Hearing the successive voices from the desk, Laila at the door retracted her head, then looked at the companions behind her, and asked, "How long has this symptom lasted?"

Alishe shrugged her shoulders and said, "Who knows? She was like this when I came over -"

Niz on the side rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "Hey, I remember Alishe came here more than half an hour ago? That means it lasted at least half an hour, right?"

Hui Ye complained: "So, what did she go through to become what she is now?"

"Who knows?" x10



The culprit was of course Lin Qiong.

After learning about Lin Qiong's origin, Astoria has been in a state of doubting God—the key is that she really has no way to refute it, you know?

After all, there was a tablet on Astoria's table at this time, and on the screen of the tablet, a village man wearing glasses was looking at the camera with joy and said: "...at the same time Marry two women, but just don't apply for a certificate, I marry two a day, I envy you to death! Does this constitute bigamy? It does not constitute..."

Such a lively Zhang San is laughing wildly outside the law, how do you let Astria hypnotize herself saying that Lin Qiong is fooling her?What's more, the gods can also identify lies to a certain extent.

"No wonder that guy Hephaestus agreed to be their blacksmith without saying anything..." Astoria rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, "And he's also a nanny-level blacksmith. '

What is a nanny-level blacksmith?

You know, what Hephaestus promised to forge for Lin Qiong and others was not just weapons tailored for the four of them, but also armor and accessories tailored for the four of them—fuck it, Hefei When did Storrs tailor-made full-body equipment for others?And it's not just one person, it's four people! !

Of course, what Astoria didn't know was that Hephaestus not only agreed to customize full-body equipment for the four of Lin Qiong, but also agreed to follow-up maintenance work and equipment replacement.

If she knew, she would eat a ton of lemons.

'After half a year...'

Astoria sighed, then sat back on the chair, resting her forehead with her hands.

Because Astoria, who cannot use divine power, is just an ordinary person, the prerequisite for her to try to heal the eldest lady is to let her leave the Earth Encounter World—after all, the "rules of the game" of the Earth Encounter World are that the gods in the lower realm cannot It is allowed to use divine power, but this rule does not apply in other worlds.

However, the restrictions of the world-transmitting gate are there. No matter whether Astoria is a nerve or a god, she has to wait for Lin Qiong to stay in this world for half a year before she can pass through the world-transmitting gate.

This was the culprit that caused Astoria to sit in the office for a long time, confused and sighing.

You said you would take me away after half a year, so why did you tell me about it so early! ?

What a torment this is!Woo woo woo...



"Our common people, I am so happy today, hey!"

Lin Qiong happily hummed an off-key tune, making Miss Lian beside her smile helplessly and happily—of course she knew that what Lin Qiong was happy about was that the curse of her God's Tongue was probably cured.

Her boyfriend cares about her so much, why should she be unhappy?

Unless she doesn't love him.

The secretary sat on the beanbag, supported his chin with his hand, and said cheerfully: "Then, all we have to do is go deep into the dungeon and spawn monsters to improve the progress of the monster hunter?"

"There is also panacea—" Lin Qiong added, "unless you can practice avatar, and then leave a avatar in every world, and answer the phone at any time, and provide treatment on call."

"Wow! I feel suffocated just thinking about that kind of daily life!" The secretary rubbed his arms with his hands in disgust, and said, "That kind of daily life is not lived by intelligent creatures at all-I'm afraid there are only those who don't." Emotional, only a rational robot with no physical needs can be on call!"

And you have to work continuously for more than ten years or even decades. Who can bear this kind of thing?And people have to eat, sleep and go to the bathroom, right?I can't just give you a call, I don't even wipe my butt, I just rush to you with my pants up, and then treat you without complaint, right?

Regardless of whether you can stand it or not, the secretary can't stand it anyway.

"Hahaha, so the panacea is still necessary!" Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the carpet and said with a smile: "This thing is not so much a panacea as a panacea - I feel it It can even cure constipation!”


The secretary opened his mouth, and then said with a complicated expression: "Master, if the adventurers in Orario learn that you plan to use a panacea to treat constipation, they will definitely call you a tyrant."

"Bah, bah, you're the dog!"

"So you don't deny that you are a wealthy person?"

