
When the secretary took Yoyo out to play with the little luotou of other family members, Lin Qiong stood at the window, put his arms around the young lady's waist, and muttered, "I never thought that Yoyo would have such psychological pressure."

The eldest lady leaned her head gently on his shoulder, and murmured: "I didn't expect this to happen either—speaking of it, I've always treated her like a child."

Who is not?

Lin Qiong scratched his face and said, "After all, she was only 12 years old when we met her, right?"

The eldest lady nodded and said, "I'm not yet 15 years old."

Lin Qiong sighed and said: "When I was 15 years old, I was still thinking about what novel to rent in the bookstore tomorrow, but when you were 15 years old, you were thinking about how I could help me—hey, the children of today It's amazing."

The eldest lady poked Lin Qiong's waist with her finger, and said, "Since Yoyo raised this question, I don't think we can treat her like a child anymore."

Before this time, both Lin Qiong and the eldest lady regarded Yoyo as a cub who needed their own protection, but they both ignored Yoyo's own will - in her view, she was not a "weak", but Lin Qiong And the "companion" of the young lady.

Lin Qiong nodded. He put his hands on the window sill depressed, and muttered, "Why do I suddenly feel the loneliness of a grown-up child? Hiss, something is wrong."

The eldest lady couldn't help laughing, she patted Lin Qiong on the shoulder, and said, "You are the mentality of an old father!!"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then glanced at the eldest lady, and said, "Then you have the mentality of an old mother~"

Lin Qiong is the old father, so of course she is the old mother!

The eldest lady who understood what Lin Qiong was alluding to blushed, then elbowed Lin Qiong's abdomen, and said humbly: "Anyway, our attitude towards Yoyo will change a bit from now on, do you hear me? "

"Hey, we're already an old married couple and you're still so shy! It's really——"

"Did you hear that!"

"I heard it, I heard it!"

"Just say it once!"

"But some words are not enough!"

"What do you mean?"

"For example—"

Lin Qiong came close to the eldest lady's ear and whispered.

"I want to tell you a thousand times, like ten thousand times—"


Today's victory and defeat, Nakiri Erina's defeat.

Lin Qiong's words made her blush and her heart beat beat.

Chapter 0184 CPU response

After the culprit, the Rudra family, committed suicide, the other members of the dark family seemed to be frightened, and quickly hibernated—after all, others did not know the existence of the disaster, so in the eyes of the public (including the dark family) , the Rudra family was executed justice by the Astria family.

For most of Orario's family members, after hearing the news, they immediately said, "It's so damn good, let's pop the champagne!"

After all, the Rudra family can be said to be the culprit behind Olali’s recent upheaval. When this troublemaker disappeared, other members of the dark faction’s family also hibernate one after another—at least until new opportunities arise. These rats in the gutter should be tucked up and be human.

However, these things are not what Lin Qiong and others need to worry about, because they are being invited to the depths of the guild by an old god who has been monitoring the dungeon—



Deep in the guild.

"First meeting, unknown hero—"

Sitting on the throne, Uranus looked at the four people in front of him and the 14 people behind him, and said softly, "Can you tell me where you all came from?"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and muttered, "Oh, did you find out so soon?"

Uranus smiled lightly and said, "I have seen many powerful adventurers, but I have never heard of you..."

Even the heroes of ancient times did not suddenly appear between heaven and earth with a "pop" - they also became stronger little by little, then gained fame, and were finally praised by the world.

But what about Lin Qiong and the others?In Ouranos' view, Lin Qiong's strength is even more exaggerated than that of the only Level 9 empress when the Hera Familia was still established - where did such a powerful adventurer come from?

No wonder Ouranos was suspicious.

"Hey, please wait a moment—"

Lin Qiong blinked, raised his right hand, and then slowly summoned the world-transmitting gate—ashamed to say, Lin Qiong was less than a month away from appearing in this world, so it still takes ten years Seconds of reading time to summon the small pink wooden door.

Ten seconds later, a small pink wooden door appeared in the air from top to bottom, and watching this scene, Uranus subconsciously widened his eyes—although this door seemed to be full of girlish hearts There was a small pink wooden door, but the breath brewing inside made him, an ancient god, feel self-consciously small.

Ulanus murmured, "This is..."

Lin Qiong took a breath. He opened the world-traveling door, revealing the world behind the door - it was the Sky City in the Pokémon world - and then said: "This door is called the world-traveling door. It can Let me travel between different worlds."

Different world!

Uranus, who heard the news for the first time, felt that his three views of life and life for hundreds of millions of years had been fucking reshaped! !



"Is that all right?"

After Lin Qiong and the others left, a figure in a black robe appeared in the room.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Ouranos looked at Fels below and said softly: "If those idle gods know the news about the other world, I'm afraid...hehe..."

A long, long time ago, before intelligent creatures appeared in the lower realm, the God Realm was not as harmonious, friendly and peaceful as it is now!At that time, the various gods wanted to punch out their brains.

If news spreads that Lin Qiong possesses props that can lead to endless different worlds, Uranus estimates that the group of gods who are unwilling to be lonely will definitely start fighting for Lin Qiong—the best case is a benign struggle for everyone, and the worst Under certain circumstances, some evil gods might directly overturn the table and lead to the second war of the gods.

