"Okay." Lin Qiong nodded, and he walked into the lobby of the hotel side by side with the eldest lady, then walked towards the front desk and said, "Hi, please open two rooms for us."

"Please wait a moment, I'll take a look at the available rooms." The lady at the counter glanced at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, lowered her head and clicked the mouse a few times, then raised her head again, blinking and said: "Guests, Now there is only one double room left in our hotel, what do you two mean..."

Hearing this news, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady couldn't help but looked at each other.

What kind of popular light novel development is this?

Chapter 0155 give me a little cold stem


Lin Qiong was sitting on the sofa in the hotel a little restlessly, absently watching the comedian's hard-working performance on the TV, and occasionally glancing in the direction of the bathroom.

'You use this to test the cadres? '

'Who can bear this! ? '

The glass in the bathroom is only blurred at the two heights of the chest and crotch, and the other heights are simply ordinary glass, so Lin Qiong can clearly see the slender figure of the eldest lady.

Coupled with the sound of gurgling water and the comfort brought by the hot bath, the eldest lady's moans of "uh--" from time to time made Lin Qiong have the urge to rush in and take a bath with her.

No no no, hold on!You are a reliable adult male anyway, you can't treat minors...

Fuck, she's an adult!

Lin Qiong covered his face with his hands, ah Xibaer, this excuse is useless.


At this moment, with the sound of the valve being tightened, the young lady wrapped in a bath towel came out of the bathroom, and then said with erratic eyes: "Then, that, Qiong, you should go take a bath too—although after Your physical fitness is not enough to get sick, but it shouldn't be uncomfortable to stick wet clothes on your body..."

"oh oh!"

Lin Qiong nodded stiffly, and walked towards the bathroom with his hands and feet. When passing by the eldest lady, he seemed to be able to feel the heat and faint fragrance emanating from her body, which made him subconsciously Take a deep breath.


They both use the same shampoo and body wash, so why does it smell so good on the eldest lady?

So weird.



'Whoa, whoa, whoa—'

After drying her hair and body, and sitting on the sheets, the eldest lady fanned the wind with her hands with her face flushed.

'Wow, wow, we actually only opened one room. This, this is so bold! '

It’s not that the young lady has never shared a room with Lin Qiong—even when she was in Sky City, she would often lie on the bed in Lin Qiong’s bedroom and read novels and comics, but at that time, she felt more like “hanging in”, And now...

Please, this is a hotel!

The decoration of the hotel-

The moody glass in the bathroom is only blurred at two heights;

A tutorial on "How to receive adult premium channels" posted next to the TV;

The 0.01 ultra-thin chewing gum placed on the bedside table requires an additional charge;

——Reminding the eldest lady all the time, this is a place for people to be seductive.

The harsh plots in the shoujo comics that I usually read began to uncontrollably emerge in the mind of the young lady——

"I, everything about me belongs to Master Maki, please take me—"

"Mariko, I won't let you sleep tonight—"

"Zero's blazing heat is in my body, making me sink in happiness—"

——Those eclectic pictures and lines made the young lady fall onto the bed covering her face, rolling back and forth.

'Ahhh, calm down, calm down, Nakiri Erina! '

'Don't act like a slut! '

'And, and, this, this is just to hide from the rain, yes, to hide from the rain! '

'Again, it's not specially for this kind of thing! '

 Mu' calm down, calm down! '

The eldest lady put her hands on her face that was so red that it was so hot, and then forced her attention to shift to the TV, and looked at the entertainer Tricky Awards inside.



About 10 minutes later, Lin Qiong, who had a bath towel wrapped around his waist, wiped the water droplets from his hair with the towel and walked out of the bathroom.


The eldest lady who had finally focused her attention on the TV was pulled back in an instant, and then locked on Lin Qiong-although she had watched it countless times, the eldest lady still felt that she had moved Do not open your eyes.

Thanks to Misakiji Akiu's devilish hell training, although Lin Qiong has eight-pack abs and mermaid lines that are particularly attractive to the opposite sex (or the same sex), he is not an over-fitted muscular tyrant, but wears clothes that show off his body. Thin, stripped and fleshy perfect body.

"Ahem, what's that-"

Lin Qiong noticed that the eldest lady's gaze was lingering on his abdomen, so he couldn't help coughing a few times, and said, "This, this variety show, well, it seems quite interesting, doesn't it?"

Apparently, he was also affected by the atmosphere in the hotel.

"Ah... yes!" The eldest lady nodded, she hurriedly looked away, then pointed to the TV screen, and said, "Especially this King, every time he is tricked, he has such a good expression. interesting!"

"It is precisely because of this that he can become a long-term guest of this kind of program." Lin Qiong sat a full meter away from the eldest lady, then looked straight at the TV, and said: "Speaking of which, come on , Erina, do you think these guests are mentally prepared to participate in this kind of prank show?"


The eldest lady was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at the TV in front of her, and murmured: "This, you should be mentally prepared, right?"

It’s fine if it’s a trick once or twice, but these guests are obviously “frequents” of the trick show, how could it be possible that they really don’t know anything about it?There must be some psychological preparations, and most of the exaggerated reactions shown when being tricked also have some acting elements.

