Therefore, Jian Yulei suddenly showed a smug smile, and he said: "So let's say! If I recruit you into the group this time, if you still have these things in the future, you will definitely not take me to play with you-you Since my girlfriend can come up with these improved food formulas, she must be able to come up with other ones too!"

After hearing Jian Yulei's analysis, Lin Qiong suddenly showed a shocked expression, and looked at him in surprise—I never thought that you, a simple, honest and honest Ah Jian with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would be so narrow-minded! ?And the abacus is still crackling!

Seeing Lin Qiong's surprised look, Jian Yulei put his arms around his shoulders enthusiastically, and said, "Xiao Lin, we are good brothers! You can't leave your brother Jian alone to play, can you?"

Lin Qiong showed a brainless expression, and said, "I made an agreement in advance—whether Erina will continue to come up with other snack recipes is beyond my control."

Jian Yulei waved his hand and said, "It's all right! I've already got enough dividends from these recipes alone, and it doesn't matter if I share more than half of it with you - it's better to say, if I don't give you any, I will Instead, I feel uneasy.”

Ever since, Lin Qiong joined the cooperation as a partner, and took away part of the share - the boss had the largest share, Lin Qiong was second, and Jian Yulei became the smallest shareholder.



"Didn't I already say that when we divided the equity? I only care about dividends and nothing else." Lin Qiong swallowed the fried chicken, then squinted at Jian Yulei and said, "Hey, I said Brother Jian, are you planning to find me again if you have something to do?"

Jian Yulei's expression changed, and he said seriously, "Am I that kind of person?"

Lin Qiong nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Okay! I remember this sentence, if you ask me to do things later, you are not human."

Jian Yulei patted his chest, and said loudly: "No problem! If I have something to do with you later, I'm not a human being! Besides, you haven't said anything yet, what do you think of the taste of this chicken nugget?"

"This is the recipe provided by my girlfriend, can it still be unpalatable?" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, "This will definitely sell well, okay? By then, we will open dozens of fucking branches and make a lot of money." of!"

Brother Jian was obviously fascinated by the beautiful picture scroll drawn by Lin Qiong. He clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Open a branch and make a lot of money, great!"



After tasting the fried chicken nuggets, crispy pork belly, grilled squid and other snacks in the store in turn, and giving quite good evaluations, Jian Yulei took Lin Qiong to start walking in Ola Li.

Jian Yulei said proudly: "Have you heard this saying? Take a walk after dinner and live to 99!"

Lin Qiong showed a puzzled expression: "But haven't all the gods lived hundreds of millions of years? Is this a curse for my short life?"

Jian Yulei's expression froze, then he thought for a few seconds and said, "Take a walk after dinner and live to 99 billion! Well, that's good!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but give him a thumbs up and said, "It has to be you!"

Jian Yulei heheed, and then said with emotion: "Oulali's environment has also improved, and the residents are willing to go to the streets! That's great."

There are customers only when there is traffic, which means that newly opened small restaurants can make a lot of money.

Lin Qiong nodded, and said with a smile: "This is what a city looks like! Hey, it was smoky and smoky a while ago, and there were not many people on the whole street."

It's much more lively now.

Jian Yulei patted Lin Qiong's shoulder enthusiastically and said, "Speaking of which, you haven't visited Orario yet, have you?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "That's true."

"Then brother Jian will take you for a stroll today!" Jian Yulei patted his chest, then seemed to remember something, and said, "By the way, didn't you tell me last time that you were interested in the formula of panacea?" Interested?"


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and he squinted at Jian Yulei.

Jian Yulei raised his hand and scratched his face, then said innocently: "What's wrong? Could it be that I remembered it wrong?"

"No, you remember correctly." Lin Qiong shook his head, then looked at Jian Yulei with a smile, and said, "I am indeed interested in the formula of panacea—do you have a way to get it?"

"I can't help it, but I know someone who knows the formula." Jian Yulei winked at Lin Qiong and said, "How is it, brother Jian is treating you well!? This is a panacea!"

Lin Qiong smiled and said: "Okay, okay, brother Jian is good to me - let's go then!"


Jian Yulei waved his hand, and then took Lin Qiong for a stroll on the street like a stroller on Olali Street—and when he passed by some food stalls, he would enthusiastically buy a snack and stuff it into it. Lin Qiong's hands.

"This is what your brother Jian invited you to eat! Take a big bite, eat two servings!"

Lin Qiong accepted it with a smile on the surface, and then said coldly in his heart, "I'm ruthlessly courteous, I really want to see what kind of plug is stuffed in your ass!" '



As the two moved forward, Lin Qiong found that Jian Yulei was gradually bringing him to a very small pharmacy.

