Under the mysterious and unknown threat, the members of the Astria family and the Rudra family have fallen into a strange state of harmony—both sides are guarding against the "unknown existence" that makes their hairs stand on end. Instead, he ignored the original enemy.

Finally, just after tens of seconds of tension among all the staff, the mutation happened.


The next moment, a deep crack suddenly appeared on the ceiling of the dungeon, which was severely damaged by the explosion of the Flame Stone, and a monster that no one present had ever seen fell from it——

It was a monster about three meters tall. Its bony body was covered with a shell that looked like armor, and a tail about four meters long was swaying behind it.

The overall shape of the monster is like a dinosaur fossil wearing armor. It has a pair of arms that are too slender to fit the huge body. At the top of the arms, there are six slender fingertips, and some faint light is lingering on the fingertips On the ground, there was an ominous atmosphere.

After the slender legs with reverse joint structure stepped on the ground slightly, the monster turned its head silently, and two bright red light clusters lit up in the empty eye sockets, a kind of emotionless, as if The butcher's gaze swept over everyone's skin as if he was looking at the meat on the chopping board, making their emotions tense to the limit.

"Hey, what kind of monster is this!?"

Seeming to be too frightened, a member of the Rudra family screamed subconsciously: "Why have I never seen it!?"

This is just the lower level (layers 25-36), and the exploration of the dungeon has already reached the deep level (layer 37 and onwards) - that is to say, the types of monsters that will be refreshed on this layer should have already been It's right to find out!

However, at this moment, an unknown monster with a chilling aura appeared all over his body. How can this prevent people from feeling panic?


It seemed that the adventurer's voice had attracted the monster's attention. Its head slowly looked in the direction of the person who was born, making the adventurer near him tense up.

"First, strike first!"

Another member quickly raised the staff in his hand, and then hurriedly said: "The frost sitting on the nine heavens gathers here..."

Facing his magic, the monster did not attack, but tilted its head, as if it had become interested in the prey in front of it.

"Ice Gun!"

A few seconds later, the magic caster who had finished singing waved his staff, and a long spear made of condensed ice appeared in front of him, and then shot towards the monster's throat.

Everyone's eyes moved along with the advance of the ice spear, and at the moment when the ice spear hit the monster, a change occurred.

Chapter 0181 Desperate Disaster

The ice spear was moving at high speed in the air, and it was getting closer and closer to the monster's neck...

In the next second, under the watchful eyes of more than thirty adventurers from the Astria family and the Rudra family, the spear of the soldier touched the neck of the unknown monster—at this moment, the armor on the monster suddenly lit up. There was a burst of purple light, and the ice spear suddenly stopped in mid-air.

"What... what's going on?"

The adventurer who fired the ice spear showed a dazed expression, and he stammered, "Could it be, does this monster, monster, have the ability to nullify magic?"


Suddenly, the monster looked up to the sky and roared, and the ice spear that was stagnant on his body suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight - No, that's not right!It didn't disappear, but was reflected back from the original path at an incredible speed!


Under the stupefied eyes of everyone, the adventurer who released the ice spear was still complaining about why there was a magic-ineffective monster in the last second, but the next second, he was headshot by his own ice spear, and the sky was full. The blood sprayed out from his neck like a fountain, like money, and in just a second or two, the surrounding companions were already covered in blood.


Seeing this scene, Alyse swallowed, and then said to the two magic casters among her companions: "Leyana, Celty! In the next battle, you absolutely, absolutely do not use magic! "

"Yes!" x2

The two Lv.3 adventurers nodded hurriedly. They had already seen the tragedy of the magic caster of the Rudra family, so naturally they would not make the same mistake.

"Unexpectedly, it's not magic invalidation, but magic reflection..." Laila tugged at the corner of her mouth and complained: "Wow, how could such a troublesome monster appear!"

Kaguya pulled out his weapon, and said with sharp eyes: "Forget about the exclamation that seems to be issued by an incompetent villain! Be vigilant, it is about to act!"

Hearing Gojo Ye Kaguya's reminder, everyone quickly raised their vigilance and fixed their eyes on the unknown monster—as for Kaguya's poisonous tongue?That kind of thing has long been used to!

