"Laughing to death, it's fine if you don't have a weapon with you, and you don't have any shoes on. I think you're scared to pee?"

"You, how do you know...there's no such thing, I'm so brave!"

It can only be said that the adventurers of Axel, after the crisis was resolved, turned the topic in a strange direction in a few words-the two adventurers began to discuss topics ranging from urine leakage to premature ejaculation By the way, don't you worry about social death when discussing such topics on the street?

"Come back, Steel Crow."

Lin Qiong took out the elf ball and put the steel armored crow away.

"Oh oh oh-"

This novel technology immediately caused shocking voices from the idle adventurers around.

"Okay, it's amazing, it disappeared all at once!"

"What kind of magic is this!?"

"Isn't he so handsome? I want to learn too. When the time comes, Lily next door will be hehehe..."

"Lily? Grass, she's not a mother..."

"No road race! Love is free!"

"But she gave birth to 17 puppies!"


At that time, Lin Qiong looked aside with shock in his pupils, who said such words Meng... Meng...

Oh oh, kobolds, it's all right.

Lin Qiong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, I was scared to death, I thought I was about to witness a forbidden love affair across species!Mamma Mia--


The eldest lady took Lin Qiong's hand, then led him towards the Adventurer's Guild, and said, "Don't you want to inquire about the news? Is there any better place to inquire about the news than the Adventurer's Guild?"

Lin Qiong immediately stepped forward and followed.



Adventurers Guild.


Although she was very beautiful and had beautiful blond hair, and her voice actress was Yuri Hara, Miss Luna, who was still single, sat behind the counter and sighed heavily as she looked at the adventurer's guild hall that seemed to be dancing with demons.

'So, I couldn't find a boyfriend, no matter how you think, it's all thanks to these people, right? '

'Besides, in this environment, how could I find a boyfriend...'

Luna sighed, and said heavily: "My request is not high, just give me a normal person..."

"What normal person?"

Lin Qiong put his elbows on the counter, waved to Luna who looked up from behind the counter with a smile on his face, and said, "Long time no see, Miss Luna."

'It's a normal person! Luna widened her eyes, but when she saw the eldest lady behind Lin Qiong, she showed an expression of pain, "Ah, yes, how can a normal person not have a partner?"Hehehe, hehehe—'

Lin Qiong looked blankly at Miss Luna whose expression changed 1 times in one minute, and thought: 'What's wrong with this one?Could it be that some facial argb magic has been practiced? '

So, Miss Luna, there is a reason why you can't find a boyfriend-let's just say, is there a possibility that you may not be a normal person in the eyes of others?

Seeing Luna's ever-changing face, the eldest lady beside her couldn't help but asked with a puzzled expression: "Miss Luna? Miss Luna——"


After reacting, Miss Luna quickly stood up, and then said with an embarrassed expression: "Well, that, long time no see, Lord Qiong, Lord Erina, Lord Feisha, and Lord Yoyo—"

"Oh, how many times have I told you that you don't need to call 'Master'." Lin Qiong waved his hands and said with a smile: "How is Axel doing recently?"


Talking about this topic, Luna couldn't help showing a slight smile, and said: "After you left this city, many things happened in Axel—"

"Oh? To elaborate—"

The four members of the team sat on the chairs with expressions of interest, and then looked at Luna curiously like a baby.

It was probably because Luna was flustered by the calmness recently, so when faced with Lin Qiong's question, Luna's eyes lit up, and she couldn't wait to say: "First of all—probably a few days before you leave , Two newcomers came to register as adventurers."

"It's Kazuma and Aqua—"

The four looked at each other.

The eldest lady said: "And then?"

"And then..."

Luna's performance at this time was like an "old man" who witnessed the legend with her own eyes, and said with emotion: "Then they—"

Probably because of the behavior of the ghost beast king Kazuma defeating the big devil, Luna (for a short time) regarded him as a hero, so she talked about the glorious deeds of Kazuma and Aqua.

It also resulted in, well, her gossip being told in a matter of minutes.

Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "Uh, it sounds very powerful."

The eldest lady nodded and said, "Indeed, it sounds very powerful."

The secretary also said beside him: "Indeed, it sounds very powerful."

Even Yoyo said weakly: "It seems, it sounds, very powerful."

"Uh, well, I admit it, sounds amazing, okay?" Luna propped her chin with her hands helplessly, and said, "Unfortunately, after defeating the big devil, he never appeared in front of us again. Every time, I had the illusion that he was standing at the door, smiling and waving at me—yes, just like now..."

Lin Qiong turned his head and looked at Kazuma Sato who was following Akuya, Huihui, Darkness and Eris, who was waving in this direction, then turned his head to Luna and said, "Uh, that doesn't seem to be a hallucination. ,it is true."


Luna froze for a moment, she widened her eyes in astonishment, and then looked at the gate again - at this time Kazuma had already walked to the front of the counter with brisk little steps, and then turned towards Luna familiarly He raised his right hand and said, "Yo, long time no see!"

"Back, back!!"

Luna's shouts attracted the attention of other adventurers -- who were doing loach dancing, striptease, samba, belly dancing, and drinking through their noses and choking half to death -- and they soon saw the standing In front of the counter, Kazuma raised his hands with a sullen face.

"Oh oh oh!"

The next moment, the Adventurer's Guild shook, and more than 20 stranded adventurers all rushed in front of Hezhen, then lifted him from the ground, and happily threw him into the air.

"Wa hahaha!"

