance bravely in the torrent, before the team.

"Speaking of which, I'm a little curious—" Lin Qiong paid for the two seats at the top, and then said to the eldest lady: "In case, I mean in case, they are ranked, but the seat Wouldn’t it be a loss if you didn’t sell it?”

"Idiot, they can exchange number plates with the people in the back group." The eldest lady looked at her boyfriend helplessly and said, "Anyway, you just need to ensure that it is your turn to get the number plate in your hand right away."

Lin Qiong followed the staff's guidance and got on the boat and said, "Yes, there is another way - come on, put on your poncho to avoid getting splashed with water later."

The eldest lady opened her hands obediently, and let Lin Qiong help her put on the disposable poncho issued by the staff, then happily hugged Lin Qiong's arm, waiting for the device to start.

Soon, driven by mechanical power, the rubber boat slowly climbed to the top of the track, and then quickly fell, amidst the screams of "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" from the participants, and plunged into the In the waterway below, water splashed all around - Lin Qiong also saw a few buddies who had been fooled by their friends to have their faces splashed with water.

After taking off the poncho and throwing it into the trash can, Lin Qiong took the young lady's hand and walked out from the exit, and then complained: "After spending so much money, I felt good for only 2 minutes. It's a very subtle feeling."

Maybe it's the feeling of an early xie man looking for a young lady?Don't you feel bad?

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and said angrily: "Don't think about these things when you come out to play. Besides, our family does not lack this little money."

"I'm just complaining, I won't be so disappointing." Of course, Lin Qiong knew that it would be very disappointing if he kept worrying about money when he came out to play once in a while, so after explaining a sentence, he took the young lady's hand and pointed He ran over to the next destination and said, "Let's go, the next project is a jumping machine!"

After paying for the number plate at the front, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady got on the brand-new jumping machine, and were slowly raised to a height of more than 60 meters together with the people around them.


"I didn't feel anything unexpectedly."

"Haha, that's true. After all, I'm almost tired of seeing this kind of scenery in the Sky City."

"But it should be a little more exciting when it falls."

"I hope too... Oh Huo!"

Before he finished speaking, with the sudden fall of the jumping machine, Lin Qiong could clearly hear the screams of "Yeahhhhhh—" from the surrounding participants, and the tearing up of a man who seemed to be an Internet anchor. Heartbreaking screams: "My phone——"

Lin Qiong took a look at it and found that it was the latest iPhone 13! promax!Yuanfeng Blue! 1T version!

It's just that it is sliding through a beautiful parabola in mid-air - if nothing else happens, it will fall to the ground in the distance and then fall into pieces.

So, if your hands are unstable, don’t do such dangerous things!

After landing, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady left the vicinity of the jumping machine in a hurry, forming a stark contrast with the players around them whose feet were so weak that they were trembling.

"It doesn't feel as exciting as I imagined."

"That stimulation should be brought about by fear, right? It's a pity that we don't feel fear."

"That's true." Lin Qiong nodded, glanced at the couple next to him, and then said with a strange expression: "I found that the advantage of going out with you on a date is that you don't need to buy all kinds of food."


The eldest lady followed Lin Qiong's line of sight and found a young and beautiful girl buying a piece of the amusement park's specialty ice cream. Then she started posing for various photos. After tasting it, she turned around She gave it to her boyfriend, and then happily ran to the next shop. At this time, her boyfriend already had a portion of grilled squid, a portion of takoyaki and a portion of grilled sausage in his hands.

boyfriend x

Food recycling bin√

Chapter 0153 feeding PIay

Realizing that her boyfriend was teasing her, the eldest lady gave him a sideways glance, and Lin Qiong's heart almost melted from that small appearance.

"Humph, if Qiong wants, I can't buy these food~" The eldest lady stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, and said with a smile on her face: "Anyway, I just need to take the photo and throw it to you. Yes, hey~"

"Forgive me." Lin Qiong raised his hands innocently, and said, "I don't want to eat these snacks, but I can't eat the love bento you prepared for me at noon—"

As he said that, he deliberately glanced at the bag on the waist of the eldest lady.

The eldest lady wrinkled her nose cutely, and said with a snort, "Hmph, I didn't prepare a bento for you."

Lin Qiong held her hand with a smile, then led her towards the next device, and said, "Really? I don't believe it~ hehe."

"No, no, just no~"

"Then I'll eat you at noon—"

"I didn't even eat it!"





Nakiri Shinagi raised his hands and rubbed his arms with a look of disgust, and said: "Wow, are all young people today so tired of falling in love?"


"Hey--" The secretary, who had a completely different reaction from Nagiri Nagi, nodded with a smirk on his face, and said happily: "Ah, so this kind of daily picture is Sai Gao's mouth! Here it is, thanks Eggplant!"

She looked at the phone photo album in her hand with a happy face, and just took a lot of precious CGs of the young lady—these little expressions are something that the ordinary young lady would not make!It's a super precious SSR... no, it's a UR-class CG!

The old man crossed his arms, as if he were a general watching the charging army from a distance, watching the eldest lady jumping up and down.