The next moment, the nameless monster started to move, but its first attack made everyone present feel cold - in just a moment, the huge monster disappeared from everyone's sight, followed by it The last one was an adventurer of the Rudra Familia who was torn into several pieces by its sharp claws.

"Fa, what happened?"

Nuo Yin took a breath, she didn't react at all how the monster attacked.

"It's too fast."

Alicia felt sweat dripping from her forehead.

Ask yourself, if the monster attacked her just now, would she have reacted?

the answer is negative.

"Damn it, why do monsters of this level appear in the lower levels?"

Cold sweat ran down her forehead from the top of Alicia's head, and she said eagerly: "Everyone, be vigilant! Don't be careless, that monster is not an ordinary monster!"

"You don't need to talk about things that pigs can see!" Kaguya's tone was also very impatient, and she shouted: "You should be honest and concentrate!"

On the surface, she was talking venomously, but she was actually worried that Alyse would be distracted by reminding her partner. Kaguya, she was really, so gentle that I cried to death.

"I know this kind of thing even if you don't tell me!"

After Alicia retorted, she stared at the monster in the distance on alert, trying to see how it attacked.

This time, she saw clearly.

The monster's attack method is not "running" and "rushing", but "jumping" - after its legs with reverse joint structure contracted slightly, the whole body bounced out like a cannonball, and instantly passed an adventurer's head On the side, it landed on the wall of the dungeon ahead, and then started the second bounce.

In the eyes of everyone, the monsters were jumping in disorder in the dungeon, and each jump would take away a life-in less than half a minute, more than 20 adventurers of the Rudra family had no resistance Forcefully killed by monsters.

What frightened Alyse and the others was that during the process of being slaughtered, there were no adventurers who tried to resist, but no matter whether it was a large sword the size of a door panel, a heavy axe, or a strong shield, the monster's pair of Under the sharp claws emitting a faint light, they were easily torn apart like paper.

Alyse took a deep breath, and then said in a serious tone: "The claws seem to have the ability to 'destroy equipment', and the armor on her body has the ability to 'magic reflection', and it also has Lv. The speed of movement..."

Lila beside her gave a wry smile and said, "How do we defeat this kind of monster?"

Looking at the demoralized teammates around him, Lyu was silent for a few seconds, and then said in a firm voice: "I don't know! But no matter what, we must not let go of our hope of surviving!"

"Isn't that natural?"

Lila clenched her short dagger with both hands, stared at the monster in front of her seriously, and said, "Everyone, among us, I am the fastest! So I will be responsible for blocking its attack later, Then you are responsible for the attack!"

"Don't be stupid." Kaguya sternly reprimanded: "Its attack is unstoppable - those Rudra family members who were torn to pieces are the best proof! You want to use your own Lives for our chance to attack, yes?"

"Tsk, can't you pretend you don't know?"

Leila frowned, and said angrily, "Let's talk about it! I won't really die! I will try my best to avoid fatal injuries—maybe it's just a broken arm or something..."


Alyssa's voice was serious, even with a trace of anger.

"Don't say this kind of thing a second time! Even if you want to block it, as the head of the group, I will block its attack for you!"

"Huh? After all, it's me—" Astai of the dwarves said dissatisfiedly, "I'm the vanguard of the team, and I'll block it!"

"Obviously it's me—" Leyana raised her staff and said seriously: "This monster has magic reflection ability, Celty and I are useless, shouldn't it be used to block Do you want to attack?"

"What are you robbing me of!?" Laila jumped her feet angrily, and she shouted, "I'm the fastest! I'm sure I can avoid its attack and not die, can you do it?"

"You're a mere dwarf, don't be brave, go back and cry obediently." Hui Ye showed a mocking expression, and she said, "Even if you want to block it, we adults will do it."

"Stop arguing!"

Alysia's voice trembled a little, she took a deep breath and growled, "It's coming!!"

Hearing her voice, everyone's eyes subconsciously shifted to the nameless monster—the monster that had slaughtered all the members of the Rudra Familia had already shifted their sights to them.

Although the monster's eyes were bright red light clusters, so that everyone couldn't recognize whose body its gaze was on, but the oppressive feeling as if the skin was tingling was enough to let them know that the other party was looking at them.

