That night.

"How about it? Can you understand it?"

Lin Qiong leaned against the wind speed dog, feeling the fluffy touch of the big dog - the key is that it does not smell like ordinary dogs - curiously said to the secretary.

"Well, I can understand—"

The secretary rubbed his head with a headache and said: "It's just that it's difficult to make - should I say it's a panacea? The materials required are really exaggerated..."

If the price of ordinary single-effect potions is double digits, while the price of double-effect potions is three digits, then the price of panacea is five digits at the beginning-although its efficacy is indeed worthy of its price.

"It's not a big problem. It's not too difficult to obtain materials with our strength—besides, the secretary's lucky promotion spell." Lin Qiong was not worried at all. He stretched lazily and said: " Next, after Hephaestus has finished building our equipment, we can try to have an in-depth communication with Miss Dungeon—”

The eldest lady put her hand on her forehead and said, "It is indeed an in-depth exchange, and it is an in-depth exchange that no one has ever stepped into, right?"

Lin Qiong was overjoyed, and he said with a smile: "Hey, it's Erina, who can keep up with my topic, Sparassi!"

The eldest lady sighed and said: "If possible, I don't want to understand what you mean at all - ah ah, isn't this completely influenced by you?"

Lin Qiong said indifferently: "Isn't this good? Isn't there a saying that people who love each other will become more and more like each other, right?"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong and said angrily: "Then tell me, how do you become like me?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, then crossed his arms, turned his head with a hum, and said, "It's not because I like you that I cook for you every day - doesn't that sound like it?"

"Puff hahaha——" the secretary lay on the floor at that time, then shook her body, and said with difficulty: "Like, so similar!! That's what the young lady was like back then, hahaha—"

Especially that little expression, I learned it from the deepest point of view, the appearance is even more similar in spirit!

"Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" by the eldest lady, she held her head in her hands and screamed: "You can kill me!"

Today's victory or defeat is yet another defeat for the eldest lady.

Tsundere girl, she looks so cute~~~

Chapter 0191 back to Suqing to visit relatives (probably


Leisure is a bit too much.

"Hey, it's so boring——" Lin Qiong lay on the eldest lady's stomach, and said weakly: "Can I only hear Erina's stomach growling?"

"Don't listen, Hundan!!"

The eldest lady blushed and tried to push Lin Qiong away—she was still thinking about what this guy was doing on her stomach, so she was listening to such strange things?

So weird.

"No, no, no! The sound of Erina's stomach is so cute!" Lin Qiong hugged the young miss's waist tightly with both hands, even if his face was pushed and deformed, he didn't give up at all, "Cuckoo, cluck, cluck of--"


The eldest lady simply gave up and continued to struggle. Instead, she covered her face with her hands, turned sideways, and curled up into a precious Erina ball - as long as I can't see or hear, I am invincible!

"Hey, Erina is so cute!" Lin Qiong put his ear on the eldest lady's slender waist with waistcoat line, and then smiled and said to the secretary who was playing with Yoyo playing in pairs: "Secretary, do you want to listen? For a moment? Erina's cooing sounds are very rhythmic——"

"Ahem—" The secretary just showed his heartbeat expression when he heard the eldest lady covering her face suddenly let out a violent cough.


Hearing this voice, the secretary was in pain—it was as if your little finger accidentally kicked the door frame when you were going out, and then when you hopped on one leg while covering your right foot in pain, you accidentally stepped on a piece of the sole of your left foot Lego, finally fell to the ground in pain, hitting his head on the edge of the table—the expression on his face.

Looking at the secretary's expression, Yoyo next to him was startled, and Cody, who was in control, jumped directly into the river below him, turning into crumbs.

"No, no need..."

The secretary controlled himself to turn his head away with great courage, and said in a trembling voice: "Master, don't persuade me any more!"

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist the temptation, woo woo woo, Missy's googoo!I really want to hear it!

