"is coming--"

At the moment when Calamity roared, the vigilance of Alysia and the others rose to the limit again, and they concentrated all their energies on Calamity.Buddha

Astair and Laila, who were at the forefront of the team, subconsciously raised their weapons in an attempt to block Calamity's attack and provide opportunities for their teammates to attack.

Just when everyone was preparing for the coming attack, an unexpected incident made them stunned in place.

Calamity's attack was stopped.

To be precise, Calamity, who was flying halfway, was kicked from the side by a figure that suddenly appeared, and then flew out as if being hit by a truck, and rolled on the ground several times in embarrassment .

Seeing this scene, Alyse opened her mouth wide and murmured, "Fat, what happened..."

Hui Ye subconsciously used her poisonous tongue: "Are your eyes venting? That monster was stopped."

Laila said in an unbelievable tone: "Compared to this, why do I feel that the figure of the kicking monster is so familiar..."

Liu Liang was silent for half a second, and then said slightly faster than usual: "He seems to be Mr. Lin Qiong."

"...Eh?" x10

Nitz rubbed his eyes and said, "He, is he so powerful?"

Celti pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "How do I know? He never made a move..."

Just as the girls were discussing, Lin Qiong stood up from the ground, then patted the dust on his body, and said, "Huh, it seems that I have caught up? I'm not too late, am I?"

Liu Liang asked first: "Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

"Isn't this a daily stroll on the [-]th floor? Then I heard that you chased the members of the Rudra family into the lower floors. I felt a little uneasy for some reason, so I chased after them." Lin Qiong moved out of his He thought of an excuse and said, "It seems that my sixth sense is correct—tsk tsk, how did this thing appear?"

"I don't know!" Alyse smiled wryly and walked to Lin Qiong's side, then looked at Calamity who was standing up unsteadily, and hurriedly said to Lin Qiong: "Mr. Lin Qiong, please be careful, this monster The speed is very..."

Before Alicia could finish her sentence, she realized that Lin Qiong had disappeared from her sight. Just when the thought of "when did he leave" flashed through her mind, there was a dull blowing sound. into her ears.


Alyse turned her head subconsciously, and when she saw what happened, she immediately widened her eyes in astonishment—the catastrophe that brought them great pressure was flying into the air with her head raised. And under it is Lin Qiong who maintains the posture of Rising Dragon Fist.

He blew that monster away! ?

Alicia opened her mouth, she turned her head in a daze, looked at Lila who had the same expression beside her, and said, "Lila, did you see his movements clearly?"

"Heh, hehe..."

Laila twitched the corners of her mouth, then looked at Alyse with a blank expression, and said, "I can't even see that monster's movements clearly. Are you asking me if I can see his movements clearly?"

You think highly of me too, don't you?If I can see his movements clearly, am I going to risk my life to help you block monsters? ?


While the two were discussing, the disastrous catastrophe landed on the ceiling. Its fingers and toes were tightly gripping the stone wall of the ceiling. Its eye sockets were bright red, and its heart seemed to be full of anger.

Think about it, it was originally created by the dungeon to clean up the "white blood cells" of the "virus that wreaks havoc on the dungeon", but as soon as it had a mentality of "teasing the virus", it was kicked by Lin Qiong in a blink of an eye and then picked up an upgrade. Dragon Fist.

Do you know how much psychological damage such a forceful Dragon Fist like you can do to a child who was born less than 10 minutes ago? ?

Seeing that Calamity revealed his intention to attack again, Liu Liang hurriedly said: "Be careful! Mr. Lin, the opponent's speed is very fast..."

Before the words were finished, the girls saw Lin Qiong turn around in astonishment, and then swiftly and violently threw Calamity on his back over his shoulder to the ground.

"Ah? What did you say?"

Lin Qiong stared at Calamity and asked without looking back.

Liu Li'ang opened his mouth in a daze, and said weakly: "No, it's nothing..."

I seem to be, probably, possibly, seemingly, a little overwhelmed? ?

The wound has recovered under the action of the potion. Alyse looked blankly at Lin Qiong who was stepping on Calamity's chest, making it struggle like a big bastard facing upwards, and murmured : "He won't be the orphan of the Zeus family and the Hera family?"

No wonder Alyse had such an illusion!

In the original novel, Otta is known as the strongest adventurer in Orario, the only Level 7, with the title of fierce, and can solo to the [-]th or [-]th floor of the dungeon - is he one of the bad guys?

But in fact, among the Zeus family and the Hera family, Ota is like a small party member—in the current generation of Olali, he punched hard, and in the previous generation of Olali, he was obedient.

Therefore, after seeing Lin Qiong's sudden and inhuman behavior, it was not unimaginable for Alishe to sigh like this.

