The culprits that caused this situation are the old man sitting across the table, Nagi Nakiri and the secretary—oh, and maybe this bowl of red bean rice cooked by the old man himself on the table.

This morning, when Lin Qiong brought the eldest lady back to the Nakiri mansion, he was greeted by loud crackers, and the old man who surrounded him and the eldest lady and said "Congratulations" while clapping his hands, Nakiri really Nagi and the secretary.

It almost made Lin Qiong think that the three of them watched Eva in their minds and were going to imitate a wave of congratulations on the ending.

As a result, when a few people dragged him and the eldest lady to sit at the dining table, and then put the red bean rice on the table, the eldest lady screamed "Ah—" and buried her face in Lin Qiong's arms inside.

The red bean rice has been served, so there is no need to guess what the three people's cannons at the door and the "congratulations" like an artistic performance represent.

But the problem is...

"How do you know...wait a minute!?" Lin Qiong slapped himself on the face as soon as Lin Qiong's question was halfway through, and said, "The sudden rainstorm yesterday was your hands and feet? It's the guardians." Or Yoyo? I just said that I clearly said that the weather forecast said it would not rain, but it turned out to be a heavy rain—”


The secretary blinked, then laughed dryly, and said, "Master, did you guess it?"

Lin Qiong sighed, and said, "I'm not an idiot, how could I not guess it? If there is no accident, maybe you have booked all the other rooms in that hotel? Only one room is reserved for me and Erina—"

"a ha ha ha--"

The secretary turned his eyes to the old man asking for help.

The old man stood up abruptly, then walked quickly towards the second floor, and said, "Oh! I forgot, I'm still boiling hot water, so I have to dry my clothes quickly!"

"This, that—"

The secretary looked at Nagiri Nakiri again.

Nakiri Magi frowned and stood up, then followed the old man and walked towards the second floor, saying to himself: "I slept all night yesterday, and now I'm sleepy, I have to watch a TV series, otherwise You'll get wrinkles."

Lin Qiong: "???"

Do you guys want to look back and see what √⑧ excuse you made?

Burning hot water to dry clothes?Sleepy all night, so sleepy, so you want to watch a TV show?

What the hell, I was not as outrageous as you when I made excuses not to go to class, okay?

Although he wanted to complain, but looking at the ostrich girlfriend in his arms, Lin Qiong could only use the twitching corners of his mouth and a pair of dead fish eyes to watch the old man and Nagiri leave.

"That, that..." The secretary stood up in embarrassment, and said, "I, I remembered that I haven't finished my summer homework yet, so I'm going to mop the floor now!"

You also learn from them, right? ?

Before Lin Qiong could complain, the ostrich in her arms grabbed the secretary's wrist with lightning speed, and then leaned in front of her with a blushing face, grinning and saying, "Fei Sha! You Tell your plan, completely, tell! Tell! Me!"

"Ah, yes..."

The secretary shrank his neck and let out a sound that was about to cry.

Commander-in-Chief, madam, help me——



Soon, the eldest lady's loyal secretary spoke out about the "love love battle" planned by her, the old man and Nagiri Nagi.


The eldest lady let out a mournful cry, then pressed her forehead against Lin Qiong's chest, and said in shame and indignation: "Qiong, what should I do!? They all know—"

"Ahem, this, it's okay to know, right?" Lin Qiong hugged the eldest lady's shoulders a little bit dumbfounded, and said, "It's better to say, it's impossible to hide this kind of thing from your family, right?"

Please, his pig stole the juicy cabbage in other people's house, and tried to hide this fact! ?That's too unkind.

"That's not it!"

The eldest lady held her head in both hands, and mournfully said: "Of course I know it's impossible to hide it from them, but it's too shameful to be assisted by them all the way now!!"

Cough cough, this, this is also true.

Lin Qiong scratched his face subtly, and then glanced at the secretary who was blinking at him with innocent eyes.

'You still have the nerve to use innocent eyes! ? Lin Qiong glared at her, "Don't think I don't know, you are the dog-headed military adviser!"80.00% of this idea is yours! '

'Sir, how did the young master know! ? The secretary looked away guiltily, then put her hands on the back of her head, pursed her lips, and whistled silently—she didn't dare to whistle, lest she would attract the young lady's attention.

"Wow, what to do!"

The eldest lady still held her head and let out a lovely cry.

'What are you still doing? Lin Qiong glared at the secretary, then pointed to the direction of the eldest lady with his eyes, "Why don't you hurry up and think of a way to comfort Erina? '

'? ? ? The secretary's eyes widened suddenly, and she pointed to herself in astonishment, "Me?"Shouldn't the young master be in charge of this job! ? '

'It must be you!This is not the plan I proposed! Lin Qiong leaned on the back of the chair and looked away, as if observing the artistic value of the paintings hanging on the wall.

I can’t blame him, the main reason is that Lin Qiong’s comforting ability is roughly at——

Friend: "I'm so sad."

Lin Qiong: "Don't be sad."

Friend: "I'm in so much pain."

Lin Qiong: "Don't be in pain."

Friend: "I'm so desperate."

Lin Qiong: "Don't despair."

——At this level, what do you ask him to use to comfort the eldest lady?

Let the secretary come honestly.

"Miss, Miss..." Seeing that Lin Qiong could not be counted on, the secretary had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit beside Miss, and whispered, "Miss, don't be angry."

"Fei Shazi, do you still have the nerve to say it? Isn't this all your idea!"

"Miss, I am innocent! This was all forced on me by the commander-in-chief and his wife!"

"Then you won't fool them casually?"

"They are not fools, how can they be fooled so easily!"

This is a lie.

