In the original book, Jian Yulei is still working temporarily, not to mention helping Mihe, he probably doesn't even know that such a thing happened to Mihe's family!But under Lin Qiong's intervention, Jian Yulei, who had spare energy at this time, came up with the idea of ​​doing something for his friend...

Chapter 0188 Are you afraid of being slaughtered?

"However, does this have anything to do with you specially pulling me here?" Lin Qiong looked at Jian Yulei in a daze—if you ask Lin Qiong if he is willing to help Mihe, his answer is of course "yes." .

After all, Mihe's body is a god, and he is also a good god who knows how to repay and be grateful!If possible, Lin Qiong is of course willing to help the other party—and it’s a timely help—to get closer to the other party. From various perspectives, this is a sure profit.


However, Lin Qiong can't be too talkative, right?Otherwise, I’m afraid it won’t be long before such a legend will be spread among Orario’s gods——

"If your inner desire is strong enough, then an exclamation mark will appear above your head! At this time, a wronged seed with black broken hair will appear in front of you, and you only need to pay a very small price to make it He does all kinds of things for you."

Good guy, just imagining that scene makes Lin Qiong's scalp tingle - he doesn't want to be a bad guy!So even if he was willing to help Mihe, he couldn't be too straightforward.

You have to play it!

"Ahem, this—"

When Jian Yulei mentioned this, he scratched his head in embarrassment, and then whispered: "I actually want to ask you, can I lend him some money or something - after all, with your strength as an adventurer, you can make money It should be easier than us, right?"


Lin Qiong's expression was very subtle, and he couldn't help asking: "No, then you can just tell me about it in the store? Why don't you drag me here from a thousand miles away?"

"This, this..." Jian Yulei showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "I'm not thinking about it. If you saw the tragic situation of Mihe's family with your own eyes, and the relationship between him and his own family... After being fettered, you will soften your heart."


Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, he had to admit that what Brother Jian said made sense——

This is like when you learn from others that there is a left-behind child in a certain place, then your reaction may be just "oh", but there is almost no fluctuation in your heart.

But if someone brings you to the left-behind child in person, and you look at that person’s innocent eyes and longing for your parents, you may feel extremely sad.

Then, Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "Although your original intention is good, but this kind of behavior is somewhat unkind—"

"Feel sorry!"

Without hesitation, Jian Yulei showed his craftsman spirit in the place where he lived a good life. He bent down at [-] degrees and said seriously: "Mihe helped me a lot in the heaven, so I am here. I made such a bad move! If it makes you feel angry, just beat me up!"


Mihe hurriedly let go of Nazha, and then (under Nazha's mournful eyes) helped up Jian Yulei, who had bent over, and said, "What are you talking about! This is a matter of Mihe's family, even if you have to pay Whatever the price, I will pay for it!"

"No, Mihe!" Jian Yulei didn't straighten up, but maintained a bent posture, and said seriously: "I decided to help you, and brought Lin Qiong here with a disgraceful means. Come on, it's all my own decision, it has nothing to do with you - how can I let you pay for my mistakes?"

Mihe was silent for a few seconds, then imitated Jian Yulei and bent down to Lin Qiong, and said, "But your original intention is to help me, if I don't make any gestures, my conscience will not let it go!"


Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, he covered his forehead speechlessly, and said, "You two gods, although the friendship between you is very moving, but you don't think your actions at this time seem to be Am I like a villain?"


After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Jian Yulei and Mihe were stunned. After analyzing the situation for a while, they straightened up quickly, and then laughed awkwardly and impolitely.

"It's not that I'm unwilling to help God Mihe, but I also want to ask for compensation." Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "Isn't this fair?"

Mihe nodded quickly and said, "Very fair!"

What he was afraid of was not Lin Qiong asking for a reward. After all, the prerequisite for asking for a reward was to complete the task requirements for asking for a reward.

"it is good."

Lin Qiong nodded. He glanced at Jian Yulei, who was clasping his hands next to him in a "please please" gesture, and said, "I heard Brother Jian say that Mihe is the god of medicine, so you should know everything." What’s the recipe for the elixir and how to make it?”

Mihe nodded and said, "I know the formula and production method, but because the ingredients of panacea are relatively rare, I can't provide you with the finished product to prove it."

Lin Qiong shook his head and said: "No need to prove it, I believe in the divine quality of God Mihe, and I am willing to give Brother Jian some face."

