"Brother Jian, don't make trouble! Mi He didn't even express his position——"

"It's not impossible." Mihe smiled and said, "Non-malicious nicknames are a sign of intimacy, aren't they?"

"You're right!" Jian Yulei happily hugged Mihe's neck, then winked at Lin Qiong and said, "Quickly, give him his entire nickname!"

"If you call him a hypocrite, he will definitely beat me—" Lin Qiong crossed his arms and muttered, "It's a pity that Mihe is a handsome young man, otherwise you can call him old man Mi."

There is one thing to say, Lin Qiong quite likes to eat snacks from old man Mi's house.

"Pfft haha-"

Brother Jian was amused at the time. He looked at Mi He playfully, and said, "I think Old Man Mi is a good name! It's quite a cute contrast!"

Mihe opened his mouth in astonishment, raised his hand to touch his face, and said, "Well, isn't the nickname old man and I a bit inappropriate?"

"Indeed." Lin Qiong had no choice but to nod, and said, "So I'll call you handsome from now on."

Mihe is indeed handsome, half as handsome as the readers who read this book.

"Quack quack—"

Jian Yulei happily patted the table in front of him, and said out of breath: "Handsome, handsome! Haha, this, this, this nickname is good! Great!"

At this moment, Jian Yulei decided to become a fun person—or rather, the god himself is a fun person—he only needs to think of seeing Mihe on the street in the future, waving and shouting "Hey, isn't he handsome?" There is an impulse to distort the face with laughter.


Mihe waved his hands in refusal, and said, "Forget about this! Really forget about it! It's too shameful!"

As long as he thinks that when he was walking on the street that day, he suddenly ran into an acquaintance, and the other party enthusiastically waved to him, and then shouted "Hey, isn't he handsome?" impulse.

However, what Mihe didn’t know was that the more he had this attitude, the more Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei wanted to call him handsome—Jie Jie, the more you resist, the more excited I am!

"Ahem, in short—" Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and said, "After using the cash payment and the formula of the panacea, I hope that the handsome guy can use his work to repay the remaining part of the money."

"Ah..." Mihe opened his mouth, he really wanted to tell Lin Qiong not to call him a handsome guy, but now he was talking about business again, so wouldn't it be good to interrupt at will?

In this way, Mihe missed the best opportunity to refuse.

Jian Yulei asked curiously: "Brother Qiong, what kind of job are you talking about? Are you planning to let handsome guys work as waiters in the store? Hey, this seems to be working! It will definitely attract a group of rich women. Visit..."

"No, no, no!" Mihe waved his hands quickly, and said nervously: "Is it better to forget about this kind of work?"

If he was allowed to choose this kind of job of selling out his appearance, then he would rather be nicknamed a handsome guy!

"I'm not as crazy as brother Jian." Lin Qiong waved his hand quickly and said with a smile: "Besides, if I really let you do this, others will definitely have opinions - ah, this is my water, 【Right】?"


Standing behind Lin Qiong, Nazha, who was holding a water glass, froze, then nodded, and put the water in front of Lin Qiong—for some reason, she always felt Lin Qiong's "right", no? I'm asking about the water cup, but I'm asking about the first half of the sentence.

"Not a part-time job? What is that?"

Facing Jian Yulei's question, Lin Qiong took a sip of hot water and said with a smile: "I will be responsible for providing the ingredients for the panacea, and the handsome guy will help me make it into the panacea."

When Mihe heard this, he nodded lightly and said, "No problem! Pharmacy is my job!"

Lin Qiong showed a smile and said, "So, happy cooperation?"

"Happy cooperation!"



After leaving the Mihe family with the secretary and brother Jian, Lin Qiong stuffed the panacea formula into the secretary's arms, and said to her: "You go back first, I have something to do with brother Jian. Son said."

The secretary stuffed the formula into his backpack, then nodded, and said, "It's getting late, young master, remember to go back early!"

"Don't worry."

An Xin waved to the secretary, then turned his head, looked at Jian Yulei sideways, and sneered: "Brother Jian, just prepare to treat me to meals for a month!"