"No, I have nothing to do with Zeus and Hera."

Lin Qiong waved his back to Alyse, he suddenly reached out and grabbed one of Calamity's paws, and complained, "I'm a person with a clean background, don't associate me with that old pervert Zeus! "


Eleven people have distorted expressions.

Although we have nothing to do with the Zeus family, but you scolded Zeus directly in front of us... Forget it, we didn't hear anything.

"Okay baby, be a little more honest—" Stepping on Calamity's chest with his right foot, pinching its right wrist with his left hand, pinching its left wrist with his right hand, and clamping the stabbed tail under his right armpit Afterwards, Lin Qiong said distressedly: "I can't help you take off your arm like this - you don't have a long life, why don't you leave me this shell and the claws that can destroy the equipment? Do you know that it is called benefiting future generations?"


Fortunately, Calamity's IQ is not too high, and it can't understand human language, otherwise it would have heard Lin Qiong's words, and it would have pointed at him and started scolding his mother--that is, the kind that takes Lin Qiong as the center and regards his ancestors as the center. Kind regards from the [-]th generation Radius.

But even if he couldn't understand Lin Qiong's words, it didn't prevent Calamity from being aware of Lin Qiong's undisguised malice and greed. It struggled crazily like an orc under the pressure of an elf, trying to escape from Lin Qiong. Dome escaped under the pressure.

"Don't make trouble, hiss, don't make trouble!" Lin Qiong looked helplessly at the crazily struggling disaster, and said helplessly: "Really, how can this guy be so troublesome—"

"What trouble?" At this time, the eldest lady's voice came from the direction that Lin Qiong had just rushed from. She leaned against the wall, looked at the postures of Lin Qiong and Calamity, and couldn't help but said: "Qiong, people It’s not allowed with Pokémon, and it’s also not allowed with humans and aliens!”

"I'm not going to do anything with this thing!" Lin Qiong complained with a dark face, and then said quickly: "Erina, come here and help me hold its hand, this guy is really tossing."

"I'm coming--"

The eldest lady trotted over, and then took Calamity's hands from Lin Qiong's hands, and then raised the hands controlling it above her head, and then staggered and pressed them together.

"Master, miss, you are all right..."

At this time, the secretary who was running up behind the eldest lady slammed on the brakes. She stared dumbfounded at Lin Qiong, who was pressing on Calamity's body and trying to take off his clothes, and the eldest lady who was pressing on Calamity's hands, shocked. He shouted: "Could it be that the young master is going to attack this monster, and the eldest lady is helping the evildoers!? No! Humans and monsters are not allowed!"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong with a look of despair, and said, "Qiong! Fei Shazi will become what he is now, no matter what you think, it's all your fault!!!"

Chapter 0183 Erina's defeat

Calamity was dismembered in the end, and it was a pity for Lin Qiong that he was unable to break off his magic-reflecting armor and sharp claws that could destroy armor and equipment from Calamity's body in the end—to be precise , It's not that it can't be broken off, but when a piece is broken off, that piece turns into dust and disappears in Lin Qiong's hands.

In the end, Lin Qiong even used the secretary's luck-increasing ability to try to make Calamity produce "drops", but he didn't know if it was because the psychological shadow he brought to Calamity was too great, causing Mister Calamity (or Mister) died without a single hair left.


Lin Qiong squatted at the place where Calamity died unwillingly, and said, "Is it true that nothing is dropped? Anyway, we have had close contact..."

The eldest lady squatted beside Lin Qiong and asked, "The intimate contact you refer to means that you first kicked it, then gave it a rising dragon fist, then threw it over the shoulder, and finally stepped on it. Is it on the ground?"

Lin Qiong blinked, then nodded with a smile, and said, "You heard them say it's hot? How about it! Isn't it handsome?"

"Feng Wang pecks the sound box cricket—the sparrow food cricket." The eldest lady nodded, and then said calmly: "But there is one thing to say, if I were it, I would rather not be reincarnated in my next life, and I would not give it to you. Falling material."


Lin Qiong made an unhappy sound. He stood up with his hands on his knees and complained: "Isn't this monster too stingy? Isn't it just kicked, punched and thrown? No Dropped something? Be stingy!"

Don't even look at the cow girl in the original work. After a hearty battle with Bell, she not only died at the hands of Bell, but also left him a horn. Later, she was resurrected as a heretic and helped Bell resolved his crisis of confidence.

How about disaster?This guy is obviously Niu Mei's more powerful boss, but after being defeated, he didn't even lose a hair. Isn't this too stingy?

The secretary on the side complained mercilessly: "Young master, you better save it! You don't even look at what you and the eldest lady have done to it - say something about it, don't brag about it, thanks to that monster has no tongue Otherwise, it would have bitten its tongue and killed itself!"