"Oh, what a pity—"

Lin Qiong sighed, then narrowed his eyes, and hummed: "Then I'll enjoy it alone!"


Yoyo, who was playing a game on the surface, was completely in a state of pupil earthquake at this time.

'How to do……'

Youyou thought.

'They really want to play very differently, not sure, let's see--'

In fact, you have also been taken to pieces, right?



Because they had to wait for custom-made equipment from a red-haired one-eyed craftsman who did not want to be named, Lin Qiong and others could only spawn monsters at a certain level in a short period of time - which surprised Lin Qiong and others. Yes, even if it is just hunting low-level monsters, Monster Hunter seems to have produced extremely weak "growth".

How to describe it?It's like when your max level goes online one day and you find that you have 10 extra points of strength - to be honest, if my strength hadn't happened to be 4396, I might not have been able to find it.

Then the problem is coming.

Didn't Akuya say back then that if the gap in strength was too large, Monster Hunter wouldn't grow up?Could it be that the gap between Lin Qiong's strength at this time and the monsters on more than ten floors is not big enough?

The answer is very simple, because Akuya's mentally handicapped person was afraid of trouble, so he used a lazy explanation.

In fact, you can regard the ability of "Monster Hunter" as a person who has the same experience bar as you. When you hunt monsters, you will gain experience at the same time, grow up with you, and add various attributes obtained through upgrading. "Hidden Pets" on your panel.

So Akuya’s lazy explanation is actually correct, because normally, people on earth who travel to another world after death can default to a level 1 character, and a level 1 character gets a level 1 monster hunter, and then kills monsters at the same time , Gain experience synchronously, and upgrade synchronously.And when your level is raised to the point where you can no longer gain experience from the surrounding monsters, the same situation will naturally happen to your monster hunter-this is why Akuya said that killing monsters with too large a gap in strength, monsters Hunters cannot grow.

But the problem is that the strength of Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary and Yuyou were obtained in the world of Bone King, but killing data monsters does not allow the monster hunters to grow - this leads to the situation in front of Lin Qiong's team. , Monster Hunter is equivalent to a trumpet.

So at this time, when they hunted down the next low-level monsters, it was equivalent to a full-level trumpet swiping pictures with a trumpet, and the trumpet quickly increased its level in seconds all the way-it's a pity that, with this At the level of Monster Hunter, the various values ​​it can provide are really not enough.

Still have to keep growing.



In this kind of daily routine of resting in the morning, going to the dungeon to crazily spawn monsters in the afternoon, and coming back to be beaten and trained in the evening, half a month has passed quickly—roughly calculated, Lin Qiong arrived at the Earth Encounter World at this time. month.

"Ah, I can't take it anymore!"

That night, after taking a shower, Lin Qiong lay on the bed wearing Geng Gui-style pajamas and yelled, "I can't stand this kind of life anymore! Vataxi needs to rest Smecta!"


The secretary took a breath of air on the side, and then said with admiration: "As expected of the young master, he can cover four languages ​​in one sentence!"

The eldest lady, who was wearing Pikachu-style pajamas, covered her face and said, "It's a bit embarrassing for you to mix four languages."

"Rua!" Lin Qiong made two embarrassing sounds, then rolled on the bed and said, "We need to rest, we need to rest, we need to! Rest! Rest!"

"Good good-"

The eldest lady helplessly stretched out her hands to support Lin Qiong's head, then moved him to her lap, and said, "So how do you want to rest?"

"How to rest—"

Lin Qiong turned over and lay on his side on the eldest lady's push. Then his eyes wandered around the room and murmured: "How do I want to rest...huh?"

Lin Qiong's eyes suddenly locked on Yoyo's body, and then said thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, it seems that we haven't been back to Suqing World for a long time, right?"