As soon as Jian Yulei heard this sentence, he patted Lin Qiong's shoulder "hahaha" and said, "As expected of my good brother! Brother Jian remembers you!"

You are not a beautiful fucking virgin, remember I have a hammer!

Lin Qiong angrily pushed Jian Yulei's big face away, and then said to God Mihe: "God Mihe, I want to make a deal with you."

Mihe said, "What deal?"

Lin Qiong stomped at his own shadow, and said, "Geng Gui, go and call the secretary over!"


Gengar stretched out his thumb from the shadow, then turned into a shadow and burrowed towards another shadow - sneak attack, let's go!

"Let's talk about the details of the transaction when the secretary arrives." Lin Qiong said, glanced at Nazha who was standing behind Mihe, wagging his tail uneasy, and said, "If there are no accidents, the result should be Makes you very satisfied."



In less than 10 minutes, the secretary appeared in Tianqing Pharmacy.

"Praise of Viridian Paradise!"

With a wave of the scepter in the secretary's hand, a golden beam of light shimmering with white stars enveloped Nazha's body.

Nazha: "Ugh—"

Jian Yulei: "Oh oh oh——"

Mih: "This, this is-"

In the surprised expressions of the two gods, Nazha's arm has grown back, and it is completely indistinguishable from the original one.

"It's so, so incredible..."

Mihe widened his eyes, and murmured: "With this level of healing ability, even Amed under that nasty old man's hands can't compare?"

Jian Yulei was also shocked, and said: "It's amazing that you can grow a broken arm out of thin air instead of picking it up?"

In the Earth World, if you have an arm cut off, it is not a desperate matter——

As long as you can pick up the broken arm at the first time, then connect it back to the wound, and then let your companion release healing magic/sprinkle the top healing potion on the wound, then your arm will be connected back.

In the original book, when Bell was fighting the second generation of "Calamity", his arm was cut off by Qi, so he relied on taking the arm back, and then took the so-called treatment provided by the heretic "Mari (mermaid)". The holy relic "mermaid's blood" - of course, no sequelae.

However, it is only limited to the case of "retaining the severed limb"!But when Nazha's arm was cut off, it was torn into pieces by the monster immediately, so Mihe was going to make a prosthetic for Nazha.

But now, a scene that goes against the common sense of adventurers—or Orario—appears! !

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said confidently, "Hmph, my secretary is the most powerful priest in the world!"

The secretary smiled shyly, and said, "Young master, I'm just an ordinary backup."

"no no……"

Jian Yulei looked stunned, and he couldn't help but said: "What he said is not exaggerating at all! You are really the strongest priest in the world! Compared with you, Amide, the Dean Kite family, is not What is it?"

Mihe was calmer than Jian Yulei, he said: "In addition to healing, Amide also has the ability to detoxify and solve curses."

"That's really powerful—" Lin Qiong and the secretary looked at each other, and they nodded in admiration, "Quite perfect healing ability! It's really powerful!"

Hiding clumsy!

Although his secretary has a series of abilities such as "healing", "buffing", "recovering", "removing abnormal conditions", "removing cursed conditions", etc., Lin Qiong is not ready to talk about it loudly.

No need.

Mihe looked at the secretary seriously, and said, "However, I'm still more grateful to Miss Secretary—"


Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing, but the secretary covered his forehead in a broken way, and said, "God Mihe, actually my name is Xinhu Feisha! The secretary is the nickname given to me by the young master." !"


Mihe opened his mouth wide, and then said apologetically, "Sorry, sorry, I don't know—cough cough, I still have to thank Miss Fei Shazi!"

"It's nothing! It's all the young master's fault." The secretary gave the young master a sad look, and muttered, "The nickname secretary is not nice at all!"

How about changing my nickname to Missy's dog or something!

"It's so cute! The secretary is affirmation of your professional ability!" Lin Qiong frankly fooled the secretary, then set his eyes on Mihe, and said: "God Mihe, you are satisfied with this treatment. ?"

Mihe nodded and said, "Very satisfied! Very satisfied!"

At this moment, Lin Qiong and the secretary could even see three big golden characters on Mihe's body——

Take advantage of!

Hey, if you're so sincere, aren't you afraid that we'll kill you like an idiot who went to a physical store in Computer City to buy a computer?