Now when she thinks back to the scene she saw when she turned the corner just now, she feels like her brain is boiling - this kind of scene is really for my age...

Oh, I'm an adult?

That's fine.

"No, what do you mean by biting your tongue and committing suicide? It's like I did something to that monster to humiliate it!?" Lin Qiong said with a dark face, speechless: "I just want to make some materials. Right? Don't you think that magic-reflecting shell would be great material?"

The secretary covered his face and said, "Master, I also think this is a great material, but, but..."

But you ride directly on the opponent's waist, and then stretch out your hands with a grinning face and tear the shell of the opponent's body. This kind of behavior can easily cause illusions, right?

I thought I was watching a taboo movie where elves beat orcs! !


Lin Qiong pouted, and said angrily: "If it obediently takes off its clothes, why should I do it? The key is that it doesn't cooperate!"


The secretary sneered in his heart, Master, you are really not a human being.

"Okay, okay!" The eldest lady on the side put her hands on her hips and said, "Let's go back early! The environment in the dungeon is not suitable for chatting."

"Okay, let's go back—" Lin Qiong nodded, then looked at Alyse and the others who were resting in the corner, and said, "They really should take a rest."



With Lin Qiong and the others sending each other off, Alyse and the others returned to the Astria family without any threats.

At the very beginning, when Astoria saw Lin Qiong and Alysia coming back together, she wondered why the two groups came back together, and when her children talked about what happened in the dungeon After telling the story to Astoria, the goddess of justice froze in place.

"This is really..."

After a long time, the Goddess rubbed the bridge of her nose, then sighed with emotion, and said, "First, myself, and then you—this kind of favor is getting bigger and bigger, what should I do?"

Laila held the back of her head with both hands, and said with a smile, "Why don't you have nothing to repay, Mrs. Goddess, so why don't you promise me with your body?"

Nitz leaned over with bright eyes, and said, "Oh! This is okay! If it works, wouldn't Mr. Lin be a member of our family? Just thinking about it makes me excited!"

Astair nodded seriously, and said, "With that gentleman, I feel very safe!"

Facing the beatings of her own children, Astoria raised her right hand angrily, and rewarded each of them with a popcorn, and said, "What are you thinking?"


"it hurts!"

"Wooooow, it's swollen!"

The little naughty girls immediately covered the place where they were hit and wailed, and then looked at Astoria in front of them with pitiful eyes.

"He has a girlfriend, do you mean to let me be the third party?" She squinted at the group of little guys, and then rejected this unrealistic proposal with the simplest excuse, "Let me go Take a shower and take a good rest, hear?"


After answering in a protracted voice, the girls obediently obeyed the orders of their master gods, and walked to the bathhouse obediently—of course, one of the reasons for being so obedient was that they were really tired, so they asked Take a good rest, and wait until you have enough energy before you can continue to tease your own gods!



"Huh, in a word, in a word..."

Lin Qiong lay on the wind speed dog, felt the soft body of Da Gougou under him, and said happily: "Our first small goal in this world is considered accomplished, right?"

"But Qiongnisang struck too quickly—"

Yoyo puffed her mouth, held up the magic staff in her hand a little unhappy, and said, "Obviously Yoyo is also ready to fight."

Lin Qiong looked at Youyou dumbfounded and said, "Xiao Nizi, have you forgotten that disaster has the ability to reflect magic? You, a magic singer, rushed over to fight it. Aren't you just looking for trouble?"

What is the difference between eating a pig's trotter in front of an extreme white hat?

Youyou looked at Lin Qiong aggrievedly and said, "But I haven't done much in this world! Youyou also wants to help Qiong Nisang."

This is one of the reasons why Yoyo feels unhappy. She has been training magic well all the time, and after losing the "game" blessing of the Bone King World, she still practiced seriously and mastered all the high-level magic and super-level magic. , Don't you just want to make yourself stronger so that you can help Lin Qiong?


Lin Qiong looked helplessly at Yoyo, who was aggrieved because he couldn't exert his strength. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the little guy's head, and said, "What are you thinking? What do you mean you didn't help me? Please, I can see you every day." A cute Yoyo smile is enough to bring a good mood for the whole day—right?"

"Hmm!" The eldest lady who was questioned by Lin Qiong nodded vigorously, she also came over, reached out and grabbed Yoyo's hand, and said with a smile: "Yoyo is the cutest little angel! Your smile is The best cure!"

"Really, really?"

Yoyo lowered her head shyly, then covered her face with her hands, and said, "Then, then Yoyo will try her best to smile more in the future!"

Seeing that the child had been fooled, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady couldn't help but glanced at each other, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief—fortunately, this child is simple and easy to fool.

Otherwise, it's really troublesome to deal with it.


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