The secretary's inner thought at this moment is: 'Fool?Why bother! ?Your progress is slower than that of junior high school students, I am anxious after seeing it! ?Especially the young master, who keeps saying that he has to wait until the eldest lady turns 20, but it turns out that she is still cowardly when she turns [-]. If I don't give you a push, you can even wait for another five years! '

"But, but..." The eldest lady puffed up her mouth, obviously still a little bit displeased with the secretary's "betrayal" - mainly because of the experience of being watched by friends and family members into the hotel and having sex with her lover, It's so fucking shameful.

"Oh, miss! We are also kind!" The secretary took the hand of the miss, and then persuaded her earnestly: "After all, the progress of your relationship with the young master is really too slow, and I am a little anxious!"

"This, this..."

The young lady who was still angry just now shrank her neck a little guilty - she really couldn't justify this matter, after all, Lin Qiong was not the only one who was cowardly, if she had to be braver, she would have pushed back a long time ago. Lin Qiong.

The eldest lady's momentum went down, but the secretary's momentum immediately rose.

"Miss, you might as well calculate how long you and the young master have been in a relationship?"

"Half a year in the Pokémon world."

"A year and a half in the disciple world."

"Half a year in a clear world."

"Bone King World for a year and a half."

"Not counting the odds and ends, it's been four years! It's too slow, it's too slow!"

"No, I can't refute..." Hearing what the secretary said, the eldest lady lowered her head in guilt, and said, "Oh, already, it's been four years—"

Judging by the standards of Neon people, they haven't even had sex in the four years of dating, which is no longer "slow" - even the president and Kaguya had sex within a year after they confirmed their relationship.

"The commander-in-chief and his wife had to wait anxiously, so they had to make such a bad move. After all..."

"Okay, okay!" Before the secretary finished speaking, the guilty eldest lady covered her mouth and said, "I, I already know! Fei Shazi doesn't need to say any more!"

'That's it? Lin Qiong looked at the young lady who was relieved of her anger by a few words from the secretary (in fact, she didn't) and held up the French military salute, and couldn't help giving her thumbs up to the secretary.

Well done!As expected of a secretary!

Sure enough, there were only wrong names, not wrong nicknames!

Chapter 0157

Thanks to the extraordinary performance of the secretary, the eldest lady's embarrassment incident was miraculously resolved.

After that, the pair of little girlfriends got together, hid in the corner of the sofa, and started a rustling and furtive communication—in fact, Lin Qiong didn't even bother to eavesdrop, just looking at the big lady's cloth With a blushing pretty face, one could guess that it was probably the secretary who was curiously asking her about various things between men and women.

O woman!

Don't think that only men are curious about sex things, if women get jealous, then there is nothing wrong with men!

After realizing that not only did he have nothing to do, but also that his existence would affect the "private communication" between the two ladies, Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, stood up on his knees, and said to the eldest lady: Rina, secretary, I'm going to Pokémon World for a walk, I may not be back today, don't wait for me."


The eldest lady took the time to turn her head to answer, and then she was pulled back by the curious secretary again——

"Will it really hurt at first?"

"Is the feeling of being stuffed in the comics real?"

"And can you really feel that fiery liquid at the end?"

Before leaving, Lin Qiong seemed to have heard such an inquiry, and he had to click his tongue to express his respect: "You guys really talk about everything!" '



Pokémon World, Castle in the Sky.

"Meow, it's the master meow!"

Chocolate, with a lively personality, saw the pink gate in the courtyard, his eyes lit up immediately, and then jumped down from the window on the third floor with a "swish", landed on the ground easily, and rushed to the gate quickly.

"Meow meow meow!"

When Lin Qiong opened the door and came to the world of Pokémon, what caught his eye was Chocolate who was standing at the door with a smile and meowing at him——the big watery eyes and trembling ears revealed that With undisguised excitement and joy.

"Master meow! You're back!" Chocolat circled Lin Qiong happily and said, "But why is there only master meowing? Master Erina! Master Feisha! Master Yoyo?"

"They're resting at home." Lin Qiong stroked Chocolate's head, making the cute cat girl make a "grunt" sound, which made him feel healed physically and mentally.


At this moment, with the sound of the poke ball being opened, the fairy Eevee with soft hair and fluttering ribbons appeared on the ground, and then excitedly called Lin Qiong "Buy Bui".

What about me?You touch other cats, don't you touch me?

"Touch you, touch you!" Lin Qiong stretched out his other hand dumbfounded, and then touched Ibrahimovic's back along his head, making Ibrahimovic's tail straighten.

"Hee hee, Master Ibrahimovic really likes Master meow!" Chocolate looked at this scene and couldn't help laughing, "Chocolate is also super super super super, I like Master so much!"

"Is that so?" Lin Qiong actually felt a sense of consolation, he rubbed Chocolate's head with a smile, and said, "Little cat, help me get something to eat, I haven't eaten yet What about breakfast?"


Chocolate's surprised tail straightened, her expression quickly became serious, and after saluting Lin Qiong, she turned around and ran towards the castle, shouting loudly: "Meow meow! Big event meow! Master is hungry meow!!"


Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly. He is a sand sculpture character. If he is just chatting on the Internet, it is possible to mistake his age for a teenager, but when facing this group of guardians, he has a certain Kind of like an old daddy feeling.

"Okay, let's go to the dining table first." Lin Qiong touched Fairy Ibrahimovic's head and said, "Elbow, let's go!"


Fairy Ibrahimovic let out a cheerful cry, then took the lead and ran two steps forward, then stopped on the spot, turned her head to stare at Lin Qiong, until he followed her footsteps, she continued to run two steps forward, and then repeated this process.

"Don't worry, I won't get lost." Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Don't you feel tired after looking back like this?"


Ibrahimovic shook his head and said happily.

No way!I want to keep, keep looking at the master!


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