Youyou let out an exclamation, she lowered her head a little guilty, and said embarrassedly: "I, I forgot—"

Life in Pie Linqiong's team is really blissful——

Usually, Geng Gui would make her happy, and she could hug Feng Speed ​​Dog or Pinocchio to act like a spoiled child. The cold Ibrahimovic and Krahe would sit aside and watch her quietly;

Although she can fly herself, the handsome steel armored crow will never hesitate to take her to the sky to play, and at this time, the tropical dragon and the fast dragon will also be by her side;

If you feel tired, Menus will hum a song softly, the flower therapy ring will release a calming fragrance, the care attendant will massage and relax for her with a smile, and the big milk pot will He will happily hand over a glass of delicious milk.

In addition, sister Feisha who will accompany her to play games, sister Erina who will make delicious snacks for her, and brother Lin Qiong who will laugh and feed her dog food...

These people and things made Yoyo forget the Scarlet Devil Township that she didn't fit in for a long time ago--now it was suddenly mentioned, and she realized that she had left the Red Devil Township for more than two years, and she didn't feel a little bit of nostalgia. Not to mention the idea of ​​going back to visit relatives...

"Woooooo, I'm sorry, Dad, Mom, Yoyo is a bad boy—"

Youyou confessed with tears streaming down her face.

"So, what do you mean..." The eldest lady came to her senses. She poked Lin Qiong's face and said, "Shall we take Yoyo back to visit relatives?"


Lin Qiong nodded, and said with great interest: "Speaking of which, if we go there at this time, Kazuma has probably defeated the Demon King, right?"

"It seems to be about the same?" The eldest lady said with an unsure look, "But with our current strength, it shouldn't be too difficult to defeat the Great Demon King in Suqing World, right?"

The secretary at the side said confidently: "No problem at all! If the Great Demon King is not dead yet, let Yoyo give him a super magic!"


Yoyo raised the dragon staff made by Hephaestus himself, and said, "I will work hard!"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, sat up, and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Go to sleep and wake up early tomorrow to say goodbye to Astria!"

"it is good--"



Suqing world, Axel.


Standing in front of Axel's villa again, Lin Qiong sighed and said, "I haven't been back for a long time! Looking at it now, I still feel a little nostalgic!"


Yuyou nodded vigorously on the side, and said with a happy and nostalgic look: "Yuyou still remembers that this house was chosen by Yuyou and Sister Erina together -"

"Ha, that's right~" The eldest lady laughed, she pointed to the backyard first, and said: "What Yoyo likes is the spacious courtyard, where you can plant some flowers and plants, but what I like is the large space in the kitchen , so that Fei Shazi and I can use it to our heart's content—"

The secretary glanced at the three people who were sighing, and then unlocked the gate with a blank expression, and said to the maids mobilized from Sky City behind him: "I leave the cleaning of the room to you! This villa is already vacant." After two years, it should have accumulated a lot of dust."

"Yes—" x18

Eighteen animal-eared women in black and white British maid uniforms nodded, and then walked into the courtyard led by chocolate and vanilla.

"Master, miss—"

After arranging the maid, the secretary came over and said, "It will take some time for the maid to clean the house. Shall we take this opportunity to walk around the city? Collect information after we leave—you don't care much about it." Did Sato Kazuma succeed in defeating the Great Demon King?"


Lin Qiong nodded, he glanced at the eldest lady and Yoyo, and said, "Then, let's go?"

"Go!" x3

Target, Axel——

set off!

Chapter 0192 feels scolded hahaha——

It only takes half an hour for an ordinary person to walk from his villa to Axel, let alone the designated means of transportation, the steel-armored crow.


With a spirited cry, the steel-armored crow flashed its wings and landed on Axel's square surrounded by many adventurers.


Lin Qiong jumped off the steel armored crow, put his hands on his hips, looked at the adventurers around him, tilted his head and said, "Everyone, what are you doing?"

"Scared, scared me to death!"

"Suddenly such a big monster landed on the square, I thought the monster was attacking the city!"

"Hmph, I already knew it wasn't a monster attacking the city. You see, I didn't even bring a weapon."

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