"Eh? Can't you?"

"Are you a child? I really can't do anything about you—" The eldest lady said so, but her body honestly picked up a piece of barbecue and sent it to Lin Qiong's mouth. Lin Qiong opened her mouth in satisfaction. My own mouth, I ate it in one bite, then squinted my eyes happily, and said: "Then eat, and then black pepper pork chop!"

“We’ve even ordered food!”

"Hey, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Eat you to death! Open your mouth!"




After an hour-long sweet interaction, 90.00% of this love box lunch entered Lin Qiong's mouth, and the eldest lady just tasted a little at the end, and put down her chopsticks in disappointment.

"Obviously I was quite satisfied when it was just out of the oven, but it won't work after it's cooled."

"Well, after all, it's the picky tongue of God—"

"That's right, the picky God's Tongue—delicious food will make it picky, and in order to satisfy the picky one, it has to taste more delicious food, which makes it even pickier..."

"It's a completely vicious cycle."

The original happy mood disappeared without a trace. Lin Qiong poked the lid of the lunch box in front of him with his chopsticks a little depressed, and said, "I hope the next world can solve it—at least I think the hope is quite high."

The eldest lady blinked and asked, "Because of Olalie's god?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "No matter how you say it, you are a god who has survived for hundreds of millions of years, so he should be more reliable than Arceus, right?"

When Lin Qiong learned that Arceus, who was hit by a meteorite in Mijina, was just her insignificant clone, he asked Arceus to heal the lady's tongue, but Arceus told Lin Qiong in a difficult way...

"If you explain it in terms you can understand, it's like asking a veterinarian to treat someone's illness. It's a bit embarrassing for me."

After all, Arceus is the creator god of the "Pokémon World", and the main body with strange powers is "Pokémon"-this is why Lin Qiong's language proficiency in the Pokémon World is "Pokémon Language" The reason is gone.

The eldest lady obviously also recalled Arceus's unreliability, and she couldn't help but said with a smile: "Indeed, I hope that the gods of the new world are more reliable than Arceus."

Lin Qiong held the young lady's hand on the table, and encouraged him softly: "Don't worry! Even if the gods of the next world can't solve it, it's okay. After all, there are so many unexplored worlds. There must be someone who can solve it." Solve the world where the tongue of God is flawed!"

The eldest lady's eyes were bent into crescent moons, she nodded lightly, and said, "Yes! I believe you."

Chapter 0154 What kind of happy event is this?

Because after experiencing several exciting projects in the morning but did not get any interesting feedback, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady stopped participating in those "stimulating projects", but slowed down their pace and focused their attention on the Youzai has some projects.

After finishing their lunch, the two first watched a movie with fair reviews, and then went to the Botanical Garden for a few laps. While admiring the flowers and plants in the Botanical Garden, they complained about the mentally handicapped plot in the movie.

Next, Lin Qiong and the young lady went to play with the Ferris wheel and the merry-go-round. By the way, Lin Qiong had sternly rejected the merry-go-round. Face, surrounded by a group of children and girls, took a round of the merry-go-round with the laughing eldest lady.

"Damn it, I feel like everyone around me is taking pictures with their mobile phones!" Lin Qiong said angrily, "Does it mean that tomorrow I will be on the homepage of the forum and be dubbed 'the legendary 30-year-old man on a merry-go-round horse'?" nickname?"


The eldest lady was overjoyed, she leaned on Lin Qiong, held back her smile and said, "Not necessarily? Maybe it will be commented by netizens as 'the merry-go-round ride at the age of 30 must be very girly'" Maybe ?”

Lin Qiong sat paralyzed by the sea at that time, then turned to look at Almin beside him, and said, "Don't do that kind of thing!"

The eldest lady laughed so hard that she could hardly straighten her waist, so Lin Qiong reached out to her waist angrily, and said, "Look at my justice being enforced! Tickle—"


The eldest lady jumped forward nimbly, dodged Lin Qiong's attack, stuck out her tongue at him, and said, "I can't scratch you~ You can't scratch me~ La la la~"


Lin Qiong deliberately showed an angry expression, then ran towards the eldest lady with all his teeth and claws, and said, "Stop!"

"A little bit, a fool will stop~" The eldest lady stuck out her tongue towards Lin Qiong, and then ran forward, letting out a series of melodious chuckles, which made the passing tourists smile knowingly. .

Young love, so good—




Alice felt as if she took a big bite of dog food covered with explosive acid powder and stuffed with saccharine—sour, sweet and full!

She rubbed her arms vigorously, then looked at the eldest lady who was chasing and fighting with Lin Qiong with a terrified expression, and said to herself in disbelief: "That's Erina!? That's really Erina! ? No way, can’t it be true!?”

I'm a mother-in-law!

This is no longer a simple sentence that can shock Alice for a whole year. It has already shocked Alice to doubt her life.

Is love such a magical thing?

It can really make that serious and serious Erina, who seems to be bitter and bitter, into the sweet little girl she is now! ?



After the two had a good fight for a while, the eldest lady was "accidentally" pushed against the corner by Lin Qiong, and then let out a "Jie Jie" laugh.

"Hmph, it can be regarded as being caught by me—"

"Ah, you, what do you want to do!"

"Jie Jie, this beautiful lady, you might as well guess what will happen to you if you fall into my hands!"

"no, do not want……"

"No? Hahaha! I've heard this sentence too many times!"

"Whoa, whoa, come and save me——"

"Go ahead and break your throat, no one will come to save you!"