Lin Qiong looked at Jian Yulei and asked, "Brother Jian, is this the place where you said you can get the formula for the panacea?"

"Oh! That's right!" Jian Yulei gave a thumbs up with a smile on his face, and said, "The owner of this Tianqing medicine shop is Mihe, the god of medicine. He just happens to know the formula of the panacea you want. !"

Lin Qiong looked thoughtfully at the Tianqing Pharmacy in front of him, then squinted at Jian Yulei next to him, and sneered in his heart: "Little Heizi, are you showing your chicken feet?" '

Chapter 0187 Brother Jian’s request

to be frank!

Today's brother Jianyu Lei Jian's performance has always made Lin Qiong feel a little strange!

Because he is so enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that it is abnormal—it’s not that he treats Lin Qiong badly or is a little cold or something, but that he is so enthusiastic today...


Or please!

Although I didn't do well in the lower world before, so I worked part-time at a potato ball stall, and the hourly salary was only 400 faries, but this does not change the fact that Brother Jian is a god - even when he was working , Brother Jian’s attitude is only enthusiastic, not flattering.

But now he is flattering Lin Qiong! ?

"Hmph, I really want to see, what are you trying to do after you have worked so hard to get me here—" Lin Qiong snorted softly, and then watched Jian Yulei walk to the gate enthusiastically , with a polite smile on his face, he gently raised his hand and knocked on the door of Tianqing Pharmacy with a "dong dong dong".

A few seconds later, under Lin Qiong's gaze, a male god with blue hair, who gave the opposite sex a sense of a gentleman just by appearance--by the way, the same sex will only think that he is a fake mother ( heavy fog).

"Sorry, the pharmacy is not open now..." Mihe replied subconsciously after pushing the door open, but when he saw that the person knocking on the door was Jian Yulei, he suddenly showed a surprised expression and said: "A Jian, why are you here?"

'Oh?Mihe didn't know Brother Jian was coming? Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows. It seems that Jian Yulei took the trouble to drag him here in a big circle. Was it his own idea?

"Mihe, why didn't you tell me what happened to you?" Jian Yulei looked at Mihe seriously, and said, "If someone hadn't told me, I would have been kept in the dark!"

"This..." Mihe showed a wry smile, and said with a bitter expression: "The things I encountered are a bit... tricky, so I don't want to bother you—"

The "you" here should refer not only to Jian Yulei, but also to all of Mihe's god friends - such as Hephaestus and Loki.

Jian Yulei glanced at Mihe's shop, then set his sights on Mihe, and said, "Let's not talk about anything else. First, tell me, what are you going to do?"

"Hiss, this unfolding..." Lin Qiong narrowed his eyes, and he seemed to have understood what happened - what a coincidence, he happened to remember this detail in the original book.

"I won't let her live with an incomplete posture." Mihe clenched his fist, and he said through gritted teeth, "I will bow to that old man and let him make a prosthetic for Nazha... "

"Very good plan." Jian Yulei nodded, and then asked solemnly: "But, do you have enough money? The price of prosthetic limbs is not cheap, right?"

After hearing Jian Yulei's words, Mihe had visible cold sweat on his forehead. He stammered: "For example, if you pay part of the money first and repay the rest slowly..."

Brother Jian sighed, and said, "Let's not talk about whether the old man will agree, will other members of your family have any objections? The price of prosthetics should empty your family's savings, right?"

"Ah, this..." Speaking of this matter, Mihe gave a dry "ahhaha" laugh twice, then scratched his face with his fingers, and said, "Probably not."


Mihe showed a bitter and disappointed smile, and said: "Because, now there is only Nazha in my family - because I heard that I plan to use all the savings of the family to help Nazha make prosthetics. People have opted out."

"Ah this..."

'Ah this...'

I have to say, this is too real and too realistic.

Do you still remember the grand occasion after the Hestia family defeated the Apollo family in the original book?Hundreds of adventurers waved their applications hoping to join this newly promoted "Supernova Family"!

As a result, when the Hestia family revealed that they owed [-] million mana to the Hephaestus family, the dark crowd outside the villa dispersed almost instantly.

It can only be said that this is human nature, and most adventurer families are like this, such as the Hestia family, the Loki family, and the Astria family, where the relationship between each member is very close. Families are actually a minority in Orario.

"Don't be sad! Those adventurers who would leave because of this kind of thing cannot be considered good partners at all!" Jian Yulei patted Mihe on the shoulder and comforted: "This can be considered a kind of purification!"