"Eat! You can eat anything! You can eat whatever you want, Brother Jian!" Jian Yulei, who had ample wallet, waved his hand and shouted, "Brother Qiong, Brother Jian, I thank you so much today. Help, that guy Mihe must have been autistic for a while."

"Not necessarily—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Maybe Mihe and Nazha will live a life of mutual dependence, and then spark love?"


Jian Yulei put his left hand on his waist, touched his chin with his right hand, and then said with a gossipy face: "You mean, there is something wrong with them?"

"It's not enough..." Lin Qiong waved his hand and denied, "But Nazha should have a crush on Mihe!"


Jian Yulei snapped his fingers, and then said with a face of approval: "That's right! Hey, I also feel this way—after all, that girl's nickname is the loyal dog of the God of Medicine!"

Loyal dog!

If you say this nickname means nothing, I don’t believe it!

Chapter 0190 Too Interesting

Gossip is really the instinct of living things, and even gods cannot escape this law - No, regarding the relationship between Mihe and Nazha, Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei squatted on the side of the road and chatted for nearly half of it. Have fun only when you are young.

"Hey, just wait and see." Lin Qiong stood up with his knees propped up, and then walked leisurely towards the direction of Astria's family, and said, "But, will gods really fall in love with humans?" ? Lifespan or something, just thinking about it makes me feel sad, right?"

I have a long life, but my lover can only live for a short time of hundreds of years - the years of acquaintance, love and companionship with him/her are just a short moment in my long life, but this moment Time, but left the deepest memory and the most painful parting.

"Well, I can't say for sure—" Brother Jian stood up, folded his hands on his chest, and said without moving: "It's hard to say clearly about feelings—maybe I still say it in a few words now. I would never fall in love with a human being, but turned around and fell in love with a certain woman at first sight?"

"What love at first sight! That's obviously a love affair!" Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and he glanced at Jian Yulei who was still standing on the side of the road angrily, and said, "Brother Jian, why are you still standing there?" ?gone--"

It's all over, aren't you ready to go back to eat and train?What are you doing standing there?

"Wait for me, I've been squatting for a long time, and my legs are numb—" Brother Jian's expression was very serious, and then he saw Lin Qiong walking in front of him quickly, and squatting down, his expression changed drastically He said: "Wait, Lin Qiong, what are you going to do!? You don't want to come here! Woo————"

With Lin Qiong's finger poking on brother Jian'er's leg with lightning speed, the Valkyrie let out a mournful cry.


At this time, Lin Qiong let out the same laughter as Voldemort. He raised his head and glanced at Jian Yulei with a distorted expression, and then poked "chua".


Jian Yulei let out a mournful cry, and then said angrily: "Oh, Noriel Linqiong! You'd better not have numb legs, or you will be eaten by your good juice!!"

"Juice? Where's the juice?"

"How can it be repaired!"

Today's brother Jian seems to be deflated too.



After being poked by Lin Qiong a few times, Jian Geer, who finally recovered, did not hesitate to fight Lin Qiong. The two fought solo fiercely in a remote street, and finally ushered in the end with Lin Qiong's defeat. .

"You, a martial god who is hundreds of millions of years old, don't talk about martial arts, and you sneaked up on me, a young man under 30 years old." Lin Qiong rubbed his chin and said condemningly: "And in the end, you used the Dragon Fist as the finishing move. , your conscience is really bad!"

Like Abe, both have no heart!

Brother Jian said angrily: "How dare you say that! It's obvious that you took advantage of God's danger to do such a frenzied and insane thing to me!"

Lin Qiong said straightforwardly: "Please, seeing my good brother's leg is numb, who can resist going up and poking it twice? Can you?"


Jian Yulei let out a mournful cry, and then said in pain: "I can't."

"You can't do it yourself, so you still say me?"

"No way! Anyway, I can poke others, but others can't poke me!"

"Double-standard dog!"

"Then are you willing to let others poke you when your legs are numb?"

"Dah! I can poke others, but others can't poke me!"