"Please, I am a rich man now, okay?" Lin Qiong patted his chest confidently and said, "To be honest, with our current strength, we can easily go down to the [-]th floor, and with the travel backpack, we can easily Bring all the in-depth materials here - we are not exaggerating to say that there is no problem with one trip without pressure and one small goal, right? You can pay off the debt of the Blue Ribbon in two trips, isn't this rich enough? "

"..." x3

The eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo looked at each other.

Although Lin Qiong's appearance was really a little arrogant at this time, he seemed to have nothing wrong with what he said - even if a group of Lv. Here are four Lv.6 teams, and fourteen guaranteed Lv.59, maybe Lv.10 teams. Speeding through the 8th floor without pressure is not a problem!

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "So, I am a local tyrant, but not a local tyrant."

The secretary covered his face and said, "Hi! Miss, it's broken, let the young master pretend!"


Before Lin Qiong had time to express his anger, the eldest lady and Yoyo laughed.

"Get angry, get angry!"


The eldest lady rubbed her arms and said, "Qiong, you are really not suitable for repeating words, disgusting!"


A big question mark popped up on Lin Qiong's head. He looked at the secretary and Youyou who were covering their mouths and giggling beside him, and said, "Am I disgusting when I say double words?"

The secretary nodded his head and said, "Young grandfather, you are disgusting!"

Yoyo also blushed, and said in a low voice but excitedly: "Qionini, disgusting!"

It seems that this rare "experience of friends fighting with each other" made Yoyo very happy - Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other after discovering this.

"Wow, you guys, how dare you say me, disgusting!"

"Wow!" The eldest lady's eyes widened and she exclaimed, "Qiong, are you being too deliberate?"

"You widow me?" Lin Qiong snorted, he looked at Yoyo again, and said "angrily", "Yuyo, hurry up and tell Erina and the secretary loudly that I'm super cute when I say double words! "


Youyou showed a rather difficult expression. She tilted her head in distress and said, "Qionnisang's repeated words are so cute...?"

Lin Qiong said with a blank face: "I would be happier if there was no uplifting tone at the end expressing a rhetorical question."

The eldest lady hugged Yuyou with a smile on her face, then rubbed her face and said, "Humph, Yuyou is so embarrassed to lie! She is a good child!"


Lin Qiong pointed at himself and said, "You mean, Yoyo is lying when she says I'm cute!?"


"Hey, what do you mean—wait a minute, why is this sentence so familiar?"

The secretary at the side said quietly: "Because I often use this sentence to complain about the young master——Master, the so-called Feng Shui turns around, Jie Jie!"

Good guy, Jie Jie, you have learned it all! ?

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady and the secretary in front of him in shock, and said, "It's broken, I'm at a disadvantage!?"

The secretary opened his hands and said like a villain in Disney: "Jie Jie! Master, your time has passed, and next is the age of the eldest lady!"

"Hey, it's like this..."

Lin Qiong was shocked with a look on his face, took two steps back, and then fell down on the carpet again, saying: "Can it be said that as the Demon Immortal Prince, I lost like this? I lost to the Black Demon Immortal Hui Rina? Will she rule the world and become the Fairy Queen?"

The secretary nodded with a serious face, and said: "That's right! The eldest lady will eventually become the Queen of the Demon Fairy, rule the whole world, make everyone wear cat ears, and must speak with the word meow!"

"What, what!"

Lin Qiong's face changed, and then he said hurriedly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier! Didn't you tell me earlier that I would support the great Demon Fairy Queen Erina? Cat ears and talking cats are very civilized!"

The secretary couldn't help complaining: "Young master, you lsp, this betrayal is too fast!"

Lin Qiong said righteously: "I must emphasize that I am not old."

The secretary covered his forehead: "So sp, you don't refute at all?"

Lin Qiong raised his head and chest, with a proud smile on his face, poked his chest with his thumb, and said confidently: "I am a pervert!"

The secretary was left speechless.

As for Missy?

At this time, she watched the interaction between Lin Qiong and the secretary with no expression, and then said: "I said, you two are talented, can you not involve me? I don't want to be some kind of magic fairy queen, let alone let me All human beings meow when they speak!!"

Lin Qiong turned his face and said: "What? You don't want to! Humph, the little Black Demon Fairy Erina is ridiculous! She is so arrogant, rebelling, rebelling! Secretary, join forces with me to overthrow her rule! For Cat ears and meow!”