Mihe shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "What purification—how can there be a purification that mentions that there is only one person left? Don't comfort me, this only shows that I am a failure as a god."

"No, no!"

At this time, a weak voice sounded from the store.

Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei followed the sound and saw a beast-eared girl with long brown hair and dog-type lop ears on her head, leaning on the cabinet near the door.

"Mi, God Mihe, is the best, the best god in this world!"

The dog girl was very emotional, and Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei could clearly see through the gap in the robe that flashed by when her body swayed, her right arm was cut off from the elbow, stained with blood. Bandages were being wrapped around her arms.

That's why she looked so pale.


In fact, when Mihe said that he wanted to create prosthetic limbs for the dog girl, Lin Qiong probably understood what was going on. She was seriously injured in the dungeon and lost her right hand, so she became afraid of the dungeon, which interrupted her career as an adventurer.

Not only that, as Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei saw just now, in order to build prosthetics for Nazha, Mihe not only exhausted the savings of the family members, but also put the family members into a state of debt, which caused Mihe, who was originally strong, to Only Nazha was left in the He family.

"Nozha, you can't move yet!"

Mihe ran over nervously, then supported the pale-faced Nazha with his hands, and said, "You should rest in bed now, your injury hasn't healed yet—"

"God Mihe, I'm sorry—"

Nazha's ears and the tail behind her drooped listlessly, and she said in a voice full of regret: "If it wasn't for my momentary carelessness, I wouldn't... and I wouldn't..."

If you are not careless, you will not be injured, if you are not injured, there will be no need for prosthetics, and the Mihe family will not fall apart.

"Nozha, don't say such things!"

Mihe bent down, he stretched out his hands to support Nazha's shoulders with a serious face, and said: "A companion who can only share joys and sorrows is not a companion at all-I believe that if someone is injured, I will Decided to help her build prosthetics, Nazha would not choose to leave the Mihe family, right?"

"Of course!" Nazha's face was flushed abnormally, and the ears on the top of her head were beating happily, "I am absolutely, absolutely will not leave God Mihe!"


Lin Qiong glanced behind Nazha calmly—as expected, the tail was swaying rapidly from side to side, and one could imagine how happy its owner was.

As expected of Nazha, who has the nickname "the loyal dog of the god of medicine (Mihe)", she really doesn't hide her affection for God Mihe!


At this time, Jian Yulei suddenly coughed twice, and successfully attracted the attention of Mihe and Nazha—but Mihe was puzzled, and Nazha was angry.

Lin Qiong thought: 'She was probably thinking at this moment: Why is this guy so ignorant of the atmosphere!The atmosphere between him and God Mihe is just right—or something like that? '

Baqi Lunuo is inseparable.

Jian Yulei didn't seem to feel Nazha's gaze, so he said to Mihe: "Mihe, I think, maybe I can help you solve your troubles!"

Mihe: "Huh? Do you mean to lend me money? No, no, aren't you also in the stage of saving money to buy a house?"

Jian Yulei shook his head and said, "That's not what I mean, I'm going to introduce someone to you—"


Lin Qiong crossed his arms and looked at Jian Yulei sideways.


Brother Jian first came to rub his hands with a fly, then smiled and approached Lin Qiong, and said, "Brother Qiong! It's rare for you to ask someone else, Brother Jian!"

Lin Qiong said with a blank face: "I remember when I was eating chicken nuggets in the last chapter, you told me that if you have something to do with me later, you are not human?"

Jian Yulei raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, then said with some confidence, "I'm a god! Of course I'm not a human being."


Grass (a kind of plant), can you still explain it like this? ?

"Ajian, this is..."

At this time, Mihe who was on the side had already helped Nazha and walked over. He looked at Lin Qiong with slightly curious eyes and asked politely.

"His name is Lin Qiong! He is the new trump card of the Astria family—" Jian Yulei said in a very proud tone: "He is a powerful adventurer! Of course, he is also my good brother!"

"Hello, Mr. Lin Qiong."

Mihe stretched out his hand first, and that kind attitude was really hard to hate.

"Hello, God Mihe." After shaking hands with the other party, Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand to wrap his arms around Jian Yulei's neck and pulled him aside, then said to him, "Brother Jian, what are you doing?" Moth?"

"Ahem, I want to die -" Jian Yulei reached out with difficulty and patted Lin Qiong's arm. After Lin Qiong let go, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said helplessly: "The relationship between Mi He and I in heaven is Very good, we often drink together, so after hearing that something happened to his family members, I thought if I could help him."

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