Just like a cat looking at a mouse, or a butcher looking at meat, this monster is looking at them with emotionless and indifferent eyes, as if thinking about where to start.


Suddenly, Alyse, who saw the monster's body began to crouch down, screamed, and she shouted: "Everyone dodge, don't resist!!"

The next moment, as a barely visible shadow slid past her side, Alyse, who tried her best to dodge, felt a sharp pain in her side.


Accompanied by Lyu Lion's exclamation, everyone turned their attention to Alyse who had a big gash in her abdomen.

"I'm not, I'm fine..."

Alisee covered the wound with her right hand, and with difficulty took out two healing potions from her pocket with her left hand. After biting open the cork with her teeth, one was sprinkled on the wound randomly, and the other was poured into her mouth.


Accompanied by a burst of white mist, Alyse felt that her wound was gradually getting better. She took a few breaths, and then looked at the monster hanging on the wall like a spider with horrified eyes.

Is it her illusion?The speed of this monster seems to be faster than before!Even if she had made preparations in advance and started dodging, it didn't take long for her to escape the opponent's attack.

Iska asked nervously: "Why doesn't it attack anymore? It should be able to bounce continuously..."

Nuo Yin said with gloomy eyes: "It's playing tricks on us, just like a cat playing with a mouse—"


At this moment, a figure with pink hair stood in front of Alyse.

It's Leila.

She stared at the monster in front of her, and said, "I will try my best to block it! Take the opportunity to attack!"

Alysie's eyes shrank into pinpricks for a moment: "Lila, what are you doing?!"

Lila said angrily, "Shut up! You're already injured! You can't move as flexibly as when you were uninjured! You can't dodge its next blow..."

The next moment, the blond-haired elf stood in front of Alyse and said, "So, instead of watching it kill Alyse and us, it's better to resist!"

"well said--"

"I'm coming too!"

"Even if an arm is broken, I will give it a bite!"

Companions one after another stood in front of Alysée, giving her the urge to cry.

'These idiots—'

She gritted her teeth, pulled out her weapon, then grinned, and said, "Aren't you underestimating me? This degree of injury is not enough to make me lose my fighting power-you are right, rather than just watching me Instead of watching it kill us, fight back!"

"This is Alice!"

"That is to say, it's not your style to give up casually—"

Alyse stared at the monster in front of her, and said, "Attention, it's coming!!"

Everyone's eyes were firmly locked on the monster that had started to charge again - it clearly couldn't see any expression on its head, but everyone felt that it was showing a nasty smile.

The next moment, the monster attacked.

Chapter 0182 People and monsters are not allowed

Among the "100 tips for surviving in the dungeon" well-known by high-level adventurers, there is such a one-when you and your companions have to rest in the dungeon, remember to find a safe location, and then put the surrounding The walls are destroyed.

The reason for this is that there is a self-repair mechanism in the dungeon, and during the repair process, the repaired area will not continue to generate monsters to delay the repair time.

However, there is an exception to everything!Even the gods who have survived for hundreds of millions of years don't know that there is actually a "stop loss line" in the dungeon-the standard of this stop loss line is very high, but it is not without it.

In order to kill the Astria family in one fell swoop, the Rudra family crazily buried a large number of flame stones in the lower level of the dungeon, and then detonated them all in one go. As a result, Alyse and the others were fine, but the dungeon was damaged. Damage beyond the stop loss line.

"It" felt severe pain, and then fell into madness—thus, the nameless "disaster" was born in the dungeon for the first time.

As a "special" monster that shouldn't have been born, "Calamity" has a very short lifespan - the meaning of its birth is to kill those adventurers who over-damage the dungeon.

Now, after killing the adventurer of the Rudra Familia in an absolute gesture, looking at the eleven "prey" who have been promoted, the thought of playing with the prey rose in Calamity's heart.

Anyway, my lifespan is not long, so it's okay to tease them before dying, right?

With this in mind, "Calamity" deliberately slowed down its charging action. After a short period of charging, it deliberately let out a roar to remind the group of "prey".

Are you ready?I'm going to attack——

The next moment, it jumped out.



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