The eldest lady couldn't hold back anymore: "Qiong, you are enough!"

The secretary held his head high and said, "I understand, Master! For cat ears and meowing!"

The eldest lady covered her face: "Fei Shazi, don't boo with him!!!"

Yoyo, who was eating melons and watching the show the whole time: "Hahaha——"

Chapter 0186

After the demise of Rudra's family, Rudra himself was exiled back to the God Realm for some reasons unknown to the gods—in fact, it was because of the destruction of the dungeon that caused the disaster—at least a few thousand Don't think about it between the years.

With the disappearance of the leader, the dark faction that had been causing trouble in Oraline suddenly calmed down and quickly got back into its own mouse hole like a mouse that had been lifted off the bed board.

At the same time, because of the disappearance of the dark faction, the atmosphere in the entire Orario has become better - at least when Lin Qiong was walking on the street, he could see that the residents' faces became less sad and more smiling. .

The most typical example is...




With a glass of wine in his stomach, Jian Yulei let out a strange cry and said, "Sure enough, iced beer tastes better!"

"Have it?"

Lin Qiong, who was sitting in front of Jian Yulei with his chin propped up and drinking a glass of ice-cold orange juice, said disapprovingly: "Anyway, I don't think there's anything delicious about that thing."

Lin Qiong is a reliable adult (single) male who does not smoke, drink, gamble, or take drugs. When he was just an adult, he once tried drinking beer, but the subtle taste kept him from drinking beer. Throw it in the trash without finishing a can.

"You really don't know how to enjoy—"

Jian Yulei picked up a piece of fried chicken with chopsticks, and put it on Lin Qiong's dinner plate cheerfully, urging: "If you don't drink alcohol, then try this fried chicken! This is according to your eldest lady's recipe. maded!"


Lin Qiong picked up the chopsticks and dipped the fried chicken in the special sauce, then put it in his mouth, feeling the delicacy of the juicy chicken bursting out after the crispy skin was bitten off, squinted Eyes, and continued: "The treat you mean, you mean bring me to your own shop, and then eat fried chicken?"

After today's training, Jian Yulei happily hugged Lin Qiong's neck, regardless of how stinky his sweat was, and said enthusiastically: "Brother Lin, I'm going to treat you to something delicious today! "

Although Lin Qiong wanted to express euphemistically: "I have to say, I think the dishes made by Erina are the best!"

But looking at Jian Yulei's fluttering eyes, he still swallowed his words forcibly, and then nodded his head with difficulty - mainly because of the taste.

The results of it?

Lin Qiong thought that Jian Yulei would treat him to a rich hostess!After all, this is the most popular restaurant appointed in the original book, not one of them.

The results of it?In the end, this guy actually dragged Lin Qiong to the new shop he and the owner of Fried Potato Balls opened to taste the latest fried chicken!

Is this in your mother's river?

Obviously not in the river!

"Don't say that! Don't you also have a share in this store?" Jian Yulei looked at Lin Qiong innocently and said, "You are also one of the shareholders!"

Yes!After the eldest lady came up with the recipes of "chicken nuggets", "chicken fried steak", "crispy pork belly", "milk tea" and other snacks, the owner of the fried potato ball vendor immediately made a decision - not to move The vendors are here, let's open the shop!Open the three fucking houses first, and continue to expand if it becomes popular!

It is worth mentioning that after Jian Yulei reached a preliminary cooperation with the owner of the fried potato ball vendor, he secretly found Lin Qiong and planned to recruit him into the group.

Regarding his behavior, Lin Qiong once asked in surprise: "Are you stupid? After I join the group, won't the equity and dividends you get will be less? And will it be much less?"

After all, once Lin Qiong joins the team and the boss learns that he is the real provider of the formula, Jian Yulei's "value" must plummet in the eyes of the boss—this is not surprising, after all, the only reason for the boss to cooperate with Jian Yulei is his Recipe in hand.

Facing Lin Qiong's question, Jian Yulei smiled and said: "Hey, I'm not an idiot! I know very well that the formulas you are providing me now are all for the sake of my martial arts. ,Right?"

Lin Qiong nodded naturally, this is a very obvious thing, otherwise why did the eldest miss send Jian Yulei the formula for no reason?If Jian Yulei is the male protagonist of this novel, it can be said that the eldest lady secretly agrees, but he is not!

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