Chapter 0189 deal with Mihe

If Lin Qiong were a rich man who should be hung from a street lamp and let passers-by flick his penis with rubber bands, he would definitely kill Mih like a pig without hesitation.

Unfortunately he is not.



Tianqing Pharmacy.

"Tea, please—"

Nazha served a few cups of tea and placed them on the tables in front of Lin Qiong, secretary, Jian Yulei, and Mihe respectively. Then she held the tray in both hands and stood obediently behind God Mihe.

Mihe smiled gently, and said like a gentleman, "This is the tea I collected and made by myself. It should taste very good."

"Oh, Mihe picked tea? That's a rare treasure!" Hearing these words, Jian Yulei's eyes lit up, and he quickly picked up the teacup in front of him, blew it lightly, and took a sip He took a small sip, and then immediately captivated his eyes and let out a sigh of "ha--", and said, "As expected of Mihe! Sbarasi!"

Lin Qiong looked at the tea in front of him helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Although I am very grateful to God Mihe for the hospitality, I am a little bit into bitter things..."

Mihe smiled gently and said, "I see! Nazha, then serve Mr. Lin a cup of scented tea."

"it is good."

Nazha nodded, she reached out and picked up the tea in front of Lin Qiong, and then walked back to the back kitchen - this is the tea made by God Mihe himself, if he doesn't drink it, she will!

"Ahem, let's start then."

Lin Qiong cleared his throat, and then said solemnly: "First of all, I would like to ask God Mihe, how much is the price for the prosthetic limb made by Amed of the Dean Kite family for Nazha?"

Mihe took a deep breath, and said a set of numbers - Jian Yulei, who was listening, exclaimed in shock: "Isn't this too expensive? It's comparable to the weapons of first-line adventurers."

Mihe smiled wryly, and said, "No way, what we ordered is a very fine prosthetic limb - driven by magic power, it can make the prosthetic limb as flexible as a normal hand."

Hearing this, Lin Qiong nodded and said, "But no matter how sophisticated the prosthetic limb is, it can't compare to the original arm, right? So the secretary's price for Nazha's treatment is 1.5% of the cost of making the prosthetic limb." Times, how?"

Facing Lin Qiong's offer, Mihe nodded calmly and said, "I agree! If you can get back Nazha's arm at only 1.5 times the fee, that would be a great deal."


Jian Yulei, who was just about to express his shock at Lin Qiong's offer, was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head, and nodded helplessly—it is indeed the case, no matter how powerful the prosthetic is, it is always a prosthetic, unless there is a special hobby, Otherwise, how could it be comparable to his own original arm?

What's more, the native arm means that you are a complete person, and the prosthetic limb, no matter how fine and powerful it is, also reminds you that you are a disabled person.

"As for the collection of fees, my plan is as follows—" Lin Qiong looked at Mihe and said, "First of all, a part of it will be paid in French, and the amount will be the maximum that will not affect the development and daily life of Mihe's family Quota, is it ok?"

Mihe lowered his head and said from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you very much!"

Lin Qiong smiled, and continued: "As for the remaining expenses, how about using the panacea formula to deduct part of the expenses?"

Mihe shook his head and said: "If Mr. Lin needs the formula for a panacea, I can give it to him for free - I feel uneasy about using it to offset the cost."

Lin Qiong said angrily: "Please, can you stop being so honest? I did this to lighten your burden, okay?"

Jian Yulei also persuaded from the side: "My brother Qiong is right! He is old and powerful, so he doesn't need this little money, okay?"

"This..." Mihe smiled wryly. He looked at Lin Qiong gratefully and said, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient—thank you very much for your kindness, Mr. Lin."

Lin Qiong waved his hands reservedly and said, "It's okay! God Mihe is Jian Ge'er's friend, so naturally he is also my friend - since we are friends, let's not be so polite, right?"

"You're right." There was a smile on Mihe's face, he looked at Lin Qiong gently, and said, "In this case, then don't call me God Mihe, call me like A Jian Meh will do."

Jian Yulei came over and said with a smile: "Of course, you can also call him Mi Geer or He Geer? Hahaha——"

There is one thing to say, Jian Yulei still quite likes the nickname "Jian Geer" that Lin Qiong gave him, and he always feels close!And he yelled more than Jian Yulei said - if he couldn't defeat Izanaki and Izanami, he would have changed his name to Jian Geer Da Mingshen!

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