"Break your throat! Break your throat!"


Lin Qiong, who was playing a situational game with the eldest lady just a second ago, couldn't hold back at that time. He turned his head and let out a series of violent coughs, and then looked at the eldest lady who couldn't straighten up laughing again with a surprised face. , couldn't help asking: "No, where did you learn this from!?" Shi

"Eh? Have you forgotten?" The eldest lady was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: "The last time I was playing with your mobile phone, I checked your penguin space and saw it there."

"Huh?" Lin Qiong was taken aback for a moment, then stretched out his hand and pinched the young lady's face dumbfounded, and said, "You are so bored to search my space, how many years have I not used that thing?"

In Lin Qiong's vague impression, he often played Penguin Space before graduating from high school, but after graduating from university, he seldom played those things—he himself almost forgot what else is in the space now. clean.

"I just read it for a while because I was bored~" At this point, the eldest lady's eyes rolled up. She smiled evilly and came to Lin Qiong's side and said: "However, it is precisely because I saw your space that I Saw some good stuff!"

good stuff?

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady with a confused expression, then tilted his head and thought about what good things there were in his space - could it be the cold rabbit joke I forwarded when Penguin Collar was still alive?

As if seeing Lin Qiong's bewilderment, the eldest lady snickered, then turned on her mobile phone, pulled up the photo album, and said, "Look at this—"

Lin Qiong leaned over strangely and found that it was a screenshot——

I will always like the emperor of the East China Sea: the dead soul

'Secondary Two Quotations! ?It's the Martian language that he is meowing! ? Lin Qiong slowly opened his mouth wide, then turned his stiff neck, looked at the eldest lady standing beside him with a smile like a little devil, and said tremblingly: "You, this, I... "

Seeing his reaction, the eldest lady nodded with great satisfaction and said: "And this -"

I always like the emperor of the East China Sea: I should live for him, I should live for him.

"And this—"

Chopin in Niu 13 can't play the sadness of labor and capital.

"Wow ah ah ah-"

It hurts, it hurts too much!

Lin Qiong let out a cry that was more painful than Jinmu. He covered his face with his left hand, and cried out: "Why did you find this, and even took a screenshot!!"

Obviously, Lin Qiong's shameful response at this time made the eldest lady very satisfied. She laughed and said, "Hahaha, Qiong, I didn't expect you to have today!"

As for why the screenshot?Of course I learned this from Lin Qiong - who made Lin Qiong's mobile phone store hundreds of black histories of sand sculpture group friends?

This wave, this wave is called self-inflicted evil, you can't live!

"Black history, and it's also the black history of Martian language..." Lin Qiong squatted on the ground, then raised his hands to cover his face, and said, "I really want to use the power of the little steel aluminum dragon to go back to the past." , strangle me to death when I was in middle school!!!"


Accompanied by the eldest lady's joyful laughter, Lin Qiong shut himself off.

Today's victory and defeat, Lin Qiong's defeat.

The exposure of black history is too tragic.



Thanks to the exposure of his black history in the second year of middle school, Lin Qiong was autistic for a while before he recovered.

The eldest lady suppressed a smile and said, "Okay, let's go back~"


Lin Qiong turned his head angrily, folded his hands on his chest, imitated Cherry, and snorted: "Delete these things quickly, or I will ignore you - I even forgot that I still have these things! Damn it!"

At the same time, Lin Qiong made a decision in his heart. When he has the opportunity to return to his own world, he must clear out all his penguin space, leaving no one behind!

"Good good-"

In front of Lin Qiong, the young lady who was just playing around emptied the black history in her photo album, and also thoughtfully cleared the recycle bin, and then asked with a smile: "Is it alright?"

"It's almost there."

Lin Qiong smiled in satisfaction, he raised his head to look at the sky, and said to the eldest lady: "It's getting late, let's go back."




"Let's go, let's go!"

After discovering that Lin Qiong and the eldest lady were walking towards the door, Nagiri Nakiri quickly pushed the secretary aside and said, "Get ready, get ready!"

"oh oh!"

The secretary came back to his senses, and hurriedly said to Yoyo beside him: "Yuyo, get ready! When I say start, it will rain immediately!"


Yoyo nervously grabbed the staff in her hand, then nodded vigorously.



"I'll go..."

Lin Qiong took the eldest lady to hide under the eaves of the hotel, watching the torrential rain in front of him speechlessly.

From the first flash of lightning, to the first thunderclap, and then to the rainstorm, the whole process did not exceed 20 seconds, and the word "storm" was vividly interpreted.


At this time, the young lady with wet hair put down the phone in her hand, and said helplessly, "The driver said that the engine of the car is broken. It seems that it was shaken by the thunder just now."


Lin Qiong covered his face at the time and said, "That's over, now there are no taxis around here."

When it first rained, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady hid under the eaves leisurely because they had a car at home, and had no intention of grabbing a taxi with those tourists, but now...

With a glance at Ding Zhen, he was identified as Ji.

The eldest lady also looked helplessly at the pouring rain in front of her, and said, "Look at the force of the rain, I'm afraid it won't stop for a few hours."

Lin Qiong rubbed his head, then glanced at the hotel behind him, and said, "Why don't we get a room? We don't need to run back in the rain, do we? Just stay here for one night and wait for the rain to stop."

"Alright." The eldest lady nodded indifferently. While wiping the water from her hair with a tissue, she walked towards the front desk of the hotel and said, "It happens that the clothes are also wet. Take a shower by the way, and then use the room. Dry your clothes in the dryer."

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