Still, who cares?What the audience cares about is whether your reaction to being tricked is interesting, as long as it is interesting, it doesn't matter what you do.

"should be."

Lin Qiong looked at the screen on the TV in an orderly manner—at this time, the bewitched KING was waiting for "the next step" in the meeting room, and in the midst of the bored waiting, the table in front of him suddenly opened his eyes. A man in black jumped out and yelled "wow" and slammed a cream in King's face.

"Wow ah ah ah-"

It obviously took about two seconds from the opponent to jump out until the cake flew over, but King sat on the chair with a dumbfounded expression. It wasn't until the cake flew into his face that he let out a panicked cry. , and then got cake all over his face.

At this time, the narration sounded: "King, who had been in a daze, was suddenly attacked——"

The young lady on the side let out a chuckle. It was obvious that King's performance just hit her point of laughter, and her reaction made Lin Qiong feel a little relieved—at least the young lady's reaction proved that her attention was already there. Part of it is put on the TV show, so there is no need to worry about the embarrassment of two people looking at each other silently.

"It's just, it's so difficult now—" Lin Qiong raised his hands to cover his face, and murmured in his heart: "Do you have to be in this awkward situation until you go to bed at night?" '

'Or, just...'

A thought suddenly popped up in Lin Qiong's mind, which startled him. He subconsciously turned his head and looked at the young lady who was wearing a loose bathrobe and was "concentrating" on watching the TV show——in warm colors Under the bright light, the skin of the young lady who has just taken a bath is as if glowing, extraordinarily charming, full of strange allure, and through the loose neckline of the bathrobe, Lin Qiong seems to be able to vaguely see that touch of arrogance. Human roundness.

It has to be said that men are very strange creatures. It is not that Lin Qiong has not intuitively appreciated or even played with the eldest lady's human heart, but at this time, he felt that the vague half of the human heart was full of unprecedented temptation. This feeling was even stronger than when he first saw the eldest lady's human heart.


Subconsciously, Lin Qiong swallowed a mouthful of saliva.



Next room.

"Hey, it's been over an hour, why is there no movement at all?" The old man stood at the head of the bed, put a water glass on the wall, then listened carefully to the movement in Lin Qiong's room, and said sullenly: "Is he not good? "

The secretary twitched the corner of his mouth and explained: "Well, commander, if the young master has this burden, we don't need to come here to assist him."


The old man shook his head resentfully, waved his hand, and said to the secretary, "Fei Shazi, launch the second plan!"

The secretary nodded with a serious face: "Yes!"



"Woo... ah... ah..."

While Lin Qiong was engaged in an ideological struggle, there was a faint sound that made his heart beat faster, his face was flushed, and a deep reverie sound suddenly came from the room in front, causing Lin Qiong and the young lady's movements to suddenly stop. froze.

'Nest, this voice...'

Of course Lin Qiong is no stranger to this. He is also a boy who has been educated by Teacher Cang, Teacher Yoshizawa, Teacher Julia, and Teacher Hado. How could he not know the meaning of this cry?

Just, just...

'Do you want to ring at such a time! ! '

Just when Lin Qiong was mourning in his heart, it seemed that he had made an appointment, and a faint figure came from the room behind him...

No, it's not just behind him, it seems that even the room opposite the door is starting to play music! ?

'No, you have an appointment--'

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, and he couldn't help but subconsciously looked in the direction of the young lady, and found that although she was still watching TV, her attention had long been on the TV show.


The charming pink color climbed up her cheeks, and a slight gasp came from the eldest lady's slightly opened lips. Her eyes were even more moist, as if they could overflow, and her slightly rubbing lips Legs can be said to directly increase the temptation ten times.

Looking at the eldest lady who was exuding an ambiguous aura all over her body at this time, Lin Qiong suddenly felt that his blood seemed to gather together towards a certain position, and he could even feel the heat in his body when he breathed.

He lowered his head and looked at his brother who had been with him since birth.

Give me some cold stems!

Chapter 0156 sorry, no cold stem down

After an hour and a half.

Lin Qiong lay on the bed with dazed eyes, beside the young lady who had fallen into a deep sleep.

'Sorry, no cold stems down. '

'However, it seems that having sex is not as scary as I thought, right? '

Why does Lin Qiong always act so "panicked" about having sex with the eldest lady?

In fact, it's still a virginity mentality at work!Older virgins must understand this fear well--

Although I have seen a lot of movies, will I still not be able to do well?

Will the nervous Shi Geng not get up?

Will she laugh at me if I don't do it right?

This kind of fear of failure in intercourse will increase with age and the length of virginity. It is even an exaggeration to say that if an older virgin fails once at this time, it may cause psychological shadows and lead to not having sex in the future.

However, it seems, it seems, it is not as difficult as Lin Qiong imagined?

Very smooth, smooth, moist and comfortable.


Lin Qiong turned his head and looked at the eldest lady who had fallen asleep due to exhaustion. He couldn't help but change his face as he recalled the charming expression and affectionate eyes just now.

Good brother, be cold!



The next day, Nakiri House.

Lin Qiong was sitting on the stool uncomfortably, while the eldest lady was curled up in his arms like an ostrich.

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