"Double-standard dog!"

"Each each other!"

After the two laughed a few times, Lin Qiong held the back of his head and continued to walk in the direction of Astria's family, while Brother Jian followed without hesitation.

"What's the reason for today?"

"I was stabbed in the leg by you today, and my young and fragile heart was indelibly traumatized, so if I don't skip this meal, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"Okay, as expected of you, Cengfan brought Brother Wang Jian."

"Thank you for the compliment!"

After the daily talk was over, Lin Qiong said lazily: "Speaking of which, after your gods descended to the realm, did you appear directly in Ou Lali?"

"No, the location of the lower realm is free to choose." Jian Yulei waved his hand, and explained with a smile: "For example, for me, the location of the lower realm was not Olalie at first?"

"Oh? Let me elaborate—" Lin Qiong became interested. He looked at Jian Yulei and said, "Hurry up and share with my good brother Jian Geer's journey of divine life after he descended to the realm, okay?"

"Hahahaha, it's actually not a big deal—" Jian Yulei showed an expression of reminiscence, and said, "When I first went down to the realm, I was a little worried about whether I could adapt to the environment here in Olalie, so I just I chose an area I am more familiar with, the lower bound, thinking about getting used to life in the lower bound first."

"Hmm, then what?"

"That country is in the far east, and the gods I believe in are all from the gods I belong to—ah, you can understand the gods as similar to family members, but it's more complicated." Jian Yulei scratched Scratching my face, after explaining a little bit, I continued: "I lived in that country for several years, and I met a group of very talented children. After I felt that I had adapted to life in the lower realm, I chose to leave that country. Country, come to Orario.”

"Then start working?"

"Hahaha, that's right!" Jian Yulei was a little proud when he talked about this matter, with his hands on his hips, he said: "Before I left, I made an agreement with those children— When they grow up, they will come to Olalie to become adventurers and join my family! So I have to work hard to make money and try to buy a house when those children come over so that they don’t Not even a home."

Lin Qiong showed a moved expression, he reached out and patted Jian Yulei's back, and said, "Wow, brother Jian, you are really, you are so gentle, I'm fucking crying to death!"

Jian Yulei scratched his face in embarrassment, and said, "I think anyone who sees those children looking at him with adoring eyes will not be indifferent—"

"Worshiping eyes?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then patted Jian Yulei on the shoulder. When he turned around, Lin Qiong immediately put his hands into fists on his chest, then looked at Jian Yulei with admiring eyes, and was still excited. Blinked his eyes.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Three seconds later, Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei turned their heads at the same time, and then pinched their throats with both hands, making a retching sound of "mouth area".

After Jian Yulei vomited a few times, he raised his head to look at Lin Qiong speechlessly, and said, "What are you vomiting there?"

Lin Qiong waved his right hand, and said with the same expressionless expression: "I just feel disgusted when I think of blinking at a man just now—"


The two elders looked at each other, Jian Yulei took the lead and said: "You must promise that you will not use this method in the future."

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "I promise, I will never use this move that kills 750 enemies and damages 1500 myself."


Jian Yulei was taken aback for a moment, and then retorted: "One thing to say, I think I'm the one who was injured by 1500."

"No, you are 750."


"Because 750 is made up of three 3s, hahahahahaha--"

After the words fell, Lin Qiong let out a triumphant laugh.

"Well, I'm sorry to interrupt your hilarious laughter..." Jian Yulei raised his right hand speechlessly and said, "I must remind you that 1500 is 6 250."


Lin Qiong's laughter was stuck in his throat for a moment. After he opened his mouth, he said helplessly and furiously: "Grass (a kind of plant)!"

"Hahahaha hicc—"

This time, it was Jian Yulei's turn to laugh triumphantly.

The two who were complaining and fighting with each other didn't notice that on the second-floor balcony of a little-known tavern not far behind them, a blond figure was leaning playfully against the door frame beside him. , muttered: "It's really interesting, that Ah Jian is so close to an ordinary person—"

Interesting, so interesting!



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