The man in black seemed to be able to imagine that kind of scene, he said: "So your only request is to let him not over-proclaim his origin?"

"It's all about balancing—"

Uranus sighed, then murmured.

"Hopefully, he can bring something different to this world."

Orario, it's time for some changes.



After coming out of Ouranos, the expressions of Lin Qiong and others were obviously much more relaxed.

"It's cool now."

He looked at the eldest lady beside him and said with a smile: "This is considered to be someone covering up."

The secretary on the side nodded and said, "With the help of Uranus God List, we will cover up, and with the help of Astoria, we should not be able to reveal our identity."

The eldest lady stretched her waist and said: "Well, in this way, our basic goal has been achieved, and the next step is..."

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, then nodded and said, "Look for a reliable god, and treat the young lady's astringent tongue."

Missy: "Why is it so rough! Where is it so sour!"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and then said confidently: "Well, the touch is very astringent, soft, slippery, tender, and fragrant!"


The eldest lady screamed in sorrow at that time. She turned her head and glanced at the secretary next to her who was saying "Σ( ° △ °|||)" and Youyou who was saying "/(/ /o/ω/o/ /)/", and couldn't help but reveal An expression of despair.

Qiong ah ah ah!

"If you want to talk about a reliable god, how about looking for Astoria?" Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Her character should be quite reliable! How is it?"

After all, she is the goddess of justice!

"I have no objection." The eldest lady shook her head and said, "Anyway, I get along with her quite happily."

Because of the training, the eldest lady and Astoria, Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei have established quite good friendships - of course, this is also related to the fact that the two gods themselves do not have those messy airs.

"Then go back and talk to her." Lin Qiong nodded his head and said, "After that, I will visit Dean Kate or Mihe and get the formula for the panacea."

Among the potions in the Earth Encounter World, which one is the most valuable?Then there is no doubt that it will be a "panacea" that has the effects of "curing all injuries", "removing all abnormal states", "recovering lost magic power, energy and physical strength" - as can be seen from its name , this potion is suitable for almost any place.

If there is only a single-effect potion, the Bone King World is not without—healing potion, mana potion, stamina potion, energy potion, detoxification potion, etc., but the only compound effect potion in the Bone King World is to restore the vitality of injuries and mana at the same time potion.

In terms of comprehensiveness, there are too many panaceas.

Someone may have asked, isn't there a secretary by Lin Qiong's side?

Can gain, can heal, can remove abnormal state, can restore physical strength, can speed up the recovery of magic power...

With such an almighty secretary, what kind of panacea does Lin Qiong use?Isn't this just leaving the succubus alone and taking the little blue pill?What a waste!

The answer is simple-there can only be one secretary, but hundreds or thousands of bottles of panacea can be prepared, and they can always be kept by other people's side.

What a beautiful thing!



Just do it!

After returning to Astria's family, Lin Qiong took the eldest lady to find Astria who was practicing swinging a knife every day.

"What's up?"

Looking at the two people standing on the edge of the martial arts field, Astoria stopped the movements of her hands, then wiped the sweat off her face with the towel hanging around her neck, and said with a smile.

I have to say that Astoria is really beautiful, very beautiful!Her face is flushed and sweaty due to exercise at this time. If you take a photo and take it to the earth, it will definitely change too. Leave a comment below——Sucking, sucking, the sweat of Asteria sauce is from me contract.

But it's not a big problem. Lin Qiong has seen scenes that are many times worse than this. After all, the eldest lady is still very willing to cooperate with him... Ahem, I didn't say anything.

"Why is that the first sentence?"

Lin Qiong said slightly dissatisfied: "You make it sound like we came to you because we have something to do!"

After wiping off her sweat, Astoria asked with a smile, "So are you all right?"

Lin Qiong coughed twice and said, "This, I can't say it's okay!"

Isn't there still something wrong?

The eldest lady covered her face.

"Hahaha——" Astoria laughed out of the joke, exhaled, and said, "Tell me, what can I help—you not only saved me, but also saved Ya Li Xie and the others, this kindness is enough for me to do anything without violating the bottom line."

'Could it be possible to wear a black and white maid uniform and white lace suspenders, and then lift up the skirt with a look of disdain and contempt, and let me admire the panties? '

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, and said with a smile: "It's Jiang Zi's! Erina and I have something to ask you to help, and this matter involves a little secret of ours - this secret is the one I used Let's convince Hephaestus to help us create the secret of equipment!"

"So... 征"

Astoria showed a dazed expression, and she said, "You want me to help you keep a secret after helping you, right? No problem, I promise you."

"Thank you so much!" Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, and he pulled the eldest lady to Astoria's face, and said, "My lord, we are not actually residents of this world."


"I mean, we are people from another world." Lin Qiong repeated, "Do you know the other world? It's another world."


Astoria's expression was a little dazed, and her expression at this time was like a girl who saw Zoffy, Manishan and Jack standing together and not looking at Ultraman - obviously, her CPU was not responding up.

A few seconds later, her expression gradually became distorted, her eyes widened, and she looked at the two people standing beside her with incredulous eyes——obviously, her CPU reacted.

Chapter 0185 Don't boo with him!





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