Come on!Erina!



"Whoa, whoa—"

Alice, who was hiding in the corner, stared blankly at the young lady who was taking small steps like a little girl, then rubbed her eyes vigorously, and exclaimed in disbelief: "That, that, that is that Erina!? Is that Erina!?"


That arrogant Erina would actually show such a sweet smile, sweet expression and sweet movements now! ?

You are possessed by Wang Xinling, right? !

Are you ready to be a sweetheart leader? ?

Angli Wu Bo!

Is love such a magical thing?Can you turn Erina into what she is now? ?

Alice fell into doubt.



Most of the exciting equipment in the amusement park is nothing in the eyes of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady—even the extremely exciting roller coaster, bungee jumping and air bridge in the eyes of others, they can all look at it with a smile. A bland attempt.

Lin Qiong even saw a certain old man who stumbled on the air bridge and sat on the foothold below, and then was too scared to move—by the way, the staff who rescued him in the past also stepped on his feet. Sitting next to my brother, the two hugged the armrest and cried together.

In the end, Lin Qiong extended a helping hand and pulled the two of them up, and he received a burst of warm applause for this.


"Hey, after losing the excitement, I feel that the roller coaster is not even as fun as the bumper car." Lin Qiong sat on the seat of the open-air cafe with a look of emotion, and lazily said to the young lady beside him: "At least the bumper car is not as fun as the bumper car." You can control yourself, the roller coaster is really boring."

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong with a strange expression, and complained: "When you say control the bumper car, do you mean the fierce competition with that five-year-old child on the track, and finally the car overturned?"

Lin Qiong coughed in embarrassment, and said, "I'm showing mercy. Give that child a happy childhood, okay?"

"Okay, okay, I believe it." The eldest lady was happy. She supported her chin with her hands, and asked with a smile: "By the way, if you were asked to build a roller coaster, what tracks would you make?"

Lin Qiong was excited. He waved his right hand and said excitedly: "That kind of 360-degree spiral, first make ten or eight of them, and then the whirlwind charge tornado will also travel more than 100 meters, and then..."

The eldest lady covered her forehead in confusion and sighed: "Thanks to you not being the builder of this amusement park, otherwise I might have become famous all over the world."

For example, the execution ground roller coaster, or the butter maker (fog) or something.

Lin Qiong also heard the young lady's ridicule, and couldn't help lying on the table with her mouth puffed out, and said, "Please, when I used to play Roller Coaster Star, I made a lot of money, okay?"

"Yes, yes, making big money and making big money."

"Wow, you don't believe me, do you? I'll show you my save file when I have a chance, okay?"

"Then can you withdraw the money you earn?"

"Ahem, um, oh, I'm hungry, let's have lunch first!"

"Just know how to eat!" The eldest lady rolled her eyes angrily, and then took out the "Erinai Special Made Luxurious Three-layer Heart Bento (Color Quality)" prepared for Lin Qiong from her backpack.

"Oh, it looks delicious!"

Lin Qiong looked at the bento in front of him, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

This bento is completely customized by the eldest lady according to his taste, and all the dishes are his favorites - such as fish-flavored pork shreds, pineapple sweet-and-bone pork, cumin lamb, black pepper pork chop, fried chicken nuggets Wait, it's carnivore's carnival.

"Hmph, you carnivore!"

"Humans have evolved for such a long time, and finally climbed to the top of the food chain. Isn't it just to eat meat?"

"It's all nonsense."

"Hmph, I'm a carnivore anyway!"


The eldest lady picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of pineapple sweet and sour meat and handed it to Lin Qiong's mouth, and said softly, "Ah—"


Lin Qiong took a bite of the sweet and sour meat wrapped in red sauce, and then made a nasal sound of satisfaction and said happily: "I feel that this piece of meat is more than ten times more delicious than usual! Good! It’s strange, why on earth?”

The eldest lady tilted her head and said in a puzzled voice: "Why?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "That's because I tasted Erina's love for me in it!"

If there were other people here, the eldest lady would probably feel shy, but at this moment she was alone with her lover who had been with her for more than five years, so how could she fall into a shy state so easily?

Unfortunately, she will.


The eldest lady made a cute and embarrassing voice, then kicked Lin Qiong's shin with her toe, and said with a slightly red face, "Idiot!"

Even if these things really exist, you are not allowed to say it, idiot, idiot, big idiot!


Lin Qiong chuckled, and then didn't take the chopsticks. He opened his mouth lazily, waiting for the eldest lady to feed him. The eldest lady smiled helplessly, then picked up the chopsticks and picked up another ball of Tangyang fried chicken. After dipping it in the special sauce on the side, he stuffed it into Lin Qiong's mouth.


After biting off the crispy skin, Lin Qiong could clearly feel the moment the chicken piece was bitten open, the gravy bursting in his mouth, mixed with the unique taste of the sauce, made the whole fried chicken taste even better grade.

"Good time!"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to the eldest lady happily, and then opened her mouth cheerfully.

"Are you going to let me feed you all the time?"

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