The swollen Kazuma gave out a super crazy smile, quite like today's ghost king, infinitely crazy.


Lin Qiong looked at this scene with a complicated face - especially the scene of several muscular men wearing only Kuchako catching and throwing Kazuma - and said to Luna behind the counter: "He is who you said. The brave man who defeated the great devil?"


After hearing the movement here, Kazuma came over with a "-v-" face, then raised his eyebrows at Lin Qiong coquettishly, squeezed his eyes, and said, "This brother is very faceless— —”

"Mr. Kazuma, this is Mr. Lin Qiong. Before you came to Axel, he was a man of the day—" Luna introduced with a smile: "He has been promoted to the highest level in half a year. Superman of adventurers! On average, at least three missions are completed a day!"

"Okay, that's awesome..."

Kazuma was startled by this statistic, but soon he discovered something strange—wait a minute, Lin Qiong? ?This name doesn't seem to be the style of this world, does it?

"Hello Sato-kun." Lin Qiong extended his right hand towards Kazuma Sato with a smile, and said, "It's our first meeting."

"Ah, ah, sure enough!"

Hezhen opened his mouth wide at that time, he grabbed Lin Qiong's wrist quickly, and then pulled him to the table in the corner of the hall amidst the surprised eyes of others.

"You are a reincarnator!"

He Zhen looked at Lin Qiong and asked hurriedly.

Lin Qiong smiled reservedly, and said, "That's right."


He Zhen showed a clear smile, he patted Lin Qiong's shoulder triumphantly, and said, "Brother, you must have known it—that's right, the Demon King has been killed by my uncle! Are you happy?"

"Yeah, it's amazing!"

Lin Qiong nodded, and said seriously: "Mr. Hezhen really worked very hard to defeat the Great Demon King, it was very hard work."

To be honest, Lin Qiong really admires Kazuma Sato.

When watching the show as an audience, seeing Kazuma being tricked and tortured by these teammates, the most he could do was write a line of "Hahahahahahaha" on the barrage, but what if the person being tricked was replaced by himself?Many people are so angry that they can't sleep if they are cheated in a game, let alone meeting such a group of teammates in real life - the key is that this is a relatively dangerous different world.

Not only did Sato Kazuma not have a broken heart, but under such difficult conditions, he forcibly overthrew the final boss of this world—the Great Demon King—and liberated the world.

This alone is enough to make Lin Qiong admire him.

Of course, the fact that he is the king of ghosts and beasts will not change.

"You are still the ghost from before, nothing has changed—"

Kazuma: =v=?

Although I don't understand what he's talking about, I still feel like I've been scolded hahahaha——

Chapter 0193 Open your eyes!

Axel, in a box in a certain restaurant.

"I do have some impressions—"

Akuya folded her hands on her chest, looking thoughtfully at Lin Qiong in front of her—to be honest, it was hard for her to vaguely recall Lin Qiong's figure!If it was when she just crossed over, she might still be able to barely recall the figure half a year ago, but now...

Aqua (brain): Daba desu, oyster desu!

Kazuma, who knew Akua very well, narrowed his eyes and said, "Akuya, you better stop pretending! Everyone can see through your details at a glance."


Lin Qiong nodded, and then said from the bottom of his heart: "Goddess Akuya, Yazi who is not very smart."

"You don't have to give this guy face—" Hezhen said blankly: "This guy is an idiot! He is an incompetent goddess!"

"Ah! Ahh!!"

Akua let out two screams, then flew over and grabbed Kazuma's collar, shouting, "What do you mean!? What do you mean? Hey! I'm a goddess, a goddess! You say that I am careful to be punished by heaven!"

"Wow, God's punishment, I'm so scared—"

Kazuma made a terrified expression at first, but soon showed a disdainful expression, and plucked his ears with his fingers, and said: "Cut! If there is a real punishment from heaven, it will come down long ago! Idiot goddess !"


Akuya was about to turn into a puffer fish, she snatched the wine glass in front of Kazuma in a fit of anger, and then put her finger in it with a wicked smile on Kazuma's scream of "Ahhh——".


Akuya let out a piercing laugh, she proudly looked at the wine that had been purified into white water, and said, "Wow, hahaha! You can just drink the water!"

"Yeah, damn Aqua!"

Kazuma rushed towards Akuya, and the two of them wrestled on the ground. The scene was so intense that Lin Qiong felt like he wanted to take out the potato chips and eat them while commenting on them—after all, two bastards Such an intense fight with punches is rare indeed.

"Tsk tsk, it's really intense—"

Lin Qiong took a sip of the juice gracefully, and then looked at the corner where Yoyo and Huihui were sitting together, chatting softly.



"That, that, long time no see, Hui Hui."

Sitting upright on the sofa, Yoyo looked at Huihui in front of her, and said softly.

"Indeed, it's been a long time—" Huihui murmured, "It seems that I haven't seen you since you left Scarlet Devil Township."

"Well, that's how it is." Yoyo nodded, and said with a trace of memory in her eyes: "After leaving the Scarlet Devil Township and coming to Axel, I suffered a lot at first——no one wanted to be with me. Form a team, so I can only pick up monsters suitable for magic casters to fight."


Hearing Yoyo's words, Huihui couldn't help showing a tangled expression.

She remembered the period when she came to Axel and then did not join Kazuma's team!Because she only learns and is only willing to learn blasting magic, Huihui has become a veritable one-shot, so no team dares to take her.

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